Molding Our Own Destiny
Molding Our Own Destiny
Molding Our Own Destiny
Is our present life going according to our highest dreams and ideals? Or is it a series of events, often unexpected, that prevents us
from becoming what we would like to be? If you were to live your life all over again, would you take the direction of your life now, or would you drastically change it?
What is Destiny?
A predetermined course of events, usually considered as
will develop a certain set of habits, personality tendencies and character qualities. Together with the karma of the past, these will determine his destiny: whether he will be happy or not, harmonious or not in his relationships, effective or not, successful or not. Most of these factors were not determined by him. They were put there by his parents, teachers, environment and other influences. Thus his destiny was molded for him by others, for good or ill.
When unaware of this situation, a person just becomes a victim of the environment and of the past;
our destiny is to become our highest potential. This is when the higher individuality becomes active and takes an active role in creating new causes or actions. Conditioned Destiny
This is the pattern of life that will be followed due to past karma, whether from past lives or the present life. Unless changed, this will be our primary destiny
We are not permitted to choose the frame of our destiny. But what we put into it is ours. Dag Hammarskhold
Parentage, country, body heredity, innate intelligence, latent skills, relatives, etc.
Conditioned habits & reaction patterns that perpetuate themselves
Conditioned habits & reaction patterns Past life seeds Reinforcement from environment
When there is no intervention from the higher individuality, the habits and patterns of the lower personality will tend to perpetuate itself, thus reinforcing conditioned destiny
The extent of the influence of the new unconditioned inputs will depend upon the receptivity of the
Thus it is very important to learn how to deal with the hardened habits and reaction patterns of the personality.
personality or lower triangle. When the resistance is high (i.e., conditioning is too hardened) then there will be little change in behavior and action. This is the significance of purification in the spiritual life
If there are only three things that you would like to achieve, to be, or attain before you die, what would these three things be?
If there are only three things that you can do
(individual and universal values) constitute our life compass. When they are not clear, then we will be controlled by the values of our environment and our past conditionings. Clarification of our values therefore is crucial in determining our own destiny
present conditionings or patterns of behavior, which will not alter our direction much. Or new influences that are in accord with our higher destiny and which can alter our life directions
Readings (e.g., Life Ahead)
4. New Habits
From birth to death, our lives are overwhelmingly governed by three things:
Mental habits Emotional reaction patterns Physical habits
These three form our personality, and when there are no other new factors, they crucially determine our destiny
When we are clear about our highest values in life, then we must deliberately form our habits that are congruent with our highest envisioned destiny This is the function of self-training Habits are our slaves when they are being formed; they become our masters after they have been formed.
(Decide which railroad tracks you would like to built, and in which directions; after you have built them, you can hardly change them anymore. The train of your life will have to follow those tracks.)
Warren Buffett:
So why do smart people do things that interfere with getting the
output they're entitled to? It gets into the habits and character and temperament, and behaving in a rational manner. Not getting in your own way.
The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too
heavy to be broken. At my age, I can't change any of my habits. I'm stuck. But you will have the habits 20 years from now that you decide to put into practice today. So I suggest that you look at the behavior that you admire in others and make those your own habits, and look at what you really find reprehensible in others and decide that those are things you are not going to do. If you do that, you'll find that you convert all of your horsepower into output.
Real, constructive mental power lies in the creative thought that shapes your destiny, and your hour-by-hour mental conduct produces power for changes in your life. Develop a train of thought on which to ride. The nobility of your life as well as your happiness depends upon the direction in which that train of thought is going. Laurence J. Peter
Physical exercise, diet, different emotional reaction, meditation practice, smiling, etc.
5. Rationality
This is the impersonal mind, the abstract mind or the higher mind. It sees things objectively and not according to personal preferences. In some people it is strong, in others weak.
When it is weak, then the life tends to follow
the conditioned reaction patterns, such as tendency towards being hurt, or angered, or being insecure.
karmic seeds we ought to sow and what we should not sow. Examples:
To sow: Kindness and benevolence.
Not to sow: anger, hurt, revenge, ill thoughts and
7. Awareness
Awareness is the important factor that enables us to take charge of our minds, emotions and behavior, especially when there are conflicting factors in the human psyche. When there is no awareness, the strongest force (not necessarily the correct one) will prevail. (E.g., teacher and sister)
Awareness enables one to manage the unproductive or ineffective forces and not let them become obstacles to right decision making.
What you are not aware of, you cannot control (emotional reactions, mental reactions, attitudes, physical behaviors)
Awareness is different from knowing. It is to experience it consciously at the moment it is happening. Knowing is an indirect way of perceiving, through conceptualizing or cognition with labeling. Knowing that you are angry is different from being aware of your anger.
Peripheral awareness prevents push buttons from automatically acting out, thus opening new options of action. It eventually erases the automatic reaction, whether it is pleasant or unpleasant, thus changing the automatic patterns of behavior.
You can catch yourself entertaining habitually certain ideas and setting others aside; and that, I think, is where our personal destinies are largely decided. Alfred North Whitehead
Meditation is the best way of developing awareness of the inner levels of the mind
Meditation is also the approach towards
intuition and transcendence that will bring us to the higher summits of our destiny
8. Intuition
Intuition is a perception of things by the transcendent consciousness (contemplative or spiritual consciousness in Christianity; buddhi
or prajna in the East). It not only transcends the personality but incorporates ethical and rational factors. Intuitive perceptions are based on transcendent wisdom, and are based on timeless principles that guide the growth and evolution of human beings.
personal values; It sees the illusory nature of many of the things that we take as important and objective (e.g., social success) ; it is beyond the ego that makes such valuations It has an integrative capacity in assessing an entire situation, including the social, ethical and metaphysical aspects of a situation. It is the factor that leads us to our highest destiny the realization of our highest potential
Albert Einstein: The only real valuable thing is intuition. Johann Kaspar Lavater: Intuition is the clear conception of the whole at once. John Astin: There are things so deep and complex that only intuition can reach it in our stage of development as human beings. Plotinus: Knowledge has three degrees -- opinion, science, illumination. The means or instrument of the first is sense; of the second, dialectic; of the third, intuition.
7. 8.
influences Development of new habits that are in accord with ones highest values Strengthened rationality Sowing the right seeds of karma Awareness of our reaction patterns The awakening of our intuition
personal values on their children (like wanting them to pursue engineering as a career). It is better to help children discover their own deepest values and help them realize these.
must guide them in discriminating about the correctness of the
designed The earlier that we use the keys that lead to its mastery, the greater is our control over our destiny The keys are in our hands