Home Automation
Home Automation
Home Automation
Gheorghe-Dorin, MUNTEAN
Development Plan
This software application targets the total customization and control of your home electrical devices. The applications main goal is to give the user all the comfort he needs from the push of a button, whether he is sitting too confortable to turn off the lights, or left his home and remembered he should have turned off the heating. The application is developed to easily integrate other products within this total control application, like smoke/gas sensors, video surveillance, and remote control/monitoring. All devices in one application, at your fingertips.
Software developer
Mechanical design Marketing specialist
Flavius Lazar
Dorin Broasca Bogdan Vaida
Financial specialist
Team assistant HR responsible Project manager
Cristian Mot
Amalia Meszaros Iulia Zidaru Gheorghe Muntean
o Office space
o Devices o Hardware components
o Salaries
o Marketing & PR
Define who the users are, define their tasks and goals, their experience levels, what functions they want and need from a system, what information they want and need and understanding how the users think the system should work. Complete description of the behavior of a system to be developed. Describe interactions the users will have with the software. Non-functional requirements impose constraints on the design or implementation Create delivery dates
In this part the SRS software requirements specifications are reviewed. Functional specifications are developed Creation of a prototype application to be improved later in development.
Which part of the needed features are actually implemented? Every functionality is assigned to a responsible Start code development What is the feeling of typical users about the software? Some metrics can give you a good idea about the quality of the code The use (or not) of certain processes is a good hint about the quality of a development process. Bug tracking, automated tests, versioning tools.
Create unit test and integration plans based on product specification Perform Unit Testing Perform Integration Testing
Who is your audience, who are your users? Are there different groups of users? What level of technical expertise do they have? How much time will they invest reading the user guide? Where will they read the user guide? Is this product an upgrade to an existing product? What tasks are users typically going to perform with the software? Will different groups of users perform different tasks?
What method should I use to gather all my required files? How do I distribute those files to my test stations? How much control do I need or want over my distribution? How do I go about updating those test stations? Should I make this deployment process manual or automatic or even both?
In this presentation I have taken you through the software development plan for a home automation application. Main activities were created and estimated with a tool from Microsoft named Microsoft Project 2010. Objectives were created and deadlines have been set. Human resources and financial resources have been distributed by taking into consideration the priority of the needs. Also deadline, resource and financial risks were taken into consideration in the project planning by using time, resource and finance buffers.
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge - by Project Management Institute (1 Jan 2009).
The Definitive Guide to Project Management: The Fast Track to Getting the Job Done on Time and on Budget by Sebastian Nokes, Ian Major, Alan Greenwood, Mark Goodman (7 Aug 2003).