Learning To Troubleshoot: Multistrategy Learning of Diagnostic Knowledge For A Real-World Problem-Solving Task
Learning To Troubleshoot: Multistrategy Learning of Diagnostic Knowledge For A Real-World Problem-Solving Task
Learning To Troubleshoot: Multistrategy Learning of Diagnostic Knowledge For A Real-World Problem-Solving Task
Learning to Troubleshoot: Multistrategy Learning of Diagnostic Knowledge for a Real-World Problem-Solving Task
Georgia Institute of Technology
Wright State University
Georgia Institute of Technology
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This research was performed while S. Narayanan was at the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. Research for this article was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant IRI9009710, by the Air Force Office of Sponsored Research under contract F49620-94-1-0092, and by the Georgia Institute of Technology. We wish to thank Rick Alterman, Mike Byrne, Alan Lesgold, Mike Pazzani, John Pollock, Mimi Reeker, Kurt VanLehn, and anonymous reviewers for their extremely helpful comments on various drafts of this article. Development of the problem-solving model presented in this paper benefited from discussions with Sally Cohen, Christine Mitchell, T. Govindaraj, Ashok Gael, and Leon McGinnis at Georgia Tech, and was based on data collected by Sally Cohen. We thank Jim Wallace, Don Haywood, Mike Bunger, and Kenneth Mitchell of NCRs manufacturing plant in Atlanta for their cooperation during this study. Correspondence and requests for reprints should be sent to Ashwin Ram, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0280. E-mail: ashwin.ram@cc. gatech.edu. 289
The focus of our research is the integration of different kinds of knowledge and reasoning processes into real-world systems that can learn through experience. In particular, we are interested in modeling active, goal-driven learning processes that underlie deliberative learning during the performance of complex reasoning tasks. This article presents a case study of multistrategy learning for the problem of learning diagnostic knowledge during a troubleshooting task. The case study is based upon observations of human operators engaged in this task. We present a computational model of problem solving and learning in which the reasoning system performs a diagnostic problemsolving task, and then introspects about its own performance on the task, identifies what it needs to learn to improve its performance, formulates learning goals to acquire the required knowledge, and pursues its learning goals using multiple learning strategies. This research was motivated by two considerations. First, although there has been significant growth of research on machine learning, much of this research has not been performed in the context of complex real-world problem-solving tasks (cf. Riddle, 1992). As a result, the issues of the scalability and the robustness of these methods, as they are applied to real-world problems, are still unresolved in many cases. To promote the applicability and usability of research methods, it is important to ground theories of reasoning, knowledge representation, and learning in the context of realworld tasks and domains. Second, our motivation was to provide a computational account of human learning in the context of a real-world problem. The model presented in this article is based on observations of troubleshooting operators and protocol analysis of the data gathered in the test area of an operational electronics manufacturing plant. The model is implemented in a computer system, Meta-TS, which uses multiple types of knowledge to troubleshoot printedcircuit boards that fail in the test area of the manufacturing plant. Meta-TS has been evaluated on a series of troubleshooting problems, including actual problems encountered by the human operators in the manufacturing plant. The underlying model is intended as a computational model of human learning; in addition, it is computationally justified as a uniform, extensible framework for multistrategy learning in machine learning systems.
1.1 The Problem
One of the critical areas in electronics assembly manufacturing is the test and repair area (Douglas, 1988; Kakani, 1987). It is estimated that about 20% of manufactured printed-circuit boards (PCBs) fail in the test area in
TS stands for TroubleShooter.
an initial electronics assembly line, particularly in a medium-to-high variety product line, when it takes time to achieve desired levels of process control. When PCBs spend a considerable amount of time in the test and repair area, it increases the work-in-process inventory and slows down the feedback to the manufacturing line necessary for achieving better process control. This results in significant deterioration of system performance. Computerized decision aids potentially can alleviate some of the major problems in the test and repair area and facilitate enhanced system performance. A key to developing computer-based aids is understanding the human problem-solving processes that carry out the complex task of troubleshooting in an assembly line situation. Whereas there has been much interest in developing artificial intelligence (AI) applications in various areas of electronics manufacturing (e.g., Miller & Walker, 1988), most of this research has not dealt with the issues of learning or cognitive modeling, It is generally accepted that learning is central to intelligent reasoning systems that perform realistic reasoning tasks, such as understanding natural language stories or solving complex problems (e.g., Anderson, 1987; Feigenbaum, 1963; Shank, 1983). It is impossible to anticipate all possible situations and to hand-program a machine with exactly the right knowledge to deal with all situations that it might encounter. Rather, during the performance of any nontrivial reasoning task, whether by a human being or by a machine, there will always be failures. An important aspect of intelligence lies in the ability to recover from such failures and, more importantly, to learn from them so as not to make the same mistake in the future. In the Meta-TS system, reasoning failures consist of incorrect troubleshooting diagnoses, no diagnosis (impasses), and successful diagnoses due to inefficient problem-solving.* When such failures occur, the system must be able to select and apply an appropriate learning strategy in order to improve the chances of making a correct diagnosis in similar future situations. Thus, one approach a reasoning system might take is to reflect over the reasoning that went into making the original diagnosis and then use this introspective analysis to form a basis for selecting a learning strategy. To model this process theoretically, we have developed a computational model of introspective reasoning for decision-making about learning needs and associated learning strategies. This model is instantiated in the context of the diagnostic problem-solving task in the domain of electronics assembly manufacturing. 1.2 Multistrategy Learning Learning manifests itself in humans with multiple strategies over a multitude of learning problems. Over the past few years, research in machine learning
* Note that our expanded use of the term failure and Ram (1994a) for a full explanation of the benefits is somewhat nontraditional; see Cox of a larger interpretation of failure.
and cognitive science has focused on the development of independent learning algorithms for many classes of these problems. Some of the algorithms that are tailored to particular learning problems include inductive learning (e.g., induction of decision trees, see Quinlan (1986), conceptual clustering (Fisher, 1987; Michalski & Stepp, 1983), analytical learning (e.g., explanation-based learning, see DeJong & Mooney, 1986; Mitchell, Keller, & KedarCabelli, 1986), learning from explanation failures (Hall, 1988; VanLehn, Jones & Chi, 1992), and analogical learning (e.g., analogy, see Falkenhainer, 1989; Gentner, 1989), case-based learning (e.g., Carbonell, 1986; Hammond, 1989). Recently, under the banner of multistrategy learning, there has been much interest in combining, or otherwise integrating, these and other learning methods to address more complex situations than does independent monostrategy learning (see, e.g., Michalski & Tecuci, 1994). Multistrategy learning systems use a variety of control methods to integrate and combine several learning strategies into a single computer model, providing power and flexibility over a wide range of problems. An alternative approach to flexible learning is exemplified by cognitive architectures such as Soar (Laird, Rosenbloom, & Newell, 1986). Soar takes a broad approach to learning, using a single learning mechanism (chunking), rather than multiple learning strategies to account for learning on different classes of problems. Instead of explicit representations of different problem solving and learning methods and explicit selection between them, Soar is based on weak methods (universal subgoaling and chunking) from which higher-level strategies emerge. The system has been shown to model explanation-based generalization, strategy learning, macro-operator learning, learning from advice, and other kinds of learning (Steier et al., 1987). Regardless of whether it is possible that a single underlying mechanism might be able to account for all these methods, however, it is still important to identify and study the methods themselves (and the conditions under which they are useful), particularly when developing computational models of human learning in which behaviors corresponding to these learning methods are exhibited. Rather than assume a uniform mechanism from which the strategies emerge, the multistrategy approach integrates separate learning strategies into a unified whole by providing a system with some mechanism for combining the strategies (or for choosing from among them). The desired learning behavior(s) can then be modeled by manipulating the suite of strategies available to the learner, by adjusting the manner of combination or the decision mechanism that chooses between strategies, or by changing the kinds of learning goals available for pursuit. One advantage of this approach is that different learning behaviors can be modeled directly and explicitly. Our methodological stance is to develop an explicit theory of the different types of reasoning and learning that the system is to perform. We wish to understand the nature of various learning methods, the kinds of situations
to which the methods apply, the kinds of knowledge that can be learned with them, and the limitations each method implies. Our approach uses a set of available learning strategies that are selected through an introspective analysis of the systems reasoning processes. Our method, called introspective multistrategy learning, combines metacognitive reasoning with multistrategy learning to allow the system to determine what it needs to learn and how that learning should be performed.
1.3 Introspective
In order to fully integrate multiple learning algorithms into a single multistrategy system, it is beneficial to develop methods by which the system can make its own decisions concerning which learning strategies to use in a given circumstance. Often, knowledge about applicability conditions and utility of learning strategies is implicit in the procedures that implement the strategy, further complicating the problem the system faces when automatically choosing a learning algorithm. Our solution to this problem is to represent knowledge of learning strategies and applicability conditions for these strategies explicitly in the system itself. An additional methodological benefit of this approach is that it requires the researcher to formulate such information as an explicit part of the proposed theory of learning, thus improving the specification of the theory. In addition to the world model that describes its domain, an introspective, multistrategy learning system has access to meta-models describing its reasoning and learning processes, the knowledge that this reasoning is based on, the indices used to organize and retrieve this knowledge, and the conditions under which different reasoning and learning strategies are useful. A meta-model is also used to represent the systems reasoning during a performance task, the decisions it took while performing the reasoning, and the results of the reasoning. All of this knowledge can then be used to guide multistrategy learning using introspective analysis to support the strategy selection process. The introspective process in our model relies on meta-explanations about reasoning. These are similar to self-explanations (Chi & VanLehn, 1991; Pirolli & Bielaczyc, 1989; Pirolli & Reeker, in press; VanLehn, Jones, & Chi, 1992), except that self-explanations are explanations about events and objects in the external world, whereas our meta-explanations are explanations about events and objects in the reasoning systems train of thoughtsthe mental world. While experimental results in the metacognition literature suggest that introspective reasoning can facilitate reasoning and learning (see, e.g., Schneider, 1985; Weinert, 1987; and the further review of the metacognition literature in section 5.1), it is important to develop computational models that specify the mechanisms by which this facilitation occurs, and the kinds of knowledge that these mechanisms rely on.
