Product Life Cycle of Lux
Product Life Cycle of Lux
Product Life Cycle of Lux
Product Life Cycle (PLC): Each product may have a different life cycle. PLC determines revenue earned. Contributes to strategic marketing planning To identify when a product renovating , withdrawal, etc. needs support,
The course of a products sales and profits over its lifetime is called the product life cycle. PLC shows the stages that products go through from development to withdrawal from the market.
We all want to be pampered, to look and feel great And that's just what Lux offers you on a daily basis at a price you can afford. Lux is the brand of UNILEVER INDIA LTD. It has been winning hearts of INDIAN consumers for 80 years. Lux stands for the promise of beauty and glamour as one of India's most trusted personal care brands. LUX PRODUCTS : Lux had modified their product into:
Orchid touch
Almond delight
Energising fruit
Aqua sparkle
Lux launched the worlds first mass-market beauty soap in the US in 1924 & had been
launched in Indiain1929. At that time there was only one competitor of Lux, which was from its own brand LIFEBUOY. In the initial stages Lux was introduced in the major cities of INDIA like Calcutta, Mumbai etc. MARKETING OBJETIVES - was to create the product awareness and to attract the customers towards the product.
The Lux MARKETING STRATEGIES in the initial stages : Product = They offer only on product in the market. They did not come up with the differentiated product. Price = In the initial stages of the product, they offer the relatively higher price than their competitor (LIFEBUOY). Because, they want to recover their initial cost of making the product.
Advertising = In this stage Lux advertising has been reduced to some extent because of the more brand awareness in the minds of customers. Recently, they have shown AishwaryaRai,kareenakapoor&ShahRukhkhan. PROMOTIONAL OFFERS : Like buy 3 get 1 free. ----
MaturityStageoftheLUX MaturityStageoftheLUX Sales Sales Costs Costs Profits Profits Marketing MarketingObjectives Objectives Product ProductStrategy Strategy Price PriceStrategy Strategy Distribution DistributionStrategy Strategy Advertising AdvertisingStrategy Strategy Peak Peaksales sales Low Lowcost costper percustomer customer High Highprofits profits
Maximize Maximizeprofit profitwhile whiledefending defending market market share share
Diversify Diversifybrand brandand andmodels models Price Priceto tomatch matchor orbest bestcompetitors competitors Build Buildmore moreintensive intensivedistribution distribution Stress Stressbrand branddifferences differencesand andbenefits benefits
Besides of all campaigns for the sales promotion of Lux .The reasons for its decline are : 1. Currency fluctuations: Unilever products are in over 100 countries worldwide, As a result, it is exposed to adverse currency fluctuations. For instance, in 2004, a 5.9% decline in turnover was primarily due to a 4% appreciation in the average Euro exchange rate. 2. SLOWDOWN: In year 2008 - 09 due to hard economic conditions in INDIA and other countries the sales were highly affected as the consumer started looking for some alternate products with a cheaper price than Lux. 3. Competition: Lux has been facing competition from HUL itself (Lifebuoy) & from other companies like:Godrej Consumer Products : GCPL, Indias second largest soap maker with 9.2% market share. with leading brands such as CINTHOL, FAIRGLOW & NIKHAR. Fairglow brand, India's first Fairness soap, has created marketing history as one of the most successful innovations.
Wipro : The presence of Wipro in the toilet soap industry can be seen through their brands such as SANTOOR and CHANDRIKA. In the southern market of India it is a major market player in toilet soap. ITC : It entered the segment last year and has made a strong headway in a short time by growing to 1.75% in just five months. With the brands like: Superia, Fiama Di Wills and Vivel. DeclineStageoftheLUX DeclineStageoftheLUX
Sales Sales Costs Costs Profits Profits Marketing Marketingobj obj Product ProductStrategy Strategy Price PriceStrategy Strategy Distribution DistributionStrategy Strategy Advertising AdvertisingStrategy Strategy Declining Decliningsales sales Low Lowcost costper percustomer customer Declining Decliningprofits profits Reduce Reduceexpenditure expenditureand andmilk milkthe thebrand brand Phase Phaseout outweak weakitems items Cut Cutprice price
Go Goselective: selective:phase phaseout outunprofitable unprofitable outlets outlets Reduce Reduceto tolevel levelneeded neededto toretain retainhard-core hard-core loyal customers loyal customers