B.E (Biomedical Engg) - V Sem
B.E (Biomedical Engg) - V Sem
B.E (Biomedical Engg) - V Sem
B.E. (8 SEMESTER) BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING CURRICULUM R 2008 (Common to all branches of B.E. / B.Tech Programmes SEMESTER V
(Applicable to the students admitted from the Academic year 20082009 onwards)
Course Title Digital Signal Processing Bio control systems Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equipment I Bio materials and artificial organs Microprocessor, Microcontroller and System Design Hospital Management
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BM2305 PRACTICAL EC2364 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab BM2304 Biomedical Instrumentation Lab GE2321 Communication Skills Laboratory
AIM To study the signal processing methods and processors OBJECTIVE To study the design techniques of IIR and FIR filters To study the structure realization method for IIR and FIR filters To study the finite word length effects in signal processing To study power spectrum estimation
Introduction to FIR filter - phase delay and group delay linear phase transfer function. Design of FIR filter using Fourier method, Rectangular window, Hanning window, Hamming window, Kaiser window. Design using frequency sampling technique. Structure realization of FIR system direct form, cascade form, linear phase FIR system. 2. Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filter 9
Introduction to IIR filter - Impulse-invariant transformation technique Bilinear transformation technique frequency transformation in digital domain - design of Butterworth filter and Chebyshev filter (type-1) (restricted to 3rd order). Structure realization of IIR system lattice structure and lattice-ladder structure. 3. Finite word length effect in FIR and IIR filter 8
Quantization of fixed-point and floating-point numbers product quantization variance estimation of quantization error finite word length effect on IIR filter Product quantization error in IIR filter mathematical analysis of steady state output noise dynamic scaling to prevent overflow limit-cycle oscillation in recursive system rounding-off error in DFT and FFT computation. 4. Basics of random signal processing (only qualitative analysis) 10
Introduction to probability function, joint probability, conditional probability estimation parameters joint distribution function, probability density function, ensemble average mean squared value, variance, standard deviation, moments, correlation, covariance, orthogonality, auto-covariance, auto-correlation, cross-covariance and cross-correlation stationarity ergodic white noise energy density spectrum power density spectrum estimation periodogram direct method, indirect method, Barlett method Welch method. Decimator (down sampling) frequency-domain analysis of decimator interpolation (up sampling) frequency-domain analysis of interpolator 5. Introduction to Digital Signal Processors 9
Programmable DSP multiplier accumulator over-flow and under-flow in MAC unit Van-Neumann architecture Harvard architecture cache memory pipelining computer configuration RISC CISC addressing modes replication TMS320 processor first to fifth generation (only block diagram approach) architecture and features. Tutorial 15
Text Book: 1. E. C. Ifeachor and B.W. Jervis, Digital Signal processing A Practical Approach, Pearson education, New Delhi, 4th Edition, 2004.
BM2301 AIM
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By studying various control systems modeling technique, time response analysis and frequency response analysis , biological control systems can be analysed and understood. OBJECTIVES To study concept and different mathematical techniques applied in analyzing any given system To learn to do the analysis of given system in time domain and frequency domain To study the techniques of plotting the responses in both domain analysis To study techniques of modeling the physiological systems 1. CONTROL SYSTEM MODELLING 9 Terminology and basic structure of control system, example of a closed loop system, transfer functions, modeling of electrical systems, translational and rotational mechanical systems, electromechanical systems, block diagram and signal flow graph representation of systems, conversion of block diagram to signal flow graph, reduction of block diagram and signal flow graph. 2. TIME RESPONSE ANALYSIS 9 Step and Impulse responses of first order and second order systems, determination of time domain specifications of first and second order systems from its output responses. definition of steady state error constants and its computation, definition of stability, Routh-Hurwitz criteria of stability, root locus technique, construction of root locus and study of stability, definition of dominant poles and relative stability . 3. FREQUENCY RESPONSE ANALYSIS 9
