Prepared For: Date of Report:: Comprehensive Health and Wellness Summary
Prepared For: Date of Report:: Comprehensive Health and Wellness Summary
Prepared For: Date of Report:: Comprehensive Health and Wellness Summary
Mishra,Soumya Ranjan
Congratulations on completing this health risk assessment, an important step on your journey to optimal health and fitness. Like any journey, you need to know where youve been, where youre at, and where to go from here. This report, which was prepared just for you, charts your progress by comparing your current and past health behaviors. This information will help you stay on your path to good health This guide is not meant to take the place of a physician visit nor can it diagnose illness or medical problems. It is designed to give you information relating to your health risks and overall wellness. This information is provided to help you develop a plan of action to make healthy lifestyle changes.
Your Score:
Your overall wellness score is based on how you responded to questions about your normal habits and elements in your daily life that you control. 71.75 out of a maximum possible score of 100.
This score is calculated from your responses on the health and lifestyle parameters and represent an individual score for you. Your overall score is weighted by the importance of each health parameter. The higher you score, the better your health and healthier your lifestyle. A lower score also indicates higher risks for future health problems. This guide will provide you with information and suggestions on how you can strengthen your healthy behaviors while working to change your unhealthy habits. Things you are doing well Your BMI is ideal Your blood sugar levels are normal You do not smoke Things to work on Consult a physician for your high blood pressure reading Manage Asthma better Manage High cholesterol better Improve your diet Remove stress Biometrics: Biometrics are the critical measurable biometric results that indicate health status. You can compare your results against recommended values and the possible risk to your health in the table below. Health Parameter Your Score Recommended Risk Rating Waist measurement 32 (cms) BMI 23 Fasting Blood Sugar 80 110 mg/dL Blood Pressure Total Cholesterol Triglyceride 130/110 No data available I dont remember Male: < 94cm or 37 inches Female: < 80 cm Good or 31.5 inches Between 18.5-22.9 Between 80 110 mg/dL Below 140/90 mm hg 200 mg/dL Below 150mg/dL Normal No risk Moderate risk Not reported (Moderate risk) Moderate risk
Health and Wellness Risk Factor profile: Your responses in the questionnaire on health, lifestyle and safety practices have been analyzed to identify the potential risk status on your health and wellness. Health and Wellness Status Health Parameter Disease condition status Asthma High cholesterol Fairly managed Fairly managed Current Rating
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Other potential health problems Health Symptoms Family predisposition Diabetes Risk Heart Disease Risk High Blood Pressure Risk High Cholesterol Risk Preventive Health Health checks Immunization Health screening Oral health Lifestyle status Smoking Alcohol Adverse habits Physical fitness Dietary habits Sleeping habits Emotional health status Emotional well-being Work satisfaction Financial satisfaction Safety status Work Travel Moderate risk Moderate risk Fair Poor Poor No risk Moderate risk No risk Sedentary risk Moderately balanced Poor Good Poor Poor Needs Improvement Mild risk High risk Moderate risk Moderate risk Well Managed
Making Changes Making a permanent lifestyle change isn't easy. There are five "stages" everyone must go through to change an unhealthy behavior. If you don't feel ready to take the next step or try to jump ahead too fast, you are not likely to make a lasting change. Think of a change you need to make to improve your health. Which "stage of change" are you working on now? What is your next stage? In trying to change, you may go forward a stage or two and then slip back. That's a normal part of changing - not a sign of failure. Consider these stages as you read the following pages. Stage 1: Not thinking to make changes Stage 2: Thinking about making changes in next 6 months Stage 3: Preparing to take action in next 30 days Stage 4: Took action to change within last 6 months Stage 5: Continuing health changes begun over 6 months ago
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Your waist size is within the recommended range. However your body mass index (BMI) is beyond the ideal range. BMI is the ratio of an individuals height and weight and is a critical indicator of health and disease risk. Your goal should be a BMI between the ranges of 18.5 - 22.9 Kg/m2. Maintaining a healthy body weight reduces the risk of heart diseases, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, asthma and certain cancers. Overweight people have more complications from an illness than people who are in a healthy weight range.Here are some tips to help you maintain your waist size and bring your BMI within the ideal range:
Set realistic dieting and exercise goals Engage in at least moderate physical activity for a minimum of 30 minutes on most days of the week Eat a well balanced and nutritious diet Chew your food thoroughly and eat only when you are hungry
Total Cholesterol Your Score Ideal Score Not reported (Moderate risk) No risk
Your response indicates that you do not remember your most recent cholesterol level. You should maintain a record of the blood tests you take. A timely evaluation of cholesterol level can aid early detection and effective management of high cholesterol and reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, and other organ damage.
