It Really Stinks!
It Really Stinks!
It Really Stinks!
21 28 June 2012
Vol 18 Issue 25
In Passing
Co-owner of Coast Village Shell, Coast
Village Chevron and Olive Mill 76 Station
Linda Uellner passes on, p. 20
MAW 2012
A Master Class with a true Master
features Marilyn Horne mentoring 22
student opera singers, p. 18
Hwy 101 Update
City Planning Commissioners unanimously
approve Caltrans alternative, likely sparing
Hermosillo neighborhood, p. 5
The Voice of the Village
S SINCE 1995 S
Looking for romance:
Santa Barbara rocker Tim
Lopez of Plain White Ts
to star in new NBC love
match series, p. 6
But thats okay, says Parks & Recreations Jill Zachary, who helps
oversee the Bird Refuge; she reports that the stench is all natural
and should be gone soon (story begins on page 12)
21 28 June 2012 MONTECITO JOURNAL 2 The Voice of the Village
This two-story Edwards & Plunkett designed Monterey Spanish-style built in 1929 sits on approximately 3.17 acres in the foothills & features panoramic views of the
Pacific Ocean, Channel Islands and mountain vistas. The two-story living room with massive beamed ceiling and surrounding balcony, formal dining room,
sunroom, butlers pantry, kitchen, breakfast room, a master suite, 5 family bedrooms, 2-bedroom staff wing, and separate 1-bedroom guest cottage.
Ofered at $8,800,000
21 28 June 2012 MONTECITO JOURNAL 3
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si ngle-level Bi rnam
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vi eWs - $2, 950, 000
contemporary Bi rnam
Wood home W/ outdoor
terraces - $2, 850, 000
modern Santa BarBara
Foothi llS haci enda on
1 acre - $1, 995, 000
93108 sunny cottage
on 1. 25 acres w/ ocean
vi ews - $1, 395, 000
charmi ng monteci to
home w/ remodeled
i nteri or - $1, 165, 000
Monteci to ShoreS
penthouSe condo w/
fi replace - $995, 000
1914 monteci to estate
w/ gi ffi n & crane
remoDel - $3, 795, 000
bri ght & spaci ous
bi rnam wooD golf club
home - $2, 950, 000
new li sti ng!
stunni ng meDi terranean
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21 28 June 2012 MONTECITO JOURNAL 4 The Voice of the Village
baby needs toddler wants
Lisa and Chris Cullen
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Landscape Design and Installation
for over 40 years
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5 Editorial
Bob Hazard is happy to report that the F-Modified option for Hwy 101 has been added
to Caltrans DEIR
6 Montecito Miscellany
Local musician featured in reality show; Suzy Farbman book launch; Britney Spears
in SB; controversy over Huguette Clarks gifts; UCSB Arts & Lectures season launch
bash; SBMA members recent Hawaiian trip; Black Pearl Sings! at Alhecama; Kim
Kardashian wants to branch out; billionaires battle for biggest yacht; attendees revisit
Beatles hits at Granada
8 Letters to the Editor
Barbara Doran remembers the singing bartender; Nancye Andriesse recalls her time
as waitress and dishwasher at Sammys Scoop; Hope Bryant brings the Holy Cow into
light; Gil Rosas vivid Coast Village Road memories; Dean Mars to teach iPad classes
10 This Week in Montecito
Swazzle Puppets perform at Library; CALM hosts open house; retreat at La Casa de
Maria; MTF hike; Twilight Tour at Lotusland; beneft concert for Cancer Center; boat
trip to Platform Holly; educational seminar on senior health; MPC meets; Jonathan Adler
speaks; bikini fashion show; Laura Alexander trunk show; upcoming and ongoing events
Tide Guide
Handy guide to assist readers in determining when to take that walk or run on the beach
12 Village Beat
Contrary to web blogger reports, crustaceans and other critters that live in the Bird Refuge
are okay; haggling over water rights on Hot Springs Property nearly over; Montecito
village swarming with commercial real estate activity; Zoovies at the Zoo back on
14 Seen Around Town
Heart of Hospice launches; Carr Winery hosts tasting for New Beginnings Counselor
Center; Bob Schwemmer speaks about diving the Montebello at Maritime Museum;
CAMA throws cocktail cruise aboard Channel Cat
18 MAW 2012
Larry Rachleff returns to the Music Academy to start off the Summer Festival
20 In Passing
Linda Uellner will be remembered for her optimism and bravery throughout the years
of her battle with cancer
25 Seniority
Alzheimers Association launches Cultural Connections Program
26 Sheriffs Blotter
Computer and iPod stolen from unlocked vehicle on Hot Springs; catalytic converter
taken from truck
30 Our Town
Joanne Calitri wraps up her two-week coverage of Montecito graduations
32 Guide to Montecito Eateries
