Yield On Gross Loan Portfolio Technical - Notes - 16
Yield On Gross Loan Portfolio Technical - Notes - 16
Yield On Gross Loan Portfolio Technical - Notes - 16
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Portfolio Yield is very sensitive to the sequence of payments that an MFI uses with regard to repayments from clients. For example, an institution that uses the sequence of principal first and interest last, would have a lower yield than say an institution that uses the conventional sequence of 'interest first and principal last'.
Portfolio Yield is an easy way to calculate the actual effective interest rate charged by an institution. It cuts through the many strategies used by MFIs to package onlending rates such as flat rates, training fees, up front fees, discounts from disbursed amount, etc. Thus, Portfolio Yield shows how much, on average, the MFI receives in interest payments on its loans.
Likewise, it is a good indicator of delinquency as even if PAR is low (as reported by MFIs), if the yield is lower than expected, then there is delinquency.
*This technical note has been compiled specially for Sa-Dhan by Ramesh S. Arunachalam, using Best Practices material available with Sa-Dhan and stakeholders like CGAP, SEEP and others. First published in August 2006. Sa-Dhan. Website : www.sa-dhan.org