Thawab Okarwi
Thawab Okarwi
Thawab Okarwi
Types of Worship
There are three types of worship, and they are: 1- Physical that which is connected to the physical aspect, e.g. the recitation of the Physical: Noble Quraan, the tasb (praising God the Exalted) and tahll (acclamation of God the Exalted), the du (supplication) and istighfr (repenting), and the alh (prayer) and awm (fasting), etc. 2- Financial that which is connected to the financial and monetary aspect, e.g. the Financial: zakh (mandatory almsgiving), the adaqt (charities) and khayrt (philanthropies), etc. 3- Combined (Physical and Financial) that which is a combination of both the Financial): physical and financial aspects, e.g. the ajj (annual pilgrimage to the sanctified city of Makkah al-Mukarramah to perform various religious rites), in which both the physique of an individual is necessary to reach Makkah al-Mukarramah in order to perform the rites of ajj, as well as the monetary expenditure that goes with it. Of all these different types of worship, when a Muslim performs even one type with sincerity, Allh , by His divine grace and affection, blesses him with thawb (reward). The question that arises here is that whether one Muslim may confer the reward of his own performance of worship to another Muslim who has deceased, or not. (In other words, can one Muslim convey the reward of his own performance of worship to the deceased soul of another Muslim?) The belief of the Mutazila1 is that neither the reward and nor any benefit thereof reaches the dead. On the contrary, the majority [of the Muslims, that is], the Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamah believe that the reward reaches them, and that the deceased also benefits from such reward.
Mutazila: name of a theological school which introduced speculative dogmatism into Islm.
Although the Mutazila cease to exist today, but, unfortunately, there have appeared within the Muslims, [some] people, who reject the fact of l al-Thawb (the conveying of reward). To declare faith in the Blessed Qurn and the Noble adth, whilst at the same time to reject the reality of the l al-Thawb, are beliefs of a contradictory nature. These people believe in the teachings of the Glorious Qurn and the Blessed adth, and it is astonishing that whilst declaring faith and actions in these two, however, have they managed to reject the reality of l al-Thawb, and with it they have rejected the benefits thereof. Such people should analyse the following pieces of evidence (with respect to the truth of l alThawb) in accordance with the teachings of the Majestic Qurn and the Honourable adth), and reconsider their position.
wa l-ladhna j min-badi-him yaqlna: Rabba-na ghfir la-n wa li-ikhwni-na lladhna sabaqn bil-mn (The Majestic Qurn 59:10) (And those who came after them, they say: Our Lord! Forgive us and (forgive) our brothers who have preceded us in faith.) In this verse, Allh has stated the noble act of the Muslims with commendation and praise. He praises them for their seeking of forgiveness for themselves as well as for their Muslim brothers who have passed away before them. It has been proved that the du, or supplication, is the essence of worship, and therefore, it has been proven that the worship of those alive can be of benefit to the dead. If this, now, is not accepted, then we may say that the du and istighfr (supplication and seeking of forgiveness) by the Muslims in the favour of their deceased brothers is futile and a waste of
time. Likewise, we shall also have to believe that (May Allh safeguard us from believing so) that the Blessed Qurn praises and prefers useless and time-wasting acts. This, therefore, proves that the supplication and seeking of forgiveness by living Muslims for the deceased Muslims is a means of forgiveness and exaltation of status for the latter. 4- Imm Jalluddn al-Suy says:
wa qad naqala ghayru widin al-ijmu al anna al-dua yanfaul-mayyita, wa dalluhu mina l-qurni qawlu-Hu tal: wal-ladhna j min-badi-him yaqlna Rabba-na ghfir la-n wa li-ikhwni-na l-ladhna (Shar al-udr, pp.127) (And on this issue, many scholars have transmitted a consensus (ijm) that the supplication definitely benefits the deceased and it is supported by the saying of Allh tal in the Qurn: And those who came after them, they say: Our Lord! Forgive us and (forgive) our brothers who have preceded us in faith. (59:10)) 5- Allh la-Hu l-amatu wa l-kibriyu mentions the supplication of Prophet Ibrhm with praise in the Magnificent Qurn: Rabba-na ghfir-l wa li-wlidayya wa lil-muminna yawma yaqmu l-isb (The Blessed Qurn 14:41) (Our Lord! Forgive me and my parents and the Faithful on the day when the reckoning is done.) Here, Prophet Ibrhm is supplicating to Allh for the forgiveness of his deceased parents2 and for [all] the Muslims. Du (Supplication) is worship, and the worship of Prophet Ibrhm will definitely benefit his parents and the Muslims; otherwise his supplication would prove useless. Would it be, then, adequate to say that such a high-ranking prophet as Prophet Ibrhm indulged in an act that was futile, and that the Glorious Qurn mentioned something to us that is of no use? (May Allh protect us from saying so!) 6- Allh says that those angels who have the honourable duty of lifting the Throne (Arsh) of Allh the Creator, and those who surround the Throne, they praise me and glorify my Divinity, and at the same time they: wa yastaghfirna lil-ladhna man (The Noble Qur`n 40:7) (and the angels) seek forgiveness for those who have faith.) This verse tells us that the angels supplicate to Allh for the forgiveness of the Mumins (those who have faith) whilst praising and glorifying Allh Himself. How wonderful, that it is the angels who are seeking forgiveness for the Muslims, and that it is the Muslims who will benefit thereof. If their supplication goes unheard and the Muslims do not receive any benefit from their supplication, then such an act of theirs would be useless, whereas the angels are
Who were the parents of Prophet Ibrhm book titled Zikr-e-asn.
innocent and mamr min-Allh (ordained by Allh ) and that none of what they do goes fruitless. This proves that the worship of one individual can benefit another individual, with respect, undoubtedly, to the particular intention. 7- Sayyidun Abdullh ibn Abbs says that the Noble Messenger said:
m al-mayyitu f al-qabri ill ka al-gharq al-mutaghawwithi, yantairu dawatan talaqu-h min abin, aw ummin, aw akhin, aw adqin. fa-idh laiqat-hu, kna aabba ilayhi min alduny wa m f-h, wa inna Llha ta`l layudkhilu il ahl al-qubri min dui ahl al-ari amthl al-jibli, wa inna hadiyyat al-ayi ila al-amwti al-istighfru la-hum (Mishkt, pp. 206) (The situation of a deceased one in the grave is like that of someone who is drowning and yelling for help. He awaits a supplication from his father, his mother, his brother or his friend. When a supplication reaches him, then its arrival is more beloved to him than the world and whatever it contains. And indeed, Allh tala blesses, by virtue of the supplication of those of the land, to those of the graves, the reward and blessings [the size of] like those of mountains. And, obviously, the gift of those alive to those who have deceased is the [supplication of] seeking forgiveness for them.) This adth proves that the deceased awaits the supplication of istighfr, and it also proves that gifts from those alive, i.e. supplication for the seeking of forgiveness, are a means of great benefit to him. 8- It was reported by Sayyidun ibn Abbs that the Beloved Messenger said:
m min rajulin muslimin yamtu, fayaqmu al janzati-h arbana rajulan, l yushrikna bi Llhi shayan ill shaffaahum Allhu feehi (Ab Dwd) (Whenever forty Muslims, who have never committed polytheism, participate in the funeral of a Muslim, Allh accepts their intercession [made] in favour of the deceased, i.e. forgives him of his sins.) So, here we see that the intercession of forty living Muslims for a deceased Muslim, i.e. supplicating for his forgiveness, is a means for salvation. 9- Sayyidun Mlik ibn Buayrah reported that he heard the Beloved Messenger say:
m min muslimin yamtu, fa-yuall alay-hi thalaathatu afoofin min al-muslimna ill awjaba (Mishkt, pp. 147) (When three rows of congregation of Muslims gather at the funeral of a Muslim then Paradise becomes definite for him.) This is why we normally try to form three rows of congregation at a funeral. It is obvious that forming lines in a congregation and saying the funeral prayer are not acts to be done by the deceased, but rather, by others. This act of other people becomes a means of forgiveness for the deceased.