The most complete, up-to-date, comprehensive listing of all individually owned
Montecito restaurants, coffee houses, bakeries, gelaterias, and hangouts; others in Santa
Barbara, Summerland, and Carpinteria too
33 On Entertainment
Natalie D-Napoleon releases album at SOhO; Dub Mantra is Joss Jaffes new album
Movie Showtimes
Latest films, times, theaters, and addresses: theyre all here, as they are every week
34 Calendar of Events
Summer Solstice Parade and festival; Planet of Love at Center Stage; Ojai Performing
Arts Theater presents Reunions: A Pair of One-Act Musicals; Trinity Backstage annual
summer show; Studio B Dance Center debut recital; Ojai Concert Series; Arts Fund of
Santa Barbaras Salon Series; French events; Rat Pack-style tribute at SOhO; speed
dating at Maritime Museum
36 Classifed Advertising
Our very own Craigslist of classified ads, in which sellers offer everything from
summer rentals to estate sales
37 Local Business Directory
Smart business owners place business cards here so readers know where to look when
they need what those businesses offer
93108 Open House Directory
Homes and condos currently for sale and open for inspection in and near Montecito
38 Legal Advertisements
p.10 p.30 p.33
21 28 June 2012 MONTECITO JOURNAL 5 People to whom nothing has ever happened cannot understand the unimportance of events T.S. Eliot
Peace of
Peace of
Peace of
Peace of
Peace of
Peace of
Peace of
Peace of
Peace of
Peace of
Peace of
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gcr03785_MJ_2011_52weeks_FNL2.indd 5 2/22/11 3:03 PM
The Future of Cabrillo Blvd-Hot
Springs Interchange
esolution of the future
of the 101 interchange
at Cabrillo Blvd-Hot
Springs came into sharper
focus last Thursday when City
of Santa Barbara Planning
Commissioners unanimously
favored one of the fve Caltrans
design options, commonly
known as the F-Modifed
Comments made by mem-
bers of the City of Santa
Barbara Planning Commission
are especially significant to
Montecito residents because
the Cabrillo-Hot Springs inter-
change (and the Montecito
roundabout) lie wholly within
the boundaries of the City of
Santa Barbara. Once a preferred option is selected by Caltrans following the
end of the public comment period on July 9, detailed planning, engineering and
aesthetic issues will be addressed. Caltrans will then need to come back to the
City of Santa Barbara Planning Commission for a Coastal Development Permit
and final approval.
After three hours of discussion and extensive public input, individual com-
ments by the seven City of Santa Barbara planning commissioners reflected a
remarkable consensus on five important issues:
1) Left-lane on-ramps and off-ramps on the new six-lane 101 will be elimi-
nated. Caltrans offered a compelling case to commissioners that left-lane ramps
do not meet current state or federal highway standards for a variety of reasons.
Drivers expect right-lane on/off ramps. Slow-moving trucks in the right lane
would have to cross two lanes of high-speed traffic to negotiate a left-hand exit,
and that is dangerous. Caltrans has thoroughly researched the Design Exception
Process in an attempt to accommodate left-lane ramp proponents, but conclud-
ed that the retention of left-lane ramps is not possible because such an exception
would open Caltrans to legal liability for engineering a highway improvement
they knew did not meet federal or state design standards.
2) Los Patos Way is not acceptable as the southbound entryway for beach
traffic to enter 101. Designating historical Los Patos Way as the preferred south-
bound 101 on-ramp would require traffic leaving the beach to make a difficult
left-hand turn onto Los Patos at a Cabrillo Blvd intersection, where traffic nar-
rows to one lane each way. In addition, a Los Patos on/off interchange would
negatively impact the adjacent Andre Clark Bird Refuge. Environmental devo-
tees would never allow increased car traffic within the East Cabrillo Parkway
Historic District to threaten wetland habitats of local and migratory birds such
as herons, coots and gulls. Third, Stella Mares, Cafe del Sol and other busi-
nesses on Los Patos would be negatively impacted by the creation of an exit
ramp in their front yard. Finally, raising the Union Pacific railroad underpass
to accommodate big trucks is estimated to cost as much as $90 million; it
would make better sense to re-allocate that money to widen the Union Pacific
railroad bridge underpass at Cabrillo Blvd, which is the current culprit in the
beach traffic backup. Collectively, these concerns eliminate alternatives J, M or
M-modified from consideration.
