Full Nitnem - Guru Nanak Dev Ji

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jpjI swihb

Japji Sahib

Japji Sahib

<> siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
One Universal Creator God. The Name Is Truth. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying, Beyond Birth, Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace ~
ik ounkaar sath naam kuruthaa purukh nirubho niruvair akaal moorath ajoonee saibhun gur prusaadh

] jpu ]

Chant And Meditate:


Awid scu jugwid scu ]

True In The Primal Beginning. True Throughout The Ages.

aadh such jugaadh such

hY BI scu nwnk hosI BI scu ]1]

True Here And Now. O Nanak, Forever And Ever True. ||1||

hai bhee such naanuk hosee bhee such

socY soic n hoveI jy socI lK vwr ]

By thinking, He cannot be reduced to thought, even by thinking hundreds of thousands of times.

sochai soch n hovee jae sochee lukh vaar

cupY cup n hoveI jy lwie rhw ilv qwr ]

By remaining silent, inner silence is not obtained, even by remaining lovingly absorbed deep within.
chupai chup n hovee jae laae rehaa liv thaar

BuiKAw BuK n auqrI jy bMnw purIAw Bwr ]

The hunger of the hungry is not appeased, even by piling up loads of worldly goods.
bhukhiaa bhukh n outhuree jae bunnaa pureeaa bhaar

shs isAwxpw lK hoih q iek n clY nwil ]

Hundreds of thousands of clever tricks, but not even one of them will go along with you in the end.
sehus siaanupaa lukh hohi th eik n chulai naal

ikv sicAwrw hoeIAY ikv kUVY qutY pwil ]

So how can you become truthful? And how can the veil of illusion be torn away?
kiv sachiaaraa hoeeai kiv koorrai thuttai paal

hukim rjweI clxw nwnk iliKAw nwil ]1]

O Nanak, it is written that you shall obey the Hukam of His Command, and walk in the Way of His Will. ||1||
hukam rujaaee chulunaa naanuk likhiaa naal

hukmI hovin Awkwr hukmu n kihAw jweI ]

By His Command, bodies are created; His Command cannot be described.

hukumee hovan aakaar hukum n kehiaa jaaee

hukmI hovin jIA hukim imlY vifAweI ]

By His Command, souls come into being; by His Command, glory and greatness are obtained.
hukumee hovan jeea hukam milai vaddiaaee

hukmI auqmu nIcu hukim iliK duK suK pweIAih ]

By His Command, some are high and some are low; by His Written Command, pain and pleasure are obtained.
hukumee outhum neech hukam likh dhukh sukh paaeeahi

ieknw hukmI bKsIs ieik hukmI sdw BvweIAih ]

Some, by His Command, are blessed and forgiven; others, by His Command, wander aimlessly forever.
eikunaa hukumee bukhusees eik hukumee sudhaa bhuvaaeeahi

hukmY AMdir sBu ko bwhir hukm n koie ]

Everyone is subject to His Command; no one is beyond His Command.
hukumai andhar subh ko baahar hukum n koe

nwnk hukmY jy buJY q haumY khY n koie ]2]

O Nanak, one who understands His Command, does not speak in ego. ||2||
naanuk hukumai jae bujhai th houmai kehai n koe

gwvY ko qwxu hovY iksY qwxu ]

Some sing of His Power-who has that Power?

gaavai ko thaan hovai kisai thaan

gwvY ko dwiq jwxY nIswxu ]

Some sing of His Gifts, and know His Sign and Insignia.

gaavai ko dhaath jaanai neesaan

gwvY ko gux vifAweIAw cwr ]

Some sing of His Glorious Virtues, Greatness and Beauty.

gaavai ko gun vaddiaaeeaa chaar

gwvY ko ividAw ivKmu vIcwru ]

Some sing of knowledge obtained of Him, through difficult philosophical studies.

gaavai ko vidhiaa vikhum veechaar

gwvY ko swij kry qnu Kyh ]

