Book Chapter 11 Submission
Book Chapter 11 Submission
Book Chapter 11 Submission
Chapter 11
This paper develops a search equilibrium model of rural-urban migration to study the economic consequence of regionally unbalanced development in China. Due to the enforcement of household registration (hokou), illegal migrants from the rural area may search for and take a job in the city, though they suer a wage mark-down as well as a faster break-up. We characterize the equilibrium wage discount, the job nding rate, and the unemployment rate in the urban labor market. We nd that the enforcement of the household registration rule can discourage illegal migration, leading to a higher job nding rate and a lower urban unemployment rate.
With the advent of the open-door economic reforms two decades ago, China has experienced a prolonged period of rapid growth. While this has resulted in its per capita income increasing by more than 12 times, an unpleasant by-product is the socioeconomic consequences of mangliu (peasant ood), or illegal internal migration, which has arisen from regionally unbalanced development and the shift in the surplus of labor from agricultural to industrial sectors.1 In attempt to stem this tide the Chinese government has adopted a hokou system (i.e., a household registration system), which limits legal migration by legislating an individuals lactational choice.2 Despite this, the presence of signicant economic incentives for locating urban employment, has led to a ood of illegal migrants who have moved into major industrial cities, such as Shanghai and Shenzhen. For instance, based on the retrospective questions in Chinas 1990 census (conducted by the State Statistical Bureau) it has been estimated that over 20 million legal migrants, during the 5-year period from 1985 to 1990, located themselves in Guangdong, Beijing and Shanghai.3 Among all non-hokou migrants over this period, more than 75 percent have been from rural areas, almost two-thirds between age 20 and 39, almost 60 percent relocating for jobrelated reasons, only less than 12 percent with senior high school education, and approximately two-thirds working in retail, hotel/restaurant service, and manufacturing industries. Figure 11.1 below presents the natural population growth rates in Chinese rural and urban areas.4 While both series exhibited a downward trend (from about 1.65 and 1.1 percent down to 10.5 and 9 percent, respectively, for rural and urban (areas), it is clearly seen that the gap between the two was narrowed over the past decade.
At the same time, the urbanization ratio continued to rise, from approximately 24 to 30 percent, as suggested by Figure 11.2.
It is expected that the urbanization ratio will reach 70 percent by 2050 as a result of an estimated net migration from rural to urban area of 50 million
3 persons. Currently, China has about 660 cities and 19,000 towns. By 2050, 80 percent of towns will grow into small or medium-sized cities and by then, China will have 50 large metropolis, each with more than 2 million, 150 big cities, 500 medium-sized cities and 1,500 small cities. A key factor of such rural-urban migration is the on-going increase in the per capita income dierential between the two areas. From Figure 11.3, we can see that the urban-rural per capital annual disposable income dierential was only about 341 yuan in 1980, but rose sharply to 3,060 yuan in 1997.
Todaro (1969) and Harris and Todaro (1970) set up a seminal framework of migration between rural and urban areas. They hypothesize that individuals migrate to urban sectors with the aim of obtaining employment in the formal sector and that informal sector employment is a transitional phase during which migrants are searching for formal sector job. In their decision to migrate, potential migrants balance the probability of unemployment against the real income dierentials between the urban formal sector and the rural area. That is, there may exist a higher unemployment in the urban sector due to the existing uncertainty of nding work in the formal sector even though the expected income in the urban sector is higher that of rural sector. Recently, Bencivenga and Smith (1997) analyzed the interaction between migration and unemployment, in which economic development is accompanied by migration from rural to urban employment and is associated with signicant urban unemployment. According to their results, adverse selection in the urban sector keeps the unemployment pools away from the formal urban market so that employers hire only a very small proportion of unemployed workers from the unemployment pools. This adverse selection becomes particularly acute when the economic prots decline in the urban labor markets. In Brueckner and Zenou (1999), the urban land market is explicitly incorporated into the Harris-Todaro framework. As a result, the interactions between rural-urban migration and urban land rent are examined. They nd that the increased urban land rent reduces the incentive
