A Fuzzy Cross-Layer Method To Improve The Quality of Service in Uplink Multimedia Transmissions in Wimax

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A Fuzzy Cross-layer Method to Improve the Quality of Service in Uplink Multimedia Transmissions in WiMAX

Amir Ghiasvand
Technical Manager Bamdad ICT Group Hamedan, Iran amgh@bco.ir

Omid Ghiasvand, Zahra Moslehi

Computer Science ,Technical Manager University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Bamdad ICT Group Milwaukee,USA,Hamedan, Iran ghiasva2@uwm.edu,moslehi@bco.ir simultaneously on 802.16e in a network. All of these services mention as "IP Media Subsystem Services" or IMS. Generally, in transferring the multimedia streams such as VoIP over WiMAX, there are some concerns which the most important one is voice quality (in VoIP) that is related directly with the network quality of service. Also the use of artificial intelligence techniques such as Fuzzy logic can solve the problem of decision making in many types of computer networks. So in this paper a fuzzy decision tree has been applied instead of classic decision tree, to drop the difficulties of crisp cutting points in classic decision tree. II. INTRODUCTION TO WIMAX NETWORKS Wireless Metropolitan network can be formed by Standard IEEE 802.16 that in it there is access ability to the networks from the buildings through external antenna BS. WiMAX also is an alternative option for traditional cable networks such as fiber optic connections and coaxial systems using of cable modem lines and DSL. WiMAX defines two layers of protocol stack, physical layer (PHY) and median access control (MAC). MAC layer manages connections and security. PHY deals with communication and error correction signals in addition to initial ranging, registration, bandwidth requests connection channels for management, and data. Physical layer includes a sequence of frames with same length which are transmitted by coding and modulation which are done by RF signals. Physical and MAC frames are not located necessarily in above or below margins of higher layer. Middle or interface mappings make the 802.16 standard more flexible to support various traffics in transmission such as IP, Ethernet, and ATM with high efficiency [1]. III. INTRODUCTION CROSS-LAYER

Abstract WiMAX is a wireless standard that allows the establishment of a broadband connection with high throughput. IEEE802.16 provides high bandwidth and range, while implementing and operating costs low, and as a serious item to replace wired networks T1 and DSL is considered. On the other hand we witness the important role of multimedia applications in everyday human. In most multimedia applications, quality of service plays a major role and boosting this important parameter, increases the quality of multimedia services. In this paper, a method which increases the quality of service using Cross-layer mechanism with fuzzy decision tree is presented. This method based on important parameters such as quality of service delay, lost packets, timeout and also the use of fuzzy decision tree, tries to improve quality of service in WiMAX networks. Conducted simulation results indicate significant influence of the proposed mechanism on improving the quality of service, especially in the above parameters. Keywords-component; WiMAX, Cross-layer, Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy decision tree, quality of service, multimedia



IEEE Institute introduced a new standard in 2001, IEEE 802.16, that provides some broadband wireless access for business use and local customer. This standard popularly called "Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access" or WiMAX. WiMAX design has the ability to provide QOS or quality of service. This standard can supports application and delay-sensitive services well. Since WiMAX is a connection oriented standard, it can provide the QoS for each connection. Today capabilities of multimedia transitions are very important. For this purpose, IEEE 802.16 standard includes features of the quality of service in order to support multimedia traffic with low delay. Features of request/guarantee MAC layer in IEEE 802.16, ensure service guarantee levels such as T1, provide the best effort services, and also support cable level services. Moreover, the mechanisms of QoS are available for customers in order to create and manage a special mechanism based on their requirements. WiMAX also is the only network which is capable to provide voice, video and data services. Moreover, it can support four services, voice, video, data, and mobility,

In traditional layered architecture, layers can only communicate with its adjacent layers. This communication has been defined by Interfaces . By using Cross-layer mechanism the structure of traditional layer model can be changed and the network can be more efficient. Cross-layer

ICCIT 2012


mechanism changes the communication method. It makes a connection between layers not adjacent [2] (Figure 1). Layer architecture is a good idea that it should not be changed, but this model has its own strategy and is not suitable for designing next generation wireless networks [4]. Therefore, Cross-layer mechanism tries to increased efficiency of layer architecture by using some opportunities that layer architecture provides.

