Dealing With Difficulties
Dealing With Difficulties
Dealing With Difficulties
Bread-and-butter issues are rarely mentioned Teachers and students both lack motivation
1 Large Classes
1.1 Managing Big Numbers 1.2 Starting Right 1.3 Handling Latecomers 1.4 Engaging Students with the Materials 1.5 Moving Students Around 1.6 Drilling 1.7 Speaking 1.8 Finishing Right
Knowing, and using, students names Using the space to your advantage Checking and cross-checking Making eye contact Using the board effectively Being organized and prepared Having routines
Activities: The Attention getter Group Leaders The board plan Which answers are different? Think, Pair, Share Check, Cross-check Listen and Stand
Make a declaration on lateness First five minute Incentives The late seats How good is the excuse Feedback
Moving students and setting up pairs and groups can itself be an opportunity for language practice Activities: ABC Order, Changing Place If, In the Cards, In the picture, The Odd Number 1, 2
1.6 Drilling
Solo performances riddled with errors of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation are not everyones cup of tea. Activities: Jazz Chants and Rhymes, True for You, Personal Transformation, Drill Duels
1.7 Speaking
Speaking activities are fluency-based, which means that you may want to save the correction of any spoken errors until after the activity is finished, if you correct at all.
ACTIVITIES Anchors Who Am I? Make Your Own Questionnaire Thirty students, Thirty Questions Tongue-tied Backs Turned The Best Memory Ping pong speaking Half a Minute Why?
Ending on a good note will, hopefully, make your students more enthusiastic about coming back the next time. Activities: What Did We Do Today?, Future Test Questions, Word of the Day, Dont Smile, Body Dictation, Exit Music
2.1.Diffusing Discipline 2.2 Rules and Regulations 2.3 Raising Awareness 2.4 Building Good Behavior 2.4 Discipline Friendly Tasks 2.5 An Element of Surprise
Many students will have their own feelings about discipline and how to deal with it. even very young students have a very clear idea of what is fair and what is unfair (Bad teacher, Good Teacher, Act It Out, Surprise Tactics)
Maslows scheme (students need to feel safe, comfortable with a feeling they belong to a group) Activities: Class Helpers (The Timekeeper, The Boardkeeper, The Messenger, The Attendance Taker) A Suitable Model A Quiet Word After Class Invisible Body
ACTIVITES. Catch Them Being Bad What Happened in the Class Be My Guest Team Teaching
3 Mixed-level Classes
3.1 Different Level, Different Task 3.2 Extending Class 3.3 Catering for Learner Style 3.4 One Teacher, One Class 3.5 One Class, Not Several
Activities: Truth or lie? Mixed ability, Mixed-up Sentences Jigsaw pictures Books Open, Books Closed Complete the Story, etc
3.3 Extending Class The quick students finish early and then disrupt the class because they are bored. Activities: Give Them the Slip, Choose Two, Class Mascot
3.4 Catering for Learner Styles Different people learn things in different ways. Visual, auditory and kinesthetic activities (Timelines, Spidergrams, Choose Your words, Draw Your Picture, Mime Scenes)
Nominating Correcting Monitoring Giving Time to Think Asking and Listening to Each Other Reviewing and Recycling
4 Homework
4.1 Valuing Homework 4.2 Linking Homework to Classwork 4.3 Correcting Homework 4.4 Following up Homework
Homework is seen as a punishment or irrelevant as a mechanical (easy to copy) boring (too difficult or too easy) covered in corrections or just given a mark, both of which may low students self-esteem Students dont have enough time to do it Activities (Homework Survey, Homework Log, Check After, Check Before)
o o o
Responding-to-the-content Comments: o Is this a true story? Amazing! o What a frightening/funny/exciting experience o What happened at the end? o I agree/disagree.
correcting code (dont use correction as a display of teacher power-let the students have the powerand the glory)
Only a sample, the important thing is to consistent ^ =something missing #= number or agreement WO =word order WW wrong order VF wrong verb form WF= wrong form T= tense Prep preposition Art=article
?= what do you mean? Sp=spelling P=punctuation =not necessary NA=not appropriate in this context [ = start a new paragraph NB if you insist on accuracy on all times then you will be forever trapped in correcting all deviant language (accuracy vs. fluency)
5.2 and 5.3 Teaching Not Testing/Testing without Tears (My students panic so much about the test they cant concentrate)
The sudden announcement of an impending test will calm the beast in learners and increase attention and attendance. Testing at the right time and in the right proportion has a valuable contribution to make in assessing learners progress and proficiency. Activities. Your Sentences, My essay, Heads and Tails, Group Test, The joker
6 Professional Development
Discuss the Problem in the Staffroom Arrange a Teacher Meeting Set Up a Workshop Set Up a Swap Shop Organize a Teacher Development Group Ask a Colleague to Watch You Teach Watch a Colleague Teach Exchange Classes Get the Management on Your Side Get the Parents on Your Side Get the School on Your Side