Word Patterns
Word Patterns
Word Patterns
GOOD DICTIONARY SHOWS WORD PRONUNCIATION - REGIONAL ASSEMBLY OF TEXT - VANCOUVER Vocabulary is more than simply learning and memorizing the definition of lots of words. It is learning patterns to increase your vocabulary by many words. Learning to use new vocabulary words in English requires that students also learn the way the word changes its spelling, depending on how it is used in a sentence. Therefore, rather than learning one new word at a time, smart students learn a pattern of spelling, pronunciation, and form changes. In this article is presented the pattern of verbs that end with the letters A T E.
Vocabulary Pattern 1: Words with ATE Numerous words in English end in the three letters A T E. Twenty such words are listed below. They are written to show where the syllables begin and end. The syllable that gets the stress, or emphasis, has an apostrophe at the end of that syllable. Say each syllable clearly, being sure to lean on the stressed syllable. Reading the list out loud will help you expand your word power.
Four-Syllable ATE Words Each of the ten words in this first list consists of four syllables, with the stress on the second syllable. It is useful to first learn to pronounce these words, as a pattern. After this step, the smart learner will practice saying the noun form, ending in T I O N. Go down the list, being sure to say each syllable clearly, and leaning on the stressed, second, syllable. Be sure to pronounce the A as a long A, meaning you say the name of the vowel, as in the word, Day.
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ar tic' u late e luc' i date ges tic' u late in tim' i date in sin' u ate il lum' in ate hal lu' cin ate ma nip' u late re sus' c itate Three-Syllable ATE Words All ten words in this the following list consist of three syllables, with the stress on the first syllable. Again, practice going down and saying the whole list, concentrating on clearly saying each syllable and leaning on, or emphasizing, the first syllable.
pop' u late ru' min ate stim' u late sal' i vate vac' il late in' un date im' i tate fas' cin ate fluc' tu ate grad' u ate Changing the Words in this Pattern from Verbs to Nouns All 20 words above - and most words that end in ATE - are verbs. Their spelling - or form - changes, depending on how the word is used in a sentence. When words are used as the SUBJECT of a sentence,
they must be in the NOUN form. To form the noun of all ATE words, drop the final 'e' and add ION. The resulting suffix - TION - is pronounced SHUN.
Notice also that the stress moves to the third syllable, pronounced LAY, witha long 'A.'
MORE ON THIS TOPIC English Spelling Pattern for Vocabulary Building English Pronunciation Pattern for Vocabulary Building A Selection of the Best Websites With English Language Exercises Study the list below. Practice saying the noun forms given. Then write the other noun forms, and say the whole list. Be sure to change the stress to the third syllable.
pop' u late - pop u LA tion ru' min ate stim' u late - stim u LA tion sal' i vate vac' il late in' un date im' i tate - im i TA tion fas' cin ate fluc' tu ate grad' u ate - grad u A tion The same pattern of stress occurs in the four-syllable words: To change the ATE verb to a noun, drop the final 'e', and add ION. Move the stress to the LA syllable.
These two following sentences each use a form of the four-syllable ATE word, Disseminate:
Newspapers disseminate information about what is happening in our community. Dissemination of factual news is important in a democracy. In sentence #1 above, disseminate is the VERB of the sentence. In sentence #2 the spelling of disseminate is changed so it can be used as the SUBJECT, so the form must be changed to a NOUN. Notice that to change disseminate from a verb to a noun, we simply drop the final 'e' and add ion. That is exactly the way all the words above change from a verb to a noun:
Mary graduates this year. Her graduation is an important event. Children imitate the way their parents talk. This imitation is important in language development. Insects fascinate me. My fascination with spiders bothers my girlfriend. Try writing the NOUN form of the rest of the words in the lists.
Pronounce and Hear Words Before Learning Definitions Language learners are often very eager to learn and memorize word definitions. But then they use the word incorrectly in sentences. For this reason, it is better to learn the various forms, and then learn the definitions.
Word Study Includes Pronunciation and Form Changes After hearing and saying the words, look up two or three of the words -- always the shortest form -- in a good dictionary. Increasing one's vocabulary is about more than memorizing definitions. It is also about pronunciation, changing form of the word as necessary, and experiencing how knowing one word in a pattern helps the learner to remember and use many other words that use the same pattern.
Read more at Suite101: English Word Patterns for Pronunciation and Vocabulary Building | Suite101.com http://suite101.com/article/powerful-vocabulary---multiplying-your-word-powera343630#ixzz1y0TCo4CU