Grinding Wheels
Grinding Wheels
Grinding Wheels
Grinding is the process of removing metal in the form of small chips from the work piece by using a rotating grinding wheel. Grinding give good surface finish on the work piece. Work piece can be machined with high dimensional accuracy. Hence grinding is used as a finishing operation.
Grinding wheels
Grinding wheel is a multi point cutting tool. The cutting edges are made up of small hard abrasive particles. The abrasive particles are held together by suitable bonding materials to make the grinding wheels
Abrasives are hard substances which are used as cutting edges in a grinding wheel. The abrasives cut rubbed away the metal from the work piece. The two types of abrasives are 1) natural abrasive 2) artificial abrasive Natural abrasives The following are some abrasives which are naturally available on the earth. a) Sand stone or solid quartz b) Emery (50-60% aluminum oxide+ iron oxide) c) Corundum(75-90% aluminum oxide + iron oxide) d) Diamond
Artificial abrasives
The quality and the hardness of artificial abrasives are more than the natural abrasives. Hence artificial abrasives are mostly used for manufacturing grinding wheels. Some of the artificial abrasives are explained below. 1.Aluminium oxide it is manufactured from the bauxite mineral. The refined bauxite is mixed with coke and heated in an electric furnace to produce this abrasive. As aluminum oxide is very tough and less brittle. It is mostly used for manufacturing grinding wheel. It is best suitable for grinding the materials having high tensile strength like carbon steel, alloy steel, HSS, wrought iron etc. the commercial names of alundum oxide are Alorite, abrasite, electrite, alundum, borolon, etc. 2. Silicon carbide it is manufactured from silica sand. The silica sand is mixed with coke and little amount of saw dust. This mixture is heated in an electric furnace to produce silicon carbide. It is very hard and brittle. So it is used for grinding the materials having low tensile strength like cast iron, aluminum , copper, etc. the commercial names of silicon carbide are carborundum, flectrite, crystolone, etc
Types of bonds
The following types of bond are used to hold abrasive particles to form the grinding wheel. 1. Vitrified bond (V) 2. Silicate bond (S) 3. Resinoid bond (B) 4. Rubber bond ( R) 5. Shellac bond ( S)
Types of bond
Vitrified bond clay and abrasive grains are mixed thoroughly with water . This mixture is filled in to the mould and dried. The dried material is cut to the required shape. Then it is heated to about 700 c for long time. Now the clay fuses and forms a hard substance called porcelain which bond the abrasive grains. Vitrified bonded wheels are strong and porous. They are not affected by acids and alkalies. Silicate bond sodium silicate is mixed with abrasive grains. This mixture is filled in to the mould and dried for many hours . Then it is kept in a furnace at about 260 c for number of days . Silicate bonded wheels are water proof. They are used for grinding cutters and blades. Resinoid bond abrasive grains are mixed with synthetic resin. This mixture is filled in to the moulds and heated to about 200 c for long time. Now, the resin fuses and bonds the abrasive grains together. Resinoid wheels can run at high speeds . They are used for rough grinding of iron and steel casting.
Types of bond
Rubber bond the abrasive grains are mixed with sulphur and liquid rubber. This mixture is formed into sheets of required thickness by rolling process. The wheels of required diameter are cut from this sheet. These wheels have low thermal resistance and more elastic. But it gives good surface finish. The rubber bonded wheels are used as regulating wheels in centre less grinding. Shellac bond Shellac and abrasive grains are mixed to gether uniformly; this mixture is heated and pressed in moulds to get required shape. Then it is kept in a furnace at about 150 c for few hours. The shellac bonded wheels are used when high accuracy is required. Very thin wheels are used for cutting off operations
Grinding - Hardness
Material Common Glass Quartz Hardened Steel HK 350-500 800-1100 700-1300
Silicon Carbide
Aluminum Oxide
Grain size
Wheel specificationusing Aluminum oxide and Silicon Carbide as the bonding material: Ex: 30A46H6VXX
30 Prefix (manufacturers symbol for abrasive, optional) A Abrasive type (A aluminum oxide, C silicon carbide) 46 Grain size (coarse = 8,10,12,14,16,20,24; medium = 30,36,46,54,60; fine = 70,80,,180; very fine = 220,240,.,600) H Grade (A = soft, M = medium, Z = hard) 6 Structure (1 = very dense, 15 = very open) V bond type (B-resinoid, E-shellac, R-rubber, Ssilicate, V-vitrified, O- oxychloride) XX Manufacturers record (optional)
Surface grinders
Surface grinders are used for grinding flat surfaces of work piece. According to the spindle position and the type of the table the surface grinders are classified as follows: 1.Horizontal spindle- reciprocating table 2. Horizontal spindle- rotary table 3. Vertical spindle reciprocating table 4. vertical spindle rotary table
5.Wheel head
Wheel head is mounted on the vertical guide ways of the column. It has a horizontal spindle to insert grinding wheel it has a motor for driving the grinding wheel.