Our approach is motivated by computational and system design considerations as well. The approach relies on a declarative representation of meta-models for reasoning and learning. There are several advantages of maintaining such structures in memory. Because these structures represent reasoning processes explicitly, the system can directly inspect the reasons underlying a given processing decision it has taken and evaiuate the progress towards a goal. Thus, these representations can also be used to assign blame, to analyze why reasoning errors occurred, and to facilitate learning from these errors. Furthermore, these knowledge structures provide a principled basis for integrating multiple reasoning and learning strategies, and the unified framework makes it possible to incorporate additional types of learnmg situations and additional learning strategies for these situations. The key representational entity in our learning theory is a zeta-ex~lu~ution pattern (Meta-XP), which is a causal, introspective explanation structure that explains how and why an agent reasons, and which helps the system in the learning task (Cox & Ram, 1992b; Ram & Cox, 1994). There are two broad classes of Meta-XPs. Trace Meta-XPs record a declarative trace of the reasoning performed by a system, along with causal links that explain the decisions taken. The trace holds explicit information concerning the manner in which knowledge gaps are identified, the reasons why particular hypotheses are generated, the strategies chosen for verifying candidate hypotheses, and the basis for choosing particular reasoning methods for each of these. Trace Meta-XPs are similar to reasoning traces (Carbonell, 1986; Minton, 1988; Veloso & Carbonell, 1994) or justification structures (Birnbaum et al., 1990; deKleer et al., 1977; Doyle, 1979), except that Trace Meta-XPs represent, in addition to the subgoal structure of the problem and justifications for operator selection decisions, information about the structure of the (possibly multistrategy) reasoning process that generated a solution. For example, at the highest level of granularity, a node in a Trace Meta-XP might represent the choice of a reasoning method, such as association-based search or heuristic reasoning; at a more detailed level, a node might represent the process of selecting and using a particular association or heuristic. These structures could, therefore, be viewed as representing the mental operators underlying the reasoning process. The major contribution of our approach, however, is the use of a new kind of meta-explanation structure to represent classes of learning situations along with the types of learning needed in those situations. This structure, called an introspective Meta-XP, aids in the analysis of the reasoning trace to analyze the systems reasoning process, and is an essential component of a multistrategy learning system that can automatically identify and correct its own shortcomings. Thus, instead of simply representing a trace of the reasoning process, we also represent the knowledge required to analyze these traces in order to determine what to learn and how to learn it. As outlined in Table 1, the system uses Introspective Meta-XPs to examine the
Step 0: Perform troubleshooting or heuristics) used in each step. to identify reasoning failures, including incorrect
steps and
knowledge (associations
inability to create a diagnosis, and correct diagnosis but through inefficient problem-solving.
Step 2A: Characterize type of reasoning failure Meta-XPs encoded in introspector to determine cause of failure
Step 2C: Use analysis of type and cause of failure to determine what to learn
Note. Step 2E is not necessarily performed immediately after 2D; in some cases, it may be performed at .a later time (for example, ._ .. .. . in the case of the postponement strategy in which learning is deterred until a suitable opportumty arlses).
declarative reasoning chain (recorded in step 0) in order to both explain the reasoning process and to learn from it after a problem-solving episode. These structures associate a failure type (detected in step 1) with learning goals and the appropriate set of learning strategies for pursuing those goals. Thus, given a specific learning goal, as opposed to the failure itself, the system can explicitly plan for achieving that goal in its background knowledge (or even defer the goal pursuit until a later learning opportunity arises), much like traditional planners pursue goals in the world.) Therefore, an introspective Meta-XP performs three functions: In step 2B it aids in blame assignment (determining which knowledge structures are missing, incorrect or inappropriately applied); in step 2C it aids in the formulation of appropriate learning goals to pursue; and, in step 2D it aids in the selection of appropriate learning algorithms to recover and learn from the reasoning error. Such meta-explanations augment a systems ability to reason introspectively about its own knowledge, about gaps within this knowledge, and about the reasoning processes which attempt to fill these gaps. In MetaTS, the use of explicit Meta-XP structures allows direct inspection of the need to learn that arises from a problem-solving failure, and of the bases for the selection of an appropriate learning strategy to address that need. The remainder of this article is organized as follows: The next two sections present the technical details of the computational model, including the problem-solving system (Section 2) and the introspective multistrategy learning system (Section 3) that constitute the major components of the model. The article then discusses both a quantitative and a qualitative evaluation of the model (Section 4) and relates the mode1 to research in both artificial intelligence and psychology (Section 5). The article concludes with pragmatic implications of the model in education (Section 6) and a summary (Section 7). 2. DIAGNOSTIC
Before we present the problem-solving component of the Meta-TS system, we will describe the diagnostic problem-solving task addressed by Meta-TS, and we will describe the environment from which the human data was collected that constituted Meta-TSs problem set.
2.1 A Real-World Problem-Solving Task
NCRs manufacturing plant located near Atlanta has state-of-the-art facilities in electronics assembly manufacturing, including a newly installed surface mount technology (SMT) line. Our project began when the plant became
Recall that a correct solution that is inefficiently produced is still a reasoning failure. 4 The current implementation of Meta-TS uses a simple mapping from reasoning failures to
learning goals to learning strategies; ing planner for use in introspective we are currently developing a more sophisticated Iearnmultistrategy learning systems (Cox & Ram, 1994b).
operational in January 1990 (Cohen, 1990). At that time, the plant faced the typical start-up problems experienced by most new facilities. There were a high number of printed-circuit boards (PCBs) in the test and repair region waiting to undergo troubleshooting, resulting in a high level of work-inprocess inventories. Our analysis of the system revealed that developing a model of the troubleshooting operator would provide a structure for designing and implementing computer-based tools for this task. The effort would also facilitate formalization of the task, which could then be used in the design of instructional systems (Clancey, 1986), thereby facilitating the development of a flexible work force that complements the policy of the company. A schematic of the manufacturing plant is shown in Figure 1. An unpopulated board enters the SMT line where it is populated with components, soldered, cleaned, and sheared. The populated board then enters the test and repair area. A typical PCB manufacturing line has two major test and repair areas, the in-circuit test (ICT) area and the functional test (FT) area. PCBs are shipped only after they pass both the ICT area and the FT area. Our research focuses on the troubleshooting process when a PCB fails in the ICT area. In the ICT area, the populated printed-circuit board is mounted on an automated ICT machine. The ICT machine checks individual components as well as connections between components for proper functioning through several test procedures. If the PCB passes the tests, an appropriate message appears on the console of the ICT machine. If the PCB fails any of the tests,
R24 has a reading slightly lower than nominal. Therefore, the operator suspects that a bad IC connected to it is loading it down. After checking the schematics, he sees that ~65 is connected to it. This is a known bad part. He lifts the leg connected t it and ohms out the resistor. The resistor now measures lOK, so he knows that ~65 is the culprit. He replaces the IC (and attributes the problem to the vendor).
Figure 2. Sample troubleshooting protocol from Cohen (1990, p. 206)
the ICT machine produces a ticket listing the detected failure(s). For example, a component on the PCB could fail to meet the desired specifications, known as the nominal values of the components parameters. The ICT machine may also provide additional symptomatic information which can be used by the human operator in the troubleshooting process. The operator then uses the information in the ticket to troubleshoot the PCB. Troubleshooting is a complex task which can be broken into two components: diagnosis and repair. Diagnosis is a problem-solving task in which the operator arrives at a description of cause of the failure and identifies an appropriate set of repair actions to fix the faulty PCB. Repair entails carrying out the repair actions (in this case, usually a set of manual actions performed by the operator on the board). We developed a computational model of an operator involved in the task of troubleshooting a faulty PCB. The model was based on protocol analysis of more than 300 problem-solving episodes gathered in the ICT area of the NCR plant (Cohen, Mitchell, & Govindaraj, 1992), and implemented in a computer system that performed the troubleshooting task. Figure 2 shows part of an example of a troubleshooting protocol from Cohen (1990, p. 206). Of the data collected, one set (30%) was used in the development of the model and the remaining set (70%) was used to perform both behavioral validation and process validation of the computational model. We found that although the problem-solving model was a fair representation of a skilled troubleshooting operator, it had some limitations. First, the system assumed that its knowledge was correct and complete during the reasoning process. It is difficult to hand-code all the knowledge required for this task. Furthermore, even if this could be done, the system would still be faced with the brittleness problem. Due to the dynamics of the system state changes in the electronics manufacturing domain, the computational model must be flexible and robust. For example, one piece of knowledge in the system was, Resistor r254 is often damaged. This occurred due to a process problem in the manufacturing plant. If the process problem were fixed, the association no longer would be valid. The system must have the capability of alter-
(Control methods)
Perform Action
Action -4 ( EithE:onounce diagnosis $ or perform plan step )
intermediate status information Figure 3. Th e problem-solving module for the troubleshooting task.
ing its world model to reflect changes in the real world. In addition, the problem-solving model did not capture improvement in the problem-solving skills of the troubleshooting operator. Thus, the model was incomplete as a cognitive model of human troubleshooting. These considerations motivated our research towards incorporation of a learning model in the system. The complete problem-solving and learning system is fully implemented in the Meta-TS program, which has been evaluated using the data gathered at the NCR plant. In this article, we will focus primarily on the learning aspects of the system; however, to provide context, we first describe the problem-solving module of Meta-TS. 2.2 The Diagnostic Problem-Solving Module A schematic of the problem-solving system, the troubleshooting module of Meta-TS, is shown in Figure 3 (Narayanan, Ram, Cohen, Mitchell, & Govindaraj, 1992). The module tasks as input the ICT ticket information and the PCB information. The output of the module is a diagnosis and a set of recommended repair actions. The problem-solving process uses various types of knowledge, troubleshooting actions, and control methods, briefly discussed below. The problem-solving module uses various types of knowledge, as well as available real-world troubleshooting actions, to hypothesize the cause of a failure and to suggest repair actions for that failure. Based on the data from the human operators in the NCR plant, we categorized diagnostic knowledge into two broad types, associations and heuristics. Associations are simple
rules which directly map a particular symptom to a specific diagnosis. The operator may perform an intermediate action to confirm the hypothesis, but usually he or she does not perform a series of search sequences. This type of knowledge is context-sensitive and is indexed by board type. Heuristics are standard rules of thumb. These rules are not context-sensitive and are applicable across board types. Heuristics are used by the operator for troubleshooting when there is no known association for a given problem situation. This knowledge determines the series of standard operating procedures performed in troubleshooting a faulty PCB. Some examples of associative and heuristic knowledge in the system are shown in Table 2. In addition to associative and heuristic knowledge, the problem-solving module can also use troubleshooting actions, which are intermediate subtasks performed by the system to gather the board information. These correspond to explicit operator actions used in gathering information and confirming intermediate hypotheses. Finally, the control methods in the problem-solving module are procedures that enable the system to look at the symptoms, utilize the appropriate type of knowledge, invoke proper intermediate actions, and finally, arrive at the diagnosis result. This result, also called a diagnostic, is a description of the failure along with the repair action(s) necessary to fix the faulty PCB. It is also possible that the ICT reading is incorrect (known in the industry as a bogus reading), in which case the PCB is rerun through the ICT machine. Some examples of troubleshooting actions, control methods, and repair actions are shown in Table 3. The problem-solving module was initially implemented as a separate system, and then, later, incorporated into Meta-TS along with the introspective multistrategy learning module. The implementation used AT&T 2.1 C + + on a SUN workstation under the UNIX operating system. The ICT ticket information and the PCB information were represented as C+ + classes. Class representations were also used for associative and heuristic knowledge, control methods, troubleshooting actions, and repair actions in the system. An example of a problem-solving episode is shown in Figure 4. To validate the troubleshooting process of the problem-solving module, we added an explanation facility to keep track of the systems problemsolving process and to produce a trace of the problem solving at the end of each problem-solving episode. The problem-solving traces were compared with the verbal protocol data gathered from the human operators at the assembly plant. (These problem-solving traces also played a central role in the learning module; this will be discussed in more detail in Section 3.) Using the problem-solving traces, the problem-solving module was validated on 75% of the problem-solving episodes in our data for a major category of board failures. For 84% of these episodes, the model arrived at the same diagnostic result as an operator did in the real world for the same input information; on 68% of the episodes, similar actions were performed in the
Associative knowledge
1-254 often damaged. Visually inspect the part. If it is damaged, replace the part. is
If rl or r2 fails, the ticket reading is bogus.a Output the diagnosis Bogus ICT ticket.
