Could the conventional wisdom on children and allergies be wrong? 'Medical Dispatch' about food allergies. Jerome Groopman, Medical Dispatch, “The Peanut Puzzle,” The New Yorker, February 7, 2011, pp. 26-30
Could the conventional wisdom on children and allergies be wrong? 'Medical Dispatch' about food allergies. Jerome Groopman, Medical Dispatch, “The Peanut Puzzle,” The New Yorker, February 7, 2011, pp. 26-30
Could the conventional wisdom on children and allergies be wrong? 'Medical Dispatch' about food allergies. Jerome Groopman, Medical Dispatch, “The Peanut Puzzle,” The New Yorker, February 7, 2011, pp. 26-30
Could the conventional wisdom on children and allergies be wrong? 'Medical Dispatch' about food allergies. Jerome Groopman, Medical Dispatch, “The Peanut Puzzle,” The New Yorker, February 7, 2011, pp. 26-30
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Foodallergy is likely a problem that we've createdthrough our diet and environment. ::! 26 was on a restricted diet. But MindLn asked that Maya be examined, and the al lergist placed a small amount ofmilk pro tein under the baby's skin. Within min utes, she broke out in hives. As it turned out, Maya was also allergic to eggs, pea nuts, tree nuts, and sesame seeds. Despite her mother's vigilance, Maya has had other frightening reactions. On a family outing ro the Long Island Chil dren's Museum a .few months later, after eating something labelled "vegetarian cheese," Maya struggled to breathe and then lost consciousness. On vacation in South Carolina in 2003, Maya wanted a hot dog. 'We asked the waiter to be sure that there were no daily products in the food," Mindlin recalled. "He came back to the table and said that the pack age said a hw1dred per cent beef." But a .few minutes after eating the hot dog Maya began vomiting and swelling. Mindlin later learned that the hot dog contained a milkprotein. This time, the doctor in the E .R. gave Maya an epi nephrine injection. Epinephrine, an other term for adrenaline, can rapidly shut off a se-vere allergic reaction, and Mindlin now makes sure there are sy ringes ofit in each ofher handbags a ~ d in Maya's knapsack. Dr. Hugh Sampson, the director of the Jaffe Food Allergy Institute at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York and an international expert on food allergy, is Maya's doctor. He is a tall sixty-year-old with an athletic build and a full head ofgraying hair. Sampson and Dr. Scott Sicherer, a pediatric allergist who is also at Mount Sinai, have con ducted extensive studies throughout the United States that show that the rate of allergy is rising sharply. Sampson esti mates that three to five per cent of the population is allergic to milk, eggs, pea nuts, tree nuts, or seafood. l n the past decade, allergies to peanuts have dou bled. Other researchers have foW1d the same phenomenon in Great Britain. ''This increase in the incidence of food allergy is real," Sampson said when we spoke recently. He cannot say what is causing the incre-ase, but he now thinks the conventional approach to preventing food allergies is misconceived. For most ofhis career, he bclk-vcd, like most aller gists, that children arc far less likely to become allergic to problematic foods if they arc not exposed to them as infants. But now Sampson and other specialists believe that early exposure may actually help prevent food allergies. S ampson recalls that, in 1980, when he started researching the subject, as a fellow in immunology at Duke Uni versity, "food allergy \vas not a field that anybody wanted to get into." Many doc tors said that patients who claimed that food allergies were causing stomach aches and rashes were often just mani festing psychosomatic symptoms. "l ap proached the subject \vith the asswnp tion that 1would prove it didn't exist," Sampson said. In one e-arly test, he gave a girl in the first grade a bit of egg camouflaged in applesauce. To Sampson's astonish ment, she started wheezing and projec tile vomiting. Hve years later, he foW1d that his one-year-old daughter was gic to eggs. As Sampson got deeper into his work, he was struck by how little was known about the condition. No one knew why some children react to a food protein when it is placed on their skin but not when they cat it, or why others have antibodies in their blood that pre dict allergic reactions they don't end up having. Sampson watched as the incidence of food allergies rose alarmingly in the West while cases remained rare in Africa and Asia. He and other researchers began to investigate whether the problem could be prevented ifWestem mothers continued breast-feeding as long as possible. This would keep their babies away from po tentially allergenic foods W1til their im mnnesystems had developed sufficiently. Laboratory studies reinforced the