3) F-Modified is the preferred Cabrillo-Hot Springs alternative. The City of
Santa Barbara planning commissioners each expressed a preference for the
F-Modified alternative. F-Modified calls for two northbound exits: one being
the existing Hermosillo Drive exit for local traffic, and a second being a new
exit, taking beach-bound traffic directly onto Cabrillo Blvd, bypassing the lower
village and the Montecito roundabout.
The F-Modified alternative was designed by Caltrans engineers in response
to a request by some 200 Montecito residents who vigorously objected to
Alternative F, which made Hermosillo Drive the sole northbound traffic exit
Editorial by Bob Hazard
Mr. Hazard is an Associate Editor of this paper and a former president of
Birnam Wood Golf Club
EDITOrIAL Page 214
The F-Modified Caltrans plan favored by Hermosillo resi-
dents and Montecito Journal, has now we are pleased
to report been espoused by the City of Santa Barbara
Planning Commission
21 28 June 2012 MONTECITO JOURNAL 6 The Voice of the Village
ormer Desperate Housewives
actress Eva Longoria is desperate
for Santa Barbara rocker Tim
Tim, 31,who plays lead guitar for
the Grammy-nominated band Plain
White Ts, has been signed up to star
in NBCs new series Ready for Love,
which is being executive produced by
Longoria, who co-starred on the hit
ABC comedy-drama series with Teri
Hatcher, Marcia Cross and Felicity
Huffman, for eight years until its final
broadcast last month.
The new show, produced
by Longorias UnbeliEVAble
Entertainment with Universal
Television, will feature three success-
ful and handsome men, handpicked
by the 37-year-old Golden Globe-
nominated actress, who are commit-
ted to finding the right woman.
They will try
to accomplish
that with the
help of three
mat c hmake r s ,
while prospec-
ti ve femal e
candidates can
apply using a
new Facebook
app, which will
also be used to
showcase the bachelors.
Tim, who was married for three
years after an 11-year romance, will
be joining Ben Patton, an internation-
al financier from Dallas, Texas, and
Ernesto Arguello, an entrepreneur
from Miami, Florida, on the series,
which kicks off this fall.
The three matchmakers will each
select their team of 12 girls four per
1268 Coast Village Road, Montecito, CA 93108
Manager: Rosa Maria Klaus (805) 565-1300
Tim Lopez is ready for Love
Monte ito
by Richard Mineards
Richard covered the Royal Family for Britains Daily Mirror and Daily Mail before moving to New York
to write for Rupert Murdochs newly launched Star magazine in 1978; Richard later wrote for New York
magazines Intelligencer. He continues to make regular appearances on CBS, ABC, and CNN, and
moved to Montecito five years ago.
Local rocker Tim Lopez
looks for love on new TV
series, Ready for Love
21 28 June 2012 MONTECITO JOURNAL 7
1 1 5 5 C OA S T V I L L A G E R OA D I 8 0 5 . 9 6 9 . 0 4 4 2 I WWW. S I LV E R H O R N . C O M
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Dream. Design. Build. Live.
PO Box 41459 Santa Barbara, California 93140 | Phone.805.965.9555 | Fax.805.965.9566 |
MISCELLAny Page 224
man. Once selected, each matchmaker
will live in a different house where
they will receive personalized advice
and mentoring.
At the end of each week, everyone
will convene on a state of the art stage
in front of a live audience to watch the
dates and receive feedback from the
matchmakers, with the women who
fail to make a connection with the men
sent home.
In the finale, the three men will
choose their final three women, who
together must decide if theyll get
engaged, married, or simply live hap-
pily ever after.
Tim, who studied songwriting at
SB City College, says the new show,
hosted by Bill and Giuliana Rancic,
could well provide the perfect envi-
ronment for finding his true love.
Or not, as former Bachelor Andrew
Firestone will no doubt attest...
Tecolote Launch
There was quite a crowd at Tecolote,
the tony tome temple in the Upper
Village, when Michigan author Suzy
Farbman launched her latest book,
God Signs, Health, Hope and Miracles:
My Journey to Recovery.
