Short Plays For Kids
Short Plays For Kids
Short Plays For Kids
Play 1 : The raindrops The amount of raindrops can be adjusted to fit group size. Readers Theater: Around the Water Cycle by Sarah Wood Cast: 7 Water Drops, the Sun and a Little Kid Water Drop 1: Here we are hanging around in this puddle. Water Drop 2 :Yeah, this is the life! Water Drop 3: Hey! Look behind that cloud! Guess who?? Drops 1,2,3 : Its the sun! Yay! Evaporation!!! Sun: Hey guys!! I told you I would see you again soon! What have you been doing? Water Drop 1: Ive been in the ocean! I saw a lot of fish! Water Drop 2: Ive been hanging around on Dr. Pepper and tea glasses. Yummy! Water Drop 3: I helped water some flowers! They sure smelled pretty! Sun: It sounds like you were busy! Well, you are up here now, I have done my job, I will see you later. Water Drop 1: I wonder who else will show up? Water Drop 2: It is a little bit cold. I should have brought my jacket! Water Drop 3: Here are the others! Hi Guys!! Water Drops 4, 5 ,6, 7 : Hi! How are you? Water Drop 4: I havent seen you guys in a long time!! Water Drop 5: I just got off of a surf board! Water Drop 6: Really? I just came from a dogs bath. He shook me into the air! Water Drop 7: It is really getting cold up here! Gather around guys. We need to condense! All the Water Drops: BRRRRRRRRRRR! I am Freezing! A-CHOOOOO! Water Drops 4 and 5: It is getting crowded. OOPS! Water Drop 6: Ah, my favorite part: Precipitation!
Water Drop 7: Yeah, and my favorite kind, snow! Little Kid: Yay!! It snowed last night!! Im going to build a snowman! Water Drop 3: Tee Hee! That tickles! Water Drop 5: Im getting smushed here! Little Kid: Wow! My snowman looks great! Im going to go eat lunch. Sun: Well, that was a nice nap, but now I have to do my work. Guess I had better thaw out those little guys. All the Water Drops: Were Melting! Were Melting! Water Drop 1: Hey guys, we all ended up in the puddle together! Water Drop 2: And look who is up in the sky! Water Drop 3: The SUN! Here we go again!! Play 2:
SETTING: Inside brick house belonging to Pig number 3. This play can be performed in English or Ubbi Dubbi. Use the Ubbi Dubbi Translator to translate it. (Narrator in the foreground has a large book in front of her titled "UbbiDubbi Fairy Tales".) Narrator: Welcome to another edition of Ubbi Dubbi Fairy Tales. In our last episode the big, bad Wolf huffed and puffed and blew down the house of straw. Then the big bad Wolf huffed and puffed and blew down the house of sticks. What will happen next? (We find our Three Little Pigs sitting around a table politely sipping on tea and playing "Go Fish" with a deck of cards. The Wolf is waiting outside the door of the house.) (Wolf rhythmically knocks on the door.) Pigs:
(Innocently.) Who is it? Wolf: It's me! The Big Bad Wolf!!! Pigs: (Fearfully.) Oh no! (Pig number 1 and Pig number 2 throw their cards in the air and hide under the table.) Wolf: (Angrily.) Little Pigs! Little Pigs! Let me in! Pigs: Not by the hairs of our chinny chin chins! Wolf: (Even more angrily.) Then I'll huff... (Huffs.) ...and I'll puff... (Puffs.) ...and I'll blow your house in! (Wolf blows with all his might while the Pigs continue to act fearful, but nothing happens to their house.) Wolf: (Less angry.) Let me try that one more time. (Huffs.) ...and I'll puff... (Puffs.) ...and I'll blow your house in! (The Pigs recognize that their house did not get blown down, they giggle, go back to sitting in their chairs and start to drink their tea. Wolf looks frustrated and sad.) Wolf: But I'm alone. All alone!
(Wolf cries loudly.) And I have no friends! Pigs: No friends? Wolf: No friends! Pigs: Piggy Huddle! (Pigs huddle as they decide on a plan. In agreement they walk to the door and open it while the Wolf cries.) Pigs: (Pigs throw their arms out to the Wolf and shout...) Friend! Wolf: (Dubiously.) Friends? Pigs: (Assertively and with a group hug.) Friends!!! (Pigs escort the Wolf into their house. Pigs sit Wolf down and pour him tea and take out a big bucket marked "Slop" on it.) Pigs: Slop? Wolf: Why, yes! (Pigs put a napkin around Wolf's neck and serve him.) Narrator: And so the Big Bad Wolf finally found new friends. Pigs: More slop? Wolf: Thanks, friends! Narrator: Stay tuned soon for another edition of Ubbi Dubbi Fairy Tales.
