Anand Agriculture Produce Market Committee Samrakha
Anand Agriculture Produce Market Committee Samrakha
Anand Agriculture Produce Market Committee Samrakha
Prepared by: Mayank Gaur Rahul Agrawal Rajeev Aggarwal Tahira Sheikh Ritu Kashyap
Established on 15th September, 1948 under APMC Act. A regulated market with effect from its inception. Caters to around 1,50,000 population and serves as many as 48 villages. Number of commodities notified till date under the regulation are 27 Daily dispatch of 1211.8 MT to outside market. However during peak season it goes up to 1500 MT per day.
Functions of APMC
Measures for prevention of purchases and sales below the minimum support prices as fixed by the government Ensuring payment for agricultural produce sold by farmers on the same day Collect, maintain, disseminate and supply information in respect of production, sale, storage, processing, prices and movement of notified agricultural produce Provide for settling of disputes arising out of any kind of transactions connected with the marketing of agricultural produce
Whole Seller
Policy Lacunae
Facilitating a supply chain with a large number of intermediaries, thereby reducing the profitability of agriculture Reducing scope for competition due to the licensing regime adopted APMC laws are inadvertently promoting use of intermediaries by not permitting trade outside the market yards
8 Farmer Reps
4 members from the Whole seller Community Telibiyat Mandali offers loans to the farmers. State Government representatives- Registrar and Sub Registrar which are also permanent members of the board.
APMC act in some ways restrict the choices for the farmer The licensing fees and other costs borne by the traders are partially passed on to the farmers Trader/commission agent plays a vital role and it is difficult to eliminate him from the supply chain APMC staff is responsive to farmers grievances and the farmer can directly approach the APMC office for their issues Chances of corruption with contract farming being allowed under the new act as the contracts have to be registered with the Committee Absence of horizontal networks and dependency for farmers still prevails
Thank You!