Frequency response, Nyquist stability criterion, Nyquist plot and determination of closed loop stability, definition of gain margin and phase margin, Bode plot, determination of gain margin and phase margin using Bode plot, use of Nichols chart to compute resonance frequency and band width. 4. PHYSIOLOGICAL CONTROL SYSTEMS 9
Block diagram representation of the muscle stretch reflex, difference between engineering and physiological control systems, generalized system properties , models with combination of system elements, introduction to simulation. 5. PHYSIOLOGICAL SYSTEM MODELING 9
Linear model of respiratory mechanics, model of chemical regulation of ventilation, linear model of muscle mechanics, model of regulation of cardiac output, model of Neuromuscular reflex motion. TUTORIAL = 15 TOTAL 45+15 = 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. M. Gopal Control Systems Principles and design, Tata McGraw Hill ,2002 2. Benjamin C. Kuo, Automatic control systems, Prentice Hall of India, 1995 3. Michael C K Khoo, Physiological control systems, IEEE press, Prentice Hall of India, 2001. REFERENCE 1. John Enderle, Susan Blanchard, Joseph Bronzino Introduction to Biomedical Engineering second edition, Academic Press, 2005. 2. Richard C. Dorf, Robert H. Bishop, Modern control systems,Pearson, 2004
1. CARDIAC EQUIPMENTS 9 Electrocardiograph, Normal and Abnormal Waves, Heart rate monitor, Arrhythmia Simulator, Holter Monitor, Phonocardiography, Plethysmography. Cardiac PacemakerInternal and External PacemakerBatteries, AC and DC Defibrillator- Internal and External. 2. NEUROLOGICAL EQUIPMENTS 9
Clinical significance of EEG, Multi channel EEG recording system, Epillepsy, Evoked Potential Visual, Auditory and Somatosensory, MEG (Magneto Encephalon Graph). EEG Bio Feedback Instrumentation. 3. SKELETAL MUSCULAR SYSTEM 9
Sliding theory of contraction, recording and analysis of EMG waveforms, fatigue characteristics , Muscle stimulators, nerve stimulators, Nerve conduction velocity measurement, EMG Bio Feedback Instrumentation. 4. RESPIRATORY MEASUREMENT STSTEM 9
Instrumentation for measuring the mechanics of breathing Spirometer-Lung Volume and vital capacity, measurements of residual volume, pneumotachometer - Airway resistance measurement, Whole body plethysmography, Intra-Alveolar and Thoracic pressure measurements, Apnea Monitor. Types of Ventilators Pressure, Volume, Time controlled. Flow, Patient Cycle Ventilators, Humidifiers, Nebulizers, Inhalators. 5. SENSORY MEASUREMENT 9
Psycho Physiological Measurements-for testing and sensory Responses, Electro occulograph, Electro retinograph, Audiometer-Pure tone, Speech. EGG (Electrogastrograph), galvanic skin resistance(GSR). Text Books: 1. Joseph J. Carr and John M. Brown, Introduction to Biomedical equipment technology, Pearson education, 2003. 2. John G.Webster, Medical Instrumentation Application and Design, third edition, Wiley India Edition, 2007. Reference books: 1. Myer Kutz, Standard Handbook of Biomedical Engineering & Design, McGraw Hill, 2003. 2. Khandpur R.S, Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003. 3 L.A Geddes and L.E.Baker, Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation, 4 Leslie Cromwell, Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2007.
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Definition and classification of bio-materials, mechanical properties, visco elasticity, wound-healing process, body response to implants, blood compatibility. 2. IMPLANT MATERIALS 9
Metallic implant materials, stainless steels, co-based alloys, Ti-based alloys, ceramic implant materials, aluminum oxides, hydroxyapatite glass ceramics carbons, medical applications. 3. POLYMERIC IMPLANT MATERIALS 9
Polymerization, polyamides, Acryrilic polymers, rubbers, high strength thermoplastics, medical applications. Bio polymers: Collagen and Elastin.
Soft-tissue replacements, sutures, surgical tapes, adhesive, Percutaneous and skin implants, maxillofacial augmentation, blood interfacing implants, hard tissue replacement implants, internal fracture fixation devices, joint replacements. 5. ARTIFICIAL ORGANS 9
Artificial Heart, Prosthetic Cardiac Valves, Artificial lung ( oxygenateor), Artificial Kidney ( Dialyser membrane) , Dental Implants. TOTAL : 45 TEXT BOOKs: 1. SUJATA V. BHATT, Biomaterials Second Edition ,Narosa Publishing House,2005. 2. BIOMATERIALS - Principles and Applications Joon B.Park Joseph D. Bronzino, CRC Press, 2003 Reference books : 1. PARK J.B., Biomaterials Science and Engineering, Plenum Press, 1984. 2. Standard Handbook of Biomedical Engineering & Design Myer Kutz, McGrawHill, 2003 3. Introduction to Biomedical Engineering John Enderle, Joseph D. Bronzino, Susan M. Blanchard, Elsevier, 2005.