One layer is described by many parameters, but all these parameters are not important for Cross-layer optimizer, so in abstracting layer stage some parameters must be selected which are crucial for Cross-layer optimizer and also do not increase the cost of optimization [4]. In a Cross-layer mechanism different types of parameters can be defined [6]. directly tunable (DT) parameters that can be directly set as a result of the optimization process; indirectly tunable (IT) parameters that may be modified as a result of the setting of the DT parameters; descriptive (D) parameters that can only be read but not tuned by the optimizer; abstracted (A) parameters that are abstractions of the previous types of parameters.

In figure 2, architecture of cross-layer, interaction method between three work stages, and how the above parameters move in model are presented.
Figure 1-Layer Model (Left) and Cross-layer (Right)

There is a misconception about Cross-layer. People often think that Cross-layer is an alternative mechanism for layer concept, while the mechanism is complement of layer concept. The layer concept and Cross-layer mechanism are tools which must be used collaboratively to improve the efficiency and productivity in various types of wireless networks [5]. The most application of Cross-layer mechanism in wireless networks is to increase efficiency, especially in multimedia stream transmission. A. Architecture of Cross-layer Architecture of cross-layer typically includes N layers and a cross-layer optimizer. The main task in Cross-layer mechanism is done by cross-layer optimizer. Process of optimization is done in three stages, as follows [6] and [10] . 1. Layer abstraction: Computes an abstraction of layer-specific parameters that are processed by the optimizer. This process aims at reducing the overall dataprocessing and communication overhead while maintaining consistency. Optimization: Determines the values of layer parameters that optimize a specific objective function. Layer reconfiguration: Distributes the optimal values of the abstracted parameters to the corresponding layers, which in turn translate them back into layer-specific information.
Figure 2-Architecture Cross-layer



2. 3.

Cross-layer in WiMAX networks can be implemented in two parts: BS and SS. In this paper, we express and design a Cross-layer mechanism which in BS part actives an uplink communication. Proposed Cross-layer mechanism is based on BS part and receives abstract information of layers profile circumstances or conditions of channel, and QoS parameters of a connection which is provided by the MAC and PHY layers in the BS part (first stage of architecture of Cross-layer). A special algorithm with respect to this abstract information specifies appropriate modulation or traffic rate separately for each connection (second stage of architecture of Cross-layer). Finally, the BS part should make aware the corresponding layers from changes in the previous stage for reconfiguration (third stage of architecture of Cross-layer). This procedure is shown in Figure 3.

The three stages during the activity of a network are repeated frequently, and they always try to create the best performance for the network.


rate of coding can be decreased and reaches 5Kbps even lower. The main algorithm presented BS part based on two important parameters of quality of service: lost and delayed packets. Both of these parameters are obtained from the abstract information of channel information that has been described in section A.
Figure 3- process optimization in BS part

A. Abstraction layer phase In this phase, BS needs some information received signals and SS conditions for establishing an uplink connection. A suitable solution to this understand this information, is that SS send channel profile to BS. This sending is existed in standard IEEE 802.16 and by Channel of Quality Information Channel (CQICH) is possible. It is also possible that BS using a request message or Report Request (REPREQ) and its response or Report Response (REP-RES) which are provided by SS, measures the quality of channel [3] [1]. CQICH also can be sent periodically and sent by SS once BS catches demand it. It contains some important information about the conditions of channel and modulation methods in CINR reports [3] [1]. B. Optimization Cross-layer Main part of Cross-layer is the optimizer. Duty of BS part, which major activities are done in this section, includes receiving abstract data of channel conditions, optimizing data in order to improve quality of service, increasing efficiency, and finally inform the corresponding layers of the changes. After optimization of operations information, BS can inform corresponding layers of changes such as changing modulation and changing traffic rate. Optimization procedure is depicted in Figure 5. Here changing the rate of traffic is changing coding rate. For example, the traffic that is considered here is voice variable traffic rate with AMR codec which its coding rate can be set by different amounts if necessary. For example, in the moments that conditions of channel are suitable, channel can provide transition necessaries and high-speed transfer of data up to 15Kbps. But when the channel conditions are not favorable, important parameters of quality of service such as delay, packages loss rate, and timeout is not in a situation to transfer data at high speed and to guarantee the delivery of packets, in order to remain the quality for multimedia services in a desirable level the