yatbau al-rajulu yawm al-qiymati min al-asanti amthl al-jibli, fa-yaqlu: ann hdh?, fa-yuqlu: bi istighfri waladika lak(a) (al-Adab al-Mufrad Li l-Bukhr, pp.9 ; Shar al-udr, pp. 127) (On the Day of Judgement, a man will be pursued by [such a vast number of] pious deeds that would [literally] resemble mountains. He will ask, Whence are these? And it will be said to him, Due to your sons seeking of forgiveness for you.) 11- Sayyidun Ab Hurayrah reported that the Noble Apostle sha'nu-Hu exalted the status of one of His pious servants: said that Allh jalla
fa-yaqlu: y Rabbi ann hdhih ?, fa-yaqlu: bi istighfri waladika lak(a) (Mishkt, pp. 256) (He [the servant] asks, O my Lord , why is this [exaltation of status] done for me? [Allh ]replies, Due to your sons seeking of forgiveness for you.) It is evident from this adth that supplicating for the seeking of forgiveness in the favour of a pious person, or for a saint, is a means of elevating his status, and if the same is done in the favour of a sinful person, then that becomes a means of easement, rather vindication of punishment from him, as we have discussed earlier. 12- It was reported by Sayyidun Anas that the Final Prophet said:
ummat ummatun marmatun, tadkhulu qubra-h bi-dhunbi-h, wa takhruju min qubri-h l dhunba alay-h, tamaaa an-h bi istighfri al-muminn(a) (Shar al-udr, pp. 128) (My nation (ummah) is a blessed nation. It will enter the graves with its sins, but it will emerge from the graves without a [sigle] sin upon it. It shall be purified [of its sins] due to the seeking of forgiveness by the faithful.) 13- The Shar Aqid Nasaf, an authoritative book in the anaf school of thought, states: wa f dui l-ayi li l-amwti aw adaqati-him an-hum nafun la-hum khilfan li almutazilah (And, contrary to [the beliefs of] the Mutazilah, the supplication of those alive for those who have deceased, or giving in charity and in good causes on their behalf, are [acts] of benefit to them.3) 14- The author of Mirqt a commentary on Mishkt, the great Imm, Sayyidun alAllmah al-Mull Al al-Qr says:
The deceased.
ittafaqa Ahl al-Sunnatial anna al-amwti yantafina min sayi al-ayi (Shar al-Fiqh al-Akbar) (The Ahlu s-Sunnah are united [on the fact] that the deceased ones benefit from the [noble] acts of those alive.) the To perform the prayer, to fast and to perform the ajj on behalf of the deceased: 15- A person presented himself in front of the Merciful Messenger and said: O Messenger of Allh ! When my parents were alive, I treated them well. Now that they have passed away, how may I do good to them? The Noble Prophet replied: inna mina l-birri an-tualliya la-hum maa alti-ka wa an-tama la-hum maa iymika (Shar al-udr, pp. 129) (For them, it is best that whilst you offer your prayer, you offer [extra] prayers on their behalf also, and when you fast [for yourself], you fast [extra] for them also.) 16- Mother of the Faithful (Umm al-Muminn), Sayyidah ishah al-iddqah raiy-Allhu tal anh says: qla raslu Llhi all-Allhu alayhi wa-sallama: man mta wa alayhi iymun, ma anhu waliyyu-h (Muslim) (The Apostle of Allh said: Whoever dies and [in such a state that] there are fasts [still] due on him, then his heir (wal ) should complete those fasts for him.) 17- Sayyidun Bardah reports from his father that he [his father] was sitting with the Blessed Messenger when came a woman. She said: O Messenger of Allh ! My mother has passed away. [She continued:] inna alay-h awmu-shahrin a-fa-amu an-h ?, qla: m an-h, qlat: inna-h lamtaujja qau, a-fa-aujju an-h ?, qla: ujj an-h (Muslim, Kitb al-awm; Ab Dwd, Kitb al-Way) (and she had a months fasting [still] due on her. Shall I fast on her behalf? The Great Messenger replied: [Yes,] fast on her behalf. She [then] said: My mother had never performed the ajj. Shall I perform the ajj on her behalf? The Noble Prophet replied: [Yes,] perform the ajj on her behalf.) The above-mentioned three adths prove that the Blessed Messenger commanded that the prayer, the fast and the ajj should be performed on behalf of the deceased. It is obvious that such performance of prayer, fast and the ajj would definitely benefit those who have passed away. If, however, the dead did not benefit from the worship of those alive, then the Final Prophet would never have allowed such worship to be performed on their behalf, but rather,
he would have told us that our worship is of no benefit to them, and that to perform an act of worship on their behalf is useless. 18- Sayyidun ibn Abbs says that a woman from the tribe of Juhaynah came to the Beloved Messenger and said: O Messenger of Allh ,: inna umm nadharat an-taujja, fa-lam-taujja att mtat, a-fa-aujju an-h ?, qla: ujj an-h (Bukhr) (My mother had pledged to perform the ajj, but unfortunately, she passed away before she could perform the ajj. Shall I perform the ajj on her behalf? (The Blessed Prophet replied: [Yes,] perform the ajj on her behalf.) Here we see that a woman had died with the burden on herself of a pledge for the performance of ajj, which, naturally, was compulsory on her. She was ultimately liable to punishment, but when her heir, who was alive, [carried out her pledge and] performed the ajj for her, she was now free from the punishment due to her. This tells us that the dead may benefit from the [noble] actions of the living, as long as that act has been carried out with the sincere intention of conferring its reward to that particular deceased person. 19- Sayyidun Abdullh ibn Umar reported that the Blessed Messenger said:
man ajja an-wliday-hi bada wafti-him, kataba Llhu la-hu itqan min al-nri, wa kna li al-majji an-hum ajra-ajjatin-tmmatin min ghayri an-yanqua min ujri-him shayun. qla raslu Llhi a: m waala dh-ramin rama-hu bi-afala min ajjatin yadkhulu-h alay-hi bada mawti-h f qabri-h (Shar al-udr, pp.129) (Whosoever performs the ajj on behalf of his parents after they have passed away, Allh notes down his exoneration from the Fire [of Hell] and he wins the reward of a complete ajj [performed by himself], whereas nothing is deducted from the reward of his parents. The Messenger of Allh said: Nothing reaches the uterine relative, in his/her grave, after his/her demise, better than the ajj performed on his/her behalf.) 20- Sayyidun Zayd ibn Arqam says that the Blessed Messenger said:
man ajja an abaway-hi wa-lam-yaujj, jaz an-hum wa bushshirat arwu-hum f alsami wa kutiba inda Llhi barran (Shar al-udr, pp.129) (Whosoever performs the ajj on behalf of his parents who did not perform the ajj, then this ajj shall be sufficient for them, and their souls in the heavens shall be given the glad tidings thereof, and the performer of the ajj shall be recorded with Allh azza wa jalla as a devout person.) 21- Sayyidun Ab Hurayrah is reported to have said that the Noble Messenger said:
man ajja an-mayyitin fa-li l-ladh ajja an-hu mithla ajri-hi (Shar al-udr, pp. 129) (Whosoever performs the ajj on behalf of a deceased person, then the performer of the ajj shall receive an equal reward as that of the deceased [on behalf of whom the ajj was performed].) 22- It is stated in the Hidyah, a famous book in the Hanaf school of thought: inna al-insna la-h an-yajala thawba amali-h li-ghayri-h altan aw awman aw ghayru-h, inda ahli s-sunnati wa l-jamati (According to the Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamah, a person may, certainly, confer the reward of his [good] action to another person, be it [the reward of] prayer, fasting or anything else [whatsoever].) 23- Sayyidun Shah Waliyyullh al-Muaddith al-Dehlaw says:
bad az-farogh dogna thawb Amr Al Hamdn ba-khwnad (Intibh f Salsili Awliyi Llh, pp.116) (When one is free, he should confer the same reward to Amr Sayyid Al Hamdn) Ftiah Khwn ahTo recite the Glorious Qurn and to do Ftiah-Khwn4 (special supplication for deceased) in favour of the deceased: 24- Sayyidun Anas reported that the Messenger of Allh said:
man dakhala l-maqbira fa-qaraa srata y-sn, khaffafa Llhu an-hum, wa kna la-hu bi-adadi man f-h asantin (Whosoever enters a cemetery and recites the Srah Y-Sn, Allh makes a concession [in punishment] for them, and He grants the amount of reward for the reciter as there are the number of buried persons.) wa qla al-qurubiyyu f adthi iqra al mawt-kum y-sn: hdh yatamilu antakna hdhihi l-qiratu inda al-mayyiti f li mawti-hi, wa yatamilu an-takna inda qabri-h (Shar al-udr, pp.130) (and Allmah al-Qurub your deceased ones, says: , with respect to the adth, Recite the Srah Y-Sn on
This (adth) could possibly mean that the recitation be made close to the deceased person whilst he/she is dying, or it could [also] possibly mean that it be made next to his/her grave.)
A ceremony in which the Srat al-Ftia, with other parts of the Noble Qurn, supplications and prayers are said, and the reward thereof is conferred to the soul of the deceased.
25- It has been reported by Sayyidun Al karram-Allhu wajha-hu al-karm that the Final Messenger said: man marra al al-maqbiri wa qaraa qul huwa Llhu aadun id asharata marratan, thumma wahaba ajra-hu li l-amwti, uiya min al-ajri biadadi l-amwti (Dr al-Qun; Durr al-Mukhtr, Qirtu l-Maytah, Bb al-Dafan; Shar al-udr, pp.130) (Whosoever passes by some graves and recites the Qul Huwa Llhu Aad (Srat alIkhl) eleven times, and that he confers the reward thereof to the deceased ones, then he [himself] shall be given reward equal to the reward of the number of the deceased persons [in total.]. 26- Sayyidun Ab Harayrah says that the Blessed Apostle said:
man dakhala al-maqbira thumma qaraa ftiata l-kitbi, wa qul huwa Llhu aadun, wa alh-kumu t-takthuru, thumma qla: Allhumma inn qad jaaltu thawba m qaratu min kalmi-Ka li-ahl al-maqbiri mina l-muminna wa l-muminti, kn shufaa la-h ila Llhi tal (Shar al-udr, pp.130) (Whosoever enters a cemetery and recites the Srat al-Fatiah, the Qul Huwa Llhu Aad (Srat al-Ikhl) and the Alh-kumu t-Takthur (Srat al-Takthur) and says, O Allh! I have conferred, the reward of whatever I have recited from your Word, to the Faithful men and the Faithful women of these graves, the deceased in those graves intercede for him in the presence of Allh tl.) 27- Imm al-Shab says:
knat al-anru, idh mta la-hum al-mayyitu, ikhtalaf il qabri-h yaqrana la-hu lqurna (Shar al-udr, pp.130) (It was the custom of the Ansr that whenever one passed away from amongst them, they would repeatedly visit his grave and recite the Noble Qurn for him.) 28- In the commentary of the Hidyah, Allmah Badruddn al-Ayn commentator of the a al-Bukhr, says: , also a
inna l-muslimeena m zl f kulli asrin yaqrana l-qurna wa yahdna thawba-hu, wa l yunkiru dhlika munkirun, fa-kna ijman inda ahli s-sunnati wa l-jamati (The Muslims have, incessantly, been reciting the Majestic Qurn and conferring its reward [to the deceased ones], and even the Munkir (rejecter of the Truth) does not reject [this fact], and, furthermore, the Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamah have a consensus [on this issue].) 29- Imm Amad ibn anbal says:
idh dakhaltum al-maqbira fa iqra bi-ftiati l-kitbi, wa l-muawwadhatayni, wa qul huwa Llhu aadun, wa ijal dhlika li-ahl al-maqbiri, fa-inna-h yailu ilay-him (Shar al-udr, pp. 130) (Whenever you go to the graves (cemetery), recite the Srat al-Ftia, the Muawwadhatayn (Srat al-Falaq and Srat al-Nss) and the Qul Huwa Llhu Aad (Srat al-Ikhl), and confer the reward thereof to those of the graves, for it definitely reaches them.) 30- Imm al-Zafarn ramat Allhi tal alayhi says: inn saaltu al-Shfiiyyah raima-hu Llhu ani al-qirati inda al-qabri, fa-qla: l basa bihi (Shar al-udr, pp. 130) (I asked Imm al-Shfi regarding the recitation [of the Qurn] near the grave and he told me that there is nothing wrong with that.) 31- Imm al-Nawaw says:
yustaabbu li-zir al-qubri an-yaqraa m tayassara min al-qurni wa yad la-hum aqabah, naa alayhi al-shfiiyyu, wa ittafaqa alayhi al-asbu, wa zda f mawiin khara wa in khatam al-qurna al al-qabri, kna afal (Shar al-udr, pp. 130) (It is desirable, for the one who visits the graves, to recite as much as he can from the Glorious Qurn and to pray for them. Imm al-Shfi presented legal evidence on 5 this [issue] and all [his] followers have agreed upon it. In another place it further states that if they6 complete the [recitation of the whole of the] Qurn near that grave then that is even better.) 32- Imm al-Qurub says:
kna al-shaykhu Izzuddni ibnu-Abdil Salmi yuft bi-annahu l yailu il al-mayyiti thawba m yuqrau la-h, fa-lamm tuwuffiya, ra-h bau asbi-h fa-qla la-h: innaka kunta taqlu, inna-h l yailu il al-mayyiti thawba m yuqrau wa yuhd ilay-hi, fakayfa al-amru? qla la-h: kuntu aqlu dhlika f dri d-duny, wa al-na fa-qad rajatu anhu lamm raaytu min karami Llhi f dhlika, wa anna-hu yailu ilay-hi thawba dhlika (Shar al-udr, pp. 123) (Shaykh Izzuddn ibn Abdul Salm would decree that a deceased person does not receive the rewards of the recitation [of the Blessed Qurn] made on his behalf. When he7 passed away, one of his companions saw him in his dream, and asked, You used to say that the deceased person does not receive the reward of what is recited for him and gifted to him [of the Magnificent Qurn]. [Tell me,] how is it?