4 for a rural resident to migrate to the city, which provides a partial explanation of the reversed pattern of rural-urban migration (suburbanization) in the U.S. since 1960. In the present paper, we construct a model particularly suitable for the study of rural-urban migration in China. Following Coulson, Laing and Wang (2001) and Park (1999), we adopt a search theoretic approach where both the migration ows and migration probabilities are endogenously determined.5 Due to the household registration policy, illegal immigrants may be penalized in two forms: (i) if they fail to submit a legal document to their employers, they receive lower equilibrium wages than those enjoyed by legal residents and (ii) as a result of government auditing, they are more likely to lose their jobs than are legal residents. Both legal and illegal workers in the urban labor market conduct job search, that is mediated via a random matching technology. The technology is such that each vacancy can be lled by at most one worker and each worker can hold at most one job at any given point in time. By endogenizing individuals migration and job-search decision, we determine endogenously the wage schedules for both legal and illegal workers, under a symmetric Nash bargain where workers and rms equally divide the joint surplus accrued from their successful matching. In a steady-state equilibrium, (i) rural legal residence must have no incentive to migrate to the urban area (or what we call a no-arbitrage migration relationship), (ii) population net ows from and to each employed and unemployed pool must be zero and the number of lled jobs must equal to the number of employed workers (or what we call a steady-state matching relationship), and (iii) rms continue to enter until their expected market value equals to the xed entry cost (or what we call an equilibrium entry relationship). We show that under a rather weak condition, the steady-state equilibrium exists and is unique. By performing comparative-static analysis, we nd that the enforcement of the household registration rule can discourage illegal migration, which in turn leads to a higher job nding rate and reduces the urban unemployment rate. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present the basic structure of the model. While Section 3 determines the wage schedules for legal and illegal workers by a symmetric Nash bargain, Section 4 proves the existence and uniqueness of the steady-state equilibrium in which there is no net migration ow. We then characterize the steady-state equilibrium in Section 5 and provide some concluding remarks, including possible avenues for future research, in Section 6.
6 or alternatively they have an open vacancy and are searching for labor. These two states are denoted by (F ) and (V ) respectively. Thus, the total workforce in each region is described by: N = R + = R + EM + U M ; 1 N = EC + U C (1)
In view of the fact that each vacancy is lled by at most one worker, the total number of city jobs equals the total number of city employees E M + E C . In view of this, the fraction of workers who illegally migrate to the city is: /N = (E M + U M )/N . The ow output per worker in the rural sector is given by: yR = A (2)
where A > 0. To capture the observed phenomenon, output per worker in the city is specied as: y =A+ (3) where > 0 denotes the rural-urban productivity dierentials, which is the primary economic incentive that induces rural-urban migration. Let U M /(U M + U C ) denote the fraction of searching workers with legal residence in the rural region. (It follows that is the fraction of searching workers who are legally allowed to reside in the city). Denote the ow probability that a worker locates a vacancy as and that a vacancy locates a worker as . It follows that searching vacancies meet illegal immigrants into the city and legal residents at dierent rates according to the fraction . More specically, the eective ow probability with which a vacancy locates an illegal migrant is , while it meets a legal resident is (1 ). We assume that worker-rm matches break up for exogenous reasons. Accordingly let denote the ow break-up probability between jobs and legal workers. Jobs and illegal migrants into the city break up at the rate, ( + ). Here > 0 is an additional job break up component, reecting the citys enforcement of the residency laws. For simplicity, the governments enforcement behavior and nancing are not explicitly modeled in the present paper. Denote the (endogenous) market wage rate of legal workers by w. The wage of illegal immigrants is dened as: v (1 )w, where (0, 1) captures M M the (endogenous) wage reduction of illegal workers. Further, let JE and JU denote the respective present-discounted value of a employed and unemployed illegal migrants (more specically, workers who are ocially domiciled in the rural sector, but work or search for work in the urban labor market. The C C corresponding asset values for legal residents are JE and JU . Finally, i and F V , respectively, denote the present-discounted value of a lled vacancy with a worker of type-i (i = M, C) and the expected present-discounted value of an unlled vacancy (which obviously, is independent of the workers type). The associated Bellman equations determining agents steady state asset values equal: rJ R = A (4) M M M (5) rJE = v + ( + ) JU JE M M M (6) rJU = JE JU C C C (7) rJE = w + JU JE
