Icrp 60
Icrp 60
Icrp 60
Contents of ICRP-60
Introduction Basic Quantities in Radiological Protection Biological Aspects of Radiological Protection Conceptual Framework of Radiological Protection System of protection for proposed and continuing practices System of protection in intervention
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Introduction to ICRP
1928International X-ray and radium protection committee by the decision of second International Conference of Radiology 1950 Restructured and Renamed 1959 ICRP Publication 1 1964- ICRP Publication 6 1966- ICRP Publication 9 1977- ICRP Publication 26 1980-1987 ICRP-26 was amended and extended 1990 ICRP-60
Radiation Protection
ICRP-60 Quantities
Absorbed Dose Energy deposited per unit mass of tissue classical unit is the rad (radiation absorbed dose) and the international unit is the gray (Gy). 1 Gy = 100 rads & Gy = Joule per kg Equivalent Dose
Does Absorbed dose clarify the nature, type and energy of radiation ?
No, So absorbed dose weighted over a specific tissue multiplied by radiation weighting factor, WR is equivalent Dose.
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ICRP-60 Quantities
H T , R = wR .DT , R
Not all radiation has the same biological effect, even for the same amount of absorbed dose. Equivalent dose is measured in an international (SI) unit called the Sievert (Sv) or an old unit rem.
Radiation Protection
ICRP Quantities
Effective Dose
Probability of a harmful effect from radiation exposure depends on tissue/part or parts of the body are exposed. Some organs are more sensitive to radiation than others. A tissue weighting factor is used to take this into account.
Dependence of WR
The ratio of the amount of energy from 200 KeV X-ray required to produce a given biological effect to the amount of energy from any other radiation to produce the same biological effect.
For example, the RBE of 14 MeV neutron for killing American cockroach embryos is 16, since the lethal dose from the neutrons is only one-sixteenth that from x-ay.
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Ionizing Density of a radiation per unit distance or length traveled in tissue Is a measure of the relative toxicity or damage-producing potential of a given absorbed dose for radiations. The higher the rate of LET of the radiation, the greater would be the biological damage produced. Variation of LET:
Alpha, heavy nuclei and f.f > High Energy proton > neutrons > gamma and X-ray
Radiation Protection
wR 1 1 5 10 20
Radiation Protection
Q (Quality Factor) WR
1 2 2.5 7.5 11 10 20
1 5 10 10 20 5 20
0.01 MeV 0.1 MeV 0.5 MeV High Energy protons Alpha, fission fragments, heavy nuclei
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Radiation Protection
/ yr
Dose must not exceed 150mSv/
Radiation Protection
With the provision that effective whole body dose should not exceed 50 mSv in any one of five years
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Biological Effects
Stochastic Effects
Probability of a cancer/ cell damage resulting from radiation usually increases with increments of dose, probably with no threshold, roughly proportional to dose, this effect is called stochastic effect. Probability of causing cancer will be zero at small doses, but above a certain level of dose (threshold) will increase steeply to unity (100%).
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Deterministic Effects
Unless dose is high, most types of cells are not killed immediately after the exposure Studies of mammalian cells demonstrate that cell survival varies as a function of dose, which is described by survival curves and models
Radiation Protection
S = 1- (1-e-D/DO)n n is the extrapolation number at zero dose. Do is the reciprocal slope of the exponential portion of curve.
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The initial region between 0 and 5 Gy (and often over a broader range), a linear quadratic equation on the average frequency (F) of lethal events:
F(D)= D + D2 the and are the linear coefficients, can range 1E-1 to 5E-1 Gy-1 and Quadratic coefficient 1E-1 and 5E-2 Gy-1
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Survival Curves
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Acute radiation exposure can be sever in certain unforeseen/accident condition that death can result in individual members. Death is generally is the result of sever cell depletion in one or more vital organ systems in the body, therefore doseresponse becomes relevant.
Radiation Protection
Dose-Response Curves
Dose-Response model is used to predict the lethality in an exposed human population No individual is expected to die at low doses Survival-Dose relationship is often described by mid point LD 50/60 ---dose at which 50% individual (exposed) will die with in 60 days (3-5 Gy from penetrating, Low LET, 1 MeV Gamma)
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It postulates that the excess mortality is broadly independent of natural mortality. This model computes prob. Almost half of half prob. of multiplicative model
Radiation Protection
Risk Models
Multiplicative Risk Model: It is too simple, which is good for the exposure of adults. Japanese data show that neither this nor additive model adequately fits the pattern of mortality following the exposure of young children Model does not imply multiplicative process rather it simply describes the prob. of cancer with time.
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Attributable Death Probability Attributable life prob. of death = area under the curve for dr/du dp/du = ra. D Where:
dp/du =Age dependent conditional death probability rate (radiation induced death probability rate)
Assuming dose rate as a function of age, dp/du can be calculated by doseresponse relations
Radiation Protection
Additive model
For exposure at early age, prob. of is low at higher ages
multiplicative Model
For exposure at early age, prob. of is high at higher ages
Linear and simple and No consideration of Biological consider Biological Repair Repair For exposures at middle/adult (35) age, the differences are minor April 15, 2008 Radiation Protection 23
Radiation Protection
Radiation Protection