The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 4
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 4
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 4
Article 4 No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
Freedom is exercised in
relationships between human beings.
The goal of this process and task of personal freedom is to be set free from slavery to corruption and share in the glorious freedom of the Children of God (Rom 8:21)
good simply means to act as Jesus did to mirror in life the Fatherhood of God as the Fathers adopted sons and daughters in Jesus, the Son, and through Jesus indwelling Spirit.
Holy Spirit is within us, creating space for our freedom and making us alive. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor 3:17; cf. CCC 1742)
The demand is
increasingly made that men should act on their own judgment, enjoying, and making use of a responsible freedom, not driven by coercion but motivated by a sense of duty
Dignitalis Humanae (Declaration on Religious Freedom, 1965) 1)
authentic sign of Gods presence and purpose for authentic freedom is an exceptional sign of the divine image within man (Gaudium et
Spes 11, 17)
Slavery: The (Seventh) Commandments prohibition was extended beyond kidnapping to Hindrance then the many other less dramatic ways of anothers freedom, many of Freedom robbing ways of exploiting others and stealing
from them what is rightfully theirs. Exploitation in food, housing, and clothing, endangers personal freedom.
Catechism for Filipino Catholics (CFC) # 1142
are personal embodied spirits as embodied, we absolutely need food, shelter and clothing to survive. As personal spirits, we are born, grow up and mature within family and community interpersonal relationships, creating for us a cultural, not mere animal, life, under God, our personal, transcendent Creator-Redeemer.
as follows: Therefore, there must be made available to all men everything necessary for leading a life truly human, such as food, clothing, and shelter; the right to choose a state of life freely and to found a family, the right to education, to employment, to a good reputation, to respect and to appropriate information, to activity in accordance with the upright norm of ones own conscience, to protection of privacy and to rightful freedom in matters religious, too (Gaudium et Spes 26).
Catechism for Filipino Catholics (CFC) # 1145 REFERENCE