These asset value equations have intuitive interpretations. To begin with, the competitive labor market assumption implies that workers ow incomes in this sector are trivially equal to A. As indicated by (4) J R is equal to the lifetime wealth of a rural worker (A/r) given the discount rate r. Equation (5) says that the ow value of an illegal but employed worker equals the net ow value of wage income, v, plus the expected value of the change in state that arises because of job break-ups (i.e., becoming an unemployed and searching for another job in the urban labor market - which occurs with ow probability + ). Equation (6) indicates that, because of the absence of either ow income while unemployed, or ow costs while searching, the ow value of an unemployed illegal migrant is simply the ow value of the expected capital gain of nding urban employment. Precisely analogous interpretations hold for the asset values (7) and (8). Finally, (9) and (10) describe the asset values of employers. Equation (9) equals the ow value of a lled vacancy with a worker of type-i. It equals the sum of its ow prots (ow output net of wages) in conjunction with the the expected ow value of suering a capital loss due to a job break-up. In equation, (11) the expected ow value of holding open an unlled vacancy is simply the expected ow capital gain from successfully hiring either a legal resident or illegal migrant. The aggregate mass of unemployed workers in the economy is: U U M +U C . Since a vacancy can be lled by exactly one worker and each worker work in at most one job, it is clear that steady-state matching in the urban labor market must satisfy: U = V = (U, V ) (12) where the rst equality says that the instantaneous ow of successful matches of searching workers must equal the ow rate at which unlled vacancies nd workers, The second equality states that these ow matching rates are governed by a random-matching technology a l Diamond (1982). We make standard assumptions about . More specically, () is strictly increasing and strictly concave in the masses of the two searching parties, U and V . It exhibits constant returns to scale in U and V . Finally, it satises the Inada conditions (limj0 j = and limj j = 0, for j {U , V }) and the boundary conditions ((0, V ) = (U, 0) = 0). A Cobb-Douglas function, for example, satises all of these conditions. These ensure a well-behaved, Beveridge curve in which the absence of either side of the matching parties would result in no matches. By utilizing the constant-returns property, straightforward manipulation of (12) yields = (U/V, 1) = (/, 1), or, = () (13)
where = (/2 )/(1 U U /) < 0. This will be referred to as the steadystate matching (SS) locus, which gives a negative relationship between the two
8 ow probabilities in the steady state. It is immediate from () and () that the mass of vacancy is given by, V = U (14) () which is increasing in workers ow matching probability .
r v M JE = r+ r+++
r w JC = r+ E r++ 1 [y v rV ] r++
1 (19) [y w rV ] r+ Next, substituting (16)-(19) into (15), we can obtain the wage oer functions and characterize their properties as follows: C V = F Proposition 1 (Wage Oers): The unique wage oer functions determined by the symmetric Nash bargain between a vacancy and a type i {M, C} are given by, r+++ (20) v= (y rV ) 2(r + + ) + w= r++ (y rV ) 2(r + ) + v < 0; w > 0; w < 0; V w =0 (21)
Intuitively, an increase in the ow probability with which a worker locates a job () enhances his bargaining power, and leads to a higher wage oer. In contrast an increase in the value of an unlled vacancy, V , reduces the wage oer since it increases the option value to the rm of keeping the vacancy open. An increase in the governments enforcement eorts to capture illegal migrants in captured by an increase in . The eect of this is to lower the present discounted value of the surplus that accrues to an illegal worker-rm pair, which in turn reduces the relative wage oer made to illegal migrants. Recall that is dened by the condition v (1 )w, where (0, 1). Using (20) and (21), we can compute the wage mark-down, (w v)/w, facing illegal workers. It is given by: Proposition 2 (The Wage Discount Factor ): The wage discount rate facing an illegal worker in the urban labor market is given by, (; ) = (r + + ) [2(r + + ) + ] (22)
It possess the following properties: > 0 if < 0 and < 0 if > 0 ; >0
The second result is straightforward: an increase in the city governments attempts to detecting illegal migration (higher ) enlarges the wage gap between legal and illegal workers, thus raising the wage mark-down (higher ). The rst result says that provided the city governments attempts to detecting illegal migration are suciently weak (low ) an increase in market thickness that makes it easier for workers to locate jobs (high ) increases the gap between the wage oers made to legal and illegal migrants. Alternatively, if detection eorts are vigorous, then an increase in the matching rate lowers the wage mark-down. This eect can be explained as follows. As rises it is easier for all workers to nd jobs. However, as rises as well, the value of matches between rms and illegals declines, but at slower rate at the margin. As a result, there exists a critical enforcement rate after which further increases in the matching rate, , start to reduce the wage mark-down.
