Fiqh (Jurisprudence) : Noor-ul-Idha Wa Najatul Arwaah
Fiqh (Jurisprudence) : Noor-ul-Idha Wa Najatul Arwaah
Fiqh (Jurisprudence) : Noor-ul-Idha Wa Najatul Arwaah
When To Delay Tayammum
It is recommended to delay Tayammum when one expects he will attain water before the end of the recommended prayer time.
If one has been promised water, it Wajib to delay Tayammum, even if one fears that he will miss the prayer from its time
Provided there is no fear of missing the prayer from its time, it is necessary to delay the prayer when a person has been promised clothes to cover his nakedness or a water skin or a rope to withdraw water.
Requesting Water
It is Wajib to seek water the distance of 400 steps if one believes it is near-by,
provided it is safe to do so. If not, he does need not search for it.
One is required to request water from an accompanying person, provided that one is in a place where people are not stingy or miserly with water.
And if one is not given water unless it is paid for at the average price, then one must pay if he has extra money left over from what is needed for his basic requirements.
Prayer With Tayammum
One may offer as many obligatory and voluntary prayers he desires with only one Tayammum.
It is valid to perform Tayammum before entry of the prayer time.
If the majority or half the body is injured, it is permitted to perform Tayammum.
If the majority of the body is sound , then one is to wash the unharmed area and wipe the injured part.
One cannot combine the use of water and Tayammum together.