~56 and u65 are known bad parts. Use the lifted leg procedureb to identify the bad part(s) and replace them.
r228, r239 and r279 are connected to ~51. If one of these has failed with a low reading, u5 1 should be replaced. Heuristic knowledge
If the measured reading of a resistor is slightly higher than the nominal value on the ICT ticket, perform the visual inspection procedure. If the defect is found, terminate the search, otherwise output the diagnosis Unable to make an inference and perform appropriate repair action.
If the measured reading of the resistor is slightly lower (qualitatively) than the nominal value, perform the ohming out action.c If the diagnosis is Bogus ICT ticket, terminate the search, otherwise perform the check schematicsactior@ and make an ordered list of faulty ICs. If any of these can be fixed by association-based search, terminate search, otherwise test each of these ICs to determine the faulty component. If a defective component is not found, terminate the search and output the diagnosis Unable to make an inference.
Note. r# indicates the number of o resistor component, and u# indicates the number of an IC (integrated circuit) component. A bogus ICT ticket reading is typically1 caused when there is a poor connection between the board and the tester. b During the lifted leg procedure the operator uses a dental tool to tug at each leg on a component to find legs which hove not been soldered to the pad. Ohming out refers to using a multimeter to check the resistance of a connection on the board. This procedure involves touching the two probes on the multimeter to each end of the connection. d Check schematics refers to the procedure followed by on operator to find the list of parts connected to a particular component (using the schematic page number for ports provided by the ICT ticket).
TABLE of Troubleshooting Actions, Control Methods, and Repair Actions in the Problem-Solving Module
Troubleshooting actions
Determine if there is an association for that symptom in memory; if so, invoke it and terminate the search.
Perform the visual inspection action. If the defect is found, suggest appropriate repair action and terminate search. Use the appropriate heuristics and determine the repair action depending on the qualitative difference between the measured and nominal reading in the ticket. Repair actions
o Identify the part number of the defective part and replace it with an equivalent part.
e Output Bogus ICT ticket reading to indicate a suspected false ICYIticket reading.
Identify the part number of the missing part and install an appropriate part.
a Output Unable to make an inference to indicate insufficient knowledge to arrive at an inference that indicates a repair action.
ICT ticket information -__-____-_-__-__-_------These are board faults TA 7052 MAX Processor r243 has failed Measured = 18.000000 ohms Nominal = 10.000000 ohms ___-_--_-__-_--_--------Entering problem solver from ticket
Getting symptom information r243 has failed Looking for associations No associations found Association Diagnosing Looking
for r243
Applying heuristic-3 Measured value is much higher than Suspecting an open/defective part Ohming out on r243 Ticket reading verified Performing visual inspection Defective part verified Diagnosis: Defective part, r243 Repair action: Replace r243
Figure 4. An example
is defective
of a problem-solving
solution process (Narayanan et al., 1992). This remainder of this article focuses on the learning module. Further details of the problem-solving module can be found in Cohen (1990) and Narayanan et al. (1992). 3. LEARNING
Although the results from the stand-alone model of troubleshooting showed that the problem-solving module constituted a reasonably good model of a skilled troubleshooting operator, the model also contained obvious shortcomings. Electronics manufacturing, like most other real-world domains, is a complex and highly dynamic process. A complete model of troubleshooting in such a domain requires a great deal of knowledge. In addition, the operators knowledge will be inherently incomplete and subject to change as the process being modeled changes. The problem-solving module, in contrast, was based on the assumption that the available knowledge was complete and correct; it did not have the flexibility necessary to deal with this
task domain over an extended period of time. Furthermore, the model failed to capture the improvement of problem-solving skills through experience, an important aspect of human performance in any task domain. For these reasons, we developed a learning module that allowed the system to learn incrementally from each problem-solving episode. This module was based on observations of troubleshooting operators in the plant, protocol analysis of the problem-solving process, and critical examination of the computational model of the troubleshooting operator, as implemented in the problem-solving module. The overall system, called Meta-TS, uses multiple learning strategies, both supervised and unsupervised, and a strategy selection mechanism to invoke appropriate strategies in different situations. Supervised learning occurs in situations in which a novice troubleshooter receives explicit input from a skilled troubleshooter (the supervisor). In unsupervised learning, a troubleshooter adapts his or her domain knowledge based on problem-solving experience without expert input. Since a particular problem-solving episode may involve several pieces of knowledge (potentially of different types), the troubleshooting, whether a person or a machine, must be able to examine the reasons for successes and failures during problem solving in order to determine what needs to be learned. For example, if the system fails to arrive at an correct diagnosis, it needs to determine which piece of knowledge was missing or was incorrect. To effectively accomplish this, the system must be able to examine its own problem-solving processes. Thus, the problem-solving traces produced by the explanation facility discussed earlier are a crucial component of the computational model of learning. Meta-TS uses declarative representations of the knowledge and methods used for problem-solving to facilitate critical self-examination. A trace of the problem-solving process is constructed during the troubleshooting episode, and introspectively analyzed during the learning phase to determine what the system might learn from that episode. The analysis also helps the system select the learning strategy appropriate for that type of learning. 3.1 What Is to Be Learned? Since the problem-solving module relies on associative and heuristic knowledge, the learning module must, in general, be able to acquire, modify, or delete such associations and heuristics through experience. In order to be more specific about the constraints on and output of the learning task, it is necessary to examine the troubleshooting model in more detail. Recent research in diagnostic problem solving has proposed the use of deep reasoning methods (Davis, 1985) or integration of deep and shallow reasoning methods in knowledge-based systems (Fink & Lusth, 1987) and in tutoring systems (Lesgold, Lajoie, Bunzo, & Eggan, 1988). Our observations revealed that operators rely predominantly on shallow reasoning methods using heuristic and context-sensitive associative knowledge during problem
solving (Cohen, 1990; Cohen, Mitchell, & Govindaraj, 1992; Narayanan et al., 1992). This may be because the ICT machine filters out most of the topographic knowledge of the PCB and causal knowledge of the components in the board, through a series of tests. Maxion (1985) makes a similar observation about human problem-solving in the domain of hardware systems diagnosis, noting that diagnostic judgement is based on gross chunks of conceptual knowledge, as opposed to detailed knowledge of the domain architecture [pp. 268-2691. The observation by Barr and Feigenbaum (1981) that humans often solve a problem by finding a way to think about the problem that facilitates the search for a solution, was evident in our study. In this task domain, the search is carried out through shallow reasoning using associations and heuristics; furthermore, the search is sensitive to process changes and can sometimes make use of a human expert. Thus, the learning strategies implemented in Meta-TS focus on the supervised and unsupervised acquisition, modification, and deletion of associative knowledge through the analysis of reasoning traces that, however, do not contain detailed domain knowledge. Associative knowledge improves the system performance in two ways. First, it improves the speed of the problem-solving process. Use of associative knowledge typically results in the reduction of some intermediate steps in the reasoning process, thus resulting in some savings in the time required to troubleshoot. This is particularly significant if the problem-solving steps involve real-world actions (such as the lifted leg procedure) which take time to execute. This reduction is important for assembly line tasks which are typically highly time-constrained. Second, associative knowledge can provide solutions in cases where heuristic knowledge requires information about the board that is not easy to obtain. In general, associative knowledge contributes to the quality and correctness of the solution for a large number of the problem-solving situations. This was evident in our data from the electronics assembly plant, and has also been observed by other researchers (e.g., Arabian, 1989). Thus, an important type of learning is one in which the operator learns associations through experience. Human operators involved in troubleshooting also appear to learn some heuristic knowledge. We noticed that the training program for novice human operators focuses primarily on manual skills such as soldering and performing action such as ohming out. However, the problem-solving process of skilled human operators in the plant revealed that they often use certain standard operating procedures, or heuristics. The source of this heuristic knowledge appears to be the result of generalization of associations learned over time while troubleshooting. In addition, as is the case for associations, heuristics can be learned through both supervised and unsupervised learning methods. The current implementation of Meta-TS focuses on the learning of associative knowledge through experience and does not include strategies for learning heuristics. More research is needed to develop such strategies.