You reported the presence of asthma. The good thing is that your asthma is under control. If you do not want your condition to deteriorate you should:
Consult your doctor regularly, even if there are no symptoms. Regular follow up with your doctor can help prevent asthma attacks and improve your lung function. Take your medication regularly as prescribed and always keep the emergency medication at hand. Maintain an asthma diary to identify and avoid triggers that induce asthma attack. An asthma trigger is anything that brings on coughing, wheezing, trouble breathing, and other symptoms in a person with asthma. Some common triggers include colds, smoke, cold air, exercise and certain things that cause allergic reactions, such as dust mites or pollen. Maintain a healthy body weight. Research shows that excessive weight around the trunk increases the work load of the breathing muscles. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle boosts your immunity and prevents asthma attacks.
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Other potential health problems Your Score Ideal Score Well Managed Well managed
Feeling tired / exhausted after simple activities Cough lasting more than 3 weeks Recurrent, severe headaches in the last few months Diarrhea or stomach infections, more than twice a year
You reported the presence of the following symptom(s) in the last six months:
Other potential health problems Your Score Ideal Score Well Managed Well managed
Monitor your condition and take appropriate precautions as advised by your doctor. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle boosts your immunity and helps in early resolution of the symptom(s). Eat well balanced meals at regular intervals. Consult your doctor regarding the appropriate physical activity / exercise suitable for your condition and do it regularly. Maintain regular sleep patterns and avoid stress. Lack of sleep and excessive stress has been shown to worsen many symptoms. Take adequate rest and avoid exerting until the symptom is gone Eat food that is hygienically prepared and/or stored Drink safe water, avoid eating out and ensure personal hygiene
The good thing is that your symptom is under control. If you want your symptom not to worsen you should:
Diabetes Risk Your Score Ideal Score Mild risk Mild risk
Your response indicates that you have a family history of diabetes. Research shows that those with a positive family history of diabetes, especially Type II diabetes, are more likely to develop it. However, you can reduce your risk by controlling other contributory factors:
Eat a well balanced diet low in fat and calories. Include plenty of fiber in your diet. Foods high in fiber include fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and minimize stress. Increased stress has been known to increase the predisposition to develop diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart diseases and stroke.
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Heart Disease Risk Your Score Ideal Score High risk Mild risk
Your response indicates that you have a family history of heart disease. Research shows that those with a history of heart disease in parents or siblings are more likely to develop it. However, you can reduce your risk by ensuring that the other contributory factors remain under control:
If your cholesterol levels are high, consult with your doctor and take appropriate measures to keep it under control. Cholesterol deposits can block the blood vessels supplying the heart leading to the development of heart disease. Eat a well balanced diet low in fat and calories. A well balanced diet helps reduce the risk of heart disease as well as other diseases that could predispose you to it such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and minimize stress. Increased stress has been known to increase the predisposition to develop heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and stroke.
High Blood Pressure Risk Your Score Ideal Score Moderate risk Mild risk
Your response indicates that you have a family history of high blood pressure. Research shows that high blood pressure runs in families. However, you can reduce your risk by keeping other contributory factors under control:
Limit your alcohol intake. More than two drinks a day for men and one for women can increase the blood pressure. Even casual drinking can lead to temporary increase of blood pressure and add to the risk of developing it permanently. Eat a well balanced diet low in fat and calories. Include plenty of fiber in your diet. Foods high in fiber include fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and minimize stress. Increased stress has been known to increase the predisposition to develop high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart diseases and stroke. Get your blood pressure checked periodically. Early detection and effective management reduces most of the long term complications of high blood pressure.
Your response indicates that you have undergone the following preventive health check(s) in the last one year: As the saying goes Prevention is better than cure. You should ensure that you undergo regular preventive health checks to lead a more healthy life and detect any disease / condition, if present, at a very early stage. Doing so can save you from the debilitating effects in future. A complete health check once in a year is mandatory. Talk to your doctor for other specific health checks applicable in your case. Immunization Your Score Ideal Score Poor Good
Hepatitis B
Your response indicates that you have had the following immunization(s) in the last few years: The vaccines usually recommended are those against Hepatitis B, influenza, meningococcus, tetanus, typhoid and varicella. Hepatitis B, meningococcal and varicella vaccines usually do not need booster doses. However influenza vaccine should be taken annually, typhoid three yearly and tetanus every ten years. Immunization against an infective agent strengthens the natural defense mechanism and combats subsequent infections. Regular immunization can protect you from many communicable diseases.
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Your response indicates that you are not carrying out testicular self-examination regularly. Most testicular cancers are first noticed by the man himself. You should do a testicular self-examination every month to find out if the testes contain any suspicious lumps or other irregularities, which could be signs of cancer or infection.