Some sing that He fashions the body, and then again reduces it to dust.
gaavai ko saaj kurae thun khaeh

gwvY ko jIA lY iPir dyh ]

Some sing that He takes life away, and then again restores it.

gaavai ko jeea lai fir dhaeh

gwvY ko jwpY idsY dUir ]

Some sing that He seems so very far away.

gaavai ko jaapai dhisai dhoor

gwvY ko vyKY hwdrw hdUir ]

Some sing that He watches over us, face to face, ever-present.

gaavai ko vaekhai haadhuraa hudhoor

kQnw kQI n AwvY qoit ]

There is no shortage of those who preach and teach.

kuthunaa kuthee n aavai thott

kiQ kiQ kQI kotI koit koit ]

Millions upon millions offer millions of sermons and stories.

kath kath kuthee kottee kott kott

dydw dy lYdy Qik pwih ]

The Great Giver keeps on giving, while those who receive grow weary of receiving.
dhaedhaa dhae laidhae thak paahi

jugw jugMqir KwhI Kwih ]

Throughout the ages, consumers consume.

jugaa jugunthar khaahee khaahi

hukmI hukmu clwey rwhu ]

The Commander, by His Command, leads us to walk on the Path.

hukumee hukum chulaaeae raahu

nwnk ivgsY vyprvwhu ]3]

O Nanak, He blossoms forth, Carefree and Untroubled. ||3||

naanuk vigusai vaepuruvaahu

swcw swihbu swcu nwie BwiKAw Bwau Apwru ]

True is the Master, True is His Name-speak it with infinite love.

saachaa saahib saach naae bhaakhiaa bhaao apaar

AwKih mMgih dyih dyih dwiq kry dwqwru ]

People beg and pray, ""Give to us, give to us"", and the Great Giver gives His Gifts.
aakhehi mungehi dhaehi dhaehi dhaath kurae dhaathaar

Pyir ik AgY rKIAY ijqu idsY drbwru ]

So what offering can we place before Him, by which we might see the Darbaar of His Court?
faer k agai rukheeai jith dhisai dhurubaar

muhO ik bolxu bolIAY ijqu suix Dry ipAwru ]

What words can we speak to evoke His Love?

muhu k bolun boleeai jith sun dhurae piaar

AMimRq vylw scu nwau vifAweI vIcwru ]

In the Amrit Vaylaa, the ambrosial hours before dawn, chant the True Name, and contemplate His Glorious Greatness.
anmrith vaelaa such naao vaddiaaee veechaar

krmI AwvY kpVw ndrI moKu duAwru ]

By the karma of past actions, the robe of this physical body is obtained. By His Grace, the Gate of Liberation is found.
kurumee aavai kupurraa nudhuree mokh dhuaar

nwnk eyvY jwxIAY sBu Awpy sicAwru ]4]

O Nanak, know this well: the True One Himself is All. ||4||

naanuk eaevai jaaneeai subh aapae sachiaar

QwipAw n jwie kIqw n hoie ]

He cannot be established, He cannot be created.

thaapiaa n jaae keethaa n hoe

Awpy Awip inrMjnu soie ]

He Himself is Immaculate and Pure.

aapae aap nirunjun soe

ijin syivAw iqin pwieAw mwnu ]

Those who serve Him are honored.

jin saeviaa thin paaeiaa maan

nwnk gwvIAY guxI inDwnu ]

O Nanak, sing of the Lord, the Treasure of Excellence.

naanuk gaaveeai gunee nidhaan

gwvIAY suxIAY min rKIAY Bwau ]

Sing, and listen, and let your mind be filled with love.

gaaveeai suneeai man rukheeai bhaao

duKu prhir suKu Gir lY jwie ]

Your pain shall be sent far away, and peace shall come to your home.
dhukh purehar sukh ghar lai jaae

gurmuiK nwdM gurmuiK vydM gurmuiK rihAw smweI ]