Centerless grinders
Centrless grinding
So, the grinding wheel grinds the work piece. The regulating wheel does not remove metal as it rotates slowly. The grinding wheel is driven by electric motor and rotates at maximum surface speed of about 1800 rpm and regulating wheel speed from 33 to 130 rpm
Cylinderical grinding
Cylinderical grinding
This type of grinder has the following important parts. 1. Base 2. lower table 3. upper table 4. Head stock and Tail stock 5. wheel head
Cylinderical grinding
Base Base is a box type casting fitted on the floor. It supports all other parts of the grinder. It houses the table drive mechanism. The base has longitudinal guide ways on its top. Lower table The lower table slides over the guide ways of the bed . Longitudinal feed is given to the work piece b moging the lower table. The table can be moved by hand or poer . Adjustable trip dogs are fitted on the sides of the lower table. These trip dogs actuate the table reversing lever to reverse the table automatically .
Cylinderical grinding
Upper table the upper table is mounted on the lower table. This table is pivoted at the centre. It can be swiveled to required angle (maximum 10) and clamped in position. The swiveling is done for grinding tapers. The upper table has length wise Tslots for mounting the head stock and tail stock. Head stock and tail stock these are mounted on the upper table by using T bolts. The work piece is held between the the head stock and the tail stock centres. Head stock drives the work piece throuh driving plate and the pin. The tail stock can be adjusted according to the length of work piece and clamped in position.
Cylinderical grinding
Wheel head the wheel head has a grinding wheel and a driving motor. The wheel head is placed over the bed at its back side. It is mounted on a slide. The slide can be moved perpendicular to the table for giving cross feed.
It is also an abrasive process used for finishing previously machined surfaces. It is mostly used for finishing internal cylindrical surfaces such as drilled or bored holes. the tool used called a hone is a bonded abrasive stone made in the form of stick. Although honing enables the maximum stock removal out of the entire surface finishing operations, this higher stock removing capacity enables the application of honing for correcting slight out of roundness or taper. The usual amount of stock left for removal by honing is from 0.1mm to 0.25 mm . Honing is performed at relatively slow speeds in the range of 10-30meters/min
The honing tool works more or less in the same way as an expanding reamer. The honing stones are so held in a holder or mandrel that they can be forced outwards by mechanical or hydraulic pressure against the surface of the bore. Aluminum oxide, silicon carbide or diamond grains of suitable grit are bonded in resinoid, vitrified or shellac bond to form the honing stones usually carrying impregnated traces of sulphur or was for longer tool life and better cutting action.
Lapping is a surface finishing process used for producing geometrically accurate flat, cylindrical and spherical surfaces. The removal of metal takes place by abrasive action. Lapping is used for 1) removing small amount of material from the surfaces of tools 2) removing small defects and surface cracks left during previous operations. 3) eliminating small distortion
Super finishing
Super finishing can be used to external and internal cylindrical , tapered, flat surfaces. External cylindrical surfaces can be super finished by oscillating the abrasive stones at amplitude of 1.5 mm to 3 mm and frequencies of 500 to 1500 cycles per minute reciprocating axially along the rotating work piece. External cylindrical surfaces can also be super finished y oscillating and rotating the abrasive stones about the stationary work piece. Internal cylindrical surfaces can be super finished by axially oscillating and reciprocating abrasive stones applied to the rotating work piece.
Super finishing
Polishing is also a surface finishing process. It is performed by a polishing wheel to remove appreciable quantity of metal, tool marks , points and other defects from any rough surfaces on the metal. It is mainly used for obtaining good surface finish. Generally , a wheel made of leather, papers, canvas or wool is used in this process. Similar to grinding process, here also work is held against the rotating polishing wheel. To remove metal from the surface, either wheel may be pressed towards the work or work may be pressed towards the wheel.
Buffing is the process of making higher, lustrous, to be made on the surfaces of work piece which cannot be obtained by polishing process. In this process, a very fine abrasive si applied with a rotating wheel. Before applying the abrasive first it should be mixed with binder. The binder may be wax mixed with grease paraffin and kerosene or turpentine an other liquids. Abrasive may consist of iron oxide, chromium oxide, emery etc.