EC2363 MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER AND SYSTEM DESIGN 3 0 03 1. ARCHITECTURE OF 8085 /8086: 9 8085- Functional Block Diagram- Description - Addressing Modes, Timing diagrams. 8086- Architecture, Instruction set, Addressing Modes. Introduction to 8087 Architecture. 2. 8086 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING: 9 Simple Assembly Language Programming, Strings, Procedures, Macros, Assembler Directives- Interrupts and Interrupt Applications. 3. PERIPHERAL INTERFACING & APPLICATION: 9 Programmable Peripheral Interface (8255), keyboard display controller (8279), ADC, DAC Interface, Programmable Timer Controller (8254), Programmable interrupt controller (8259), Serial Communication Interface (8251). 4. MICROCONTROLLER: 9
Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller- Instruction Set Assembly Language Programming Branching, I/O and ALU Instructions. Programming 8051 - Timers, Serial Port, Interrupts. C programming for 8051. 5. 8086 AND 8051 BASED SYSTEM DESIGN 9 Design and interfacing - LED, LCD & Keyboard Interfacing, ADC, DAC, Sensor Interfacing, External Memory Interface Traffic light controller, Washing machine, RTC Interfacing using I2C Standard, Motor Control, Relay, PWM, DC, Stepper Motor Multichannel biomedical data acquisition system. L = 45 TEXTBOOK: 1. Ramesh S. Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture Programming and Applications with 8085. Fourth edition, Penram International Publishing 2006. 2. Douglas V.Hall, Microprocessor and Interfacing, Programming and Hardware. Revised second Edition, Indian edition,Tata McGraw Hill, 2007. 3. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Rolin D.MCKinlay The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, Second Edition, Pearson Education 2008. REFERENCE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kenneth J.Ayala., The 8051 Microcontroller, 3rd Edition, Thompson Delmar Learning, New Delhi, 2007. A.K. Ray , K.M .Bhurchandi Advanced Microprocessor and Peripherals ,Second edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2007. . Barry B.Brey, The Intel Microprocessors Architecture, Programming and Interfacing Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2007, Zdravko Karakehayov, Embedded System Design with 8051 Microcontroller hardware and software, Mercel Dekkar, 1999. Krishna Kant, Microprocessor and Microcontroller Architecture, programming and system design using 8085, 8086, 8051 and 8096, PHI, 2007 HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT Overview of Hospital Administration. 3003 9
Distinction between Hospital and Industry, Challenges in Hospital Administration Hospital Planning Equipment Planning Functional Planning. UNIT II Human Resource Management on Hospital 9
Principles of HRM Functions of HRM Profile of HRD Manager Tools of HRD Human Resource Inventory Manpower Planning. UNIT III Recruitment and Training 9
Different Departments of Hospital, Recruitment, Selection, Training Guidelines Methods of Training Evaluation of Training Leadership grooming and Training, Promotion Transfer. UNIT IV Planning Supportive Services 9
Medical Records Department Central Sterilization and Supply Department Pharmacy Food Services - Laundry Services. UNIT V Communication and Safety Aspects in Hospital 9
Purposes Planning of Communication, Modes of Communication Telephone, ISDN, Public Address and Piped Music CCTV. Security Loss Prevention Fire Safety Alarm System Safety Rules. Text Books: 1. R.C.Goyal, Hospital Administration and Human Resource Management, PHI Fourth Edition, 2006. 2. G.D.Kunders, Hospitals Facilities Planning and Management TMH, New Delhi Fifth Reprint 2007. Reference: 1. Cesar A.Caceres and Albert Zara, The Practice of Clinical Engineering, Academic Press, New York, 1977. EC2364 MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER LAB 8085 based experiments 1. Assembly Language Programming of 8085 8086 based experiments Programs for 16 bit Arithmetic, Sorting, Searching and String operations, 1. Programs for Digital clock, Interfacing ADC and DAC 2. Interfacing and Programming 8279, 8259, and 8253. 3. Serial Communication between two Microprocessor Kits using 8251. 4. Interfacing and Programming of Stepper Motor and DC Motor Speed control and Parallel Communication between two Microprocessor Kits using Mode 1 and Mode 2 of 8255. 5. Macro assembler Programming for 8086 8051 based experiments 1. Programming using Arithmetic, Logical and Bit Manipulation instructions of 8051 microcontroller. 2. Programming and verifying Timer, Interrupts and UART operations in 8051 microcontroller. 3. Interfacing DAC and ADC and 8051 based temperature measurement 0 0 3 2
4. Interfacing LED and LCD 5. Interfacing stepper motor traffic light control 6. Communication between 8051 Microcontroller kit and PC.