The Guru's Word is the Soundcurrent of the Naad; the Guru's Word is the Wisdom of the Vedas; the Guru's Word is all-pervading.
gurumukh naadhun gurumukh vaedhun gurumukh rehiaa sumaaee

guru eIsru guru gorKu brmw guru pwrbqI mweI ]

The Guru is Shiva, the Guru is Vishnu and Brahma; the Guru is Paarvati and Lakhshmi.
gur eesur gur gorukh burumaa gur paarubuthee maaee

jy hau jwxw AwKw nwhI khxw kQnu n jweI ]

Even knowing God, I cannot describe Him; He cannot be described in words.

jae ho jaanaa aakhaa naahee kehunaa kuthun n jaaee

gurw iek dyih buJweI ]

The Guru has given me this one understanding:

guraa eik dhaehi bujhaaee

sBnw jIAw kw ieku dwqw so mY ivsir n jweI ]5]

there is only the One, the Giver of all souls. May I never forget Him! ||5||
subhunaa jeeaa kaa eik dhaathaa so mai visar n jaaee

qIriQ nwvw jy iqsu Bwvw ivxu Bwxy ik nwie krI ]

If I am pleasing to Him, then that is my pilgrimage and cleansing bath. Without pleasing Him, what good are ritual cleansings?
theerath naavaa jae this bhaavaa vin bhaanae k naae kuree

jyqI isriT aupweI vyKw ivxu krmw ik imlY leI ]

I gaze upon all the created beings: without the karma of good actions, what are they given to receive?
jaethee sirath oupaaee vaekhaa vin kurumaa k milai lee

miq ivic rqn jvwhr mwixk jy iek gur kI isK suxI ]

Within the mind are gems, jewels and rubies, if you listen to the Guru's Teachings, even once.
math vich ruthun juvaahur maanik jae eik gur kee sikh sunee

gurw iek dyih buJweI ]

The Guru has given me this one understanding:

guraa eik dhaehi bujhaaee

sBnw jIAw kw ieku dwqw so mY ivsir n jweI ]6]

there is only the One, the Giver of all souls. May I never forget Him! ||6||
subhunaa jeeaa kaa eik dhaathaa so mai visar n jaaee

jy jug cwry Awrjw hor dsUxI hoie ]

Even if you could live throughout the four ages, or even ten times more,
jae jug chaarae aarujaa hor dhusoonee hoe

nvw KMfw ivic jwxIAY nwil clY sBu koie ]

and even if you were known throughout the nine continents and followed by all,
nuvaa khunddaa vich jaaneeai naal chulai subh koe

cMgw nwau rKwie kY jsu kIriq jig lyie ]

with a good name and reputation, with praise and fame throughout the worldchungaa naao rukhaae kai jus keerath jag laee

jy iqsu ndir n AwveI q vwq n puCY ky ]

still, if the Lord does not bless you with His Glance of Grace, then who cares? What is the use?
jae this nudhar n aavee th vaath n pushai kae

kItw AMdir kItu kir dosI dosu Dry ]

Among worms, you would be considered a lowly worm, and even contemptible sinners would hold you in contempt.
keettaa andhar keett kar dhosee dhos dhurae

nwnk inrguix guxu kry guxvMiqAw guxu dy ]

O Nanak, God blesses the unworthy with virtue, and bestows virtue on the virtuous.
naanuk nirugun gun kurae gunuvunthiaa gun dhae

qyhw koie n suJeI ij iqsu guxu koie kry ]7]

No one can even imagine anyone who can bestow virtue upon Him. ||7||
thaehaa koe n sujhee j this gun koe kurae

suixAY isD pIr suir nwQ ]

Listening-the Siddhas, the spiritual teachers, the heroic warriors, the yogic masters.
suniai sidh peer sur naath

suixAY Driq Dvl Awkws ]

Listening-the earth, its support and the Akaashic ethers.