Former journalist Suzy, the sister of
Montecitos Anne Towbes, took five
years to write the tome that recounts
her diagnosis with stage four uter-
ine cancer, her medical treatment and
eventual recovery.
It is her second work, having pub-
lished Back From Betrayal: Saving a
Marriage, a Family, a Life eight years
She and her former real estate exec-
utive husband, Burt, just celebrated
their 45th wedding anniversary.
The new book came easier than the
Leslie Ridley-Tree,
author Suzy Farbman
and her sister Anne
Towbes at Tecolote
for the launch of God
21 28 June 2012 MONTECITO JOURNAL 8 The Voice of the Village
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If you have something you think Montecito should know about, or wish to respond to something
you read in the Journal, we want to hear from you. Please send all such correspondence to:
Montecito Journal, Letters to the Editor, 1206 Coast Village Circle, Suite D, Montecito, CA.
93108. You can also FAX such mail to: (805) 969-6654, or E-mail to
The Singing Bartender
You can subscribe to the Journal!!
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Please send your check or money order to: Montecito Journal, 1206 Coast Village Circle, Suite D, Montecito, CA 93108
Publisher Timothy Lennon Buckley
Editor Kelly Mahan Design/Production Trent Watanabe
Associate Editor Bob Hazard Lily Buckley Associate Publisher Robert Shafer
Advertising Manager/Sales Susan Brooks Advertising Specialist Tanis Nelson Office Manager / Ad Sales
Christine Merrick Moral Support & Proofreading Helen Buckley Arts/Entertainment/Calendar/Music
Steven Libowitz Books Shelly Lowenkopf Business Flora Kontilis Columns Ward Connerly, Erin Graffy,
Scott Craig Food/Wine Judy Willis, Lilly Tam Cronin Gossip Thedim Fiste, Richard Mineards History
Hattie Beresford Humor Jim Alexander, Ernie Witham, Grace Rachow Photography/Our Town Joanne
A. Calitri Society Lynda Millner Travel Jerry Dunn Sportsman Dr. John Burk Trail Talk Lynn P. Kirst
Medical Advice Dr. Gary Bradley, Dr. Anthony Allina Legal Advice Robert Ornstein
Published by Montecito Journal Inc., James Buckley, President
Montecito Journal is compiled, compounded, calibrated, cogitated over, and coughed up every Wednesday
by an exacting agglomeration of excitable (and often exemplary) expert edifiers at 1206 Coast Village
Circle, Suite D, Montecito, CA 93108.
How to reach us: Editorial: (805) 565-1860; Sue Brooks: ext. 4; Christine Merrick: ext. 3; Classifed: ext. 3;
FAX: (805) 969-6654; Letters to Editor: Montecito Journal, 1206 Coast Village Circle, Suite D, Montecito,
CA 93108; E-MAIL:
The best little paper in America
(Covering the best little community anywhere!)
was just reading the recollections
of Jo Ann Lorden in the Letters
to the Editor (Still A Special
Place MJ # 18/24). I remember
Kingsleys well, and it just happened
to be next door to me here at 1225
Coast Village, where Mischief is
today. Also Gil Rosas went from
the Somerset to the Olive Mill
Bistro, which was the restaurant and
cocktail lounge in the Montecito Inn.
The wonderful singing bartender
had been bartender at the Montecito
Country Club for years until he and
his wife (who was the hostess at the
Bistro), came to the Bistro.
Barbara Doran, Manager
Kathryne Designs, Inc.
P.S. Sandra Denton works next
door to me at Mischief and we talk all
the time about our memories of Coast
Village and town.
(Editors note: Well, now we need to
find out who the singing bartender is/
was! J.B.)
Sammys Scoop
Ive been reading your letters about
the old Coast Village Road and Id
like to add one of my many memo-
ries. This one is about the space before
Ginos (Ginos Had The Best Fries
MJ # 18/24). I used to be a waitress
for Sammys Scoop, which was the
restaurant before Ginos. Gino was
the bread delivery guy; he bought the
business from Sammy. Sammy ran
his restaurant by himself with just
one waitress: me, from 7 am to 2 pm.
