BM410-16 Equity Valuation 2 - Intrinsic Value 19oct05
BM410-16 Equity Valuation 2 - Intrinsic Value 19oct05
BM410-16 Equity Valuation 2 - Intrinsic Value 19oct05
B. Understand how to calculate intrinsic value, using the four key methods C. Understand how to present intrinsic value in your company report
Do you understand the importance of intrinsic value?
1. Discount Rate
What is the discount rate?
It is the rate of return required by investors to compensate them for the risk of the firm
How is it used?
It is used to discount all future cash flows to determine the present value of future dividends. We use it to determine what the appropriate discount rate is for our company
How is it calculated?
Net Income + depreciation capital expenditures needed to achieve revenue forecast change in net working capital principal debt repayments + new debt + terminal value Remember that net working capital is current assets less cash minus current liabilities less notes payable and current portion of long-term debt.
Review of Objectives
A. Do you understand the importance of intrinsic value? B. Do you understand how to calculate intrinsic value, using the four key methods discussed? C. Do you know how to present intrinsic value in your company report?