You have reported some symptom(s) that suggest that your oral health may be compromised. If you want these symptoms to improve, please ensure the following:
Brush your teeth 2-3 times daily, preferably after meals. Use a medium or soft brush to prevent damage to your teeth and gums. Report symptoms like bleeding gums, mouth sores, sensitive teeth, tooth-aches, holes in teeth or bad breath to your dentist as soon as possible. These conditions are curable if detected and treated early.
The state of your oral health can be a determinant of your overall health. Your oral health is connected to many other health conditions beyond your mouth. Sometimes the first sign of a disease shows up in your mouth. In other cases, infections in your mouth, such as gum disease, can cause problems in other areas of your body. Smoking Your Score Ideal Score No risk No risk
It is good that you do not smoke. By doing this you are sending a positive message to others as well. Research shows that smoking increases the predisposition to develop cancers of the lungs, cervix, kidney, pancreas, stomach and blood. It can also result in blood vessel abnormalities, cataract, lung infection, asthma, high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease. Please continue to avoid smoking to stay safe and try to avoid passive or second hand smoking as well.
Your responses indicate that you consume some amount of alcohol. Alcohol when consumed up to one drink a day for women and up to two drinks a day for men could be good for the heart. However, regular drinking could lead to weight gain, altered judgment, dependency, addiction or other serious health problems. You may need to talk to your doctor about the amount of alcohol permissible if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hepatitis or epilepsy. You may also need to discuss your alcohol intake with your doctor in case you are prescribed any medication.Your response indicates that you have an alcohol-drinking problem. The fact that you are aware of the problem is the first step towards managing it. You may need to talk to your doctor about various options available to help you overcome this problem.
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It is good that you do not have the habit of taking paan, gutka, supari, snuff or tobacco. Intake of paan / gutka / supari / snuff / tobacco can lead to poor oral hygiene and dental problems as well as put a person at risk of developing oral cancer.
Your responses suggest that you need to make improvements in your physical activity schedule. Regular physical activity substantially reduces the risk of obesity, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure. It also helps to control weight; contributes to healthy bones, muscles, and joints; helps to relieve the pain of arthritis; reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression; and is associated with fewer hospitalizations, physician visits and medications. You can start now by:
Allocating time from your daily routine to physical activity. Setting small and achievable goals for yourself. Gradually increasing your intensity. You can put yourself at risk for injury if you increase too much, too fast. Participating in regular, moderate-intensity physical activity, such as 30 minutes of brisk walking five or more times a week.
Dietary habits Your Score Ideal Score Moderately balanced Well balanced
Your responses indicate that your eating habits are less than exemplary. Good eating habits are very important for maintaining health and preventing disease conditions. Please adopt the following recommended eating habits:
Make sure that your meals contain balanced quantities of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Include plenty of vegetables and fruits in your diet. Avoid regular consumption of food rich in sugar as it can lead to conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease etc. Avoid regular consumption of oily or fried food as it can lead to conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease etc.
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Your responses indicate that you have some sleeping problems and do not feel rested in the mornings. You need to create a good sleeping environment so that you get adequate rest and sleep. Inadequate sleep causes stress, difficulty concentrating and fatigue. Here are some tips for maintaining a healthy sleep cycle:
Keep your bedroom quiet, dark and comfortable Maintain a regular sleep schedule Try relaxation techniques like a warm shower, deep breathing or meditation before sleeping Exercise regularly Avoid excessive amounts caffeine or alcohol, especially two to three hours before going to sleep Avoid or limit naps during the day Do not take sleeping pills habitually or without consulting your doctor
The ideal amount of sleep varies from person to person. Although 7.5 hours of sleep is about average, some people do well on four to five hours of sleep. Other people need nine to 10 hours of sleep each night. If after 6 hours of sleep you feel refreshed in the morning and awake during your daylight hours, then you don't need more than that. If, on the other hand, you need 9 hours a night to feel refreshed and to function well during the day, then that is your individual requirement and sleeping the "normal" amount of 7.5 hours per night may actually leave you sleep deprived. Emotional well-being Your Score Ideal Score Fair Good
Your responses indicate that you have some stress-related problems presently. Emotional well-being has a major role in leading a healthy, satisfying and successful life. Your emotional well-being depends on your ability to handle stress, be aware of your feelings and appreciate your positive attributes. A poor emotional well-being can eventually translate into psychological and even physical health impairments.Your responses also indicate that you are not practicing all the coping mechanisms and strategies to manage your stress. Please ensure the following to manage your stress and improve your emotional well-being:
Deal with situational stress by changing the perception of the problem and of yourself. It is not what happens to you, instead it is what you do about it. Worry and negative thoughts can increase the stress and make it worse. Acknowledge your feelings, but do not get stuck in the negative ones. You have to take responsibility for your own moods. Be realistic to see if you can respond differently to a difficult situation. Do not let negative feelings ruin your day or affect the people around you. Look at what you have done and appreciate your achievements. This will enhance your emotional well-being. Be motivated by goals that have a deep meaning in your life, rather than trying to fulfill some temporary deficiency. Talk to your friends and /or family. They may give you appropriate feedback and put things in perspective. At times just sharing your thoughts can help you think clearer. A supportive network of family and friends can also give you a sense of belonging and improve your perception of self worth. Adopt relaxation techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises or yoga to help you unwind. Relaxation techniques have been shown to decrease muscle tension, lower the blood pressure and control heart and breathing rates, among other health benefits. Cultivate some hobby. Doing something you enjoy at your own pace can boost your creativity and self esteem as well as provide you with a sense of accomplishment. Do not resort to smoking or binge drinking as a reaction to stress. Apart from having a negative impact on your physical health, it can leave you feeling guilty and even worse when you come out of it. Eat a well-balanced diet and exercise regularly. Physical well being is also important for your emotional well-being. Seek professional help if required. It can provide you with an unbiased analysis and appropriate coping mechanisms.