There were two waitresses on Sunday
because he would open up the outside
patio then. He cooked all the food
himself (I was the dishwasher as well
as the waitress), and he specialized in
Italian food. He would make special
dishes, such as squid, for his favorite
I wore a white uniform and country
music would play; every morning I
would feel like I should be on a side
road in Nebraska instead of Coast
Village Road. I would see my regulars
drive up and Id yell at Sammy the
regulars order and there would be a
cup of coffee waiting for the custom-
ers when they came in. On the wall
Sammy had a mural of a local musi-
cian or painted by a local musician
at the time , which I remember hav-
ing a circus or parade theme but can-
not remember the mans name even
though I hired him and his group to
go and serenade my mother one St.
Patricks Day at her home. A man
named Carl lived in the apartment
out the back door and would order
food to go by just calling out from his
I loved that job.
Nancye Andriesse
Santa Barbara
(Editors note: Thank you for a most
vivid description of what a sleepy back-
water Montecito was in the 1950s J.B.)
The Holy Cow?!
Thanks for printing my note
(response to A Little More History
MJ # 18/24). I remember a hamburger
joint across and down from Peabodys
called the Holy Cow, but not as early
as the 50s, probably the early 70s.
Hope Bryant
(Editors note: If there is anyone out
there that remembers the Holy Cow, please
send us your recollections, as nobody here
can recall such a place J.B.)
remembering The rubs
As I stated in a previous let-
ter (Correcting The Record MJ #
18/22), so many things come to mind,
especially when I read your Letters to
the Editor. This is just some more
In response to: Down Memory
Lane: In the forties, the current
location of Luckys was the home of
Christian and Mrs. Rub (pronounced
Roob). Mr. Rub was a feature player
during the era of black and white
movies. He appeared in movies until
1952. He bore a remarkable similar-
ity to Geppetto in Disneys Pinocchio.
One of the Rubs regular visitors was
their friend Madame Ganna Walska.
My uncle was Tony Ramirez, grand-
father to Richie, of Richies Barber
Shop just down the street on Coast
Village Road. He used to do some
work for the Rubs until he was hired
by Madame Walska, whom he worked
for, for many years.
I played at the Somerset Restaurant
from 1961 to 1968 when we (Paul
Vercammen, Otto Berger and I)
opened the Olive Mill Bistro in June
of 1968. The Perez brothers took over
the lease of the Somerset at midnight
of New Years Eve 1967. When we
opened the Bistro (that is what every-
body called it at the time), we used
the same furniture that had origi-
nally been purchased for the Marco
Polo, owned by Jim Porter. Later,
Art Snyder, of the Colony Prime Rib
House on Hollister, took over the lease
and for a time there was a Colony
Prime Rib House (East) at the corner
later occupied by the Bistro.
Art had the Marco Polo furniture,
which was originally a dusty rose color,
painted a dark ink green. That was
the furniture we utilized at the Bistro.
Later some of that furniture was used
by the new Montecito Caf. When Jim
Porter opened the Marco Polo (that
date escapes me now but it was around
1963 until about 1966), he didnt have
any prices on the dinner menu (Beverly
Hills influence). That idea didnt go
over at all. Jim did have an active enter-
tainment scene featuring the Barbara
Neece Trio. I dont know how in the
world I remember this because I havent
thought about it since.
The Marco Polo dining room was
our bar and his bar was our dining
room. We took over our lease from
Art Snyder. I believe the Somerset
Restaurant closed about 1978 (that
would have made it a ten-year lease).
Otto and I later sold our interest to
our partner Paul Vercammen and he
sold the Bistro shortly after my depar-
ture in 1980. I hope this helps a little
bit about what used to be on Coast
Village Road. Even as I write this so
many other things come to mind.
Gil Rosas
Santa Barbara
(Editors note: As weve written before:
keep those memories coming! J.B.)
Escape From L.A.
A big house near me was recently
sold. Brand new L.A. owner Sent
crews in to cut down four huge mature
21 28 June 2012 MONTECITO JOURNAL 9 When under attack, no country is obligated to collect permission slips from allies to strike back Charles Krauthammer
Specializing in Fine Homes
Santa Barbara Design and Build is a company with integrity.
The estimate was fair, the work was exceptional, and the
remodel was done sooner than expected. We were extremely
pleased with the work and would recommend Santa Barbara
Design and Build to anyone
Montecito Resident
Don Gragg
Ca Lic # 887955
Concept to
Drafted Home Plans
Board of
All Phases of
Custom quality
LETTErS Page 194
(old) oak trees No one on property
to resist. Neighbors saw trucks haul-
ing away the butchered tree bodies.
Do new buyers of Montecito not
know of the sanctity of our oak trees?