Our approach to multistrategy learning in based on the analysis of declarative traces of reasoning processes to determine what and how to learn (Ram & Cox, 1994). A particular troubleshooting episode may involve many different associations, heuristics, and troubleshooting actions. If the final diagnosis is incorrect, the system analyzes its reasoning process, assigns blame for its failure, and determines what it needs to learn to avoid repeating a similar mistake in the future. If the diagnosis is correct, the system can determine what it might learn in order to improve the process that led up to his diagnosis. Finally, depending on the type of learning that is necessary, the system must invoke an appropriate learning strategy. Thus, learning is viewed as a deliberative, planful process in which the system makes explicit decisions about what to learn and how to learn it (Hunter, 199Ob; Quilici, in press; Ram, 1991; Ram &Hunter, 1992; Ram & Leake, 1995;.Redmond, 1992). In our introspective multistrategy learning framework, these decisions are based through introspective analysis of the systems performance, which relies on metaknowledge about the reasoning performed by the system during the performance task, about the systems knowledge, and about the organization of this knowledge (Ram & Cox, 1994; Ram, Cox, & Narayanan, 1995). The submodules and the control flow in the introspective multistrategy learning module are shown in Figure 5, along with the sources of information used by the submodules. The problem-solving module has a declarative representation of the associative knowledge used in troubleshooting. The learning module can add, delete, or modify associative knowledge in the problem-solving module. It also has a set of verification actions and a set of declaratively represented learning strategies. During a troubleshooting episode, a trace of the reasoning performed by the system along with causal links that explain the intermediate decisions taken is recorded in an instance of a Trace Meta-XP by the systems explanation facility. The explainer uses input from the problem-solving module in the form of action taken, knowledge used to make decisions, and the diagnosis outcome. It also uses the ICT ticket reading and its representation of the PCB from the world model. From this input, it reconstructs the reasoning trace and passes it to the introspector. After every problem-solving episode, the introspector examines the reasoning trace and uses information gathered from tests on the world to determine if the system can learn something from this experience. Learning occurs when the system fails to make the correct diagnosis (due to missing or incorrect knowledge) or when the system ascertains that the problem-solving process can be made more efficient. The tests also help to generate and to verify hypotheses that explain why the reasoning which produced the diagnosis failed, and play a role similar to the real-world actions performed by experimentation systems (e.g., Carbonell & Gil, 1990; Rajamoney, 1989). Specifi-
Raasonlng Trace
Tests on World
(Decidewhetherto learn) Reasoning Trace + Learning Goal
Vertfied Hypothesis
tally, in addition to accessing ICT information and PCB information which is provided as input to the system, the system uses troubleshooting actions to gather additional information about the PCB and verification actions to obtain statistical information and to gather information from an expert troubleshooter. Finally, based on what needs to be learned, an appropriate learning strategy is triggered, which results in the modification of existing knowledge in the problem-solving system. The learning module contains a set of learning
private: int tableStrategiesCondition[MAX_PARAMETERSl; / / Solution (1 -correct, 0 - incorrect or no solution) / / Heuristics (1 - yes, 0 - no) / / Associations (1 - yes, 0 - no) / / Expertinput (1 - yes, 0 - no) / / True if learning goal requires question-answer session int qAGoa1; public
/ / / / Default constructor Collection of traces for oostoonement Method to fill the table&&giesCondition
Introspector(void); TraceCollection traces: void fillTable(void); void executeAppropriateStrategy(void); void void void void void strategyUnH strategySH(void); strategySHP(void); strategyDelS(void); strategyDelUn(char* (void) ;
// / / // / / // ;; //
// inputstr)
en heuristics used for problem solving Strategy for both supervised and unsupervised learuing when heuristics used for problem solving strategy for both supervised and unsupervised learning when heunshcs used for problem solvmg and learning goal needs to be suspended Strategy to delete obsolete associative knowledge through supervisory input Strate y to delete obsolete associative knowledge tEroueh unsuoervised reasonine The learn&g co&l method -
void void
learningMethod(void); reinitializeTable(void);
:: //
int solution(void); int heuristics(void); int associations(void); int expertInput(void); void setQAGoa1 (int val) int getQAGoa1 (void) void preQA(char* instring); void qA(void); void void void appendTrace displayTrace displayTrace
Reinitializes tableStrategiesCond Determines if solution is correct by performing tests on the world and comparing reasoning trace :: Determines if reasoning recess involved heuristic knowled by searching througK reasoning trace :: // Determines if reasoning trace involved associated knowledg by searching through reasoning trace ;; Determines if expert in ut is available by interacting WI user tl! Creates leaming goal for question-answer session :: Returns learning goal for question-answer session // Pre questio-answer steps // Asks question and gets answer
void removeTrace (void); void removeTrace (char* input); Boolean inputTrackTrace(char* input);
Figure 6. Implementation
of introspector
strategies represented along with information for strategy selection. In MetaTS, the introspector is implemented as a C + + class with methods for each learning strategy (see Figure 6); this class encodes the knowledge that corresponds to the Introspective Meta-XPs discussed earlier. The learning strategies currently implemented in Meta-TS are discussed in the following section.
3.3 Learning Strategies Meta-TS has several strategies for learning associative knowledge for the troubleshooting task, including unsupervised knowledge compilation, supervised learning from an expert, postponement of learning goals, and forg~ting invalid associations. Each strategy requires us to make several design decisions; which are discussed below. All the strategies discussed below are fully implemented. 3.3.1 Unsupe~ised Learning The first strategy is that of unsupervised, incremental inductive Iearning, which creates an association when the problem-solving module arrives at a correct diagnosis using heuristic knowledge. The introspector compiles the heuristic knowledge into an association using a learning method similar to knowledge compilation (Anderson, 1989). The motivation for this type of learning is performance gain through reduction of the number of intermediate steps when the system encounters a similar problem in the future, although use of this strategy also reinforces correct problem-solving sequences. An example of the unsupervised learning of associations through experience is shown in Figure 7. In this example, the ICT ticket reading indicated that the resistor component r22 had failed with a measured reading of 16 ohms. The nominal reading of this component, from the PCB specification, is 20 ohms. The problem-solving module reads the symptom (Step 1 in the figure). It first tries to find an association that directly maps the observed symptoms into a diagnosis, but fails to find one (Step 2). It then finds (Step 3) and invokes (Step 4) a heuristic that recommends performing the troubleshooting action ohming out on r22. The action is performed in Step 5, but it finds that r22 is not faulty. Finally, the system outputs the diagnosis that the ICT ticket reading was bogus. These steps are stored in a Trace Meta-XP, which is analyzed after the troubleshooting is complete. In this example, the introspector performs additional tests on the PCB to determine if the diagnosis is correct. Since this is an experience in which a correct diagnosis was reached through the use of heuristic knowledge in a situation for which no association existed, an Introspective Meta-XP recommends that a new association be learned: if the ICT ticket indicates that r22 had failed, and the measured reading is slightly lower than the nominal value, then output the diagnosis that the ICT ticket is bogus. This association is installed in the system and is used for future problem solving; it may also be delected later if it is incorrect or becomes obsolete (e.g., if the problem is fixed). Several design decisions were made in our implemention of this learning strategy:
What is the right time to activate the strategy? Unsupervised learning takes place at the end of a troubleshooting episode. This strategy is
Troubleshooting board #13 ICT ticket information These are board faults TA 7052 MAX Processor r22 has failed Measured = 16.000000 ohms Nominal = 20.000000 ohms -__-__-__--------_------Entering problem solver Step #l CONTROL METHOD: get symptom information from ticket PRECONDITIONS: ticket available MET BY: input RESULT: r22 has failed Step #2 CONTROL METHOD: find associations for r22 PRECONDITIONS: symptom available MET BY: r22 has failed RESULT: no associations for r22 Step X3 CONTROL METHOD: find heuristics PRECONDITIONS: symptom available AND no associations MET BY: r22 has failed AND no associations for r22 RESULT: heuristic-l found Step #4 HEURISTIC: apply heuristic-l PRECONDITIONS: measured value is slightly lower than nominal value MET BY: ticket information RESULT: ohming-out recommended Step #5 ACTION: ohming-out on r22 PRECONDITIONS: symptom available AND action recommended MET BY: r22 has failed and ohming-out recommended RESULT: bogus ict ticket Diagnosis: bogus ict ticket Entering learner Analyzing Trace Meta-XP steps l-5 SYMPTOM: r22 has failed DIAGNOSIS: bogus ict ticket OUTCOME: diagnosis correct Using Introspective Meta-XP GOAL: learn association for r22 STRATEGY: unsupervised learning of associations Invoking learning strategy Creating new association for r22 Meta-TS now has associations for r243, ~37, r254, r200, r121, u73, r22
Figure 7. An example
Here, ticket M&a-TS reading. has just of the learned
strategy of
unsupervised that
in Meta-TS. o bogus
activated when Meta-TS arrives at the right solution using heuristic knowledge, alone. When is it useful to form un association? Meta-TS uses statistical information about the episode (e.g., the number of steps involved in problem solving) and determines if there will be performance gain through the reduction in the number of intermediate steps while troubleshooting a similar board. This information is used only to determine whether learning a new association would speed up the troubleshooting process, and does not ensure that the learned association is correct. What is the right association to learn? Consider the situation when the ICT input is I, the intermediate steps are 1,2,3,4,5, and the diagnostic result is 0. Meta-TS would form an association either between I and 0, or between I, the final step (Step 5 in this example), and 0. Domain knowledge is used to decide between the two alternatives. Our data shows that human operators typically form an association between the input and output without any intermediate steps when the diagnostic result is Bogus ICT ticket reading. In contrast, when the operator decides to replace a defective part, he or she is conservative and performs either a visual inspection or some other intermediate action to confirm the hypothesis. Meta-TS behaves in a similar manner.
D~scrrssion. We observed that human operators used yellow tags (PostIt notes) to write down recurring problems, especially when they believed that the information would be useful in the future. This happened when they performed several intermediate steps during troubleshooting, and typically, after they had arrived at the diagnostic result. This was the motivation for including this learning strategy, and also the basis for the first two design decisions. 3.3.2 Supervised Learning The second learning strategy creates a new association through supervisory input. This strategy is triggered when the system arrives at an incorrect solution using heuristic knowledge, associative knowledge or both. The system attempts to acquire a correct associative knowledge from a skilled troubleshooter (the supervisor). This mechanism is similar to the interactive transfer of expertise in TEIRESIAS (Davis, 1979). However, the knowledge learned in our system is not in the form of production rules, but in the form of frames and slots for association records, An example of the supervised learning of associations through experience is shown in Figure 8. In this example, the ICT ticket reading indicates that the resistor component r24 has failed, the measured reading of 21.2 ohms being much higher than the nominal value of 10 ohms. There are no known
These are board faults TA 7052 MAX Processor r24 has failed Measured = 21.200001 ohms Nominal = 10.000000 ohms __-____-__-_--_-__-_-_--_ Entering problem solver from ticket
Step #l CONTROL METHOD: get symptom information PRECONDITIONS: ticket available MET BY: input RESULT: r24 has failed Step #2 CONTROL METHOD: find associations PRECONDITIONS: symptom available MET BY: r24 has failed RESULT: no associations for r24
for r24
Step #3 CONTROL METHOD: find heuristics PRECONDITIONS: symptom available AND no associations MET BY: r24 has failed AND no associations for r24 RESULT: heuristic-3 found Step #4 HEURISTIC: apply heuristic-3 PRECONDITIONS: measured value is much higher than nominal MET BY: ticket information RESULT: ohming-out and visual-inspection recommended
Figure 8. An
Italics indicate example user input of the during strategy this of supervised learning of associations in
associations for this problem, so the system applies to heuristic that recommends ohming out on r24. In this example, ohming out confirms that the ticket reading was correct. Another heuristic recommends a simple visual inspection of the PCB, which shows that r24 is missing from this PCB. This is output as the diagnosis from the problem-solving module. The introSpector in the learning module finds that the diagnosis is not correct; in this case, there is a missing IC component, ~37, that is responsible for the problematic ICT ticket reading. The expert supervisor suggests that a new association be formed that, for this input, recommends performing a visual inspection on ~37. This association is learned and installed for future use. Several design decisions were made in our implementation of this learning strategy:
What is the correct time to activate the learning strategy? This strategy is activated at the end of the troubleshooting episode, when the system
Step #5 ACTION: ohming-out on r24 PRECONDITIONS: symptom available AND MET BY: r24 has failed and ohming-out RESULT: ticket reading verified
Step #6 ACTION: visual-inspection on r24 PRECONDITIONS: symptom available AND action MET BY: r24 has failed and visual-inspection RESULT: 1-24 is missing Diagnosis: Entering missing learner part, r24 is missing
recommended recommended
Analyzing Trace Meta-XP steps 1-6 SYMPTOM: r24 has failed DIAGNOSIS: missing part, r24 is missing OUTCOME: diagnosis incorrect, u37 is defective Using Introspective Meta-XP GOAL: learn association for ~37 STRATEGY: supervised learning of associations Invoking learning strategy
>>yes Is expert input available for this episode? >>u37 Enter left-hand-side of association: Select right-hand-side of association: a. Bogus ICT ticket b. Replace defective part c. Perform visual inspection followed by diagnosis d. Perform lifted leg procedure followed by diagnosis Z>C Creating new association for u37 for
Figure 8. (confinued)
arrives at an incorrect solution or is unable to make any inference based on the information available to it. What is the structure of the supervisory input? The structure of the desired supervisory input is determined by the manner in which the associative knowledge is stored in the system. In contrast, the conversation between an expert and novice troubleshooter is not as structured. Since the relevant information transmitted between them is domain-and task-oriented, however, that structure is exploited in the dialogs used by Meta-TS. While the current implementation of this learning strategy does not model the full richness of a troubleshooters interactions with an expert, the more structured interaction allows an objective evaluation of the model. The user interaction in the current implementation of the system is very simple because that was not the focus of our research; however, it would be relatively easy to include a more sophisticated dialog system if desired.
