Reflective Teaching: Lizamarie Campoamor-Olegario U.P. College of Education

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that reflective teaching involves self-observation and evaluation by teachers to identify their own practices and beliefs in order to improve teaching, reflective thinking is an active process of analyzing experiences and making judgements, and reflective teaching looks at what teachers do in the classroom and evaluates why and if their methods are effective.

The four levels of reflection discussed are the factual level which involves classroom routines and procedures, the procedural level which looks at teaching outcomes, the justificatory level which examines the rationales for teaching, and the critical level which analyzes the impact of teaching on social justice.

The three traditions of reflective teaching mentioned are the academic tradition which focuses on subject matter teaching and student understanding, the social efficiency tradition which aims to replicate research-based teaching practices, and the developmentalist tradition which considers students' interests, needs and motivations to determine best teaching strategies.

Reflective Teaching

Lizamarie Campoamor-Olegario U.P. College of Education



How often do you ask yourself

Who am I as a teacher? Why do I teach? Who are my students? How do my students learn? What do I really teach? Why do I teach it?

How often do you ask yourself

What are my teaching strategies? Why am I using them? How effective are they? How are my students responding? How can I do it better?

Experience alone does not lead to learning Reflection on experience is essential

Reflective thinking
much more than understanding the process of analyzing & making judgments about what has happened

Reflective thinking
an active, persistent, & careful consideration of
a belief or supposed form of knowledge, the grounds that support that knowledge, and the further conclusions to which that knowledge leads

frees us from impulsive and routine activity

(Dewey, 1933)

Reflective thinking in education

what we know what we need to know how we bridge that gap

an analysis of classroom events to understand the

whys hows what ifs

Reflective thinking in education

in self-examining learning experience
better critical-thinking skills basic communications skills expanded learning and understanding

Reflective teaching
looking at what you do in the classroom thinking about why you do it thinking about if it works

Reflective teaching
a process of self-observation and self-evaluation Identifying and exploring our own practices and underlying beliefs may lead to changes and improvements in our teaching

Reflective teaching
Two critical questions
"Whats worth doing?" "Is what Im doing working?

More critical question

What are the political, moral, social implications of what & how we teach

Four Levels of Reflection

routines & procedures of classroom teaching

teaching outcomes

rationales for teaching

impact of teaching on social justice
Liston and Zeichner, 1991 as cited in Nagle, 2009

Three Traditions
teaching of the subject matter & student understanding
(Shulman, 1987 as cited in Nagle, 2009)

Social efficiency
the extent to which teaching practice can replicate researchbased teaching practice
(McCaleb, Borko, and Arends, 1992 as cited in Nagle, 2009)

Three Traditions
students interests, needs, and motivations to understand the best teaching strategies
(Duckworth, 1987 as cited in Nagle, 2009)



Reflection is seldom part of todays science education, perhaps explaining why students think science is about memorizing facts.
Gnreux & Thompson (2008)

Components of Reflective vs Invariant Teaching

Variable Reflective Invariant
method activities equipment discipline evaluates adjusts lesson variety

same for all

progression no change modifies affective regularly no option punitive sporadic

Reflective Teaching Model Dimensions

love for teaching knowledge base ethics of caring constructivist approach to learning/ teaching artistic/ creative problem solving inquiring attitude toward education

Knowledge base
Teaching values, beliefs, and philosophy of learning Knowledge of subject
flexible mastery & elaborate understanding of the various aspects of the subject matter

Curriculum knowledge
knowledge of the range of methods & programs available for effective teaching

Knowledge base
Knowledge of pedagogy
ways of organizing and presenting content materials that make students able to understand

Continuing education
continuing personal and professional growth.