theory. Sampson's research group and others fow1d that mice that had never been ex posed to a particular food protein couldn't monnt an allergic reaction to it. This sug gested that isolating young children from e-ven minor exposure to potentially aller gic foods would be beneficial. In 1989, Dr. Robert Zeiger, a pedi atric allergist and immunologist at Kai ser Permanente Medical Center in San Diego, published related results from one ofthe only controlled research stud ies on the subject. Tn the Zeiger study, which appeared in The journal rfAllergy and Clinical Immunology, mothers prone to allergy were randomly assigned a re stricted diet. They avoided cow's milk, eggs, and peanuts during the last trimes ter of pregnancy and during breast feeding; their infants were given the supplement Nutran1igen, derived from casein, and kept offall solid foods for six months; cow's milk, corn, soy, citrus, and wheat were prohibited for twelve rr:onths, and egg, peanut, and fish for twenty-four months. After one year, the infants on the restricted diet had signi ficantly fewer allergies than those in the control group. "Reduced exposure of infants to allergenic foods appeared to reduce food sensitization and allergy primarily during the first year of life," Zeiger wrote. A ft-w experts believed that Zeiger's research had not yielded results from which one could draw major conclusions. But Sampson was influenced by the arti cle, and most ofthe other leading think ers in the field agreed with the findings. "VIle know that the hwnan immune sys tem is in1mature for the first ye-ar or so. So 1was thinking initially that, as longas we don't expose babies to a food, they can't make an immune response," Sampson said, "and ifwe can wait until their im mune system matures after a few years they could do better when later exposed to the food." l n 1998, the Department ofHealth in the United Kingdom issued guidelines for doctors and families codiJYing these recommendations. In 2000, the Ameri can Academy ofPediatrics did the same. T he proteins within eggs, milk, pea nuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, wheat, and soy that trigger allergic reactions don't readily decompose when exposed to heat in certain rypes ofcooking or to the acid in our stomachs. Within the gastro intestinal tract, the immune system bat tles pathogens while it ignores harmless food proteins and allows nonthreatening bacteria to reproduce. Proteins that are easily broken down by heat or digestion, such as many of those found in fruits, generally pass by. Proteins t hat resist breakdown are more likely to stimulate an allergic reaction. People with the worst food allergies usually have very high levels ofan anti body called immunoglobulin E (JgE). When someone like Maya drinks milk, the lgE grabs hold of specific pro teins that trigger the body's release of potent molecules like histamine and THE NEW YOI\KER, FE6RUI\RY 7, 2011 27 cytokines. The immune system overre acts to fight the protein that most JX.'O plcs bodies ignore. When Maya "bkw up like a tomato" and stopped breath ing, it was because these molecules cre ated so much swelling and inflammation that her throat closed up. For reasons that arc still notcompletely understood, some people manifest their allergic re actions with nothing more than an out break of eczema. While there is a ge netic predisposition to food allergies, no one has identified the specific genes, and there is no biological explanation for their existence. "From an evolutionary-biology point ofview, food allergy makes no sense at all," Dr. Scott Sicherer, Sampson's col league at Mount Sinai, said. I Iunters and gatherers who had potentially fatal reac tions to tree nuts, peanuts, S(.WS, and fish would be at a distinct t.-volutionary disad vantage and were less likely to pass on their DNA to progeny. "It seems pretty clear that food allergy is a condition that resulted from the environment we cre ated," Sichcrcr said. One explanation for the rise in food allergies is called the "hygiene hypothe sis." The natural environment exposes us to microbes that help teach our immune system to differentiate between danger ous pathogens and nonthreatening nutri ents. When we shield children from dirt in the playground and from sick kids in preschool, we may limit their infections while also reducing their exposure to healthy microbes. Thscould make them susoeptiblc to food allergies. Studies of mice raised in a germ-free environment show that they have abnormal immune systems and arc more prone to allergic re actions. It is possible that we arc doing the same thing to ourselves. Researchers have also proposed sev eral theories based on observations ofge ography and diet. Vitamin Dis bclit.vcd to reduce the development of allergies, and sunshine promotes vitamin-D