:Play 3
(Three wanna-be witches are standing over a bubbling cauldron filled with a mysterious brew. The setting is TRYING to be ominous, but isn't quite convincing.) Witch 1 : We are gathered here today to find out which witch is witchiest! Witch 2 : Together we will make witchy things! Witch 3 : Yesss! And we WILL be scary! Haah hah ha! Let us begin! (The Witches laugh and gather over the cauldron and start waving their hands over the concoction. They hope to make something sinister!) All Three Witches: Shiny like the moon, fluffy like a chick, make this potion, very quick! Witch 1: Smelly sock... (Adds smelly gym sock to cauldron.) Witch 2 : Owl's hoots... (Make hooting noises into the cauldron and throws in a toy owl.) Witch 3 : Turn this potion!! (The Witches pull some tacky cowboy boots out of the cauldron.) Witch 1 : What are these?! Witch 2 : Boots aren't very witchy! Witch 3 : We MUST have done something wrong.
(The Witches start to investigate the cauldron, when suddenly a Cowgirl pops out of it.) Cowgirl: Howdy!!! (The Witches are frightened.) All Three Witches: AUGGHHHH! Cowgirl: Hey gals, don't be afraid! You just have my trusty boots! I'll just grab them and get right out of your way. (The Cowgirl takes back her boots and ducks back into the cauldron. The Witches are embarrassed.) Witch 1: We're not being particularly scary. Witch 2 : Or witchy. Witch 3 : Hold on, hold on, girls, I know we can do this. C'mon, let's try again. Let's make...a black cat! (The Witches nod in agreement and support.) All Three Witches: Good idea! Alright! Sounds good, yes, very scary, etc. (The Witches laugh, attempt to be scary, and gather over the cauldron and start waving their hands over the concoction. They add ingredients to the pot and once again try to make something sinister.) Witch 1: Bark of log... (Adds log.) Witch 2: Mosquito net... (Adds mosquito net.) Witch 3: Turn this mixture into... (A Vet pops up with a cat.) Witch 1: A vet?! (Shrinking back in fear.) All Three Witches: OHHHH! Vet:
Don't worry, I'm just a friendly vegetarian, I mean, a veterinarian. Sorry, I always get those two confused. (To cat.) Oh, so precious! They're sweet widdle witchies, yes they are! (The Witches look upset.) Witch 2: Hey, we aren't sweet, widdle witchies! We're nasty witches, right girls? Witches 1 & 3: Yeah! Right! Etc. Vet: Well, excuse me. (To cat.) Let's go, my precious widdle kitty. These witches are a widdle confused! Witch 1 : Did you hear what he just said? Witch 2 : This isn't going well at all. We made a cat DOCTOR instead of a cat! Witch 3: C'mon! We can do this! Don't listen to that vegetarian, I mean, veterinarian! We can be scary witches! Why don't we make... umm... Witch 1: A broom! We'll make a witch's broom! Witches 2 & 3: (The other Witches nod eagerly.) Okay, a broom, that's easy. We can make a broom, etc. (The Witches laugh, attempt to be scary, and gather over the cauldron and start waving their hands over the concoction. They add ingredients to the pot and are determined to make a broom.) Witch 1: Wood of door and wacky ring, (Add a miniature door and plastic ring.) Plastic frog and wig of king, (Add plastic frog and king-like wig.) Witch 2 : Scoop of sand from mummy's tomb, (Adds scoop of sand to cauldron.) Witch 3 :
Turn this potion into... (Pulls out a broom.) All Three Witches: A BROOM!!! (The Witches are ecstatic because the potion worked! They give each other high-fives.) Witch 1: Yes!! Witch 2: It finally worked!! Witch 3: Ha haa! Go us! Go us! Go us! (Suddenly a Janitor comes out of the cauldron. The Witches scream.) All Three Witches: AUUGGHHHHHH! Janitor: Hey, thanks guys! I've been looking everywhere for that! (The Janitor takes back the broom and ducks back into the cauldron.) Witch 1: This stinks! I quit! Witch 2: Me too! Witch 3: Me three. Let's ditch this witch thing. Why don't we try turning into... Witch 1: Rock stars! Witch 2: Yea! Witch 3: All the music from across the land... All Three Witches: A girl band! (The WITCHES are transformed into a girl band.) (The former Witches and current Band Members rock out.)