Shfis the visitors to the graves. 7 Shaykh Izzuddn ibn Abdul Salm
He replied, I used to say that in the world, but now, I have withdrawn from that since I saw that, with the benevolence of Allh , the reward [of such recitation] definitely does reach the deceased person.) 33- Imm Jalaluddn al-Suy says:
wa amm al-qiratu al al-qabri, fa-jazama bi-mashriyyati-h as-bun wa ghayru-hum (Shar al-udr, pp. 130) (And as far as the recitation [of the Blessed Qurn] on the grave is concerned, our companions, as well as others, are absolutely certain on its legality.) 34- Sayyidun Mlik ibn Dnr is one of the superior Awliy. He says, Once, on a night of Friday, I went to the cemetery and saw that there was a luminance over it. I thought that Allh `azza wa jalla had forgiven the dwellers of that cemetery. Then, there was a voice from the Unseen, O Mlik ibn Dnr! This is a gift from the Muslims, sent to those of the graves. I said, By Allh tal, tell me what gift the Muslims have sent. qla: rajulun min al-muminna qma f hdhihi l-laylata, fa-asbagha al-wua, wa all rakatayni, wa qaraa f-h ftiata l-kitbi, wa qul y ayyuh l-kfirna, wa qul huwa Llhu aadun, wa qla, Allhumma inn qad wahabtu thawba-h li-ahl al-maqbiri mina l-muminna, fa-adkhala Allhu alayn li -iyi, wa n-nri, wa l-fuati, wassurri f l-mashriqi wa l-maghribi (It [the luminance]) replied: One man, from the Faithful, stopped [at this cemetery] tonight. He performed the ablution and prayed two units of prayer. In both the units, he recited the Srat al-Ftia, and [in the first he added] the Qul Y Ayyuh l-Kfirn (Srat al-Kfirn), and [in the second unit he added] the Qul Huwa Llhu Aad (Srat al-Ikhl). Then he said, O Allh! I have gifted the reward of it (the prayer) to those Faithful persons of the graves. [It is due to this, that] Allh entered upon us the light and the luminance and [blessed our graves with] spaciousness and bliss, in the east and in the west.8) qla mlikun: fa-lam-azal aqrau-hum f kulli laylati-jumuatin, fa-raaytu al-nabiyya allAllhu tal alayhi wa li-h wa-sallama f manm yaqlu l: y mlika bna dnrin, qad ghafara Llhu laka biadadi n-nri l-ladh ahdayta-h il ummat, wa la-ka thawbu dhlika, thumma qla l: wa ban Llhu la-ka baytan f l-jannati f qarin yuqlu la-h almunfu, qultu: wa m al-munfu? qla: al-malu al ahli l-jannati (Shar al-udr, pp. 128) (Sayyidun Mlik ibn Dnr says, Thus, I incessantly performed these two units [of prayer] on the night of Friday. [Once] I saw the Prophet in my dream saying to me, O Mlik ibn Dnr! Allh jalla sha'nu-Hu has forgiven you [of your sins] equal to the amount of luminance you have gifted to my ummah, and there is an equal amount of reward for you. Moreover, Allh la-Hu l`izzatu wa l-kibriyu has built for you a house in Paradise; it is in a palace named Munf. I asked, What is Munf? He replied, That which the people of Paradise envy upon. )
in all directions.
35- Sayyidun ammd al-Makk says, One night, I entered the cemetery of Makkah alMukarramah. I placed my head upon a grave and fell asleep. I dreamt that the people of the graves were sitting in a circle, so I asked them what big calamity had taken place: ql: l, wa lkin rajulan min ikhwni-n qaraa qul huwa Llhu aadun wa jaala thawbah la-n, fa-nanu naqtasimu-h mundhu sanatin (Shar al-udr, pp. 130) (They replied, Nothing, except that one of our Muslim brothers recited the Qul Huwa Llhu Aad (Srat al-Ikhl) and conferred its reward on us. Thus, we are [sitting here,] dividing it for a year.9) 36- Sayyidun Shah Waliyyullh al-Muaddith al-Dehlaw says:
after this, one should recite the Srat A-Lam-Nashra Laka (Srat al-Inshir) three hundred and sixty times, then he should say the respective, mentioned supplication three hundred and sixty times, then he should recite Durd Sharf ten times and complete the procedure. He should recite the Ftiah mentioning the names of all the saints of the Chisht cluster upon something sweet and then he should ask Allh concerning his need. He should do likewise every day and, In Sh Allhu tal, his purpose will be fulfilled in a few days. (Intibh f Salsili Awliyi Llh, pp.100) 37-The same scholar, Sayyidun Shah Waliyyullh al-Muaddith al-Dehlaw passage, says: , in another
wa yaqrau shayan min al-qurni li-wliday-hi, thumma li-shaykhi-hi, wa li-ustdhi-hi, thumma li-abi-hi, wa li-ikhwni-hi, wa yaru arwa l-muminna wa l-muminti (Intibh f Salsili Awliyi Llh, pp.116) (and he should read a portion of the Noble Qurn, which he should [then] confer the reward of to the departed souls of his parents, to his Murshid (religious guide), to his teachers, to his friends and to his brothers from all the male and female Faithful people.) 38-Sayyidun Allmah Q Thanullh of Pni Pat says:
All the legal jurists have decreed that the reward of reciting the Blessed Qurn and of the Itikf (religious seclusion) [and then conferring the reward thereof to the dead] are valid acts. Imm Ab anfah, Imm al-Mlik and Imm Amad m also acknowledge this fact. Al-fiz Shamsuddn ibn Abdul Wid has said that the Muslims, since long ago, gather in the cemetery and recite the Glorious Qurn for the sake of the dead. Thus, we have Ijm (consensus) on this [issue]. (Tadhkirat al-Mawt wa l-Qubr) 39- Sayyidun Allmah Shah Abdul Azz al-Muaddith al-Dehlaw says:
It had been a year and, due to the sheer amount of the reward, the people of the graves were still distributing the reward of that recitation between themselves.