pro duction. Doctors in cold parts of the U nitcd States write three or four times as many prescriptions for epinephrine to treat food allergies asdodoctors in warm locales. Dietary changes might also play a role. Eating more animal fat can in crease the presence ofa chemkal, pros taglandin, that contributes to the body's inflammatory responses. And as people also cat fcvtcr fresh fiuits and THE NEW "YORKm, 7 , 2011 they fail to take in substances, such as beta-carotene, that limit inflammation in tissues. O ne of the few pediatric allergists who questioned the guidelineswrit ten in 1998 and 2000 was Dr. Gideon Lack, at St. Mary's Hospital in London. Lack studied philosophy and psychology before medicine, and his background is in his approach toscicnoe. "Ifeat ing eggs or eating peanuts in an allergic sufli:rcrcauses a reaction, then clearly the way to prevent a reaction from occurring is by not eating t.-gg or peanut," he said. "That makes sense. But that's different from saying thatclearlythe way to not be come allergic in the first place is not to eat egg or peanut." Lack published letters in The Lmzcet and the British Medical journal that pointed out the absence ofcompelling ev idence used to support the expert guide lines. I lis skepticism was not well re ceived. "It was very hard to get any grant support to study my idea.," he said. In 2003, Lack gave a lecture in Israel about the apparent rise ofpeanut allergies in the United Kingdom. "It was a large lecture hall in T cl Aviv, filled with pedia tricians and allergists. And I asked them, 'How manyofyou have seen acase of pea nut allergy in the past year?' Something like three hands shot up." Lack told me that if he had that question in the United Kingdom, ninety to ninety-five per oent would have raised their hands. Working with researchers in Israel, Lack surveyed more than five thousand children in Jewish schools in North Lon don and more than five thousand school children in an ethnically and economi callysimilar region ofTcl Aviv. The team obtained detailed information about the families' consumption offoods like pea nuts, sesame, and tree nuts. They also catalogued other allergic diseases, such as asthma, eczema, and hay fever. The risk for peanut allergy among Jewish children in the London area 'vas nearly eleven times higher than among those in T cl Aviv. T rce-nut allergywas fourteen times higher, and sesame five times higher in the United Kingdom. The relative risk for milk and t.-gg allergywas about two to thr<.:e times higher. Lack's study docs not offer any proof about the cause ofthe variance in allergies between Je-.vish children in London and in T cl Aviv, but he bclit.'VCS the striking discrepancy may be due to a difference in diet between Israel and England. "The joke in Israel is that the first three words a child says arc abba, meaning 'father,' ima, meaning 'mother,' and Bamba," Lack said. Bamba is a peanut concoction that looks like a Cheez Doodle, and it is a staple ofinf.mts' diets in Israel. Lack did part ofhis rraining in pediat ric allergyat the National Jt.wish Medical and Research Center in Denver, where he discovered that mice could dcvclop aller gies to a particular egg protein that was first rubbedon theirskin or inhalt.-d before they had ever eaten it. I le wondered whether children in the United States and the United Kingdom might become aller gic to peanuts through a similar mecha nism. ln a study published in The New E11gla11d]ounzal ofMedici11e in 2003, he reported that children with eczema had often been previouslyexposed to an oint ment containing peanut oil and were later found to be allergic to pt:anuts. I lc also determined that there wus no correlation between women who had eaten peanuts while pregnant and the of peanut allergies in their children. I lis study challenged the idea that restricting a mother's diet would prevent peanut al lergy, and highlighted how children can inadvcrtcndybeexposed to food proteins. In 2006, Lack received support from the National ofi lcalth as well as from two charitable organizations, the Food Allergy Initiative and the Food Al lergy and Anaphylaxis Nct'lvork. Ile is now more than halfway through the LEAP study-Learning Early About Pea nut Allergy. Six hundred and forty babies have been enrolled in the trial. The chil dren arc randomly either to eat peanut products or to avoid them en tirely.Thestudywill compare the rates of peanut allergy between the two groups. Lack is also conducting a study funded by the Food Standards Agency and the Medical Research Council, in the United Kingdom, about when to wean children from breast-feeding and how a baby's consumption of allergenic foods affects her later development ofallergies. As part of that work, he is examining thirteen hundred babies in the United