Steady-State Equilibrium
In steady-state equilibrium, the free entry of vacancies implies the market value of an unlled vacancy must be equal its xed entry cost: V = K (23)
By substituting (3) and (23) into (20) and (21), the equilibrium wage schedules can be written: v(; , K) = r+++ (A + rK) 2(r + + ) + (24)
where, = y y R . Manipulating (9)-(11) and (13) to express V as a function of (, v, w), we can rewrite (23) as: y v() + ( + )K y w() + K () + (1 ) =K (26) r + () r++ r+ Substituting (3), (24) and (25) into (26) and manipulating, we obtain: () (A + rK) 2(1 ) (, ; , K, ) 1+ rK = 0 (27) 2(r + + ) + 2(r + ) + Straightforward dierentiation of this expression yields: < 0, < 0, < 0, < 0, and K < 0. (28)
This condition can be used to derive an equilibrium entry (EE) relationship: Lemma 1 (Equilibrium Entry): The equilibrium entry condition is given by, = (; , K, ) 1 2(r + ) + 2 rK [2(r + + ) + ] 1 () (A + rK) (29)
satisfying the following properties: (i) < 0, < 0, K < 0, and < 0; (ii) as 0 and min > 0 as . The EE locus gives the set of matching rates and such that the net ex ante value to a rm from creating a new vacancy is precisely zero. Crucially, the EE locus takes into account the fact that rms recognize that their subsequent wage agreements are determined according to the Nash bargaining solution described in Propositions and ). The EE locus establishes a negative relationship between the ow probability with which workers locate jobs, , and the fraction of illegal migrants, , in the population of urban job seekers. In steady-state equilibrium, there are no net migration ows. This means that at t = 0 rural residents make a decision regarding whether they will remain where they are or, alternatively, search for work in the urban labor market. In order to ensure that there is no migration in steady state it is necessary that the present-discounted value of remaining a rural worker must equal the expected present-discounted value of illegal job seekers in the urban sector, net of the migration cost Z.8 This gives rise to a no-arbitrage (NA) condition, which takes the form: A M (30) = JR > 0 JU Z = r or, using (3), (6),(16) and (20), A M + Z = JU = r 2(r + + ) + A+ K r (31)
11 Straightforward manipulation and dierentiation establish: Lemma 2 (No-Arbitrage): The no-arbitrage condition is given by, = (, K, Z, ) satisfying: > 0; > 0; K > 0; Z <0 2(r + + )(A + rZ) r(K + Z) (32)
One of the appealing features of this condition is that it uniquely determines the ow probability and does so independently of the fraction of illegals, in the population. This means the NA locus is vertical in (, ) space at a given value of . Figure 11.4 below depicts the (unique) steady-state equilibrium at point E. It occurs at the point where the negatively sloped EE locus intersects the vertical N A locus.
