Cyber Crime
Cyber Crime
Cyber Crime
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The term cyber crime is a misnomer .this term has nowhere been defined in any statute / Act passed or enacted by the Indian Parliament .This concept of cyber crime is not radically different from the concept of conventional crime . Both include conduct whether act or omission , which cause breach of rules of law and counterbalanced by the sanction of the state.
Conventional crime
Crime is a social and economic phenomenon and is as old as the human society. Crime is a legal concept and has the sanction of the law .Crime or an offence is a legal wrong that can be followed by Criminal proceedings which may result into punishment. The hallmark of criminality is that, it is breach of the criminal law .The criminal quality of an act cannot be discovered by references to any standard but one : is the act prohibited with penal consequences. A crime may be said to be any conduct accompanied by act or omission prohibited by law and consequential breach of which is visited by penal consequences.
Cyber crime
Cyber Crime is the latest and perhaps the most complicated problem in the cyber world . Cyber crime may be said to be those species , of which ,genus is the conventional crime , and where either the computer is an object or subject of the conduct constituting crime. Any criminal activity that uses computer either as an instrumentally , target or a means for perpetuating further crimes comes within the ambit of cyber crime A generalized definition of cyber crime may be Unlawful acts wherein the computer is either a tool or target or both.
Against Individuals Person Property of an individual Against Organization Government Firm, Company, Group of Individuals. Against Society at large.
Against individuals
Harassment via e-mails. Cyber stalking. Dissemination of obscene material. Defamation. Unauthorized control/access over computer system Indecent exposure Email spoofing Cheating & Fraud
Computer vandalism Transmitting virus Netrespass Unauthorized control/access over computer system Intellectual Property crimes Internet thefts
Against organization
Unauthorized control/access over computer system Possession of unauthorized information Cyber terrorism against the government organization Distribution of pirated software etc
Pornography(basically child pornography) Polluting the youth through indecent exposure Trafficking Financial crimes Sale of illegal articles Online gambling Forgery
Harassment via e-mails - Harassment via e-mails is similar to harassing through letters. E.g. there is a case of a lady who received a mail from a lady wherein she complained about the same . Her former boy friend was sending her mails constantly sometimes emotionally blackmailing her and also threatening her . This is a very common type of harassment via e-mails. Cyber-stalking The Oxford dictionary defines stalking as pursuing stealthily. Cyber stalking involves following a persons movements across the Internet by posting messages (sometimes threatening ) on the bulletin boards frequented by the victim ,entering the chat-rooms frequented by the victim , constantly bombarding the victim with e-mails etc.
pornography on the net may take various forms . It may include the hosting of web site containing these prohibited materials. Use of computers for producing obscene materials or downloading obscene materials through the Internet. These obscene matters may cause harm to the mind of the adolescent and tend to deprave and corrupt their mind .
lower the person in the estimation of the right-thinking members of society generally or to cause him to be shunned or avoided or to exposes him to hatred , contempt or ridicule. Cyber defamation is not different from conventional defamation except the involvement of a virtual medium . E.g. the mail account of a boy was hacked and some mails were sent from his account to some of his batch mates regarding his affair with a girl with intent to defame him.
This activity is commonly referred to as hacking . The Indian law has however given a different connotation to the term hacking , so the term unauthorized access is not interchangeably used with the term hacking.
misrepresents its origin . It shows its origin to be different from which actually it originates.
or damaging property of another . Thus computer vandalism may include within its purview any kind of physical harm done to the computer of any person . These acts may take the form of the theft of a computer , some part of a computer, some part of a computer or a peripheral attached to the computer or by physically damaging a computer or its peripherals.
Intellectual property crimes/ Distribution of pirated software Intellectual property consists of a bundle of rights. Any unlawful act by which the owner is deprived completely or partially of his rights is an offence. The common form of IPR violation may be said to be software piracy , copyright infringement, trademark and service mark violation , theft of computer source code,etc. The Hyderabad court has in a land mark judgment has convicted three people and sentenced them to six months imprisonment and fine of 50,000 each for unauthorized copying and sell of pirated software. Trafficking-Trafficking may assume different forms. It may be trafficking in drugs, human beings, arms weapons etc. These forms of trafficking are going unchecked because they are carried on under pseudonyms. Fraud & Cheating Online fraud and cheating is one of the most lucrative businesses that are growing today in the cyber space . It may assume different forms. Some of the cases of online fraud and cheating that have come to light are those pertaining to credit card crimes , contractual crimes, offering jobs, etc.
