Introduction To Strategic Cost Management
Introduction To Strategic Cost Management
Introduction To Strategic Cost Management
INTRODUCTION Traditionally, cost management systems have tended to focus on costs. Consequently, there is a danger that if the non-financial measures that are necessary to compete successfully in today's worldwide competitive environment are not emphasized, managers and employees will be motivated to focus exclusively on cost and ignore other important marketing, managerial and strategic considerations.
Strategic cost management is the application of cost management techniques so that they simultaneously improve the strategic position of a firm and reduce costs".
According to Shank and Govindarajan : Strategic cost management is defined as: "the managerial use of cost information explicitly directed at one or more of the four stages of strategic management: (1) formulating strategies, (2) communicating those strategies throughout the organization, (3) developing and carrying out tactics to implement the strategies, and (4) developing and implementing controls to monitor the success of objectives".
Strategic cost management has emerged as a key element to attain and sustain a strategic competitive advantage through long-term anticipation and formation of costs level, costs structure, and costs behavior pattern for products, processes, and recourses.
Hence, the term strategic cost management has a broad focus, it is not confined to the continuous reduction of costs and controlling of costs and it is far more concerned with management's use of cost information for decisionmaking.
Example of positive Impact:A hospital redesigns its patient admission procedure so it becomes more efficient and easier for patients. The hospital will become known for its easy admission procedure so more people will come to that hospital if the patient has a choice. The strategic position of the hospital has just been increased over its competitors.
Example of Neutral Impact:An insurance company decides to reevaluate its accounts payable system to make it more efficient. The evaluation has no positive benefits to the insurance company in the external market. The objective of the change is to make the organization more profitable.
Example of Negative Impact:A large airline company only has two desks for administering and selling tickets. This set-up induces long lines for the airline customer which can ultimately result in high dissatisfaction and a bad reputation for the airline. This may reduce the amount of ticket sales when compared with the airline's competitors. Even though having only two desks available for customers may initially be cost effective, in the long run, it harms the company.
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