It is a very noble and good act to visit the graves of the pious people, [in order] to receive blessings from them, to l al-Thawb (confer religious reward) upon them, to recite the Majestic Qurn there, to supplicate goodness for them and to distribute food and something sweet in their honour. The scholars are unanimous (there is Ijm) on this issue. (Fatw Azz) Tasb To perform the Tasb and recite the Kalimah on behalf of the deceased 40- Sayyidun Jbir says, When [Sayyidun] Sad ibn Madh passed away, we performed the funeral prayer alongside the Blessed Messenger . He was then lowered into the grave and [his body] was covered with earth. After that, the Noble Apostle [ ] began to recite the Takbr (exaltation of Allh ) and the Tasb (praise of Allh ). We joined him in [this] recitation, which went on for a long time. fa-qla: y rasla Llhi, li-ma sabbata thumma kabbarta? qla: la-qad tayyaqa al hdh al-abd al-lii qabruh-hu att farraja-hu Allhu an-hu (Mishkt, pp. 26) (Then, someone asked, O Messenger of Allh ! Why did you say the Takbr and the Tasb? He replied, The grave had become contracted for this pious servant (of Allh tal). (It is due to our Tasb and Takbr that) Allh has made it spacious for him.) This adth tells us very clearly the Tasb (praise of Allh ) and the Takbr (exaltation of Allh ) by the Beloved Messenger Muammad and by his Companions over a grave. One need not be a genius, thereby, to understand the issue of the saying of the Adhn (call to prayer) either, over a grave, shortly after a burial. 41- Sayyidun ibn Abbs says that the Great Messenger passed by a couple of graves and said, These two persons in the graves are in punishment, and it10 is not due to a big sin, but rather, that one was not cautious of splashes during urination whilst the other was a backbiter. thumma akhadha jardatan raabatan, fa-shaqqa-h bi-nifayni, thumma gharaza f kulli qabrin-widatin, ql: y rasla Llhi, li-ma anata hdh? fa-qla: laalla-hu anyukhaffifa an-hum m lam-yaybisaa (Agreed Upon; Mishkt, pp. 46) (He then took a fresh branch [of date-palm] and split it in two halves. He then fixed one on each grave. They11 asked, O Messenger of Allh ! Why have you done this? (The Messenger ) replied, Because their punishment will be lessened so long as they remain fresh.) We may note a number of important points in this adth : 1- That nothing of the Barzakh (life in the grave) is hidden from the Messenger Muammad ,
10 11
2- That the Messenger had perfect knowledge of those particular sins due to which the deceased persons were being punished, 3- That the Merciful Messenger declared the placing of fresh branches on a grave as a means of reduction in punishment by personally doing such an act. We may ask, whether it was only the branches that were a means of the concession in punishment for those in the graves, or whether there was something else besides them. If we take the branches as the sole means of the lessening of punishment, then they would act for the same purpose (just as effectively) even after drying out. But rather, that is not the case. This shows that means for the concession in punishment in the grave is not the branches alone, but the Tasb (praise of Allh ), as made by the branches. The verse of the Noble Qurn wa inmin shayin ill yusabbiu bi-amdi-H tells us that everything praises Allh jalla sha'nu-Hu, and because branches die when they go dry, meaning their cessation of Tasb, this proves that the means of the easing of the punishment in the grave is the Tasb of the (fresh) branches and not the branches themselves. If, therefore, the Tasb done by branches of trees is a means of a concession in the punishment for a deceased person in the grave, then, and beyond any doubt whatsoever, the Tasb made by us, that is the humans, is definitely a means for the easement in punishment for those in the grave, as is evident in adth No. 40. Furthermore, this also proves the permissibility of the placing of (fresh) flowers on graves, because just as (fresh) branches of date-palms do the Tasb (of Allh ), so do fresh flowers. Some people say that the Messenger placed fresh branches to help alleviate the punishment of those in the graves. They take this point to attack us, saying that we place flowers on graves of the Awliy Alh (friends of Allh tal ) believing that they are in punishment, and that we place flowers to help ease their punishment. The simple answer to this query is that the Tasb does not only prove useful to those who are being punished, but also for those who have been divinely blessed. If the Tasb is, on the one hand, a means for the easement in punishment to him who is being punished in the grave, then it is also, on the other hand, a means of happiness and elevation of status to him who is in the state of diving mercy. Many a ab12 and Wal13 have, at the times of their demise, willed to have fresh branches of date-palms placed on their graves. What were we to know what such sick people14 would regard of them! Shah Abdul Azz al-Muaddith al-Dehlaw says, The placing of flowers and (the placing of) something with fragrance on a grave is a means of bliss for the one in the grave, and it is legally proven in Islm as valid. (Fatw Azz Part One) 42- Imm Rabbn, Mujaddid Alf Thn, Shaykh Amad Farq Sirhind says:
Tell friends and companions to recite the Kalimah (ayyiba)15 L ilha illa Llhu seventy thousand (70,000) times for the sake of the deceased Khwjah Muammad
12 13
Companion of the Blessed Messenger Muammad Saint, or Friend of Allh 14 those who reject the Awliy 15 L ilha illa Llhu muammadu r-rasluLlh.
diq, and to recite it seventy thousand (70,000) times for his late sister, Umm Kulthm. (Ask them to) confer the reward of (the recitation of) seventy thousand (70,000) Kalimah (ayyiba) to the soul of one, and to confer the reward of (the recitation of) seventy thousand (70,000) Kalimah (ayyiba) to the soul of the other. I ask friends to supplicate (to Allh ) in their favour. (Maktbt Sharf) 43- Muammad Qsim Nanotv, the founder of the School of Deoband, says: The colour (of the face) of one of the disciples of Sayyidun Junayd suddenly changed. He16 asked the reason and he replied that he, by way of revelation, sees his mother in Hell. Sayyidun Junayd had, some time ago, recited the Kalimah (ayyiba) one hundred and fifty thousand times. Silently, he conferred the reward thereof to the mother of that disciple, without letting him know, in the faith that, according to some reports, the reward to such an amount of Kalimah (ayyiba) recitation is a definite pardon. With that, he saw that the disciple was now looking very cheerful (and in high spirits). Sayyidun Junayd asked the reason, again. He replied that he now saw his mother in Paradise. He17 then said that he had come to know of the truth of the disciples revelation by way of adth, and (now) the truthfulness of the adth had been proven by his revelation. (Tadhr al-Nss)
y rasl-Allhi, hal yanfau-h an ataaddaqa an-h? fa-qla raslu Llhi a: naam, faqla: iun kadh wa kadh adaqatun an-h (Bukhr; Ns, Kitb al-Way; Muwa, Kitb al-Aqiyah) (O Messenger of Allh ! Will it benefit her if I give alms on her behalf? The Messenger of Allh said, Yes. Sayyidun Sad (then) said, My so-and-so a garden is (given as) alms on her behalf.)