Children and adolescents between the age group of 18 years The simple reasons for this type of delinquent behavior pattern in children is seen mostly due to the inquisitiveness to know and explore the things . Other cognate reason may be to prove themselves to be outstanding amongst other children in their group. Further the reasons may be psychological even.
Organized hackers - These kinds of hackers are mostly organized together to fulfill certain objective . The reasons may be to fulfill their political bias, fundamentalism , etc .The NASA as well as the Microsoft sites is always under attack by the hacker.
Professional hackers/crackers - Their work is motivated by the color of money .These kinds of hackers are mostly employed to hack the sites of the rivals and get credible, reliable and valuable information . Further they are even employed to crack the system of the employer basically as a measure to make it safer by detecting the loopholes. Discontented employees - This group include those people who have been either sacked by their employer or are dissatisfied with their employer. To avenge they normally hack the system of their employee.
Unauthorized access to computer system or networks/ Hacking - This kind of offence is normally referred as hacking in the generic sense. Theft of information contained in electronic form This include information stored in computer hard disks, removable storage media etc. Theft may be either by appropriating the data physically or by tampering them through the virtual medium. Data diddling This kind of an attack involves altering raw data just before a computer processes it and then changing it back after the processing is completed
Salami attacks :- This kind of crime is normally prevalent in the financial institution or for the purpose of committing financial crimes . An important feature of this type of offence is that the alteration is so small that it would normally go unnoticed. Denial of Service attack :- The computer of the victim is flooded with more request than it can handle which cause it to crash . Distributed Denial of Services(DDoS) attack is also a type of denial of service attack , in which the offenders are wide in number and widespread. Virus/ Worm Attacks:- Viruses are programs that attach themselves to a computer or a file and then circulate themselves to other files and to other computers on a network. They usually affect the data on a computer , either by altering or deleting it . Worms , unlike viruses do not need the host to attach themselves to .They merely make functional copies of themselves and do this repeatedly till they eat up all the available space on a computer s memory.
Logic bombs :- These are event dependent programs . This implies that these programs are created to do something only when a certain event (Known as a trigger event) occurs . E.g. even some viruses may be termed logic bombs because they lie dormant all through the year and become active only on a particular date. Internet time thefts :- Normally in these kinds of thefts the Internet surfing hours of the victim are used up by another person. This is done by gaining access to the login ID and the password. Web Jacking :- This term is derived from the hi jacking . In these kinds of offences the hacker gains access and control over the web site of another . He may even mutilate or change the information on the site . This may be done for fulfilling political objectives or for money . Thus web jacking is a process where by control over the site of another is made backed by some consideration for it.
To prevent cyber stalking avoid disclosing any information pertaining to one . This is as good as disclosing your identity to strangers in public place. Always avoid sending any photograph online particularly to strangers and chat friends as there have been incidents of misuse of the photographs. Always use latest and up date anti virus software to guard against virus attacks. Always keep back up volumes so that one may not suffer data loss in case of virus contamination . Never send your credit card number to any site that is not secured to , guard against frauds . Always keep a watch on the sites that your children are accessing to prevent any kind of harassment or depravation in children.
It is better to use a security programmer that gives control over the cookies and send information back to the site as leaving the cookies unguarded might prove fatal. Web site owners should watch traffic and check any irregularity on the site. Putting host based intrusion detection devices on servers may do this. Use of firewalls may be beneficial. Web servers running public sites must be physically separate protected from internal corporate networks.
Crime is an act or omission ,which is prohibited by the law particularly criminal. Cyber-Crime is the latest and perhaps the most specialized and dynamic field in cyber-laws. One of the greatest lacunae of this field is the absence of a set of comprehensive law anywhere in the world .The era of nuclear warfare conceived the idea of a cyber crime which could even survive the devastation of nuclear weapons.
New technologies create new criminal opportunities and new types of crime. Theft of Telecommunication services , Communication in furtherance of criminal conspiracies ,electronic vandalism ,terrorism and extortion, Sales and investment frauds , Pornography. Telemarketing fraud Electronic fund transfer crime. India became the fourth highest number of internet users in the world , cyber crimes in India has also increased 50 in 2009 over the previous year.
References Seminar Sonic 2k9