How can the system reason about the validity of the expert input? This is an open question for learning systems in general. However, for our purposes, the input from the expert troubleshooter can be assumed to be correct. Meta-TS does not critically examine whether the input given by the expert is correct; it directly takes the associative knowledge input by the expert and adds it to its knowledge base.
Discussion. Novice operators ask expert troubleshooters, such as engineers or highly trained technicians, when they have problems in their task. We use the expert-novice metaphor for the supervisor-system interaction. The system learns the knowledge input by the supervisor (as do novice troubleshooters). The interaction between Meta-TS and the expert is capable of gathering the relevant associative knowledge. However, the actual mode of communication does not reflect expert-novice interaction in the real world. For example, Meta-TS currently does not model apprenticeship relationships in troubleshooting (e.g., Redmond, 1992). The improvement in system performance from this learning strategy depends on the quality and validity of the expert input. The new knowledge is subject to change, depending on the future episodes encountered by the system. If the new knowledge obtained from supervisory input is found to be reliable in a number of future instances, confidence in the gained knowledge is increased. However, if the new knowledge is incorrect, it is deleted over time (see Section 3.3.4). Thus, the transfer of knowledge is immediate, but the sustainability of the knowledge depends on the use of the gained knowledge. 3.3.3 Postponement A third learning strategy is that of postponement (Hammond, Converse, Marks, & Seifert, 1993; Ram, 1991). This strategy is triggered when the system is unable to get immediate input from a skilled troubleshooter. The system posts a learning goal (Ram, 1991; Ram & Hunter, 1992; Ram & Leake, 1995), keeps track of the reasoning trace for the particular problemsolving episode, and asks questions at a later time to gather appropriate associative knowledge. Postponement takes place when there is no supervisory input at the end of a troubleshooting episode. The learning goal and the trace of the troubleshooting episode are stored in the introspector. Suspended learning goals can be satisfied, both through supervised or unsupervised methods, at a later time. At the beginning of a new troubleshooting episode, the introspector checks whether the reasoning trace associated with any suspended learning goal is based on an input problem that is similar to the current problem. Similarity is determined by the fault type indicated on the ICT ticket and the difference
between nominal and measured readings. If one or more matching learning goals are found and an expert is available, the introspector triggers a question-and-answer session by presenting the information it has on the past episodes. Details of the episodes are presented only if the supervisor desires to see it. If expert input is obtained, new associative knowledge is added to the system, and the resolved learning goals are deleted along with the associated reasoning traces. The system then continues to solve the current problem using the new associative knowledge. If no expert input is available, the introspector tries to solve the current problem. If it succeeds, the learning goals that matched this problem are satisfied automatically without supervisory input. As before, these goals and associated reasoning traces are deleted because the system is now capable of solving those problems. The system will also be capable of solving similar problems in the future, with the newly formed associative knowledge. Again, several design decisions were made in our implementation of this learning strategy: What is the appropriate time for question and answer sessions? A question-answer session takes place either at the end of a troubleshooting episode or at the beginning of a new episode. Question-answer sessions are not needed for learning goals that become redundant when new associative knowledge is learned without user input. There are, of course, several other factors involved in deciding when to ask a question, including sociological factors, such as the personalities of and interpersonal interactions between the troubleshooter and the expert technician. These are outside the focus of our model. How should the suspended question be presented? Meta-TS uses contextsensitive presentation of information. When the user is asked for input in a situation that matches a similar situation that is associated with a learning goal suspended from a prior episode, the information in the reasoning traces leading to that learning goal is presented to provide a context for the dialog. Using the principle of progressive disclosure, the user can ask to examine more details. When are learning goals active? Learning goals are always active in that any problem-solving episode or question and answer session could contain the information sought by a prior learning goal; however, learning goals are not actively pursued by the system until the desired information is available in the input, at which time the algorithm that carries out the learning is executed. Discussion: Novice operators seek input from the expert supervisor when they are unable to find the solution to a problem. Operators may ask for input when a similar new problem is encountered. Undiagnosed PCBs also
may be stored and retrieved later for re-analysis. This corresponds to the deferment of a learning goal until a later opportunity to get the appropriate information is encountered. The design decision to present prior reasoning traces to the expert is intended to facilitate user interaction. Although operators often can recall what they did in earlier situations, it is arguable whether they remember all the details of the entire troubleshooting process for the earlier situations. 3.3.4 Forgetting Two additional learning strategies delete associative knowledge when it is no longer valid. These strategies are targeted primarily at the brittleness problem encountered when the manufacturing process is changed and existing associations are rendered obsolete. The first strategy uses expert input to delete associations and is invoked at the end of every problem-solving episode. The system queries the supervisor to determine whether any associations used in the reasoning trace of that episode should be deleted. If the supervisor has knowledge about a process change, for example, and the system dynamics have resulted in an association becoming obsolete, that information can be input to Meta-TS. This strategy works quite well in general, although it is, of course, dependent on the availability and quality of user input. The second deletion strategy is unsupervised and does not require user input. This strategy is selected when Meta-TS arrives at an incorrect solution (as determined through additional tests on the PCB or through expert input), and the reasoning trace shows that a single association was used in arriving at the solution. Since heuristic knowledge in this task domain tends to be stable, an incorrect diagnosis involving several heuristics and a single association is blamed on the association. The introspector tracks down this association and deletes it. The current implementation of this strategy cannot deal with situations in which more than one association is used; such situations require assigning blame to the particular association that was at fault. Several design decisions were made in our implementation of this learning strategy: . Under what conditions should an association be deleted? When the expert troubleshooter indicates that an association needs to be deleted, Meta-TS follows the supervisory input. In the unsupervised mechanism, the system behaves conservatively, in that a piece of associative knowledge is deleted only if the diagnostic result is incorrect and only one association was involved in the problem-solving process. In the current implementation, a user-definable parameter determines how many times an association needs to be responsible for an incorrect diagnosis before it is deleted. Although not a general solution to the problem of determining when a piece of knowledge is no longer valid, this method
is reasonable in our task domain, given the highly dynamic nature of the manufacturing process. Empirical studies showed good performance with this parameter set to 1; hence, in the evaluations presented in Section 4, the system was configured to delete an association if it led to a single incorrect diagnosis, but a different setting could be chosen, if desired. Another learning strategy (not currently implemented) would be to make the association more specific, so as to exclude the current situation. What is the right time to activate the strategies? Deletion of existing associative knowledge in Meta-TS takes place at the end of a troubleshooting episode. At this point, the system has available to it the trace of its reasoning process as well as information about the correctness of its diagnostic result. Both are required to identify and delete incorrect knowledge.
Discussion: When the manufacturing process changes, it impacts the quality of the boards produced, the types of malfunctions that can occur, and consequently, the operator troubleshooting. For example, assume that r243 is a known defective part, say, due to a poor quality vendor. When the vendor is changed, the part, r243, may no longer be defective. Typically, this information is communicated from the manufacturing process line or when the operator recognizes the change in the situation due to a failure of the troubleshooting process. The first situation corresponds to the supervisory input case, the second, to the unsupervised case. It is arguable whether human operators can forget an association instantaneously; however, trained operators often stop using an obsolete association even if they do not actually forget it. The cognitive plausibility of various forgetting mechanisms is still an open research issue, although the methods implemented in Meta-TS are effective in dealing with the particular task at hand. 4. EVALUATION Meta-TS has been evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively. We were interested both in comparing the results to the human data, as well as in evaluating it as a machine learning system. We evaluated the system using 42 actual problem-solving episodes gathered at the plant over a 2-month period (Cohen, 1990). The problems dealt with various types of resistor failures and are representative of the types of problems encountered over the 2-month period. To evaluate the learning methods, we tested the following five conditions on the 42 test problems.
H (hand coded): The original non-learning system with hand-coded associations. This condition represents a troubleshooting system that has been hand-designed by an expert researcher, and is useful as a benchmark in determining the strengths and limitations of the learning strategies.
NL (no learning): The system with all associations removed and learning turned off. This condition represents a base case against which to evaluate the efficacy of the learning strategies; it uses only heuristic knowledge. L (learning): The system, with all associations removed and learning turned on. This is the basic Meta-TS system with no prior experience. L42: The system, with all associations removed, then trained it on the 42 test problems with learning turned on. The system was then evaluated by re-running it on the same 42 problems. This condition was intended to validate the learning strategies in Meta-TS by ensuring that they learned the knowledge required to solve the problems. L20: The system, with all associations removed, then trained on 20 randomly generated training problems with learning turned on. The problems can be classified as easy, medium, and hard, based on degree of difficulty as measured using the number of intermediate steps in the troubleshooting process. We generated 20 random problems with the probabilities that each problem generated classified as easy, medium or hard, set to 0.6, 0.2 and 0.2, respectively. The randomly generated training set is representative of the problems a human operator encounters over about a month at the job, both in terms of number and degree of difficulty. The problems varied from 42 test problems in different ways. To test the statistical significance of the results, several independent random training problems were generated. L20 in the following discussion and in figures 8 through 12 indicates the mean L20 value at various data points.