Does no one tell new owners of
Montecito rules?
The neighborhood is in an uproar.
Who are these people? Send them
back to L.A. and re-sell to someone
who will respect our community.
It was an old, lovely estate now
Cypress Points
My son and I spent a long weekend
in the San Francisco area to watch the
U.S. Open at the Olympic Country
Club. Just thought wed send this
photo of the two of us at another
equally famous golf course: Cypress
Ted Tedesco
Free iPad Classes
I am teaching a free class for iPad
owners (this goes down on my 3x5
card under community service), at
Ted Tedesco and his son, Jeff, at Cypress Points
famous 16
hole, a par three requiring a 220+
yard tee shot over water
Sailor Mars first grandparent photo
21 28 June 2012 MONTECITO JOURNAL 10 The Voice of the Village
When: 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Info: To register, please call 969-9990. A
confrmation and directions to Lotuslands
visitor entrance will be provided on receipt
of your reservation.
Cost: $55 for Lotusland members and $65
for non-members
Maravilla and Visiting Nurse & Hospice
Care have collaborated to present
Perspectives on Aging, an educational
seminar on senior health and wellness
When: 4:30 to 6 pm
Where: Maravilla Senior Living Community,
5486 Calle Real
Cost: free
Info and RSVP: Andrea Katz, 696-6055
Montecito Planning Commission
MPC ensures that applicants adhere to
certain ordinances and polices and that
issues raised by interested parties are
When: 9 am
Where: Country Engineering Building,
Planning Commission Hearing Room,
123 E. Anapamu
Dinner Lecture
Making Sense of the U.S. Supreme
Court: An Analysis of the 2012 Term is
the topic of a talk by Jonathan Adler,
Professor of Constitutional and International
Environmental Law at Case Western
University in Cleveland, at the dinner
CALM Open House
CALM is pleased to open its doors to
the public for an open house, as an
opportunity to see the headquarters,
therapy rooms, learn about the child abuse
prevention programs, and a chance to
talk with the therapists (including the Pet
Therapy dogs)
When: 5 to 7 pm
Where: 1236 Chapala Street
Info: 965-2376 or
Christian de Quincey, PhD, will be
facilitating a retreat and seminar to be
held at La Casa de Maria Retreat and
Conference Center.
Christian is a Professor of Philosophy
and Consciousness Studies at John
F. Kennedy University and Dean of
Consciousness Studies at the University of
Philosophical Research. He is the founder
of the Wisdom Academy, offering private
mentorships in consciousness. He is a
leader in the feld of scholars who are
exploring the realms of consciousness and
Christian is also the author of the
award-winning books: Radical Nature:
The Soul of Matter; Radical Knowing:
Understanding Consciousness through
Relationship; Deep Spirit: Cracking the
Noetic Code; and more.
When: June 22 through June 24
Where: 800 El Bosque Road
Cost: $250-$350
Info: or
MTF Hike
Montecito Trails Foundation leads a 4-mile,
sea level hike along the beach at low tide;
view some of the best beach architecture
in Southern California. Bring water for this
easy hike.
When: 8:20 am for check-in and release
Where: Loon Point parking lot at north end
of Padaro Lane
Info: 568-0833
Lotusland Plans Twilight Tour
A Solstice Twilight Tour will take place at
Ganna Walska Lotusland. Enjoy the longer
days of summer and celebrate the Summer
Solstice at this special Twilight Tour. Hors
doeuvres and wine will be served on the
geranium terrace, overlooking the main
lawn, from 4:30 to 5:30 pm.
Guests may choose to reserve a docent-
guided tour or explore the garden on
their own. Lotusland, a 37-acre botanical
garden in Montecito, offers this opportunity
to enjoy the garden at twilight only a few
times each year.
(If you have a Montecito event, or an event that concerns Montecito,
please e-mail or call (805) 565-1860)
Beneft Concert
Join six all-star bands from our very own Santa Barbara
Youth Music Academy as they play in support of Cancer
Centers Clinical Research and Patient Assistance
Programs. Proceeds will support investigation of
promising new cancer therapies and will also help less
fortunate patients afford their care. Performing bands
include Jamey Geston, Kelley and the Wolves,
NEWCATS, TenFour, Stereo Drive and Sozo.
