From Martial Law To People's Power (1972-1986) 1
From Martial Law To People's Power (1972-1986) 1
From Martial Law To People's Power (1972-1986) 1
Worsening Economic & Political Crises Marcoss massive infrastructure projects led to massive foreign loans. Land reform proved slow and inadequate due to lack of funds, budget cuts on education and other social services and also more money was being allotted to the military.
Poor farmers began to be deprived, deterioration of the economy, like rise in prices commodities and poor salaries.
So this was the beginning of the dictatorship. In his 13 year of power from 1965-1978 Marcos called for the elections of the interm batasang pambansa(legislature) the opposition party LABAN against Marcoss KBL competed for victory.
Marcoss KBL dominated the LABAN party list and win. Thus, Marcoss power to issue presidential decrees remained.
Many organization have immerged like kabataang makabayan, kilusang magbubukid ng pilipinas, and samahan ng demokratikong kabataan to protest to the exercise of absolute control by marcos took the form hunger strikes by political prisoners inside their prison cells.
Also the church protest was triggered by the rise in salvagings or in summary executions and disappearances it included priest, pastors, nuns, lay church workers, tribal minorities, and urban poor. Amnesty International with 8,000 cases salvaging records, and 50,000 people arrested and detained.