Each of these conditions were evaluated quantitatively, for speed and accuracy, on the 42 test problems, and also qualitatively, by examining the content of the learned knowledge and details of the solution process. For supervised learning strategies, we provided expert input to the system based on what was appropriate to the input problem and domain experience. 4.1 Quantitative Evaluation Two quantitative performance measures were used: the accuracy of the diagnostic result, and the speed (measured by the number of intermediate problem-solving steps) arriving at the diagnosis. Figures 9 through 13 illustrate the system performance over the 42 problems for the H, NL, L, L42 and L20 conditions.
accuracy: Figure 9 also shows the cumulative accuracy of the system for various conditions. The H condition arrived at the correct diagnosis in 86% of the 42 problems. The L42 condition arrived at the correct diagnosis in 81% of the problems. The values for the L20, L, and NL conditions were 76.8%, 76%, and 71070,respectively. The graphs illustrate both these final accuracy figures, as well as the improvement of the system with experience. Diagnostic
40 -
-D-*-A* -
20 -
0 0
I 5
I 10 15 20 25 Number of episodes 30
I 35
, 40
Figure 9. Cumulative
Figures 10 and 11 compare the accuracy of the learning conditions relative to that of the hand-coded condition and non-learning conditions, relatively. By measuring the ratio, we compensate for differences in the intrinsic difficulty of the individual problems. Again, the graphs illustrate both the final result and improvement with experience. The ratio of the L42 condition to that of the H condition is 0.94; for L20 and L conditions, the ratios are 0.90 and 0.89, respectively. As compared with the NL condition, the L42 condition is about 1.14 times more accurate; for L20 and L, the ratios are 1.08 and 1.07, respectively. A t test was performed to test the null hypothesis that the NL performance was equal to the mean L20 performance. During this analysis, 5 independent, random L20 sets were used; their mean was tested against a constant, which was the value of NL. Using the operating characteristics curve, we determined that for the variance observed in the data, the sample size of 5 was sufficient to keep the Type II error @) within 0.10. The t test showed that the difference between NL and L20 is statistically significant. At the end of 42 episodes, t(4)= 3.04, ~~0.05 for the null hypothesis L20= NL. With only 35 episodes, the statistical advantage of L20 over NL was only marginally significant after the sequential Bonferoni adjustment (t(4) = 3.33, p< 0.03). Thus, the learning system showed improvement in performance as compared to the non-learning system, and this improvement was statistically significant after 42 training episodes.
I.1 -
0.8 -
0.6 0 5 10 15
I 30 35
1 40
10. Ratio
1.2 r-
x u 2 2 01 73 s 2
105 I
0.95 L42 to NL Mean L20 to NL mD_ LtoNL -*
0 85
0.8 L 0
11. Ratio
20 25 Number of episodes
An independent t-test was performed to compare the mean L20 performance to the performance in the H condition. The test showed that the performance of the learning system was poorer than the performance of the system using hand-coded associations after 15 episodes at a Type I error (oy) value of 0.05. Thus, the learning in Meta-TS was better than in the NL condition, but poorer than in the H condition. Speed of problem solving: Figures 12 and 13 compare the speed of the solution process (measured by the number of intermediate steps) with the various learning conditions, relative to the hand-coded and non-learning condition, respectively. The L20 and L42 conditions consistently arrive at the diagnostic result faster than the H condition. The L condition takes about 20 problem episodes to reach the same speed as that of the H condition and then, consistently arrives at the diagnostic result faster than the H condition. At the end of the 42 problem episodes, the ratios of the learning conditions to the hand-coded conditions are: 1.52 (L42 to H), 1.24 (L20 to H), and 1.06 (L to H). Compared to the non-learning version of the program, all three learning conditions, L42, L20, and L, consistently arrived at the diagnostic result faster than the NL condition. At the end of the 42 problem episodes, the ratios of the learning conditions to the hand-coded conditions were 1.75 (L42 to H), 1.41 (L20 to H), and 1.20 (L to H).
1.3 1
1.2 -
I.1 -
0.5 0
I 5 IO
I 15
I 30
I 35
I 40
20 25 Number of episodes
to learning
in terms
of number
Discussion: The results of the quantitative evaluation can be summarized as follows: The multistrategy learning module in Meta-TS clearly contributes to enhanced system performance in the troubleshooting task; this improvement is statistically significant. Compared with the nonlearning system with no hand-coded associations, the associative knowledge learned by Meta-TS increases the accuracy of the diagnostic result and speeds up the problemsolving process. The performance of Meta-TS further increases when it is trained on similar problems before it is applied to novel problems. The associative knowledge learned by Meta-TS enables it to arrive at the same solution as that of the system with the hand-coded associative knowledge between 89% and 94% of the time. Although Meta-TS is faster than the hand-coded version, it was also seen that Meta-TS, with the various learning strategies, did not outperform the system with the hand-coded associations in terms of the accuracy of diagnostic result. That may be so for two reasons. First, so as not to spoon-feed the system and possibly invalidate the results, the supervisory input given to the system throughout the evaluation process was very minimal. Thus, the expert input to the system for either the 20 or 42 problem-solving episodes may not have enabled Meta-TS to obtain all the associations that an operator
in the plant obtains over a period of several months of task performance. Second, the implemented system does not contain all the learning strategies that a human operator uses. However, given the learning architecture used in Meta-TS, it is possible to incorporate additional learning strategies, once identified, into the system. 4.2 Qualitative Evaluation We also evaluated Meta-TS using various qualitative metrics. We compared the learned associations with the hand-coded associations, the solution process of a human operator to that of Meta-TS on the same problems, and the methods and knowledge used by Meta-TS to troubleshoot and learn to those used by human operators. The results are as follows:
knowledge: We compared the associative knowledge learned by Meta-TS while troubleshooting the 42 test boards to the hand-coded associations in the original problem-solving system. Meta-TS learned 33% of the hand-coded associations. It was unable to learn some of the hand-coded associations, as it did not encounter them in the training or test problem set. (Recall that the hand-coded associations were based on more than 300 problem-solving episodes.) Meta-TS also learned other associations that did not correspond to the hand-coded ones, which enabled it to perform better in terms of the speed of the solution process. Quality of the learned associative Comparison of the solution process: We compared the process of arriving at a solution in Meta-TS and operator troubleshooting processes from the verbal protocols. The L20 condition was used in this comparison, as it best represents a fairly trained operator because of the training input discussed earlier. We divided the problems into two sets. Difficult problems included those in which Meta-TS was unable to arrive at the correct solution or those which required several intermediate problem-solving steps. In about 50% of these problems, human operators also spent a considerable time in troubleshooting. The remaining problems were considered easy for Meta-TS. In about 8070 of these, human operators also arrived at the correct solution fairly quickly. of troubleshooting knowledge and learning processes: As discussed earlier, human operators rely predominantly on shallow reasoning methods using heuristic and context-sensitive associative knowledge in this Comparison J In the experiments discussed above, Meta-TS asked for supervisory input in 9 out of the 42 episodes, and supervisory input was provided in 5 of those episodes (i.e., about half the time). Thus, supervisory input was actually obtained in about 12% of the troubleshooting episodes. While this is reasonable for the purposes of evaluating our model, the actual percentages vary according to factors beyond the scope of our model, such as the nature of the professional relationship between the novice troubleshooter and the expert supervisor.
task domain. This is modeled through the use of heuristic and associative knowledge in the troubleshooting model. Furthermore, human operators learn associative knowledge through experience in the task by several means. They may obtain input from expert troubleshooters. Also, they may notice a recurring problem and may then form an association between the input and the diagnostic result. In some situations, when immediate input from an expert is not available, they may place the PCB with the ICT reading aside and then attempt to obtain supervisory input at a later time when they encounter a similar problem. All these means of learning associative knowledge by human operators are reflected by the various learning strategies in Meta-TS, as discussed earlier. The strategies are integrated through the introspective learning architecture of the system. 4.3 Generality of the Model In addition to evaluating Meta-TS itself, we need to evaluate the generality and flexibility of the underlying model of introspective multistrategy learning. We are performing another case study in a task domain that is very different from the one discussed in this article. The Meta-AQUA system, presented in Ram and Cox (1994), uses deep causal knowledge to understand natural language stories. The performance task in this system is that of causal and motivational analysis of conceptual input to infer coherence-creating structures that tie the input together. Meta-AQUA is an introspective multistrategy learning system that improves its ability to understand stories consisting of sequences of descriptions of states and actions performed by characters in the real world. The system is based on the AQUA system (Ram, 1991, 1993), which is a computational model of an active reader. MetaAQUA uses the same theory of introspective multistrategy learning to allow the system to recover from, and to learn from, several types of reasoning failures through an introspective analysis of its performance on the story understanding task. In both AQUA and Meta-AQUA, reading is viewed as an active, goaldriven process in which the reasoning system focuses attention on what it needs to know and attempts to learn by pursuing its goals to acquire information (Ram, 1991). Such a system models the hypothetical metacognitive reader discussed by Weinert (1987), who perceives a gap in his knowledge, . . . attempt@] to take notes on the relevant information, to understand it, undertakes learning activities from a written text, examines how his assessment of his own knowledge structures compares with his expectations about the demands of an uncoming performance task, and can tell us about his preferred learning strategies, and his evaluation of his own situation and the possible consequences [p. 71. While reasoning in this task domain is very different from the often shallow diagnostic processes used in assembly line manufacturing, and the two use very different kinds of knowl-
edge, it is possible to use the same model of introspective multistrategy learning in both task domains (Ram, Cox, & Narayanan, 1995). Although further details of Meta-AQUA are outside the scope of this article, we introduce the system here as further computational evidence of the generality of our approach. 4.4 Limitations of the Model While we have achieved a reasonable degree of success in modeling human troubleshooters as they learn and gain experience on an assembly line, our model also has several limitations. Some of these limitations are due to the level of granularity of the introspective multistrategy learning theory; this issue is discussed further towards the end of this section and in Section 5.2. Here, we discuss limitations in our use of the theory as a computational model of human troubleshooting, including limitations arising from the computational framework used to develop Meta-TS, and limitations due to the current implementations of the Meta-TS program. Implementational limitations are, perhaps, the least important. For example, our current implementation of the method for interactive transfer of expertise during supervised learning is very simple. We were interested in the integration of multiple learning methods into a single system and less so, in developing new learning algorithms. If better learning algorithms were developed, they could be incorporated into Meta-TS with relative ease. Similarly, the implementation of forgetting simply involves deletion of an association; clearly, forgetting by human beings is a much much complex process (e.g., Cox, 1994). Other such simplifications have been pointed out in the preceding technical discussion. It is interesting to note, however, that Meta-TS can model many aspects of the human data even with these simplifications. Meta-TS is also limited in certain ways as a computational model of human troubleshooting. Our model focuses on ICT troubleshooting operators who routinely work on testing and repair, and does not model technicians or engineers who are, for example, called in to help with this task on certain occasions, such as when a very difficult problem is encountered. Although expert technicians and engineers may also rely on associative and heuristic knowledge similar to that observed in our study, they may also use other kinds of knowledge, such as topographic models or causal knowledge. For example, Hale (1992) shows that human beings use both weak causal heuristics and domain-specific knowledge in learning symptom-fault associations in causal domains. Senyk, Patil, and Sonnenberg (1989) argue that in medical diagnosis, experienced diagnosticians apply a variety of reasoning techniques, ranging from the association of symptoms and diseases to causal principles about diseases and first-principle analysis grounded in basic science. Based on research in process control, maintenance, and medicine,
Rasmussen (1993) outlines the importance of causal knowledge related to the mental model of human operators during problem solving. While the Meta-TS framework permits extension of the model, the current model does not represent this kind of knowledge, Consequently, the model is limited to situations in which the shallow reasoning methods are sufficient and may not be directly useful for situations where deeper knowledge of the domain is necessary (e.g_, situations in which the root cause of the problem is to be found). Another limitation of the current model is its simplified view of the troubleshooters interaction with the environment. This interaction not only includes expert-novice interaction in supervised learning situations, but also includes interaction with the equipment and artifacts in the environment that the troubleshooter is situated in. In particular, our modeI focuses on cognitive processing and not on situated interactions; whiie the former is important, the relationship between the two is an important issue for future research. Finally, while the learning strategies used in Meta-TS are similar to those used by a typical trained operator, and the overall learning behavior of Meta-TS is also comparabfe with that of a human operator, our analysis does not provide a detailed comparison with human thought processes on individual problems. In particular, an a given set of problems, we have neither shown that an individual human operator formulates the particular reasoning traces that Meta-TS does, nor that he or she selects the particular learning strategies that Meta-TS does on each problem in that set. Such a comparison is extremely difficult since the specifies of a reasoning trace, and the corresponding choice of a learning strategy, depend on the domain knowledge and level of expertise of the troubleshooter, the prior problems encountered, the availability of an human expert, and other details. Furthermore, it is unclear how one could obtain protocols of human troubleshooters that specified their reasoning traces or their strategy selection decisions in sufficient detail to permit direct comparison on individual problem-solving episodes at the level af granularity of the computational model. Thus, Meta-TS should be viewed as a model of a typical troubleshooting operator in a typical assembly line environment, and not as a detailed mode! of a specific individual operator solving a specific set of problems.