16 17
46- Sayyidun ibn `Abbs says that once a person came and told the Blessed Messenger that his mother had died. (He said): a yanfau-h in taaddaqtu an-h? qla: naam, qla: fa-inna l mikhrnan, wa ushhiduka inn qad taaddaqtu an-h (Tirmidh, Kitb al-Zakh) (Will she receive benefit if I give alms on her behalf? (The Messenger ) replied, Yes. (Then that person) said, I have a garden and I declare you a witness that I have given it as alms on her behalf.) It is proven from the above three (3) adths that if anyone from the relatives of a deceased one gives in charity or as alms on behalf of the latter, then the deceased one receives the benefit of that spending. 47- Sayyidun Sad ibn Ubdah came to the Prophet ! My mother has passed away. and said: O Messenger of Allh
fa-ayyu al-adaqati afalu? qla: al-mu, fa-afara biran, wa qla: hdhih li-ummisadin (Abu Dawd, Kitb al-Zakh) (So, which [type of] charity is better [that I may perform for my mother]? [The Messenger ] replied, Water. Therefore, he dug a well and announced, This is for the Mother of Sad) It is worth noting here that such an honourable ab as Sayyidun Sa`d radhiy-Allaahu ta`aalaa `anhu says, hdhih li-ummi-sad (This [well] is for the Mother of Sa`d, i.e. his own mother). In other words, that well had been dug for the sake of conferring reward to her soul. This proves, directly, that if a donation is made to confer the reward thereof to the soul of a deceased person and the name of that person is mentioned, then that donation is certainly not arm (unlawful). Examples are such as saying that this Sabl is for Sayyidun Imm usayn and the martyrs of Kerbal or that such food is for the Sabah , or for the Ahl al-Bayt (those of the household of the Noble Messenger ), or for al-Ghawth al-Aam18 , or for Khwjah Gharb Nawz19 , etc. Such Sabl and such food or drink will definitely not be arm. If it were to be arm, then we would have to declare the water of the well that Sayyidun Sad dug as arm, whereas the Blessed Prophet , as well as the abah , and after them, the Tbin20 , then the Tbi al-Tbin21 and also the people of Madna alMunawwarah drank from that well. Can any Muslim dare to say that such pious people drank water that was arm? May Allh tal protect us from saying so! No Muslim can ever say such a thing. If the water of the well for which it had been announced that it was for the mother of Sad is lawful and good, according to the Crown of Creation, the Prophet Muhammad and his abah , then likewise, the water of any Sabl for which it has been pronounced that it is for
al-Sayyid Abdul Qdir al-Jln al-Baghdd Khwjah Monuddn asan Chisht Ajmer 20 the generation of Muslims succeeding the abah 21 the generation of Muslims succeeding the Tbin
Imm ussain and for the martyrs of Kerbal , or that any donation is for so-and-so a Mumin, then that also is, according to the Muslims, all (lawful) and good. 48- Sayyidun li ibn Dirham says, We went on ajj to Makkah al-Mukarramah where we met Sayyidun Ahu Hurayrah . He said to us, Near your city of Basrah, there is a village called Uballah. In it, there is a mosque called Masjid Ishr. Which one of you promises to perform two (2) or four (4) units of prayer for me? wa yaqlu hdhih li-ab hurayrata (Mishkt, pp.468) (and then say, This is for Abu Hurayrah) Sayyidun Abu Hurayrah narrated that he heard the Beloved Messenger say that on the day of the Occurrence, the Resurrection and the Judgement,22 Allh la-Hu l-izzatu wa lkibriyu will raise the martyrs from the Masjid Ishr, and they will be with the martyrs of Badr. In this adth, a great ab of the Messenger is requesting another to perform optional prayer for him and to say, hdhih li-ab hurayrata that this prayer is for Abu Hurayrah , i.e. the reward of this prayer is for him. This proves the conferring of the reward of physical worship of one person to another, be the latter dead or alive. Nevertheless, the mentioning of the name on whom such reward is to be conferred is a must. This adth also proves that worshipping at those places that enjoy a specific sanctity is an act of great virtue, and the worshipper entitled to great reward. 49- Sayyidun Abdullh ibn Umar reports that the Great Messenger said:
idh taaddaqa aadu-kum bi-adaqatin taawwuan, fa-yajala-h an abaway-hi, fa-yaknu la-hum ajru-hum, wa-l yantaqiu min-ajri-h shayan (abarni Awsa; Shar al-udr, pp.129) (When any of you gives in supererogatory charity, he should transfer it (the reward thereof) to his parents. Thus, its reward will be given to both of them [in full], and the one who gives that charity will not lose anything [of the reward for himself].) 50- It has been reported that Sayyidun Anas says that the Blessed Messenger said that whenever the family members of one who has passed away give in charity and good causes on his behalf, the Archangel Sayyidun Jibrl alayhis-salm takes that charity in a tray of light to the grave of that particular person, and says: y iba l-qabri l-amqi, hdhih hadiyyatun ahda-h ilay-ka ahlu-ka, fa-aqbil-h, fatadkhulu alayhi, fa-yafrau bi-h, wa yastabshiru, wa yazunu jrnu-hu al-ladhna lam yuhdaa ilay-him shayun (Shar al-udr, pp.129)
(O you in the deep grave! This is a gift that your family members have sent you, so accept it. It is then given to him and he becomes joyful and tells others about it. His neighbours who have not been sent anything [as a similar gift] become sorrowful.) 51- Sayyidun Anas says that he asked the Beloved Messenger the [benefits of] charity, ajj, etc. that we do for them. whether the dead receive
fa-qla: inna-h yailu ilay-him wa yafrana bi-h kam yafrau aadukum bi l-hadiyyati (Musnad Imm Amad) ((The Noble Apostle ) replied, Definitely, this reaches them and they rejoice in it just as any of you rejoice at the receiving of a gift.) 52- The author of the Tafsr Khzin, namely, Allmah Aludddn Al ibn Muammad al-Baghdd [ ] says: inna al-adaqata an al--mayyiti tanfau al-mayyita, wa yailu-h thawbu-h, wa huwa ijmu l-ulam(i) (Tafsr Khzin) (Indeed, the charity given on behalf of the deceased benefits the deceased, and its reward reaches him. The scholars have a consensus on this issue.) 53- Sayyidun Shah Waliyyullh al-Muaddith al-Dehlaw says:
There is nothing wrong with cooking and eating creamed rice at the Ftiah (rewardsending function) of a saint with the intention of conferring reward to him; this is permissible. If such a reward-sending function is held then the wealthy are also allowed to eat. (Zubdat al-Nai, pp. 132) 54- Sayyidun Shah Abdul Azz al-Muaddith al-Dehlaw says:
Food that is cooked for (charity to confer its reward to) Imm asan and Imm usayn , and the Qul and the Ftiah, etc. are recited over it, it becomes full of blessings and is good for you. (Fatw Azz) 55- The author of Taqwiyyat al-mn, Isml Dehlaw says: Every type of worship that a Muslim performs, and confers its reward to one who has passed away, and [also] supplicates to Allh tal for his sake, this is an excellent and virtuous act. Furthermore, there is no doubt in the excellence of performing the customary functions for the Ftiah, the Urs (death anniversary) and the adaqah. (Sirt-e-Mustaqm, pp. 55) 56- In another place he says:
None should think bad of the food and Ftiah for the sake of the dead, but rather, this is a great and outstanding act. (Sirt-e-Mustaqm, pp. 64) 57- Here we present the Fatw (religious decree) of Ashraf Ali Thanv on the issue of sl al-Thawb or the conferring of reward to the dead: Question- It is sometimes feared that if one confers the reward of his own noble act to someone else, then what is left (of the benefit) for himself? Therefore, do the dead [really] receive the benefit [of the noble act of another]? Please satisfy me by clarifying this to me. Answer- f shar al-udri bi-takhrj al-abarn an ab amrin, wa qla rasluLlhi : idh taaddaqa aadu-kum adaqatan taawwuan, fa-yajal-h an abaway-hi, fa-yaknu lahum ajru-h, wa l yunqau min ajri-h shayan This adth tells us that after one has conferred the reward, its full equivalent value still remains with him. Another adth in the ai al-Muslim man sanna sunnatan asanatan also supports this adth. (Imdd al-Fatw, part 5, pp. 399) To make sacrifice or to free a slave on behalf of the deceased: 58- Sayyidah ishah al-iddqah raiy-Allhu tal anh reports that the Noble Apostle slaughtered a ram and said: Allhumma taqabbal min muammadin, wa li-muammadin, wa min ummatimuammadin ( a) (Muslim; Abu Dwd, Kitb al-A) (O Allh! Accept [this sacrifice] on behalf of Muammad, on behalf of the household of Muammad and on behalf of the followers of Muammad .) 59- It was reported by Sayyidun Jbir and said: u that the Blessed Messenger slaughtered a ram