Ethics of caring
the belief that teachers must care for and seek to understand their students as individuals and as learners with their own unique perspectives respects the wonderful range of multiple talents and capacities of all individuals regardless of cultural, intellectual, or gender differences premium on the dignity of all persons

Ethics of caring
Teachers as role model
of intellectual activity and desirable ways of interacting with people

openness to discuss privately and in confidence anything students want to talk about while maintaining mutual respect

Ethics of caring
ways of nurturing student's self-esteem

Cooperative practice
ability to work cooperatively with students/parents/peers


Constructivist approach
ability of helping students actively construct meaning during learning by relating new knowledge to their past experiences and personal purposes.

Constructivist approach
guide peer interaction effectively encourage students to construct meaning for themselves encourage active, meaningful learning

Constructivist approach
students freely raise questions and doubts integrate students' life experiences into the classroom relate subject matter to students' backgrounds, needs, interests, and purpose

Constructivist approach
places emphasis on
big concepts student questions active learning cooperative learning

interweaves assessment with teaching

Constructivist approach
seeks to connect theory to practice views the student as
thinker creator constructor

creative problem solving is integral


Artistic problem solving

imaginatively adapting the curriculum to meet students' backgrounds, interests, & needs Observation, reflection and problems identification:
reflect on the learning situation and observe carefully what students say and do acquire a good empathetic understanding of students' pertinent past experiences & personal purposes

Artistic problem solving

Trying out one or more solutions
find a unique combination of ideas, methods, and theories that work best for each student judge the effectiveness of methods through students' reactions

Evaluation and further inquiry

continually review the quality of judgments with the help of research on students' learning achievements

Action research

Inquiring attitude toward education

taking a questioning, democratic perspective willingness to challenge any educational discourse inquire into learning patterns of student & reasons for everything that goes on in the classroom

Inquiring attitude toward education

critically evaluate the various philosophies and methods they encounter in terms of their own goals, values, and principles challenge existing social and political structure lead in content selection, organization and evaluation of the curriculum

Inquiring attitude toward education

Persistence to engage in inquiry role models in making wise curriculum decisions persistence in problem solving



Logs for students to record procedures, observations, and data does not allow students to do their own thinking or explore the learning process
(Klentschy 2005).

Teach students to be reflective learners

Reflection assignments
allows the teacher to make changes in instruction correct misconceptions further explore complex concepts with which students may be struggling

Science journal reflections

reflections in the form of student-generated questions statements about what has been learned predictions of outcomes comments about successes & failures will help students form meaning from their learning experiences.

Science journal reflections

Guide questions (Bricker, 2007) What is something I discovered for the first time? What did I find that surprised me? What happened reminds me of What am I wondering about now?

Science journal reflections

My teacher was pleased that I would need to focus more on I know now how to I think I feel I learned I suggest

Science journal reflections

can then be used to identify concepts that need clarification provide direction for additional investigations uncover misconceptions

Small group reports

students combine their questions and responses with others report back to the entire group allows exploration and clarification of complex ideas and concepts significantly reduces the instructor workload

Both individual journals and small group discussions assist in establishing an environment where students are not afraid of getting feedback [and developing] a culture of assessment as information rather than judgment
(Peters 2008).

Guided reflection papers

more formal version of journal students are asked to reflect on
feelings about how the group worked together overall goal of the project a new concept or idea learned how the group made decisions for completion of the project most important thing learned

Example of actual guidedreflection questions

What have you learned about your environmental issue by taking action? What impact has participation in the action team project had on your life? In the future, if you became concerned about an environmental issue, would you be likely to take action? If so, what kinds of actions would you take?

Autobiographies/ Collaborative Diary Keeping

small groups who meet for an hour each week students create written account of educational experience weekly meetings are used to read a passage from autobiography so that it can be supported, commented upon by peers and the teacher

Reaction sheets
What aspects of the lesson were most effective? What aspects of the lesson were least effective? Would you have taught any aspect of the lesson differently? Why?

