5 Star Doctor
5 Star Doctor
5 Star Doctor
Stakeholders policy-makers, health system managers, researchers, care providers, educators and consumers alike must reexamine their position on the health chessboard and consider readjusting their expectations to
Defined as the degree to which the most important problems are tackled first Priorities may be interpreted in different ways in different societies or by different groups within the same society Primary attention should be given to those who suffer most, to ailments that are most prevalent, and to conditions that can be addressed with locally available means
considered universal
comprehensive, continuous and personalized to respond to their specific needs for wellbeing.
complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity
The rise in health care costs is due to universally observed phenomena: specialization in health care, which implies the use of costly procedures increased access to health services due to sociodemographic changes increased demand from individual consumers as expectations for a better quality of life result from wider access to information.
health policy-makers and health care providers must give urgent attention to the containment of cost without compromising effectiveness in health care issue is all the more urgent as governments, under socioeconomic pressure to invest preferentially in more wealth-producing sectors, allot no increase in health budgets; in many countries, health budgets are decreasing even as the health status of the people is deteriorating.
health care systems are those that have the greatest positive impact on the health of a society while making the best use of its resources.
people receive at least such a level of health that they are capable of working productively and of participating actively in the social life of the community in which they live So, every individual should have access to primary health care and through it to all levels of a comprehensive health system Equity means that peoples needs, rather than social privileges, guide the distribution of opportunities for well-being.
The compass analogy may not seem appropriate, as it implies the need to choose and maintain a direction, whereas in the case of health reform it should not be necessary to choose one value at the expense of others. But the compass analogy shows the tensions that exist in a health reform process that aims at finding technically appropriate and socially acceptable compromises among all values at the same time
our view, the essence of the responses to challenges in health reform lies in reducing the conflict of interests among the different stakeholders in each of the four principles, in order to release tension and find a modus operandi that permits approaches based on these principles to evolve to full bloom.
optimal model of health service delivery may be one that contributes to the convergence of different inputs towards the satisfaction of the values of relevance, quality, cost-effectiveness and equity in health
proposed as an ideal profile of a doctor to carry out the range of services that health settings must deliver to meet the requirements
Care provider
giving individual treatment , a doctor must take into account the total (physical, mental and social) needs of the patient They must ensure that a full range of treatment - curative, preventive or rehabilitative - will be dispensed in ways that are complementary, integrated and continuous And they must ensure that the treatment is of the highest quality
Decision Maker
Doctors will have to take decisions that can be justified in terms of efficacy and cost From all the possible ways of treating a given health condition, the one that seems most appropriate in the given situation must be chosen.
aspects : a balanced diet, safety, type of leisure pursuits, respect for the environment and so on all have a determining influence on health. The doctors of tomorrow must be excellent communicators in order to persuade individuals, families and the communities in their charge to adopt healthy lifestyles and become partners in the health effort.
Community leader
doctors will not simply be treating individuals who seek help but will also take a positive interest in community health activities which will benefit large numbers of people.
carry out all these functions, it will be essential for five-star doctors to acquire managerial skills. This will enable them to initiate exchanges of information in order to make better decisions, and to work within a multidisciplinary team in close association with other partners for health and social development.
the five attributes described above may equally apply to any health professional, family doctors come close to fulfilling the concept of the five-star doctor. In an increasing number of contexts they are seen as playing important roles as primary care providers who can reconcile quality and costeffectiveness in care.
7 Stars Doctor
Beside those five, Faculty of Medicine of University of Indonesia added two other concepts and then developed the idea of 7 stars doctor Researcher. A doctor should learn many things and keep searching for development in every fields Faith and Piety. believe in the Creator of all things, therefore we always remember that becoming doctor doesnt make us Gods and always hope, even believe in extraordinary measure
Medical schools have an important role to play in this regard. In committing themselves to prepare future doctors of the kind of the five-star doctor, they demonstrate their capacity in contributing proactively to shaping the future health system. Is there evidence that the graduates they produce optimally respond to priority health concerns? Do research results have a positive impact on the way health care services are delivered and address health priorities? Do delivered health care services optimally respond to needs?
Demonstrates Commitments
1994 1995
WHO & WONCA made 5 stars doctor particulary when recommendation was made that the family doctor
World Health Assembly adopting Resolution WHA 48 Reorientation of medical education and medical practice for health for all
Cost Effectiveness
Highly Competent