Sept 2012
To understand and maintain uniformity of SSV Reports Facilitate smooth approval of Reports by Customer Easy handling of SSV reports
Tools and Software Software Probe version(V200R003C01SPC300) Assistant version 3.3 soft dongle type Auxiliary softs(Franson Gpsgate etc.)
Tools Laptop(P/A software installed) E270 Data card Phones + USB cables(U120E, U6100 or U8800) GPS Inverter Compass Audit tools(tape measure, inclinometer, camera etc)
Things to note
Initial Optimization both RF and KPI optimization should be performed on new sites before, during and after SSV DT. Improve coverage and quality if bad If changes are done, do show previous data and the data after impact of change. If for example there was a swap on site, DT plot should be generated for before and after the swap correction as evidence. Before SSV, DT engineer should predict possible routes on Google earth to test all three sectors as best as possible. If all three sectors are not driven due to certain issues it should be stated and backed by evidence such as pictures in report. Audit & site changes must be done and well noted before DT. All changes(azimuth , swap, tilt, coordinates) done on site which are different from planned data should be logged in the SSV Audit Tracker
Lock Band before SSV DT is done Drive should continue until handover or coverage becomes poor , DT should be in limit of 1.5Km Throughput Data information should be displayed using strictly Probe.
NPO Planning
Perform SSV DT
SSV Report
Log files
NPO Server
Victor Review
SSV Report rejected SSV Report approved
VDF Review
SSV Process
Market Site name,Site ID/Cluster ID Latitude/Longitude General location Date BTS Type Site Config VF Project EKUASI, WEB7311 / WE_TAK_BSC01
4.930167/ -1.725833
Cell ID
17311 27311 37311
Antenna type
80010122 80010122 80010122
Mech tilt
0 0 0
Elect Tilt
4 4 4
80 220 330
RF Height
23.4 23.4 23.4
Cell ID
48 53 57
0 2 4
0 0 0
These tables should be filled carefully to conform with planned parameters(Asset/ITI DB). Audit should be done on site and if there is any variation on site especially with coordinates, azimuth, Mech tilt, antenna type and height it should be well noted and corrected. Issues concerning coordinates should be feedback to planning.
Synchronize sector colour with plots in assistant and note to resolve sector swap. Display Cell ID for sectors
The cell ID distribution plot should be generated as above taking note of scale, legend and grid lines, before DT is performed DT engineer should first check for sector swap and take audit on site and compare with Asset/ITI DB. DT should be done to test all three sectors as best as possible. If all three sectors are not all tested due to unavailability of access route it should be commented and backed with snapshots from Google earth or pictures taken from site. Note that DT should begin from the site.
The C/I on BCCH Carrier plot should be generated as above taking note of scale and grid lines.
The Rxlev_Sub plot should be generated as above taking note of scale, legend and grid lines. Before DT is performed DT engineer should confirm azimuth with Asset/ITI DB. DT should be done to test all three sectors as best as possible. Coverage is of the highest priority in SSV DT and so should be noted well, if coverage is poor DT engineer should try to improve or comment to explain issue in report and make recommendations as like the example shown in the next slide
The rxlev(coverage) was poor within that area and report could have been rejected but with comments indicating an undulating terrain backed by snapshots from Google Earth which was added to the report as remarks rectified the problem and report was finally approved. And so when DT engineer encounters such problems it should be well noted
RX LEVEL_SUB TABLE AND GRAPH Legend Count 497 140 375 Percentage(%) 23.20 6.54 17.51
-64dBm ~ -10dBm -68dBm ~ -64dBm -73dBm ~ -68dBm -78dBm ~ -73dBm -85dBm ~ -78dBm -100dBm ~ -85dBm Total
Rx_Level(Sub) 100.00
2000 1500
60.00 1000 500 0 -64dBm ~ - -68dBm ~ - -73dBm ~ --78dBm ~ - -85dBm ~ - -100dBm ~ 10dBm 64dBm 68dBm 73dBm 78dBm -85dBm Discrete Cummulative 40.00 20.00 0.00
The Rxlev_Sub Table and Graph samples should be generated exactly as shown above with the correct Legend as displayed on the rxlev_sub plot.
Legend should be in this format. It is very important
The RxQual_Sub plot should be generated as above taking note of scale, legend and grid lines.
2098 181 81
88.9 7.67 3.43
The RxQual_Sub Table and Graph samples should be generated exactly as shown above with the correct Legend as displayed on the rxqual_sub plot. Use graph template sheet to aid to generate samples as same as in the rxlev_sub samples.
The handover pictogram should be displayed clearly with a visible font size
Legend showing count of successful Handovers should be in this format as well. It is very important
The HANDOVER EVENT plot sholud be generated as shown above taking note of legend, scale and grid lines. Intercell Handover sholud be shown as best as possible. If there are pingpong handovers due to overshooting or between intercells DT engineer sholud take note to correct the problem or add remarks to explain the issue.
PS Data should be done using strictly Probe and data graphs should be displayed as shown in sample below:
KPI statistics should be queried for 5 days If KPI statistics for a site dont meet threshold it should be escalated to BSC owner to rectify problem. At the last section of the SSV report, the summary heading DT engineer should change site ID to that of the respective site.
Call Setup Success Rate Handover Success Rate Call Drop Rate CS SDCCH Drop Rate TCH Congestion Rate SDCCH Congestion Rate TCH Traffic DL TBF Estab Success
98% 95% 2% 2% 2% 2% N/A 98%
PS UL TBF Estab Success HW_UL TBF Drop
98% 6%