Cell Theory
Cell Theory
Cell Theory
(c) Cells contain genetic material of an organism which is passed from parent to daughter cells. (d) All metabolic reactions take place within cells.
A tissue consists of a group of cells which generally have a similar embryonic origin and differentiation, and carry out a particular common function or functions.
An organ consists of a number of different tissues working together as a functional unit. E.g the heart. Different organs work together as organ systems, e.g the circulatory system.
The five kingdoms are Prokaryotae, Protoctista, Fungi, Animalia and Plantae.
The prokaryotes which include the bacteria and cyanobacteria, have DNA not enclosed by nuclear membranes and lack organelles bounded by a double membrane.
The eukaryotes which include the protoctists, fungi, animals and plants have chromosomes surrounded by well-defined nuclear membranes. Animal and plant cells are examples of eukaryotic cells.
Genetic material is circular double strand of DNA, not surrounded by double-membraned nuclear envelope. Some bacteria have small circular DNA plasmids.
Few organelles. No double membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. No mitosis or meiosis. No spindle formation.
Mesosomes in bacteria and plasma membrane of cyanobacteria contain respiratory enzymes. No mitochondria.
Some prokaryotes are photoautotrophs. Photosynthetic membranes not stacked into grana.
No chloroplasts.
Some prokaryotic cells have enzymes that can fix atmospheric nitrogen for use in amino acid synthesis.
Plasmids are absent. Many organelles. Presence of double membrane-bound organelles such as the nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplasts in plants and algae.
Mitosis, meiosis or both can occur. There is spindle formation. Ribosomes are larger, 80S ribosomes occur as free particles in cytoplasm or are bound to endoplasmic reticulum.
Cell walls of plants and algae contain cellulose, fungi contain chitin and animal cells have no cell wall. There are no mesosomes. Mitochondria function as sites for cellular respiration to produce ATP.