hdh an-n, wa an man lam-yua min ummat (Adu Dwd, Kitb al-A) (This [sacrifice] is on my behalf and on the behalf of that person, from my followers, who has not sacrificed [anything of his own behalf].) 60- Sayyidun anash says that he saw Sayyidun Al karram-Allhu wajha-hu al-karm slaughtering two (2) animals, therefore he asked him why he was doing so. Sayyidun Al karram-Allhu wajha-hu al-karm replied: anna rasla Llhi a aw-n an-uaiya anhu, fa-ana ua anhu (Bukhr, Kitb al-ay; Tirmidh; Abu Dwd)
(The Messenger of Allh made a will to me that I make a sacrifice on his behalf, therefore I am making a sacrifice on his behalf.) The above three (3) traditions prove that the act of one person may benefit another. We see that the Beloved Prophet sacrificed animals on behalf of his descendents as well as on behalf of his Ummah. Moreover, he also asked Sayyidun Al karram-Allhu wajha-hu al-karm to sacrifice an animal on his behalf, and the obedience of Sayyidun Al karram-Allhu wajha-hu al-karm in this regard is more than enough to prove that the act of one who is alive is beneficial and helpful to that person who has passed away. 61- Sayyidun Zayd ibn Aslam says:
ja rajulun il al-nabiyyi a fa-qla: y rasla Llhi, atiqu an ab wa qad maata?, qla: naam (Shar al-udr, pp. 129) (A person came to the Prophet and asked, O Messenger of Allh died. May I free a slave on his behalf? (The Beloved Messenger ) replied, Yes.) 62- Sayyidun Abu Jafar says: kn yutiqni an aliyyin bada mawti-h (Shar al-udr, pp. 129) ! My father has
(asan and usayn would free slaves on behalf of (their father) Sayyidun Al karram-Allhu wajha-hu al-karm after he had passed away.) Jri riyah The adaqah Jriyah (Continuous Charity): 63- Sayyidun Abu Hurayrah says that the Messenger of Allh said that a believers actions stop when he passes away. Nevertheless, there are seven (7) articles of which he continues to receive the reward and benefit of. (They are): iIf he has taught religious knowledge to someone, as long as that knowledge remains, he shall continue to receive equal reward, iiIf he leaves behind pious and righteous offspring that prays for him, iiiIf he leaves behind (a copy of) the Noble Qurn, ivIf he has erected a masjid, vIf he has built a tavern for the benefit of travellers to rest in, viIf he has dug a well or a stream, etc., viiIf he has given a adaqah (in charity) in his life, So long as these articles exist and remain, he shall continue to receive due reward. (Shar al-udr)
Conclusion: Conclusion:
All of the evidences that we have given from the Qurn, the Sunnah and the Scholars prove the deceased persons reception of the reward of physical, financial and combined types of worship done by those alive. The entire Ummah has a consensus and an agreement on this issue. This conferring of reward becomes a means of forgiveness for the sins of the sinful, and a means of the elevation of status for the righteous. The conferrer of the reward (the doer of the noble act) receives his own full reward that he is entitled to whilst the one whom the reward is conferred to also receives an equal amount. the To hold religious functions such as the Soyum (the Third), the Stwn (the Seventh), the Gyrahvn (the Eleventh), the Chehlum (the Fortieth), the Urs (the Annual Anniversary), Gyrahvn Urs Anniversary), etc. for the deceased: Now that we have satisfactorily dealt with and understood the issue of l al-Thawb or sl-eSawb (the sending/conferring of reward) in the light of the Qurn and the Sunnah, it will be easier for us to know that holding various religious functions for the deceased such as the Soyum (the Third), the Chehlum (the Fortieth) and the Urs (the Annual Anniversary), etc. are all legally valid and permissible. Normally, when one dies, he is mourned for three (3) days. Even the scholars and saints have mourned for three (3) days. Before wrapping up the mourning at the end of the third day, the family and friends of the deceased person mutually give something in the way of adaqah and khayrt (alms and charity), they read some portions of the Blessed Quraan and they bless the reward of it all to the departed soul of the deceased person. The name of this function has come to be known as the Tj or the Soyum ( meaning, the Third). The family, friends and well-wishers of Sayyidun Shah Waliyyullh al-Muaddith al-Dehlaw held a Tj (Third) in his honour. Sayyidun Shah Abdul Azz al-Muaddith al-Dehlaw writes: On the third day, the crowd of people was so large that words are not enough to describe it. There must have been 81 completions of the Glorious Qurn, maybe more, and the amount of times that the Kalimah Tayyibah was recited is incalculable! (Malfzt-e-Azz, pp. 55) Sayyidun s says:
inna al-mawt yuftanna f qubri-him saban, fa-kn yastaibbna an-yuama anhum tilka l-ayymi (Shar al-udr, pp. 57; Ab Nam f al-ilyah, Imm Amad f al-Zuhd) (Indeed, the deceased persons are tested for seven (7) days in their graves. Hence, the abah would prefer that others be fed on behalf of that deceased person during those (seven) days.) Shaykh al-Muaddithn Shah Abdul aqq al-Muaddith al-Dehlaw says:
adaqah should be given up to seven (7) days after the death of the deceased. (Ashiat al-Lumut Shar Mishkt)
Scholars and saints say that the soul of the deceased remains in a special contact with the home for up to forty (40) days. The Beloved Prophet is reported to have said that when a Mumin dies, those portions of the earth where he would worship, those doors of the heavens wherefrom his noble actions would enter and from where his livelihood would descend to him, they cry for him for forty (40) days. (Shar al-udr pp. 24). This is why many scholars and saints have conferred reward to the soul of a deceased person continuously for forty (40) days! The basis of all this is that the Greatest Prophet made adaqah (gave in charity), for the Greatest Martyr (Sayyid al-Shuhad), Sayyidun al-Amr amzah on the third day, the tenth day, the fortieth day, the sixth month and one year following his martyrdom. (kadh f alAnwr al-Stiah maziyan il Majmt al-Riwyt, shiyat Khaznat al-Riwyt). This proves that the customary religious functions of the Tj or Soyum (the Third), the Stwn (the Seventh), the Gyrahvn (the Eleventh), the Chehlum (the Fortieth) and the Urs, etc. are all different names for l al-Thawb and are, therefore, permissible in Islm. To call such functions as Bidah Sayyi`ah or Biddat-i-Sayyia (evil innovations) or a waste of time is itself a loss of way and a folly. Allh To place food and to recite the Word of Allh over over it:
Sayyidun Anas narrates that when the Blessed Messenger married Sayyidah Zaynab raiyAllhu tal anh, my mother (Sayyidah Umm Salm raiy-Allhu tal anh ) cooked some food as a gift and had me deliver it to the Noble Apostle , stating that I should pass her salm (regards) onto him and to also request him to accept what little she could offer at that time. Accordingly, I delivered the food to him and passed him the salm from my mother as well as the message she had asked me to convey. The Messenger of Peace replied, O Anas, place it23 down and call so-and-so I did as I was told and I continued calling [whomsoever the Messenger was commanding me to call] until three hundred (300) people had gathered. fa-raaytu al-nabiyya sh a la-yaau yada-hu al tilka al-haysati wa takallama bi-m place his blessed hand on the food and recited whatever he
Consequently, that food became so absorbed with blessings that everyones hunger was satisfied. He then [turned to me and] said, Take the leftovers of the food away. When I saw the leftovers of the food, it was impossible for me to make out whether the food I had brought was more [in quantity] or this! (Bukhr; Muslim; Mishkt, pp. 539) This adth proves that the Beloved Messenger placed food in front of himself and recited over it whatever he wanted to recite and the blessings thereof were immense!