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Your responses indicate that you have some amount of work-related stress. A sense of achievement and self-worth at work is as important as a healthy work-life balance. Pressure and undue stress at work combined with other problems, such as difficulties at home can compromise your emotional health. Please follow these strategies to avoid work-related stress and maintain your work satisfaction at an optimum level:
Identify the factors that cause you stress at work and develop appropriate coping strategies. Improve your time management and organizational skills. Maintain an activity log to identify the areas of wasted time and effort. Prioritize work, break it into manageable steps and delegate tasks. Identify your goals at work, seek feedback on your performance and work on your training needs. Support your team members and seek their support, when needed. Try to make time for yourself away from work to unwind. You can try methods such as reading, meditation and yoga. Take breaks from work and go on vacations from time to time. Adopt a healthy lifestyle. Eat a well-balanced diet and exercise regularly. Do not compromise on your rest or sleep time. Neglecting your health for the sake of work can hamper your work efficiency and eventually your career. Maintain a balance between your work and personal life. A healthy work-life balance requires allocation of quality time to family and leisure as you pursue your career.
Your responses indicate that you have some stress related to your finances presently. Financial stress can lead to feelings of insecurity, fear, anxiety, anger, and depression. These feelings could spur you to make poor money management decisions that could result in a vicious cycle of fear, anxiety and panic. Eventually it can have a negative impact on your emotional as well as physical health. You should consider taking some sound financial advice and planning your budget to achieve optimal financial satisfaction. You can also adopt stress management techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises or yoga to cope with the financial stress.
You have reported that your job involves working at a computer. You have indicated that you are already using some of the recommended strategies to make the working conditions more comfortable. Please continue to do so to prevent headache, focusing difficulties, eyestrain, dry eyes, double vision, blurred vision, light sensitivity or neck and shoulder pain. You can further minimize the risk by adopting the following strategies:
Ensure that your work station is adequately lit. Use lower-back support when you sit. Adjust your chair height to keep a neutral position, where the forearms, wrists and hands are in a straight line. When keyboarding, use minimum force while striking the keys. Use protective equipment like padded mouse pads and wrist supports to avoid straining the wrist.
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You have reported the use of public transport as your typical means of travel. Your responses indicate that you are not following all the safety procedure recommended to minimize risk of accident during travel. Please take these precautions to stay safe during travel:
Do not footboard on buses or trains. You could slip and sustain serious injuries. Avoid overcrowded public transport if possible.
Health coach contact details A Health Coach will be available for you to telephonically reach out for any health related queries you may have. The health coach will also help you make healthy choices that can empower you to take charge of your health. This will help you be more productive at work due to reduced stress, improved performance of daily activities and improved overall health. URL for scheduling an appointment: Name of the program: Wellness Coach Phone number: 09632765814 Email id Operating hours 9:00 am to 6:00 pm monday to Friday
HRA is a health promotion and prevention program designed to help individuals identify their potential health risks and meet their lifestyle improvement goals. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE A PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OR MEDICAL CARE BY A PHYSICIAN. Health information provided in this report is based on evaluation of the information provided by you in our comprehensive health risk assessment questionnaire, Individual results may vary. The information is designed for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement, not to replace, consultation with a physician. You should not use information provided in this report to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. The [HP Wellness] Team encourages you to consult your health care provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition.
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