Dreaming With Brics: The Path To 2050
Dreaming With Brics: The Path To 2050
Dreaming With Brics: The Path To 2050
BRICS stand for Brazil, Russia, India, China &
South Africa.
Came into existence in the year 2001 as BRICNATIONS. BRICS is international political organization of
leading emerging economies its Five members are all developing industrialized countries.
Biggest and fastest growing emerging economies
South Africa has been asked to join the BRIC group of major emerging markets. 24, 2010
China is South Africas largest trading partner India wants to increase commercial ties with Africa South Africa brought into BRIC "not only South
Objectives of BRICS
1-To achieve regional development 2-To remove trade barriers. 3-Economic development. 4-Optimum use of resources. 5-Builiding relationship.
BRICS Summit
The BRIC countries met for their first official
Discussed the current global financial crisis, global development, and further strengthening of the BRICS group. Issued a joint statement on global food security, calling for "action by all governments and the relevant international agencies
Attacked the role of dollar as the primary
international currency & suggested new global reserve currency that is 'diversified, stable and predictable'.
The Fourth BRICS Summit was hosted in New Delhi on 29 March 2012 under the theme of BRICS Partnership for Global Stability, Security and Prosperity. The Summit has imparted further momentum to the BRICS process of planning a joint development bank.
for over 40% of the worlds population and 60% of global GDP.
BRICS could be larger economies than the united states and the developed economies of Europe within 40 years . China and India will become worlds dominant suppliers manufactured goods and services
One of the fastest growing economies in the
last century
Brazilian economy becoming less dependent
on exports
Extremely rich in resources such as coffee,
Focus on equitable development has
Industrial output is weak
Russia has capability in high-technology
Accounts for around 20% of the worlds oil
poverty line
Challenges for the Future
Labor shortages and poorly developed
Key Advantages
1.15 billion people
per year
Challenges for the Future
Improving basic educational achievement
Expanding technology industry
Rapid economic growth
Challenges for the Future
support to rural areas and less-developed
Bank of China sees inflation as a bigger risk . Need to improve the investment
South Africa
The South African economy is now the
poverty line
economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China & south Africa known as the BRICS club injured.
domestic demand has allowed BRICS to with stand the crisis and continue growing, strengthening their position as a major consumer market.
Financial contribution
India has provided loans of more than
direct investment.
Russia too has contributed more than
$3000million as FDI
After a decade of growth, BRICS economies have built
up strong consumer demand, which could take the lead as the prime engine for growth.
boost public spending in order to support the economy. This could take the form of social benefits to encourage consumers to spend more
Inclusive growth
BRICS economies could become a much larger
BRICS nations are going to develop a joint bank within the BRICS nations for assistant them self, And to meet the following reasons:
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Growing emerging markets. Climate change, food and energy security, International economic exchange. Financial assistant. Populations control
Market analysis
The concept of a joint development bank within BRICS nations whether its needed to establish.?
SWOT Analysis
Strength of the BRICS nations
1- To use resources. 2-Market opportunities. 3-Economic developments.
Opportunities of the BRICS nations
1- To expand the market. 2- Regional development. 3-Monetry resources.
The BRICS dream isnt green.
Nothing more than a neat acronym for the five largest
the assumptions that resources are limitless and endlessly available when needed
it. They have effective veto power over any BRICS initiatives
BRIC competition and rivalry are important limits on how much further BRICS cooperation can go.
BRICS nations have the potential and the
resources to form a powerful economy with greater opportunity than any other nation
Whether they would surpass the expectations lying on them is something that we can only speculate on. But it is no doubt, that they have become more important today than before more rests on their growth rather than on the growth of the previously bigger powers of the world.