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1. Design of low noise pre-amplifier for ECG 2. Study of characteristics of temperature sensors thermistor, thermocouple and RTD 3. Measurement of pulse rate using photo transducer 4. Measurement of respiration rate 5. Measurement of blood flow velocity using ultrasound transducer 6. Study of ESU cutting and coagulation modes 7. pH Measurement and conductivity test 8. Measurement of heart rate using F-V converter 9. Galvanic skin resistance (GSR) measurement 10. Recording of Audiogram GE2321 COMMUNICATION SKILLS LABORATORY (Fifth / Sixth Semester) L T P C 0 0 4 2 Globalization has brought in numerous opportunities for the teeming millions, with more focus on the students overall capability apart from academic competence. Many students, particularly those from non-English medium schools, find that they are not preferred due to their inadequacy of communication skills and soft skills, despite possessing sound knowledge in their subject area along with technical capability. Keeping in view their pre-employment needs and career requirements, this course on Communication Skills Laboratory will prepare students to adapt themselves with ease to the industry environment, thus rendering them as prospective assets to industries. The course will equip the students with the necessary communication skills that would go a long way in helping them in their profession. Objectives: To equip students of engineering and technology with effective speaking and listening skills in English. To help them develop their soft skills and interpersonal skills, which will make the transition from college to workplace smoother and help them excel in their job.
To enhance the performance of students at Placement Interviews, Group Discussions and other recruitment exercises. (Weight age 40%) 24 periods (18 Periods) (6)
Listening and typing Listening and sequencing of sentences Filling in the blanks -Listening and answering questions. 2. Reading Comprehension: (6)
Filling in the blanks - Close exercises Vocabulary building - Reading and answering questions. 3. Speaking: (6)
Phonetics: Intonation Ear training - Correct Pronunciation Sound recognition exercises Common Errors in English. Conversations: Face to Face Conversation Telephone conversation Role play activities (Students take on roles and engage in conversation)
(6 periods)
Presentation skills:
Elements of effective presentation Structure of presentation - Presentation tools Voice Modulation Audience analysis - Body language Video samples 3. Soft Skills: (2) Time management Articulateness Assertiveness Psychometrics Innovation and Creativity - Stress Management & Poise - Video Samples
Group Discussion:
Why is GD part of selection process? - Structure of GD Moderator led and other GDs - Strategies in GD Team work - Body Language - Mock GD -Video samples
Interview Skills:
Kinds of interviews Required Key Skills Corporate culture Mock interviewsVideo samples. II. Practice Session (Weight age 60%) 24 periods
1. 2. 3. 4.
Resume / Report Preparation / Letter writing: Students prepare their own resume and report. Presentation Skills: Students make presentations on given topics. Group Discussion: Students participate in group discussions. Interview Skills: Students participate in Mock Interviews
3. John Seely, The Oxford Guide to Writing and Speaking, Oxford University
Press, New Delhi, 2004.
4. Evans, D, Decisionmaker, Cambridge University Press, 1997. 5. Thorpe, E, and Thorpe, S, Objective English, Pearson Education,
Second Edition, New Delhi, 2007.
6. Turton, N.D and Heaton, J.B, Dictionary of Common Errors, Addision Wesley
Longman Ltd., Indian reprint 1998. Lab Requirements: 1. Teacher console and systems for students. 2. English Language Lab Software 3. Career Lab Software Guidelines for the course GE2321 COMMUNICATION SKILLS LABORATORY 1. A batch of 60 / 120 students is divided into two groups one group for the PC- based session and the other group for the Class room session.