Kingdom. Lackbelit.'VCS that a child becomes tol erant to a variety offood proteins through exposure in the first six months oflife. ln developing countries, he notes, children 28 often consume solids, initially chewed by their parents, at two or three months. "Y cars ago, nolxxly had blenders or food mixers, and today in developing countries people still don't. The easiest way to get solid foods into a baby's mouth is to chew it up, so it's moist and coated with saliva, and then spit it into the baby's mouth." A paper published in Maternal and Child Nutrition in January, 2010, re ported that some two-thirds ofstudents at a university in China were given masticated food as infants. Only about fourteen per cent ofAmerican infants ceivc solid foods in this way. Saliva is a rich source of enzymes that can help break down solid foods and ofantibodies that might coat food proteins in a way that makes them less allergenicto infants. Lack's research has gradually gained influence with leading allergists, including I !ugh Sampson. By 2006, Sampson real ized that his recommendations about food avoidance did not conform to what he termed "the real world." Doing nothing more than inhaling or touching an alb gen could prompt a reaction in some chil dren. "You can't avoid food proteins," Sampson said. "So whenwe put out these recommendations we allowed the infants to get intermittent and low-dose exposure, especially on the skin, which actually may have made them even more sensitive." Sampson that some eighty per cent ofinfimts who are allergic to eggs or milk will outgrow the allergy by their teen-age years, and that preventing them from being fed products with these foods may prolong the time that takes. "I spe:1t most of my career telling mothers to avoid these types of foods for their ba bies," he told me. "Now we're testing to see ifwe should advise mothers to give the foods to them." InJanuary, 2008, the American Acad emy ofPcdiatries rekased a clinical report by Mount Sinai's Dr. Sicherer and other researchers that overturned the expert ad vice ofthe past "Current e-vidence does not support a major role for maternal dietary restrictions during pregnancy or lactation .... 'There is also little evidence that delaying the timing of the introduc tion ofcomplementaryfoods four to six months ofage pre-vents the oocur rence of[allergies]." Dr. Frank Greer, a specialistin newborn nutrition at the Uni versity ofWisconsin School ofMedicine and Public llealth and an author of the clinical report, told me, 'There is so much out there about how to infants, when to begin rice cereal, how to phase inyellow ve-getables and then gn.-cn vegetables, that has no basis in scientific evidence. It's not surprising that recommendations were made which were based on so little data." Dr. Susan Baker, a professor ofpedi atrics at the State University ofNew York at Buffalo and an expert on nutrition for children, the committee overseen by the A.A.P. that released the recom mendations in 2000. She told me that safety concerns drove the experts to rec ommend restricting exposure of infants to potentially allergenic foods, particu larlycow's milk. "At the time, there was a proliferation of infant formulas on the market. Babies not only have cov/ s milk allergy with eczema, but some who are intolerantofmilkalso develop bloody di arrhea. The real concern was that the for mulas might do harm. That sort of pro pelled us." The committee, she said, move-d from milkproducts to restricting other allergenic foods, like peanuts and fish. 'We in medicine are making a lot of decisions and recorruncndations based on not a lot ofsolid So you toe a fine line. You want to try to get podiatri eians something that is as good as it can be to help guide their ptactice and their thinking. Did we overreach 'vith JX-anuts and other foods? Probably. Could it have been better? Absolutely." The 2000 recommendations have now been overtumed, but Gideon Lack is dis turbed by what f.unilies now face. ''Basi dly, we are all in limbo," he said. Sicherer told me, "This is a tricky area. The AA.P. has backed awayfrom makingrecommen dations, since the is weak. I try to emphasize with my patients not to fL-el guilty that they did or did not do thing that would have resulted in their child having a food allergy. Eve.on the ex perts are not certain what to advise." l)coplc with food allergies live under a r constant threat, in a society that is still poorly infonned about the condition. For people with peanut and tree-nut allcrgks, incidents in restaurants account for nearly a quarter ofunintentional exposures and about half ofaU &tal reactions. In 2007, Sicherer published the re "Mr. Butler, your ten-o'clock is here." suits ofa survey ofa hundred managers, servers, and chefs in establishments ranging from continental