Import Purchase
Import Purchase
Import Purchase
efinition of import is commodities, i.e. goods and services brought into one country from another country for the purpose of trade. Import is also a verb meaning the action of bringing in goods and services from another country.
1.1.TYPES OF IMPORT There are two basic types of import: 1. Industrial and consumer goods 2. Intermediate goods and services Companies import goods and services to supply to the domestic market at a cheaper price and better quality than competing goods manufactured in the domestic market. Companies import products that are not available in the local market. Data on international trade in goods are mostly obtained through declarations to custom services. If a country applies the general trade system, all goods entering the country are recorded as imports. If the special trade system (e.g. extra-EU trade statistics) is applied goods which are received into customs warehouses. 2. MASTER RECORDS IN IMPORT PURCHASING Following are the master records that has to be maintained during import purchasing in SAP system 1. Material master 2. Vendor master 3. Purchasing info record 4. Conditions in pricing 2.1. MATERIAL MASTER The material master record is an enterprises main source of material-specific data. it is used by all areas of logistics. The integration of all material data in a single database object eliminates the problem of data redundancy. All areas such as purchasing, inventory management, and material requirement planning and invoice verification can jointly use the stored data. The following screen shot shown below explains the creation of material master record for import procurement.
On the initial screen, enter vendor, material, purchasing organization and plant and Enter Step: 2:- On the following data screens, the necessary data manually, for example planned deliver time, gross price and conditions.
Make the entries as per the requirements in the general data screen.
On the purchasing organization data 1 screen enter the planned delivery time. net price etc and hit Enter
Click on the YES in the save pop-up box to the save the info-record.
Info-record is saved and the document no: 5300007520 CONDITIONS IN PRICING Conditions are agreement with vendors about prices, surcharges and discounts, and so on. Conditions can be maintained when entering quotations, info-records, outline agreements (contracts, scheduling agreements) and purchase orders. The net and effective prices in purchasing documents are determined based on these conditions. We can also store general conditions at vendor level. The system then pulls these conditions for price determination. CONDITION TYPE AND CALCULATION SCHEMA The different price factors such as gross price, discounts, freight costs, customs and taxes are represented with condition types. The condition type determines how the price factor is calculated. An access sequence can be assigned to a condition type. The access sequence is a search strategy used to define the sequence in which condition records for a condition type are read. the condition types that play a important role in the price determination are grouped together in a calculation schema. The calculation schema provides a framework for a price determination. It determines the sequence in which the condition types are taken into account.
Figure 10: calculation schema for import pricing with customs duty.
The pricing procedure is done as shown in fig (8), (9), and (10). We can define different calculation schemes for individual purchasing organizations and vendors.
PROCUREMENT CYCL FOR IMPORT MATERIAL 1. PURCHASE REQUISITION Purchase requisition is internal documents for asking the purchasing department to procure a particular quantity of a material or a service for a particular date. STEP: 1: path: - Logistics Materials Management purchasing Purchase Requisition Create (ME51N). T-code: ME51N Make the entries in the item over for item 10 as shown in the below screen shot 1. 2. 3. 4. Material Quantity Delivery date plant
Step: 2: after making the entries check and save the document or press Ctrl+S to save the purchase requisition document.
2. CREATE PURCHASE ORDER Purchase order are external document, through which asking the vendor to supply a material for a certain quantity. Purchase order consists of pricing conditions with customs condition, tax, quantity, net price, gross price etc. TO CREATE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR A IMPORT MATERIAL. STEP: 1: Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Purchase ordercreatevendor/supplying plant known (ME21N). T-code: ME21N Make the entries as follows 1. Material 2. Quantity 3. Vendor 4. Tax code as V0 Choose the tax code as V0 for 0% tax in invoice tab of the purchase order screen
Customs vendor
Repeat the step 2and 3 for condition types JCV1, JACS, JADC and check and save the purchase order
Figure 15
Choose the purchase order number: 4500001565 and choose planned delivery costs and make the entries for the quantity and amount field for all the condition types to clear the customs and hit enter. Copy the balance amount and paste in the amount field and hit enter Simulate and Save the miro document.
Figure 18
Figure 20
System will generate the excise invoice number as shown in fig 20 and hit enter to accept the excise invoice document number.
Figure 21