Think aloud
expressing out loud thoughts about teaching with students especially effective when teaching the student how to plan uncovers the reasoning behind making decisions describing and analyzing positive and negative experiences as they surface

Ask students do devise alternative ways of presenting information Compare different accounts of the same events, ideas, phenomena Supply alternative endings, writing different outcomes Role-play, role reversal, attempt to discern what was left out, what was inconsistent

Insert ideas that do not appear to belong in a text Delete or omit information Play what if Examine the social context of a given statement Identify the assumption
Shermis (1999)

Opportunities for reflection activities

The beginning Behind the scenes Project completion


Become a reflective practitioner

Significant Attitudes for Reflection

Empathy Open-mindedness Curiosity Self-awareness Intercultural communication skills Patience Ability to take risks/act/experiment Active seeking of feedback and alternative perspectives

Competency continuum/ Written self-evaluation

performance standards on the evaluation form rank self on a continuum from most competent to least competent identify the factors that inhibit ability to be more competent and identify what would be done

Data collection/ action research

Consider a problem area that concerns you design a procedure for collecting information (data) to learn more about the problem Use this data to further analyze the situation, to act on the problem, or to reevaluate

Before the teacher begins the design of the lessons series: What are some of the content goals you have in mind? In what ways does this series fit within your larger curriculum for this year?

What are some of your concerns about this series? As we think about the topics, what are some of the activities that might engage students in the Three Artistic Processes (creating, performing, responding)? How can student understanding be monitored?

During the teaching of the unit's lessons: As you reflect about the lesson, what are some of the things that come to mind? Describe some of the differences between what you planned and what occurred.

What are some of your observations about student learning? What are some of the variables that might have affected the outcomes? Given the experience of this lesson, what are some of the adjustments you might seek?

Beginning teachers When teaching topics with which they have great depth of knowledge
ask their students more open-ended questions engage them in richer classroom discussions

Beginning teachers When they teach topics with which they felt less confident
structured the lessons more rigidly talked more asked lower cognitive level questions

Peer observation
to be exposed to different styles Guidelines
Each participant would both observe and be observed Pre-observation orientation session/ Plan The observation/ Teach Post-observation/ Debrief

Peer observation
Lesson aspects
Lesson organization time management students task performance time-on-task teacher questions and student responses
classroom interaction class performance during a new teaching activity students use of the first language or English during group work.

Video tape and reflective analysis

Video tape self several times Analyze instruction and student response Tool for reflective dialogue between the student teacher and the mentoring team Included in the teaching portfolio

Video tape and reflective analysis

How much do you talk? What about? Are instructions and explanations clear? How much time do you allocate to student talk? How do you respond to student talk?

Video tape and reflective analysis

Aspects of your own behaviour. Where do you stand? Who do you speak to? How do you come across to the students?

Reflective Teaching Statement

General Overview as a Teacher Why do you teach? What do you find rewarding about teaching? What are the basic principles that underlie your teaching? What are your standards or criteria for effective teaching?

Reflective Teaching Statement

Style of Teaching What is unique about your teaching? How do you establish rapport with your students? What are your expectations for your students intellectual accomplishments?

Reflective Teaching Statement

Teaching Goals
What do you wish for students to learn? Within what sort of context do you teach (liberal arts, pre-professional training, both)? What sorts of skills do you deliberately attempt to teach in your classes and why? How do you evaluate whether youve accomplished your teaching goals?

Teaching diary
Lesson objectives
Did the students understand what we did in the lesson? Was what we did too easy or too difficult? What problems did the students have (if any)? Was there a clear outcome for the students? What did they learn or practise in the lesson? Was it useful for them?

Teaching diary
Activities and materials What different materials and activities did we use? Did the materials and activities keep the students interested? Could I have done any parts of the lesson differently?

Teaching diary
Were all the students on task (i.e. doing what they were supposed to be doing)? If not, when was that and why did it happen? Which parts of the lesson did the students seem to enjoy most? And least? How much English did the students use?

Teaching diary
Classroom management Did activities last the right length of time? Was the pace of the lesson right? Did I use whole class work, groupwork, pairwork or individual work? What did I use it for? Did it work?

Teaching diary
Did the students understand what to do in the lesson? Were my instructions clear? Did I provide opportunities for all the students to participate? Was I aware of how all of the students were progressing?