suniai dhurath dhuvul aakaas

suixAY dIp loA pwqwl ]

Listening-the oceans, the lands of the world and the nether regions of the underworld.
suniai dheep loa paathaal

suixAY poih n skY kwlu ]

Listening-Death cannot even touch you.

suniai pohi n sukai kaal

nwnk Bgqw sdw ivgwsu ]

O Nanak, the devotees are forever in bliss.

naanuk bhuguthaa sudhaa vigaas

suixAY dUK pwp kw nwsu ]8]

Listening-pain and sin are erased. ||8||

suniai dhookh paap kaa naas

suixAY eIsru brmw ieMdu ]

Listening-Shiva, Brahma and Indra.

suniai eesur burumaa eindh

suixAY muiK swlwhx mMdu ]

Listening-even foul-mouthed people praise Him.

suniai mukh saalaahun mundh

suixAY jog jugiq qin Byd ]

Listening-the technology of Yoga and the secrets of the body.

suniai jog jugath than bhaedh

suixAY swsq isimRiq vyd ]

Listening-the Shaastras, the Simritees and the Vedas.

suniai saasuth simrith vaedh

nwnk Bgqw sdw ivgwsu ]

O Nanak, the devotees are forever in bliss.

naanuk bhuguthaa sudhaa vigaas

suixAY dUK pwp kw nwsu ]9]

Listening-pain and sin are erased. ||9||

suniai dhookh paap kaa naas

suixAY squ sMqoKu igAwnu ]

Listening-truth, contentment and spiritual wisdom.

suni-ai sat santokh gi-aan.

suixAY ATsiT kw iesnwnu ]

Listening-take your cleansing bath at the sixty-eight places of pilgrimage.

suniai athusath kaa eisunaan

suixAY piV piV pwvih mwnu ]

Listening-reading and reciting, honor is obtained.

suniai parr parr paavehi maan

suixAY lwgY shij iDAwnu ]

Listening-intuitively grasp the essence of meditation.

suniai laagai sehaj dhiaan

nwnk Bgqw sdw ivgwsu ]

O Nanak, the devotees are forever in bliss.

naanuk bhuguthaa sudhaa vigaas

suixAY dUK pwp kw nwsu ]10]

Listening-pain and sin are erased. ||10||

suniai dhookh paap kaa naas

suixAY srw guxw ky gwh ]

Listening-dive deep into the ocean of virtue.

suniai suraa gunaa kae gaah

suixAY syK pIr pwiqswh ]

Listening-the Shaykhs, religious scholars, spiritual teachers and emperors.

suniai saekh peer paathisaah

suixAY AMDy pwvih rwhu ]

Listening-even the blind find the Path.

suniai andhae paavehi raahu

suixAY hwQ hovY Asgwhu ]

Listening-the Unreachable comes within your grasp.

suniai haath hovai asugaahu

nwnk Bgqw sdw ivgwsu ]

O Nanak, the devotees are forever in bliss.

naanuk bhuguthaa sudhaa vigaas

suixAY dUK pwp kw nwsu ]11]

Listening-pain and sin are erased. ||11||

suniai dhookh paap kaa naas

mMny kI giq khI n jwie ]

The state of the faithful cannot be described.

munnae kee gath kehee n jaae

jy ko khY ipCY pCuqwie ]

One who tries to describe this shall regret the attempt.

jae ko kehai pishai pushuthaae

kwgid klm n ilKxhwru ]

No paper, no pen, no scribe

kaagadh kulum n likhunehaar

mMny kw bih krin vIcwru ]

can record the state of the faithful.

munnae kaa behi kuran veechaar

AYsw nwmu inrMjnu hoie ]

Such is the Name of the Immaculate Lord.

aisaa naam nirunjun hoe

jy ko mMin jwxY min koie ]12]

Only one who has faith comes to know such a state of mind. ||12||

jae ko munn jaanai man koe

mMnY suriq hovY min buiD ]

The faithful have intuitive awareness and intelligence.