Moreover, the urban labor market must exhibit no net ows for either type of workers and hence, ( + )E M = U M (33) E C = U C (34)
which can be combined with (1) to yield the masses of employed and unemployed workers: N EM = (35) ++ EC = UM = UC = (1 N ) + ( + )N ++ (1 N ) + (36) (37) (38)
12 A thicker urban labor market measured by a higher ow probability raises employment and reduces unemployment. For a given thickness measure, a greater enforcement on illegal workers by the city government results in a higher unemployment rate for illegal workers, a lower unemployment rate for legal workers, and a reduced mass of employment for either type of workers. The denition of and equations (38) together give: Lemma 3 (Aggregate Unemployment): The aggregate unemployment rate in the society is given by, U (, ) U M + U C = satisfying: U < 0; U >0 (1 N ) 1 + (39)
That is, a thicker urban labor market decreases aggregate unemployment, whereas more illegal workers tends to increase it. Plugging (39) into (14), we have: V (, ; ) = (1 N ) + () (40)
which is increasing in and decreasing in and . Finally, substitution of (37) and (38) into the denition of leads to: Lemma 4 (Migration Rate): The rural migration rate into the city is given by, 1N 1+ (41) (, ; ) = N + 1 + satisfying: < 0; > 0; <0
Intuitively, a thicker urban labor market increases the disadvantages of illegal migrants relative to legal workers, as it is easier for legal residents to nd work. In turn, this discourages rural migration into the city. This property contrasts the partial-equilibrium probabilistic model of migration due to Todaro (1969) and Harris and Todaro (1970). While a higher rural migration rate is consistent with a larger fraction of unemployed illegal workers in the city, a strengthened city governments enforcement on illegal workers reduces the rural migration rate into the city. Consider, Denition (Steady-State Equilibrium): A steady-state equilibrium is a pair of wage functions, v(; , K) and w(; , K), together with a tuple of quantities (, , , , E M , E C , U M , U C , V ), satisfying the following conditions: (i) (Symmetric Nash Wage Bargain): (24) and (25); (ii) (Steady-State Matching): the SS locus (13); (iii) (Equilibrium Entry): the EE locus (29); (iv) (No-Arbitrage ): the NA locus (32); (v) (Migration Rate): (41);
13 (v) (Steady-State Population): (35)-(38) and (40). Condition E: > r(K + Z), i.e., the productivity gap is suciently high relative to the entry and migration costs. As it can be seen from (32), Condition E is necessary and sucient to ensure a positive value of in steady-state equilibrium. Moreover, it is also sucient to guarantee positive wages and non-trivial migration from rural to urban. Utilizing Lemmas 1-4, we can establish: Proposition 3 (Existence and Uniqueness of the Steady-State Equilibrium): Under Condition E, the steady-state equilibrium exists and is unique.
Comparative Statics
To characterize the steady-state equilibrium, it is useful to understand the recursive nature of the model. First, the EE locus (29) and the NA locus (32) together determine the steady-state equilibrium values of and . These are then substituted into (i) (24), (25) and (22) to pin down the two wage schedules (v and w) and the wage mark-down facing illegal migrants. Once the contact rates and are determined, equations) (13) and (41) pin down rms ow matching probability () and the migration rate (). Once all of the Poisson arrival rates have been determined, equations (35)-(38) and (40) can be used to derive the steady-state equilibrium masses of the employed, the unemployed and the vacancies (E M , E C , U M , U C , and V ). Finally, equation (39) can be used to determine the steady-state equilibrium rate of aggregate unemployment (U ). Applying Lemmas 1-4 as well as equation (41), yields: Proposition 4 (Characterization of the Steady-State Equilibrium). Under Condition E, the unique steady-state equilibrium possesses the following properties. (i) (thickness of the urban labor market): > 0; K > 0; Z > 0; < 0; (ii) (fraction of illegal workers in the city): < 0; K < 0; Z < 0; > 0; (iii) (wage mark-down facing illegal workers): > 0; K > 0; Z > 0; < 0 for suciently small ; (iv) (migrate rate from rural to urban): < 0; K < 0; Z < 0; > 0; (v) (aggregate unemployment rate): U U U U < 0; K < 0; Z < 0; > 0; Many of these results carry over the intuition embodied in the partialequilibrium relationships described in the earlier Lemmas and Propositions to a general-equilibrium environment in which all of the matching rates, populations, and wage oers are endogenously determined. Accordingly we discuss only the most noteworthy ndings. Key among them is that an increase in the enforcement rate increases the rate at which all workers (both legal and illegal migrants) locate jobs: > 0. The intuition is that an increase in increases the job break up rate which
14 means that in steady state, there are a greater number of unlled vacancies searching for a given number of unemployed job seekers. An increase in the migration cost Z also raises the rate at which workers nd jobs. The explanation is that an increase in Z reduces illegal migration. As a result, the fraction of illegals in the urban population falls (/Z < 0). In turn, this raises the ex ante value to rms of entering the city as they are less likely to see their matches terminate as a result of government enforcement of residency requirements, since a greater fraction of their employees are legally domiciled. In turn, the greater number of rms makes it easier for workers to nd jobs, so that rises. Evidently, an increase in enforcement eorts (i.e., an increase in ) also reduces the fraction of illegal migrants in the city, , as well as the extent of illegal migration . In this regard a notable result is that greater enforcement increases the wage gap: > 0. Essentially this is a resurfacing of the partial-equilibrium result reported in Proposition 2 to a general-equilibrium setting. From a policy perspective, one of the most signicant ndings is that an increase in the city governments enforcement activities (raising ) reduces the level of unemployment: U < 0 - and does so, even though the penalty in the event of detection is the termination of the match. This is a general equilibrium result. It arises because the increase in deters so many illegal rural migrants from entering the city in the rst place. The results pertaining to the entry cost K are of some interest, since the government may enjoy some ability in implementing policies that make it more or less costly for rms to enter the market. (For example, the government could devise low tax enterprise zones to encourage entry). As the results make clear this is a double edged sword. While it certainly makes it easier for workers to nd jobs ( rises) it also encourages illegal immigration into the city.