Teaching diary
Overall If I taught the lesson again, what would I do differently?
British Council Think (2004).



How do you usually teach this lesson? What do you expect the students to already know about this concept? Where would you like student thinking to be at the end of this lesson? What misconceptions do you think students have about these ideas? How do you expect students to respond to ___ ?

Are you asking open ended or closed ended type of questions? Are the students asking procedurally oriented or conceptually oriented questions? Whose thinking is being explored -- the professors, one particular students, a weaker student (or what appears to be a weaker student), or a mixture?

How are misconceptions and mistakes addressed? Did you notice any student explanations of their own thinking? Is there enough wait time after posing a question?

How do you think the lesson went? What worked, what didnt work? What would you do differently if you could teach the lesson again? When ___ happened, why did you decide to do ___ ? What did you mean by ___ ? Based on what happened today, what will you do when the class meets again?

Reflective Teaching = Effective Teaching

Time, opportunity & content
sufficient time allotted to multiple opportunities to learn necessary content

Expectations & roles

high, realistic expectations role of teacher & student clearly defined

Reflective Teaching = Effective Teaching

Classroom management
routines established and reinforced management is positive

Meaningful tasks
meaningful activities provided tasks suited to developmental level(s) of students

Reflective Teaching = Effective Teaching

Pacing & momentum
success ensured pacing fits lesson and students

Active teaching
effective demonstrations guided practice

Reflective Teaching = Effective Teaching

Active supervision
independent practice teacher monitors progress

variety of mechanisms used

Clarity, enthusiasm, warmth

warm classroom climate

"The subject of teaching is learning."

British Council Think (2004). Writing a teaching diary. Retrieved May 22, 2009 from Cole, A.L. & Knowles, J.G. (2000). Researching teaching: Exploring teacher development through reflexive inquiry. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Gnreux, A.P. & Thompson, W.A. (2008, Jul/Aug). Lights, camera, reflection! Digital Movies: a tool for reflective learning. Journal of College Science Teaching (37) 6, 21. Hwee Khim, M.C. (2005). Reflective Teaching at Manjusri Secondary School. Retrieved May 22, 2009 from /Issue08/teachers/teachers.htm

Kilpatrick, C., Hart, L., Najee-ullah, D., Mitchem, P. ( ). Reflective teaching practice by university faculty: Rationale and case study in computer science Loughran, J.J. (2002, Jan/Feb). Effective reflective practice in search of meaning in learning about teaching. Journal of Teacher Education (53) 1, 33-43. Mccann, T.M., Johannessen, L.R., Kahn, E., Smagorinsky, P., & Smith, M.W. [eds.] (2005). Reflective teaching: How to develop critically engaged readers, Writers, and Speakers. NW: Heinemann. McDonald, J. & Dominguez, L. (2009, March). Reflective writing Developing patterns for thinking about learning in science. The Science Teacher, 46- .

Nagle, J.F. (2009). Becoming a reflective practitioner in the age of accountability. The Educational Forum (73) 1., 76-86. Poblete, Sr. (1999). D.P. A reflective teaching model: an Adventist assessment. Retrieved May 22, 2009 from 24cc_257-276.htm Ravitz, J.L., Becker, H.J., & Wong, Y.T. (2000). Constructivist-compatible beliefs and practices among U.S. teachers. Retrieved May 22, 2009 from Richards, J.C. (n.d.). Towards Reflective Teaching. Retrieved July 22, 2009 from The Teacher Trainer

Shermis, S. (1999). Reflective thought, critical thinking. ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading, English, and Communication Digest #143 Retrieved May 22, 2009 from Teaching Resource Center (n.d.). Develping your reflective teaching statement. Retrieved May 22, 2009 from The National Capital Language Resource Center. (2004). What language teaching is: Reflective teaching practice. Retrieved May 22, 2009 from m Tice, J. (n.d.). The reflective teaching model. Retrieved May 22, 2009 from

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