National Local Relations
National Local Relations
National Local Relations
DPA 102
Definition of concepts
Centralization (Ocampo) the authority, responsibility and ability to perform the basic functions of an organization are concentrated in a central governing unit. These functions include: representing the organization, determining its goals, making decisions and taking actions in its behalf; generating , allocating, and using resources to implement its choices; evaluating the organizations performance; and appropriating its benefits and results
Definition of concepts
Decentralization (De Guzman and Padilla) the dispersal of authority and responsibility and the allocation of powers and functions from the center or top level of government to the lower levels, from the central government to regional bodies or special purpose authorities or from the national to the sub-national levels of government.
Forms/Modes of Decentralization
Devolution transfer of power and authority for the performance of certain functions from the central government to the lower levels or sub-national levels of government Deconcentration process of delegating authority or functions from the central government to the regional or field units Privatization process of transferring responsibility for some functions of the central government to the private sector Use of NGOs or COs transfer of responsibility for some functions of the central government to the non-governmental sector or civil society Use of parastatal organizations transfer of responsibility of some central government functions to the parastatal organizations
Local Autonomy
Definition ability for self-government Measures/attributes of local autonomy: 1. Self-determining in terms of goals and functions 2. Inclined to exercise initiative, leadership, and discretion in decision-making 3. Self-reliant in resources and strategies 4. Open to local participants 5. Responsive and accountable to local constituents
Assists the President in the general supervision of local governments and in the oversee and monitoring of the implementation of the local government code Has responsibilities for local government and peace and order and public safety Bureaus: BLGD, BLGS, PROJ. DEV. SERVICE, NBOO, LGA