6 A recent article by Pirolli and Reeker (X99.5)presents a methodology used to obtain and analyze human protocols of metacognitive behavior during troubleshooting LISP programs and the consequent effects on (earning. Although the Iearning strategies of concernto them are at a different Ievd of granularity than the ones modeled in Meta-TS, their methods and results are encouraging and not ~nc~mmensurabIe with those presented here. Likewise, YanLehn and Jones (1993) analysis of protocol data from students studying physics revealed learning events that were modeled using their Cascade system. Although this research focuses primarily on processes of learning and not on those of metscognitive reasoning, VanLehn (personal communication, July 1994) has recently performed a fine-grained analysis of these learning events and found a taxonomy related to the introspective multistrategy learning theory proposed here.
5. DISCUSSION AND RELATED RESEARCH Diagnostic problem-solving has been studied by several researchers in cognitive science, artificial intelligence, psychology, and human-machine systems engineering. Specifically, there has been much work on troubleshooting in real-world domains, including that of Bereiter and Miller (1989) in computer-controlled automotive manufacturing. Govindaraj and Su (1988) in marine power plants, Katz and Anderson (1987) in program debugging, Kuipers and Kassirer (1984) in medicine, Maxion (1985) in fault-tolerant hardware systems, and Rasmussen (1984) in industrial process control. Much of this work was based on studies of human problem-solving. Rouse and Hunt (1984) discuss various models of operator troubleshooting based on experimental studies in simulated fault diagnosis tasks and present implications for training and aiding operators in these tasks. Research in artificial intelligence has resulted in computational models of knowledge-based diagnosis (e.g., Chandrasekaran, 1988) and qualitative reasoning (e.g., deKleer & Williams, 1987). A detailed review of research in human troubleshooting and diagnostic problem-solving is outside the focus of this article, which is concerned with issues in learning and introspection. In the remainder of this section, we will summarize related issues from the artificial intelligence and psychology literature. 5.1 Artificial Intelligence, Metareasoning and Multistrategy Learning There are several fundamental problems to be solved before we can build intelligent systems capable of general multistrategy learning, including: determining the cause of a reasoning failure (blame assignment), deciding what to learn (learning goal formuIation), and selecting the best learning strategies to pursue these learning goals (strategy selection). We maintain that a general, multistrategy learning system that can determine its own learning goals and learn using multiple learning strategies requires the ability to reflect, or introspect, about its own reasoning processes and knowledge. Pollock (1989) distinguishes between knowledge about the facts that one knows and knowledge about ones motivations, beliefs and processes. Introspective multistrategy learning is based on the both kinds of metaknowledge; that is, we argue that introspective access to explicit representations of knowledge and of reasoning processes is essential in making decisions about what and how to learn. One form of introspection that has been implemented in many systems is the use of reasoning traces to represent problem-solving performance. An early example of this approach was Sussmans (1975) HACKER program. Reasoning trace information has primarily been used for blame assignment (e.g., Birnbaum et al,, 1990) and for speedup Iearning (e-g., Mitcheli, Keller,
& Kedar-Cabelli, 1986). In addition, we propose that such information, suitably augmented with the kinds of knowledge represented in our Introspective Meta-XP structures, can be used as the basis for the selection of learning strategies in a multistrategy learning system. Many research projects in AI have demonstrated the advantages of representing knowledge about the world in a declarative manner. Similarly, our research shows that declarative knowledge about reasoning can be beneficial. The approach is novel because it allows strategy selection systems to reason about themselves and make decisions that would normally be hard-coded into their programs by the designer, adding considerably to the power of such systems. Meta-reasoning has been shown to be useful in planning and understanding systems (e.g., Stefik, 1981; Wilensky, 1984). Our research shows that meta-reasoning is useful in multistrategy learning, as well. To realize this ability, our model incorporates algorithms for learning and introspection, as well as representational methods that allow a system to represent and reason about its meta-models. From the artificial intelligence point of view, our approach is similar to other approaches based on reasoning traces (e.g., Carbonell, 1986; Minton, 1988) or justification structures (e.g., Birnbaum et al., 1990; deKleer et al., 1977; Doyle, 1979), and to other approaches that use characterizations of reasoning failures for blame assignment and/or multistrategy learning (e.g., Mooney & Ourston, 1991; Park & Wilkins, 1990; Stroulia & Goel, 1992). A major difference between these approaches and ours is our use of explicit representational structures (Introspective Meta-XPs) to represent classes of learning situations along with the types of learning needed in those situations, a type of knowledge that is crucial in multistrategy learning systems. Other types of knowledge may also be important in multistrategy learning systems. For example, Pazzanis (1991) OCCAM system has generalized knowledge about physical causality that is used to guide multistrategy learning. In contrast, we propose specific knowledge about classes of learning situations that can be used to guide learning strategy selection. Integration of these and other approaches is still an open research issue. Approaches to multistrategy learning fall into four broad categories, which we call strategy selection models, toolbox models, cascade models, and single mechanism models. The common element in all these approaches is the use of multiple learning methods to allow the reasoning system to learn in multiple types of learning situations. In strategy selection models, the reasoning system has access to several learning strategies, each represented as a separate algorithm or method. Learning involves an explicit decision stage in which the appropriate learning strategy is identified, followed by a strategy application stage in which the corresponding algorithm is executed. Methods for strategy selection also differ. Pazzanis (1991) OCCAM system, for example, tries each learning
strategy in a pre-defined order until an applicable one is found; Reichs (1994) BRIDGER system uses a task analysis of the problem-solving task to determine the appropriate learning strategies for each stage of the task; Hunters (199Oa) INVESTIGATOR system represents prerequisites for application of each learning strategy, and Ram and Coxs (1994) MetaAQUA system uses characterizations of reasoning failures to determine what to learn and, in turn, the learning strategies to use to learn it. Toolbox mode/s are similar to strategy selection models in that they, too, incorporate several learning strategies into a single system. The difference is that these strategies are viewed as tools that can be invoked by the user to perform different types of learning. The tools, themselves, are available for use by other tools; thus, learning strategies may be organized as coroutines. An example of this approach is Moriks (1991) MOBAL system, in which learning occurs through the cooperation of several learning tools with each other and with the user. Another example of the toolbox class is the PRODIGY system (Carbonell, Knoblock, & Minton, 1991). This system combines explanation-based learning, case-based (analogical) learning, abstraction, experimentation, static analysis, and tutoring. However, the system is designed as a research test-bed for analyzing and comparing various methods, rather than as a system that chooses a learning method itself. Instead, the experimenter chooses a learning module to run against a given problemsolving test suite. In cascade models, two or more learning strategies are cascaded sequenttially, with the output of one strategy serving as the input to another. For example, Danyluks (1991) GEMINI system uses a cascade of explanationbased learning, conceptual clustering, and rule induction strategies, in that order, to combine analytical and empirical learning into a single learning system. Clearly, these categories of models are not exclusive of each other (e.g., a strategy selection system may choose to cascade learning strategies in certain circumstances), but they serve to characterize the major ways in which learning strategies may be integrated. Finally, single mechanism models use a single underlying mechanism as a weak method which can perform different types of learning, depending on the situation. Examples of such models are Laird, Rosenbloom and Newells (1986) SOAR, and Tecuci and Michalskis (1991) MTL. These approaches are sometimes contrasted with multistrategy approaches in that, although they provide multiple methods for learning when characterized at a theoretical level, only a single learning algorithm is implemented in the computer model. As discussed earlier, however, it is still important to characterize the learning strategies that are implemented by (or that emerge
The analogy module of PRODIGY is currently being modified to integrate both EBL and abstraction with case-based learning using a cascade model (Veloso & Carbonell, 1994).
from) the single mechanism, and the circumstances under which different strategies are used by the system, even in such systems as those above. Our approach is an example of a strategy selection model. To develop a computer program that can deal with the complexities of real-world troubleshooting, the system must deal with an incomplete world model, dynamic changes in the world, which renders part of the world model obsolete, and multiple forms of knowledge (much of it shallow). This requires the integration of multiple learning methods (inductive, analytical, and interactive) in both supervised and unsupervised situations. Our experience with the MetaTS system shows that a strategy selection architecture can deal effectively with such problems. Furthermore, our approach provides a general framework for integrating multiple learning methods. The learning strategies are not dependent on the domain, but are, however, dependent on the types of knowledge used in the performance task. 5.2 Psychology, Metacognition and Human Learning Much of the metaknowledge research in artificial intelligence has focused on knowledge about knowledge, or knowledge about the facts that one does or does not know (e.g., Barr, 1979; Davis, 1979; Davis & Buchanan, 1977). Much of the metacognition research in psychology has also focused on similar issues, in particular, on cognitive processs, strategies, and knowledge having the self as referent. Of particular interest is psychological research on metamemory which includes, in addition to knowledge about knowledge, knowledge about memory in general and about the peculiarities of ones own memory abilities (Weinert, 1987). The empirical results obtained from the Meta-TS system support the claim that metaknowledge should also include knowledge about reasoning and learning strategies. Experimental results in the metacognition literature suggest that introspective reasoning can facilitate reasoning and learning. For example, Delclos and Harrington (1991) report that subject conditions with general problemsolving skill training and those with both problem-solving and metacognitive skill training perform equally well on a logical problem-solving task. With greater task complexity, however, participants with the problem-solving and metacognitive training perform better than either a control group or the group with problem-solving training, alone. Swanson (1990) establishes the independence of general problem aptitude from metacognitive ability. Individuals with relatively high metacognitive ability, but low aptitude, often compensate for low aptitude by using metacognitive skills, so that their performance is equivalent to that of subjects with higher aptitude. Our research extends these results by specifying computational mechanisms for metacognitive processing, focusing in particular on the selection and use of learning strategies.