:Play 4
Inspired by Noel of NY
CAST: Tooth Fairy Mom Girl Easter Bunny PROPS/COSTUMES: bed; door; teeth; tooth chart; bedside table; lamp. The pricing chart could look like this: 25 Molars, $1 Central Incisors, 50 Lateral Incisors, 25 Canines & Bicuspids, $2 Wisdom Teeth. Costumes: Tooth Fairy costume-tutu over jeans and t-shirt with wings, wand, and baseball hat; little girl-nightgown and glasses; Easter Bunny suit; standard Mom clothes.
SETTING: A girl's bedroom. (A Girl is getting ready to go to sleep, and she still has her big glasses on. Her front tooth is blackened, so it looks like it is missing.) (Mom comes in to tuck her daughter in.) Mom: You were such a brave girl today, taking out that tooth! I think somebody might be getting a visit from the Tooth Fairy tonight! Girl: (Sweetly.) I'm putting my tooth under my pillow now so she can give me money for it. Mommy, do you think the Tooth Fairy will really come? Mom: If you believe in her, she will come! Girl: I love the Tooth Fairy. Mom: Good night sweetheart! Girl: Night Mommy! (Girl puts the tooth under her pillow and switches off the light. Mom kisses her on the forehead. After Mom leaves, the Girl grins a toothless grin and lets out a mischievous cackle as she rubs her hands together.) Heh, heh, heh! (As the Girl slowly falls asleep, the Tooth Fairy enters the bedroom and starts to take the tooth from under the pillow, when suddenly the Girl wakes up.) Girl: Ah yes, the Tooth Fairy! I've been expecting you. Hmm...I didn't think you'd be a boy. Tooth Fairy: Listen, kid. You never saw me. Just go back to sleep. Girl:
I have some questions for you. Tooth Fairy: I'm not here. You're actually dreaming! Shhhhh. Shhhushhie shush shushhie. Girl: (Accusatory.) I thought you were supposed to be a girl. Tooth Fairy: And I thought you were supposed to be asleep! Now shut your eyes and go back to snorey snore-snore land. Girl: What do you do with all the teeth? Tooth Fairy: Come on, could you just go back to sleep? Girl: I want to know why you're buying all these teeth! Tooth Fairy: We sell them. We've got a business. You know those Styrofoam peanuts that you find in boxes? Those are made out of kid teeth. Okay? Girl: Ewww! Gross! Tooth Fairy: Hey, it's a living. Now go to sleep. Please. Girl: Okay, let's get serious. How much money do you have for me? Tooth Fairy: A quarter! Everybody gets a quarter. Girl: A quarter? I don't think you're following the most recent tooth exchange rates. Tooth Fairy: Oh no? (The Girl pulls out a "Tooth Pricing Chart" and a pointer.) Girl: The European Euro tooth has been strong against the American Buck Tooth, but our dental market has been on the rise. Molars and bicuspids will run you about a quarter nowadays, but you've got a central incisor right there. That's gonna run you at least a dollar. Tooth Fairy: Oh boy. Girl: The dental inflation rate is increasing the price of teeth, but you should enjoy the current tooth economy while you can. These are just baby teeth. Wait 'til my wisdom teeth start coming in! Then we're talking serious cash! A dollar is nothin'!
Tooth Fairy: (Dejected.) Alright. A dollar sounds fair. I guess. (The Tooth Fairy gives the Girl a dollar.) Girl: Pleasure doing business with you. And when you leave, tell the next person waiting I'm ready to see them. Tooth Fairy: Good night. (The Tooth Fairy, defeated, leaves the room. He meets the Easter Bunny on the way out of the bedroom.) Tooth Fairy: Watch yourself in there. This girl is TOUGH! (The Easter Bunny shrugs.) (The Easter Bunny enters the room. As the door shuts, we hear the Girl's complaining voice.) Girl: Ah yes, I've been expecting you. WHAT was with those hollow chocolates you gave me this year! Chocolates shouldn't be filled with air, they should be filled with CHOCOLATE! And another thing, those pastel colors are SO 1986...