China, it would seem, never does anything by halves. Its per capital growth rate over the past twenty years or so has been utterly staggering, leading to a twelve fold increase in per capita incomes over the period. However, growth has been uneven. The resultant dierences in per capita incomes enjoyed by urban and rural dwellers is now precipitous. This has generated enormous amounts of internal migration, as workers abandon the land in search of urban employment. The labor ows are staggering. Over the ve year period 19851990, the migration to three of Chinas major cities equalled about half the population of France. To deal with the problems generated by the mass exodus from the land and the even greater social and economic problems that arise from their movement to the city, China has attempted to control internal migration through a Hokou - household registration - system. The snag, of course, is that the economic incentives to migrate are so great that many individuals simply out the law and illegally migrate from the rural to the urban sector in search of work. This paper is unique in that it extends the basic Harris Todaro model to a search equilibrium setting that includes both legal and illegal migrants. One of the main ndings is that stricter enforcement of registration laws may reduce unemployment levels in the city. However, in its attempt to promote economic growth policies that
15 reduce the cost of capital, and that encourage the entry of vacancies into the city, may only make internal migration policies even more acute. We believe that this paper can be extended in a variety of ways. Following Laing, Palivos, and Wang (1995) it would be of interest to admit a non trivial educational decision. In this case, illegal migrants - by making it more dicult and time consuming for legal residents to nd work - reduce the value of education. As a result, a vigorously enforced household registration system may be welfare enhancing by fostering investment in human capital. Our paper shares with the canonical Harris (1969) and Harris and Todaro (1970) models of migration the unappealing feature that all migration takes place ex ante at the very beginning of the period. An interesting extension would be to admit an endogenous migration ow from the rural to the urban sector that arises because of (initially) increasing returns to urban employment. In this case, it would be of great interest to investigate just how the hokou registration system impacts the distribution of income during the process of economic development.
For an elaboration on peasant ood in China, the reader is referred to Chan (1988) and Wan (1995). For a discussion of the shift of labor force, see Lewis (1954) and Kuznets (1982). With regard to the socio-economic consequences, the Shengzhen City Police Report suggests that cirmes commited by non-hokou migrants accounted for approximately 90 percent of the total.
2 3 1
Based on transportation ows prior to the new year holiday, the total nonhukou migration is estimated at least 35 million. Based on the 1990 Census questionaire, non-hukou migration is believed almost as large as huhou migration (cf. Chan, Liu and Yang 1999). Though Chinas population control policy has brought the total fertility rate down from 5 to 1.8 percent over the period of 1970-95, China did not achieve its goal of stabilizing population at 1.2 billion in 2000. Instead, the total population grew over 1.3 billion and its projectory is towards 1.5 billion by 2025. For issues concerning Chinas population policy, the reader is referred to Scotese and Wang (1995). Conventional urban matching models do not consider the stochastic nature of the search process. For example, see Helsley and Strange (1990) and AbdelRahman and Wang (1995).
6 For simplicity, we (harmlessly) ignore those who currently reside in the city, since our focus is on the process of rural to urban migration. 5 4
Laing, Park, and Wang (2002) consider the dynamics of migration between the city and rural areas. Recall that all, 1 N, legally registered workers move to the city. This means that at the margin, it is the decisons of the N non registered migrants that is crucial.
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