100% of the cover charge benefts Cancer Center
of Santa Barbara. When: 5:30 to 8:30 pm Where: SOhO Restaurant & Music
Club, 1221 State Street #205 Cost: $10 (cash at the door); dinner reservations
encouraged to ensure seating Info:
Swazzle Puppets at Montecito Library
Swazzle is a team of professional puppeteers that
come together to bring exciting puppet shows.
This summer Swazzle brings Court Jester and the
Story Dreamers to our libraries. Best for ages 5
and up.
When: 4 pm to 4:40 pm
Where: Montecito Library, 1469 East Valley Road
Info: 969-5063;
This Week
in and around
Montecito Tide Chart
Day Low Hgt High Hgt Low Hgt High Hgt Low Hgt
Thurs, June 21
5:47 AM -0.6 12:27 PM 3.7 04:59 PM 2.4 011:07 PM 5.6
Fri, June 22
6:21 AM -0.5 01:05 PM 3.8 05:43 PM 2.5 011:45 PM 5.3
Sat, June 23
6:56 AM -0.2 01:44 PM 3.9 06:36 PM 2.5
Sun, June 24
12:28 AM 4.9 7:32 AM 0.1 02:27 PM 4.1 07:43 PM 2.5
Mon, June 25
1:20 AM 4.3 8:12 AM 0.5 03:14 PM 4.3 09:07 PM 2.3
Tues, June 26
2:28 AM 3.7 8:57 AM 0.9 04:04 PM 4.7 010:39 PM 1.9
Wed, June 27
4:00 AM 3.3 9:49 AM 1.4 04:56 PM 5.1
Thurs, June 28
12:01 AM 1.1 5:44 AM 3.1 10:49 AM 1.7 05:49 PM 5.6
Fri, June 29
1:06 AM 0.3 7:13 AM 3.2 11:53 AM 1.9 06:41 PM 6.1
meeting of Santa Barbara Republican
Women, Federated, at the Montecito
Country Club.
Among the subjects expected to be
discussed are Obamacare and the Arizona
immigration law, which are currently under
consideration by the Supreme Court.
A prolifc scholar, Professor Adlers
articles have appeared in numerous
publications, ranging from the Harvard
Environmental Law Review and the
Supreme Court Economic Review to the
Wall Street Journal and the Washington
Post. The author and editor of four books,
he is a regular commentator on legal and
regulatory issues, appearing on CNN
World News, NPRs Talk of the Nation,
Fox News Channels OReilly Factor and
PBSs News Hour. He is a contributing
editor the National Review Online, where
he covers environmental and legal topics,
and is a regular contributor to the popular
legal blog, The Volokh Conspiracy.
He graduated magna cum laude from
Yale University and Summa Cum Laude
from George Mason University Law
School. He teaches Constitution Law and
International Environmental Law at Case
Western University where he was named
the inaugural holder of the Johan Verheij
Memorial Professor of Law Chair in 2011.
When: 5 pm to 7:30 pm
Where: Montecito Country Club, 920
Summit Road
Cost: $35 pre-paid or $40 at the door
Reservations: 699-6756
Bikini Fashion Show
Blush & Lashes and Agua Bendita present
a bikini fashion show at Montecito
Aesthetic Institute, featuring cocktails,
a DJ, food, and a $1,000 spa services
When: 6 pm
Where: 1150H Coast Village Road
Info: 565-5700 or
Trunk Show
Laura Alexander presents a trunk
show of her jewelry line, hosted by 33
Jewels. Ms Alexander will showcase
her Love & Light Collection, featuring
pieces that include diamonds and colorful
semiprecious gemstones in sterling silver
and 18 karat gold, with romantic sculptural
curves, interwoven knots and celestial
When: Friday, June 29 through Sunday, July 1
21 28 June 2012 MONTECITO JOURNAL 11 Pride is an admission of weakness; it secretly fears all competition and dreads all rivals Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
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Shop Online
Deals Of The Week
June 10th 16th:
15% OFF WOCA Exterior Oils & Vermont Natural Coatings Exterior
June 17th 23rd:
15% OFF Trugs
June 24th 30th:
15% OFF Rainshowr Gardn Gro Dechlorinating Filter with Hose
Products for a Healthier Lifestyle
Where: 814 State Street
Info: 957-9100
LotusFest, an annual event that
celebrates the legendary fower that is
Lotuslands namesake, is planned for
Saturday, July 14. The afternoon will
include wine tasting with some of Santa
Barbara Countys premier vintners,
hors doeuvres, entertainment by The
Undecided Trio, an Ikebana (the art of
Japanese fower arranging) workshop
and lotus lore galore.