There are at least three important ways that metacognitive knowledge and capabilities bear on work in introspective learning. First, and foremost, is the emphasis on cognitive self-monitoring. This behavior is a humans ability to read their own mental states during cognitive processing (Flavell & Wellman, 1977; Nelson & Narens, 1990; Wellman, 1983). Thus, there is a moment-by-moment understanding of the content of ones own mind, and an internal feedback for the cognition being performed and a judgement of progress (or lack thereof). Psychological studies have confirmed a positive effect between metamemory and memory performance in cognitive monitoring situations (Schneider, 1985; Wellman, 1983). This directly supports the hypothesis that there must be a review phase when reasoning or a parallel review process that introspects to some degree about the performance element in a cognitive system. Second, our Meta-XP theory places a heavy emphasis on explicit representation. Trains of thought, as well as the products of thought, are represented as metaknowledge structures, and computation is not simply calculated results from implicit side-effects of processing. This emphasis echoes Chis (1987) arguments that to understand knowledge organization and to examine research issues there must be some representational framework. Although diverging from the framework suggested by Chi, Meta-XP theory provides a robust form to represent knowledge about knowledge and process. For example, Meta-XPs can represent the difference between remembering and forgetting (Cox, 1994; Cox & Ram, 1992a). Since forgetting is the absence of a successful retrieval (i.e., a mental event which did not occur), forgetting is difficult to represent in most frameworks. An explicit representation of it, however, has been formulated in the Meta-AQUA system mentioned earlier, and used to reorganize memory indexes when forgetting occurs. Moreover, forgetting is an important issue in additional machine learning (Markovitch & Scott, 1988) and cognitive psychology (Mensink & Raaijmakers, 1988; Wellman & Johnson, 1979) research. Meta-TS implements a simple form of forgetting in which obsolete knowledge is deleted, once it is identified. Finally, because the approach taken by the introspective learning paradigm clearly addresses the issue of memory organization, it can assign blame to errors that occur from mis-indexed knowledge structures and poorly organized memory. Although Meta-TS does not need to deal directly with the misindexed knowledge problem,* extensions of this approach to other types of tasks and domains may need to do so, particularly if deep knowledge is required. Memory organization of suspended goals, background knowledge,
8 In some formulations, the applicability conditions of associative or other rule-like knowledge are viewed as indices to that piece of knowledge; in that sense, deletion of an association could be thought of as removal of mis-indexed knowledge. However, Meta-TS does not deal with incorrect indices in the case-based reasoning sense (e.g., Ram, 1993).
and reasoning strategies are as important in determining the cause of a reasoning failure as are the goals, propositions and strategies themselves (Ram, Cox, & Narayanan, 1995). Thus, memory retrieval and encoding issues are relevant in deciding what to learn and which learning strategy is appropriate. This claim is supported by the metamemory communitys focus on organizational features of memory and their relation to the human ability to know what they know, even in the face of an unsuccessful memory retrieval. Extending the Meta-TS model to include a cognitive model of human memory (including memory organization) is an important issue for future research. One of the major differences between the manner in which humans learn and that in which machines do is that humans perform dynamic metacognitive monitoring, or self-evaluation. Humans often know when they are making progress in problem solving, even if they are far from a solution, and they know when they have sufficiently learned something with respect to some goal (Weinert, 1987). They know how to allocate mental resources and can judge when learning is over. Many of the above reviews (e.g., Chi, 1987; Schneider, 1985; Wellman, 1983) cite evidence for such claims. Research in Meta-XP theory is a step in the direction in adding this metacognitive monitoring capability to AI systems, but this is beyond the capabilities of the present implementation of Meta-TS. It should be noted that the learning strategies represented in Meta-TS, or other strategy selection programs such as Meta-AQUA, are at a final level of granularity than those examined by much of psychology. For example, it would be misleading to assert that the types of learning strategies studied by the metacognition community are similar to index learning, explanationbased generalization, and other learning strategies used in Meta-AQUA, although Meta-TSs strategies are closer in content to the cognitively plausible learning methods suggested by Anderson (1989) and others. Instead, metacognition research focuses on a persons choice of strategic behaviors at the level of cue elaboration, category grouping, and target rehearsal (in memory tasks); re-reading of text, question generation, and keyword search (in text interpretation tasks); or solution checking, saving intermediate results in an external representation, and comprehension monitoring (in problemsolving tasks). However, many of the results from research on metacognition do support the overall approach taken in this paper, that of using introspection to support the selection of appropriate strategies in different situations. Although we are currently building computer systems at what might be called the micro-level, it would be desirable eventually to build systems that integrate the kinds of behavior exhibited by human learners at the macro-level as well. Finally, we would like to emphasize that our model of learning is agnostic about the issue of consciousness. Weinert (1987) argues convincingly that
consciousness is a persistent unsolved problem in metacognition. However, we make no claims about when people are aware of their introspection, nor that active, strategic learning necessarily implies a conscious process. We would expect some of the processing in our model to be deliberative and conscious, especially when the reasoning system becomes aware of a failure in its reasoning process, but it is evident that people possess and use metacognitive knowledge of which they are sometimes not aware. This issue is beyond the scope of, and orthogonal to, the point of this article; the computational model presented here may be used to take an intentional stance (Dennett, 1987) towards the learning process in which the competence of the learner is modeled using goals, learning decisions, learning actions, and so forth as the basic theoretical constructs, independent of the degree of conscious self-awareness of these processes in human thought. 6. PRAGMATIC IMPLICATIONS OF THE MODEL FOR EDUCATION While Meta-TS is intended as a model of learning, our results have several pragmatic implications for the design of interactive learning environments. Major issues in developing an intelligent tutoring system include what to teach and how to teach; specific points of importance are the student model, the teacher model, the organization of knowledge, the simulation of the task, and the interface to the learner (Psotka, Massey, & Mutter, 1988; Spohrer & Kleiman, 1992). Our research suggests that it would be valuable to teach shallow troubleshooting knowledge, including context-specific associative knowledge and general heuristic knowledge. Furthermore, because our model of learning involves reasoning about actual troubleshooting experiences and active pursuit of identified learning goals through multiple learning strategies, we suggest that novice troubleshooters be placed in simulated or actual problem-solving situations and encouraged to reason about what they are doing, and why they are doing it. This approach is consistent with recent approaches suggested in the educational literature. For example, in Scardamalia and Bereiters (1991) Teacher C model, the teacher is concerned with helping students formulate their own goals, do their own activation of prior knowledge, ask their own questions, direct their own inquiry, and do their own monitoring of comprehension. Redmond (1992) suggests a similar approach to learning through apprenticeship. His model is implemented in the CELIA system, which observes an expert troubleshooter (in this case, a car mechanic) solving the given problem, reasons explicitly about how it would solve the same problem, and determines what it needs to learn in order to be able to explain and predict the experts behavior based on the differences between the experts problem-solving processes and its own.
Several researchers have proposed simulation environments in which students play roles that are connected to their goals, and whose successful completion requires acquisition of the skills to be taught (e.g., Schank, Fano, Jona, & Bell, 1994; Shute, Glaser, & Raghavan, 1988; van Berkum, Hijne, de Jong, van Joolingen, & Njoo, 1991). Van Berkum and his colleagues, for example, identify four aspects of the design of such systems: simulation models, learning goals, learning processes, and learning activity. In their model, students pursue learning goals with three dimensions: the type of knowledge, the representation of that knowledge, and the generality and applicability of that knowledge. Learning occurs through interaction with simulated environments using four types of learning actions (orientation, hypothesis generation, testing, and evaluation) which are guided by the learning goals. The learning model implemented in Meta-TS provides a basis for the design of such learning environments. In particular, we suggest that these environments provide facilities to encourage students to introspect, question, and explore. Exploring the relationship between learning and education is a fruitful direction for future research. 7. CONCLUSIONS We have presented a computational framework for introspective multistrategy learning, which is a deliberative or strategic learning process in which a reasoner introspects about its own performance to decide what to learn and how to learn it. The reasoner introspects about its own performance on a reasoning task, assigns credit or blame for its performance, identifies what it needs to learn to improve its performance, formulates learning goals to acquire the required knowledge, and pursues its learning goals using multiple learning strategies. In this article, we have presented a model of human troubleshootng based on this framework, focusing in particular on the learning aspects of the model. The model is implemented in a computer program which models human troubleshooters and also provides a case study in the use of the computational framework for the design of multistrategy machine learning systems. Our approach relies on a declarative representation of meta-models for reasoning and learning. The resulting computational model represents a novel combination of metacognition and multistrategy learning and provides a framework for cognitive modeling, as well as for the design of artificial intelligence systems. In this article, we have presented a particular case study of an introspective multistrategy learning system for the complex task of diagnostic problemsolving on the assembly line of a real-world manufacturing plant. The research was based on observations of troubleshooting operators and protocol analysis of the data gathered in the test area of an operational electronics manufacturing plant. The model was implemented in a computer
system, Meta-TS, which uses multiple types of knowledge to troubleshoot printed-circuit boards that fail in the test area. Meta-TS was evaluated on a series of troubleshooting problems, including actual problems encountered by the human operators in the manufacturing plant. The results were evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively to determine the efficacy of the learning methods, as well as to compare the model to human data. The results show that the model can be computationally justified as a uniform, extensible framework for muhistrategy learning, and cognitively justified as a plausible model of human learning.
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