restaurants ro bakeries and delis. Focussing on New York City and Long Island, Sicherer found that about a quarter of managers and workers believed that consuming a small amount of the allergen would be safe; thirty-five per cent believed that ftying would destroy it; and a quarter thought it was safe to remove an allergen from a finished meal, like taking walnuts out of a salad. Nearly three-quarters of food workers believed that they knew how to "guarantee" a safe meal. Mosr states do not require that food providers attend educational programs, and there arc no national requirements. Sampson, acutely aware of the risks facing food-ailcJgy suflCrers, is now trying to workout a wayto help desensitize peo ple. To do this, he is relying on the idea behind the hygiene hypothesis and some of Lack's investigations: that exposure in small doses, in controlled circumstana:s, can build tolcmnoc. He is trying to iden tify how the IgE antibody attaches to different proteins, and he uses this knowl edge to have foods cooked in a way that would make the proteins less allergenic. Res<.mchers at Mount Sinai observed, for example, that baking caused milk proteins to chat1f,rc shape in a way that could beless provocative to the immune system. Anal lergic person might be able to eat the al tered proteins and become tolerant of them in all their forms. Sampson and other researchers have also configured an experimental vaccine that contains frag ments ofpeanut protein that might "rcCd ucate" the immune system ofallergic peo ple. Safety studies of the experimental vaccine arc underwayat theJaffi: Institute. I n 2008, when Maya Konoff was seven, her mother enrolled her in a research study being conducted byDr. Sampsonat theJaffi: Food AllergyInstitute, funded by the N.l. l l. She was given allergens in an altered form, and ifshe achieved tolcranoc she would be given foods that contained the allergen in its more natural state. The treatment rooms at the institute arc painted in soft tones and the hallways are decorated with large photographs of fiuits. The institute has a spodess stain less-steel kitchen; all the refrigerators and cabinets arc kept locked. Diego Baraona, the chef, prepares the foods. When I vis- THE NEW 'rofii(EI\, FEili\UI>JIY 7, 201 ited, he showed me a batch of small muffins he had baked, with applesauce and milk, and mps ofrice pudding tighdy scaled in plastic. With a nurse and Jill Mindlin at Maya's side, the child was given a muffin. Maya tentatively took a bite, waited, and seemed to have no reac tion. In short order, she ate the rest of the muffin. "lt was very exciting for our fam ily," Mindlin recalled, "lx:cause it meant that she vtas one ofthose kids whose bod ies didn't recognize the milk protein when it was broken down in baking, so now she had potential to cat bakLxl foods." The next step was to try a taste of pizza. Maya took her first bite, waited, smiled, and then took another two bites. "I knew right then that things were not going , v c J ~ even though Maya had not exhibited any physical symptoms," Min dlin said. "She had been so giddy, riding off the high ofeating the muffin, happy and chattering, and then all ofa sudden there was this pall that came over her." Maya soon broke out in hives and began vomiting. Sampson gave her an epineph rine injection. As the drug took effect, the anaphylactic reaction was arrested. According to the protocol, Maya was supposed to come back in six months. Dr. Sampson counselled that in the mean time she should cat baked foods that included milk. When she returned, an intravenous line was inserted and an epinephrine inject pen was placed at the bedside before Maya was offi:red a slice of the same pizza. "It was nothing less than miraculous," her mother told me. "She ate the entire slice of pizza." Maya was ob served for several hours and then given a bowl of rice pudding. The doctors told Mindlin to expect a reaction. "But instead she ate the whole bowlofrice pudding and was fine. She jumped two levels, just by eating muffins every day," Mindlin said. Maya returned to Mount Sinai the next day for a glass of milk 'That didn't go quite as wcll," Mindlin said. As Maya finished drinking, her nose began to run and she vomited. T he allergic reaction was mild enough to be tn:ated with Bcna dryl. When I spoke to Mindlin in De cember, she told me that Maya can now cat macaroni and cheese but that she is still unable to drink milk "Even if she never progresses past this, I have no re grets about being in the study, because now she can !,'<> to a birthday party and have a slice ofpizza. It's huge." t ONLINE PUZZLES How hard is it to put a New Yorker cover back together? Thousands of covers, thousands of jigsaw puzzles jigsaw NEWYORKER.COM 30
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