Rural Marketing With Special Reference To HUL
Rural Marketing With Special Reference To HUL
Rural Marketing With Special Reference To HUL
Indian Economy & Rural Marketing Problem Definition Domain Analysis HUL overview HUL strategies for rural India 4 As of Rural Marketing Shakti Lifebuoy Swasthya Chetana
C.K. Prahalad, says that one way to survive is to discover how to convert the [worlds] poor into consumers and introduce them to the global market.
Problem Definition
Rural Poor are skilled on traditional activities and produce excellent products Some of the efforts from Govt., NGOs have also trained them on new skills /technologies These rich products are produced at individual or community level in rural areas These efforts of Rural Poor do not yield adequate return due to poor marketing facilities
Limited awareness in the global market Products not available all the time in most of the places Full financial benefits not realized by the rural producer Nearly impossible to analyze the market
Possible Solution
Provide a marketing infrastructure that ensures a ready market for these products
Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is India's largest fast moving consumer goods company HUL's brands touch the lives of two out of three Indians. They endow the company with turnover of Rs.20, 239 crores (for the 15 month period January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009). The mission that inspires HUL's over 15,000 employees is to "add vitality to life".
Social: Providing an opportunity to generate income & breaking the viscous cycle.
Has been scaled up and extended to over 5,000 villages in 52 districts in AP, Karnataka, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh with Primarily through SHGs who act as direct dealers in the rural markets. Market HUL products and use their services for stocking their produce Programme is facilitated by the District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) of Nalgonda district.
A woman from a SHG selected as a Shakti entrepreneur receives stocks at her doorstep from the HLL rural distributor
Creating a rural-specific brand as it will only dissipate the advertising media effort for the brands. To get started the Shakti woman borrows from her SHG and the company itself chooses only one person. With training and hand-holding by the company for the first three months, she begins her door-to-door journey selling her wares.
Allow other companies which do not compete with HLL to get onto the Shakti network to sell their products
Creates a win-win partnership between HUL and its consumers, some of whom will also draw on the organisation for their livelihood, and it builds a self-sustaining virtuous cycle of growth for all In the process of piloting `I-Shakti', an IT-based rural information service that will provide solutions to key rural needs in the areas of agriculture, education, vocational training, health and hygiene Women in the rural areas are the catalyst of change and that is why its whole programme keeps women in focus. Its the rural women who give Shakti its strength.
Project Shakti is working for HUL to be a great promotional Project and work in both terms that is Promotion as well as Distribution with social welfare as it gives employment to rural women and increase their income.
Repositioning of LIFEBUOY
The worlds largest selling soap. Launched in the year 1895 In 2002 Lifebuoy was relaunched, marking a new turning point in its history The relaunch of the 107-year-old Lifebuoy has been done in a bid to drive growth in a sluggish soap market. HLL challenged everything that Lifebuoy stood for - perfume, formulation, size and shape.
Lifebuoy Swastya Chetna (LBSC) is a rural health and hygiene initiative which was started in 2002. LBSC was initiated in media dark villages (in UP, MP, Bihar, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Orissa) with the objective of spreading awareness about the importance of washing hands with soap.
The theme of the campaign is based on the serious implications of laxity in Health Care, like Diarrhoea. In India a child succumbs to diarrhoea every 30 seconds. This results in almost 3 million deaths a year! However, a report by WHO showed that simple handwashing with soap and water can reduce diarrhoeal diseases by up to 48%. This was leverage by Hindustan Lever to develop the campaign.
Being Indias leading personal wash health brand, Lifebuoy saw a role for itself in propagating the message of hygiene and health in villages. To develop a sustainable model to educate and apprise rural customers in 15000 village in 8 states across India, about maintaining good health through practice of basic hygienic habits including the handwash habit. It aimed at changing the underlying behavior and attitude of the villagers, which was a definite challenge indeed. It targets children as they are the harbingers of change in society and mothers since they are the custodians of health.
Plan of Action
Swasthya Chetna, which means 'Health Awakening', is a multi-phased activity that works towards effecting hand washing behaviour change in rural communities. The main message of the campaign is "Visibly clean is not really clean. In the initial phase, a Health Development Facilitator (HDF) and an assistant initiates contact and interacts with students and influencers of the community, i.e. village community representatives, medical practitioners, school teachers etc. A number of tools such as a pictorial story in a flip chart format, a Glo-germ demonstration and a quiz with attractive prizes to reinforce the message are used. The first interaction with students is then replicated with the women and finally the rest of the community.
The programme has touched 27000 villages and 120 mn people over the last four years. In 2006 alone LBSC contacted 10,000 villages in UP, MP, Jharkhand and Bihar. This on-going project is committed to spreading the message of health and hygiene and touching more lives in rural India over 2007.