The rate of lost packets error rate is obtained from sum of packets error rate (for example, packages that are lost due to channel error) and the rate is timeout packets. To calculate the rates BS part should save up to date information of channel conditions. Channel conditions can be obtained by messages REP-RSP, REP-RES, and CQICH which already have been described. Package error rate by BER diagram on SNR in the PHY layer are determined, and based on diagram in figure 4 and order of position of modulations that is described in [7] decisions are made to change the modulation.

Figure 4-Diagram of BER on CINR

Due to packets loss rate if the rate is not acceptable two cases will be studied:

a. First, do packets loss rate depend on the failure of

channel conditions? If yes BS part allows MAC layer degrade the modulation. This command makes the model to be more powerful against interference.

b. Second, do packets loss rate depend on

unacceptable delay or timeout? This makes the other two cases:


Packets loss rate due to timeout exclusively. This is because of the low speed of channel, and it cannot transfer data fast. In this moment BS can improve modulation to increase speed and reduce losses due to the package Timeout. In another case, a considerable percentage of failures depend on the channel



conditions that are very poor. In this case, modulation must not be improved but the traffic rate must be decreased in order to adjust the packages loss rate. On the other hand, when packages loss rate is very low or not considerable BS part can improve the modulation, due to increase the existing bandwidth, and it allows application layer to increase the traffic rate due to improvement of main parameters of quality of service. Finally the last two decisions must be specified that depend on average of delay rate of an active connection: 1. If the average delay rate is very low or negligible: In this case BS part can request to increase traffic rate in order to improve quality of service parameters. 2. If the average delay rate is not low and is in an acceptable range of delay: In this case BS part can improve the quality of service by enhancing modulation, due to increase data transition speed and to decrease delay. C. Layers Reconfiguration Interaction between SS and BS parts for exchanging messages of increasing and decreasing the rate of delay can be done by default management messages in MAC layer. There are some reserved messages in MAC layer which using one of them adjustment messages of traffic rate can be transfer. One of these messages is the message type of 67 in both IEEE 802.16 and IEEE 802.16e. In [3] and [1] have been mentioned that this message is reserved for special use in future. In table 1 the structure of this message is shown. Management Message Type field, an 8-bit field, specifies the number of management message. In this example, this field is always 67. In this structure Direction field, 1-bit field, specifies the direction of connection, zero for Uplink connection and one for Downlink. Also Total Rate Recommended field contains increasing or decreasing request of traffic rate.

Figure 5- the proposed decision tree for Cross-layer optimizer



In this paper, instead of using the classical decision tree for cross-layer optimizer (Figure 6) a fuzzy decision tree has been used. In classical decision trees, cut points are Crisp. Applications show that these trees are suitable only when the classes have very specific boundaries, and they are separate firmly. But in the real world there are classes that their borders cannot be separated easily. [8] In fuzzy decision trees, some fuzzy rules are active simultaneously from first of the tree till end of it, and finally several (the number of tree leaves) conclusions will made. The process of fuzzy decision trees is as same as process of classical decision trees, but instead of a crisp expression in classical decision trees a fuzzy function is used, and the value produced by it will be sent to the next step. The difference between classical and fuzzy decision trees is shown in Figure 6. Thus, in all parts of the leaves of fuzzy decision tree, final decisions, there are values that indicate the degree of a decision. Finally, a leaf or a decision is chosen that has the highest degree.

