Database Management Systems
Database Management Systems
Database Management Systems
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MODULE 1 2 3 4
Database systems Test I Database Design Test II Relational database design Test III
Understand SQL
Test IV
PERIODS 17 1 17 1 17 1 17 1 72
MODULE I 1.1.0 Database systems 1.1.1 Define data, information, field, record, file, and database 1.1.2 Distinguish between physical record and logical record. 1.1.3 Define Attribute, Entity, Table. 1.2.0 Database management system. 1.2.1 Define DBMS. 1.2.2 Advantages and disadvantages of DBMS 1.2.3 Application areas of dbms. 1.2.4 Database Users. 1.3.0 Three Schema Architecture. 1.3.1 Understand schema, subschema. 1.3.2 Explain Schema architecture with diagram. 1.3.3 Define Data Independence. 1.3.4 Distinguish between Physical and logical data independence. 1.4.0 Database Models. 1.4.1 Discuss Conceptual Model, representation and physical model 1.4.2 Compare hierarchical, network and relational models. 1.5.0 DBMS Architecture. 1.5.1 Diagram with Component modules. 1.5.2 Functions of storage manager, query processor, data dictionary, Query optimizer. 1.6.0 Database Languages. 1.6.1 Define DDL, DML and DCL. 1.7.0 Classification of DBMS. 1.7.1 Explain Centralised, two tier and three-tier architecture.
MODULE II. 2.1.0 Database Design. 2.1.1 Understand E-R Model. 2.1.2 Define Attribute types, Entity Type, Entity Set, Weak Entity and Strong entity. 2.1.3 Relationship Types, Relationship sets. 2.2.0 E-R Diagram. 2.2.1 E-R Diagram Notations. 2.2.2 Explain E-R Diagram with example. 2.3.0 Enhanced E-R diagram. 2.3.1 Define Subclass, Super class. 2.3.2 Understand Inheritance, specialization and generalization. 2.3.3 UML Class diagram. 2.4.0 Relational Model. 2.4.1 Relational model concepts. 2.4.2 Domains, Attributes, Tuples , Instances, relations and relational schema. 2.4.3 Keys, super key, candidate key and primary key. 2.5.0 Relational Algebra. 2.5.1 Unary relational operations : select and project. 2.5.2 Sequence of operations and the rename operation. 2.5.3 Operations from set theory : Union, Intersection, Minus. 2.5.4 Cartesian Product 2.5.5 Binary relational Operations : Join and Division. 2.5.6 Variations of join : equijoin and natural join. MODULE III 3.1.0 Relational database design. 3.1.1 Mapping E-R model to relational model. 3.1.2 Constraints : Domain constraints, entity integrity, referential integrity and Foreign Keys. 3.2.0 Functional Dependency. 3.2.1 Explain functional dependency. 3.2.2 Define Normalisation.. 3.2.3 Explain Normal forms : 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF. 3.3.4 Explain decomposition , dependency preservation, multi valued dependencies. 3.3.5 Explain 4NF with example. 3.3.6 Understand join dependencies and define 5NF. 3.3.0 Transaction Management.
3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 Define Transaction Explain transaction concepts Understand Properties of transactions, Transaction States Explain Concurrent Executions Explain Serializability
MODULE 4 4.1.0 Understand SQL 4.1.1 Explain features of SQL 4.1.2 Explain Data types in SQL 4.1.3 Explain CREATE TABLE command 4.1.4 Explain Constraints: NULL, DEFAULT,CHECK, PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, referential Integrity 4.1.5 Understand DROP TABLE ALTER TABLE command 4.1.6 Understand commands for creating and dropping indexes CREATE INDEX, CREATE UNIQUE INDEX, DROP INDEX 4.1.7 Explain SELECT statements with WHERE, ORDER BY clause with examples 4.1.8 Explain UPDATE Statement, INSERT, DELETE with example 4.1.9 Explain Nested queries, 4.1.10 Explain Joining tables aggregate functions 4.1.11 Explain grouping: GROUP BY, HAVING clauses 4.1.12 Explain BEGIN TRANS, COMMITT, ROLL BACK, SAVE POINT 4.1.13 Explain Views. 4.2..0 Understand advanced SQL 4.2.1 Study triggers and cursors 4.2.2 Explain stored procedures and functions 4.2.3 Understand Embedded SQL and dynamic SQL. 4.2.4 Explain retrieving single tuples with embedded SQL 4.2.5 Explain retrieving multiple tuples with embedded SQL using cursor. 4.3.0 Database connectivity. 4.3.1 Discuss Open Database Connectivity-ODBC and Java Database Connectivity JDBC 4.3.3 Explain Establishing the connection to database usig ODBC.
MODULE I Database Systems Data Information - Record Field -Table Database - Physical record Logical Record Attribute Entity. DBMS Advantages and Disadvantages application Areas database Users Three schema Architecture Schema - subschema , Data independence Physical and logical data independence Data models DBMS Architecture - Database Languages Classification. MODULE II Database Design - ER model Entity Attribute Keys Relationship types Sets Keys ER diagram Weak entity set strong entity Relation ship types - sets - Enhanced ER sub class super class inheritance UML Class diagram. Relational model Concepts Keys -- Relational algebra operations Unary & Binary relational operations MODULE III Relational Database Design Mapping E-R Model to Relational Model Constraints Domain Constraints Key constraints Referential integrity Foreign keys - Functional dependency Normalization 1NF 2NF 3NF Boyce Codd Normal Form Decomposition Dependency preservation Multivalued dependencies 4NF Join dependencies 5NF. Transaction management-Transaction concepts -Properties of transactions-States-Concurrent Executions-Serializability
MODULE IV SQL Features of SQL Data types in SQL , , CREATE TABLE command, Constraints NULL, DEFAULT,CHECK, PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, , referential Integrity DROP TABLE Command , ALTER TABLE , CREATE INDEX, CREATE UNIQUE INDEX, DROP INDEX SELECT statements with WHERE, ORDER BY, UPDATE Statement, INSERT, DELETE, nested Queries - functions in SQL- L, Joining tables aggregate functions, Grouping - GROUP BY, HAVING clauses Transaction commands Views. Triggers, and cursers stored procedures and functions , embedded SQL, Retrieving single tuples with embedded SQL -Dynamic SQL database connectivity- ODBC JDBC. TEXT BOOK 1. Introduction to Database Systems ITL Education Solutions Ltd - PEARSON REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Fundamentals of database systems Elmasri, Navathe, Somarajulu, and Gupta. (Pearson) 2. Database system concepts - Silberschatz, Korth, and Sudarshan (TMH) 3. Oracle 7 the complete reference - Ivan Bay Ross 4. SQL for professional - Swapne & Rajesh Naik