the food.
Sayyidun Abu Hurayrah says that during the battle of Tabk, the Muslim army was frustrated with hunger. Sayyidun Umar asked the Great Prophet , Y Rasla Llh (O Messenger of Allh) ! Please send for the supplies [of food] that we have remaining and make a prayer of blessings over it. He24 had the dining-mat laid out and called for the remaining amount of food. Some of the Companions brought a handful of dates; others brought pieces of bread whilst some had beans, etc. In short, whoever had whatever bits of food left over, he brought it, and soon there was a small gathering of food. fa-da raslu Llhi bi l-barakati, thumma qla: khudh fee awiyatikum (Mishkt, pp. 538)
(Then the Messenger of Allaah sall-Allaahu ta`aalaa `alayhi wa-sallam prayed for mercy and then said, Fill your tiffin carriers.) Naturally, there was so much blessing in those scraps of food [as a consequence of that supplication] that the whole of the Muslim army had filled their tiffin carriers, had filled their stomachs and there was still much food remaining. He then said, I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allh, and I am His Messenger. This adth proves that the Great Messenger for blessings. had food placed in front of himself and prayed
There are many other adths regarding this same topic of discussion, but these two (2) adths should be more than enough to prove our point. These two (2) adths validate the permissibility of the placing of food in front of oneself and making a prayer over it. Conclusion: Conclusion We present this issue of l al-Thawb (the sending/conferring of reward) to our readers in the hope that they will understand its importance. The solid documentary proof we have provided should help the readers in estimating the level of ignorance, misunderstanding, shortsightedness and narrow-mindedness of those who claim the Ftiah-Khwn as an absurdity or a Bidah Sayyi`ah, or Biddat-e-Sayyia (evil innovations), in order to hinder Muslims from performing such-like Islmic customs, and it should also help in exposing the negative stance of those who reject the existence of any proof [on any Islmic issue] due to their ignorance of facts and their biased approach against the Truth. We also hope that the evidences given here are sufficient to prove the Truth of Islm.
The Procedure for the Ftiah-Khwn and the l al-Thawb or al-e-Sawb Ftiahalor alWhen one desires to confer the reward of a particular type of worship, he should complete that worship and say: O Allh jalla shanu-Ka, accept my worship and send its reward to the soul of so-and-so by the mediation of your Beloved Messenger Muammad .
FtiahThe Normal Procedure for the Ftiah-Khwn : One should firstly recite a chapter or a unit of the Glorious Qurn. Then, the Srat al-Kfirn once (1), the Srat al-Ikhl thrice (3), the Srat al-Falaq once (1), the Srat al-Nss once (1), the Srat al-Ftia once(1), then the first few verses of the Srat al-Baqarah till humu l-muflin are recited. After that: inna ramata Llhi qareebun mina l-muhsinn(a). a-l, inna awliy Allhi l khayfun alayhim wa-l hum yazann(a). Inna-m yureedu-Llhu li-yudhhiba ankumu r-rijsa ahla l-bayti wa yuahhira-kum ta-hra(n). wa m arsaln-ka ill ramata l-li l-lamn(a). m kna muammadun ab aadin mi r-rijli-kum wa-lki r-rasla Llhi wa khtama nnabiyyna wa kna-Llhu bi-kulli shayin alma(n). inna Llha wa malikata-H yuallna al n-nabiyyi, y ayyuha l-ladhna man all alayhi wa sallim taslma(n). Allhumma alli al sayyidi-n wa mawl-n muammadin-wa al li sayyidi-n wa mawl-n muammadin-wa al abi sayyidi-n wa mawl-n muammadin-wa brik wa sallim. aaltu wassalmu alayka y rasla Llh(i), aaltu wassalmu alayka y abba-Llh(i). subna- Rabbi-ka Rabbi l-izzati amm yaifn(a). wa salmun al lmursaln(a), wal-amdu li Llhi Rabbi l-lamn(a). Allhu Akbaru, Allhu Akbaru, L Ilha ill Llhu wa Llhu Akbaru, Allhu Akbaru, wa li Llhi l-amd. O Allh, convey the reward of these sacred words25 as a gift on our behalf to the court of your Beloved Messenger Muammad , and then, by his grace and his mediation, convey this reward to the souls of his family and posterity, of his Companions, of his wives, of the Tbin, of the great Awliy, the Imms, the scholars, the saints, and of all the Believers, male and female, and then, in particular, convey this reward to the soul of so-and-so! To make it brief, one may recite the Srat al-Ftia once and the Srat al-Ikhl three times. To send a great amount of reward, one may recite parts of the Noble Qurn once, or many times (the more the better) before the Ftiah-Khwn. This is commonly know as the Ftiah, as in today it is the Ftiah of such-and-such a person etc. al-Ftia is the name of the srah (chapter) beginning with al-amdu li Llhi Rabbi llamn(a), and it is this chapter that is mainly recited, hence the name of this Islmic custom. In other words, tasmiyyat al-kulli bi ism al-juzi (the naming of the whole is due to the name of the part).
Rabba-n taqabbal minn, inna-Ka anta s-Sam u l-Alm(u), bi-urmati sayyidi l-mursaln(a) - all-Allhu tal alayhi wa li-hi wa-sallama Servant of the Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamah Muammad Shaf al-Khab Okrawi