Size 8bit 1bit 32bit

Syntax Management Message Type Direction Total Rate Recommended

Table 1-structure of traffic rate messages [1,3]

Figure 6-classical (Left) and fuzzy (Right) decision trees, and space of their decision


A. changing classical decision tree into fuzzy For changing the classical decision tree in figure 6 into fuzzy, following steps must be done

The changed tree, in figure 5, into fuzzy decision tree is shown in Figure 7. Also in figure 8 an example is presented which includes the following inputs (values are changed into fuzzy values by equation 1): LR = 0.1, DR = 0.6, MP = 0.8, D = 0.9, T = 0.1. After identification of input values, values of other nodes are specified by the fuzzy operators. In figure 8 the value that is sent to the next step, is shown on the edge connected to next node. Finally, the decision node that will be chosen, is node T3 (decay modulation) which means it has the highest degree (0.8).

First in nodes that contain external inputs (input must be entered by the user), they must be transform into a fuzzy value. To do this, for all of inputs, a function must be made by fuzzy probabilities then the value of input is passed through this function, and its fuzzy value will be received. For determining the fuzzy membership function for external input nodes, following formula is used: [9]

where n is the number of happened events x from the total number of events N. At this stage, intermediate nodes that are not leaf nodes nor external inputs. In these nodes not only the function must be specified by the equation 1, but also a fuzzy operator must be used to calculate the output of the node combined with the value of previews node. We have used "Minimum" fuzzy operator for determining the output of this node. The fuzzy Min operator used here is: (x) = Min ( (x1), (x2)) Where x 1 and x 2 are current and previews inputs ( (x1) and (x2) are fuzzy degrees of current node input and output of previews node), respectively, and (x) is the output of current node.

Figure 8-An example of fuzzy decision tree



Finally, for determining the values of leaf nodes or decisions, there is no need to calculation operations, because the value that has been passed from previews node is the value of the current node that is a leaf or a decision.

Here for reaching the specific goals of the paper, some simulations carried out by NS simulator in addition to using NSMiracle and WiMAX NIST.Simulation process first starts with an SS and a BS parts which the number of SS increases gradually (every 15 seconds), so at the end of the simulation process for 1800 seconds the total number of SS gets 100. For each of these SSs, a uplink voice connection with AMR coding is created, and after connecting to the BS part data exchange will be started. Here, the measurements of some important parameters such as packets loss rate, packets objection rate, and timeout rate, will be compared and evaluated in two types, without and with proposed cross-layer mechanism. These measurements will be done for all connections. Also the presented results are acquired from the average results of the simulation that is repeated for 8 times. In this data exchange, the PMP topology is used. Moreover Bs is assumed as data source, and SS considered as data receiver.
Traffic Type Voice variable length traffic Accessible QPSK, 16-QAM 64-QAM modulations Length of time 2 ms frame Transfer rate 100 Mbps Table 2-Initial set of simulation

Figure 7- The changed decision tree into fuzzy. LR: packet loss rate, MP: packet objection rate, DR: packet objection rate near to zero, D: delay, T: time expiration of packages, T1: increase traffic rate, T2: Upgrade modulation, T3: decay modulation, T4: Upgrad


In this simulation, available modulations in order to upgrade or degrade are QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM. Length of Time frames assumed 10ms maximum data rate is 120Mbps. In figures10, 11, and 12 the results of simulation are presented.

especially under many SSs, is the ability of proposed cross layer to decrease the rate of timeouts , which is yielded by upgrading modulation so results in promotion of system bandwidth. VII. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS As the simulation results show, the proposed cross layer mechanism can improve the quality of service parameters such as packets lost rate, Timeout packets rate, and also decrease delay especially in heavy traffic and many number of nodes significantly. But it seems that by using other methods of implementation, this improvement of quality of service can be studied. For instance, instead of fuzzy decision tree an artificial neural network can be used. Decision trees are decision making methods that are based on model data, it mean that they do not need a lot of number of data. But neural networks based on training and need a lot of data to be trained. Except of this limitation accuracy of neural networks can be discussed for our next paper. REFERENCES
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Figure 9-Comparison of packets lost rate with (red) and without (blue) proposed method

Figure 10-Comparison of packets expiration rate with (red) and without (blue) proposed method

Figure 11- Comparison of packets delay rate with (red) and without (blue) proposed method

As shown in figures 9, 10 and 11, the cross layer mechanism could increase performance well, especially with the many SSs. The most important reason for the significant improvement proposed cross layer mechanism,


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