July is peak lotus blooming season.
LotusFest provides the perfect opportunity to
view these uniquely beautiful fowers while
enjoying a relaxing afternoon at this casual,
fun event. There will be plenty of time to see
other areas of Lotusland, a spectacular 37-
acre estate garden in Montecito.
When: 2 pm to 5 pm, Saturday July 14
Cost: $75 for members, $85 for non-members
Registration: 969-9990; a confrmation
and directions to Lotuslands Visitor
Entrance will be mailed upon receipt of
your reservation
Info: MJ
Boat Trip to Coal Oil
Join the Santa Barbara and
Carpinteria Republican Clubs
on a boat trip to Coal Oil
Point and Platform Holly.
Travel up the coast and view
the 6,000 gallons of oil that
seep naturally, plus natural
gas that rises from the ocean
foor daily. The tour will then
proceed to Platform Holly to
view it up close and learn
how it operates.
When: 10 am to noon
Where: Meet at Condor Express Sea Landing, 301 West Cabrillo Boulevard
Cost: $10 per person
Info: Barbara Hurd, 684-3858
21 28 June 2012 MONTECITO JOURNAL 12 The Voice of the Village
1026 Coast Village Rd.
is happy to announce the
opening of our temporary
post office in the
Montecito Country Mart.
(in the courtyard across from Vons)
Our new address is
9-6 M-F, 10-2 Sat
DISPLAY_TEMPLATE:Layout 1 5/16/12 1:57 PM Page 1
1026 Coast Village Rd.
is happy to announce the
opening of our temporary
post office in the
Montecito Country Mart.
(in the courtyard across from Vons)
Our new address is
9-6 M-F, 10-2 Sat
DISPLAY_TEMPLATE:Layout 1 5/16/12 1:57 PM Page 1
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The Bird refuge Stinks
(but its okay)
Village Beat
by Kelly Mahan
or the last week and a half, bike
path users, beachgoers, and
Santa Barbara and Montecito
residents, as well as travelers along
the 101 freeway through Montecito,
have had their noses assaulted by a
noxious odor coming from the Andre
Clark Bird Refuge. The manmade lake,
known simply as the Bird Refuge,
emits the stench every few years,
some worse than others, according to
Parks & Recreation assistant director
Jill Zachary. Ms Zachary, formerly of
Santa Barbaras Creeks Division, has
helped oversee the Bird Refuge for
the last decade, and explains that the
odor is the product of several colliding
The lake, which is part of a 42-acre
open park space, is a habitat for over
200 species of birds. The 29-acre Bird
Refuge lake includes three islands that
support breeding and roosting birds
and haul-out locations for the south-
west pond turtle, a California Species
of Concern. The area was once a salt
marsh, receiving fresh water from
Sycamore Creek, but the construction
of the Union Pacific Railroad in the
1880s rerouted the Creek, isolating the
marsh. After a $50,000 donation by
Huguette M. Clark in 1929, the lake
was turned into an artificially modi-
fied estuary.
Because it is essentially a closed
system, with no fresh water running
through it, there is poor circulation,
Zachary told us earlier this week.
Water is added to the lake via rain-
storms and runoff from the 844-acre
watershed, including roadways and
Highway 101. The watershed area is
mostly residential, but also consists
of a golf course (Montecito Country
Club), tennis courts, a portion of the
Santa Barbara Zoo, and the cemetery.
The water enters the lake via a mix
of open channels and storm drains.
The lake is connected to the Pacific
Ocean through a tide gate system
located adjacent to the north side of
Cabrillo Boulevard and passing under
that roadway. Its not like a creek,
where there is water constantly flow-
ing, she said. That fact, combined
with warm weather and cloud cover,
causes algae to both bloom and die,
causing a stench from decomposition.
Its been an issue for close to a cen-
tury, Zachary said.
The eutrophication, as its called,
is being monitored by Parks & Rec
staff, according to Zachary. Since last
week, its improved dramatically, she
said. Its our hope the decomposition
period will be over soon.
Zachary says nothing can be done
to solve the problem in the short term.
In past years, the City has added fresh
water to the lake, in an effort to allevi-
ate the stench. But this year, the lake is
The Andre Clark Bird Refuge as seen from Los Patos Way
21 28 June 2012 MONTECITO JOURNAL 13 Playwriting gets into your blood and you cant stop it, at least not until the producers or the public tell you to T.S. Eliot
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