munnai surath hovai man budh

mMnY sgl Bvx kI suiD ]

The faithful know about all worlds and realms.

munnai sugul bhuvun kee sudh

mMnY muih cotw nw Kwie ]

The faithful shall never be struck across the face.

munnai muhi chottaa naa khaae

mMnY jm kY swiQ n jwie ]

The faithful do not have to go with the Messenger of Death.

munnai jum kai saath n jaae

AYsw nwmu inrMjnu hoie ]

Such is the Name of the Immaculate Lord.

aisaa naam nirunjun hoe

jy ko mMin jwxY min koie ]13]

Only one who has faith comes to know such a state of mind. ||13||

jae ko munn jaanai man koe

mMnY mwrig Twk n pwie ]

The path of the faithful shall never be blocked.

munnai maarag thaak n paae

mMnY piq isau prgtu jwie ]

The faithful shall depart with honor and fame.

munnai path sio purugutt jaae

mMnY mgu n clY pMQu ]

The faithful do not follow empty religious rituals.

munnai mug n chulai punth

mMnY Drm syqI snbMDu ]

The faithful are firmly bound to the Dharma.

munnai dhurum saethee sunubundh

AYsw nwmu inrMjnu hoie ]

Such is the Name of the Immaculate Lord.

aisaa naam nirunjun hoe

jy ko mMin jwxY min koie ]14]

Only one who has faith comes to know such a state of mind. ||14||

jae ko munn jaanai man koe

mMnY pwvih moKu duAwru ]

The faithful find the Door of Liberation.

munnai paavehi mokh dhuaar

mMnY prvwrY swDwru ]

The faithful uplift and redeem their family and relations.

munnai puruvaarai saadhaar

mMnY qrY qwry guru isK ]

The faithful are saved, and carried across with the Sikhs of the Guru.

munnai thurai thaarae gur sikh

mMnY nwnk Bvih n iBK ]

The faithful, O Nanak, do not wander around begging.

munnai naanuk bhuvehi n bhikh

AYsw nwmu inrMjnu hoie ]

Such is the Name of the Immaculate Lord.

aisaa naam nirunjun hoe

jy ko mMin jwxY min koie ]15]

Only one who has faith comes to know such a state of mind. ||15||

jae ko munn jaanai man koe

pMc prvwx pMc prDwnu ]

The chosen ones, the self-elect, are accepted and approved.

punch puruvaan punch purudhaan

pMcy pwvih drgih mwnu ]

The chosen ones are honored in the Court of the Lord.

punchae paavehi dhurugehi maan

pMcy sohih dir rwjwnu ]

The chosen ones look beautiful in the courts of kings.

punchae sohehi dhar raajaan

pMcw kw guru eyku iDAwnu ]

The chosen ones meditate singlemindedly on the Guru.

punchaa kaa gur eaek dhiaan

jy ko khY krY vIcwru ]

No matter how much anyone tries to explain and describe them,

jae ko kehai kurai veechaar

krqy kY krxY nwhI sumwru ]

the actions of the Creator cannot be counted.

kuruthae kai kurunai naahee sumaar

DOlu Drmu dieAw kw pUqu ]

The mythical bull is Dharma, the son of compassion;

dhuul dhurum dhaeiaa kaa pooth

sMqoKu Qwip riKAw ijin sUiq ]

this is what patiently holds the earth in its place.

sunthokh thaap rakhiaa jin sooth

jy ko buJY hovY sicAwru ]

One who understands this becomes truthful.

jae ko bujhai hovai sachiaar

DvlY aupir kyqw Bwru ]

What a great load there is on the bull!

dhuvulai oupar kaethaa bhaar

DrqI horu prY horu horu ]

So many worlds beyond this worldso very many!

dhuruthee hor purai hor hor

iqs qy Bwru qlY kvxu joru ]

What power holds them, and supports their weight?

this thae bhaar thulai kuvun jor

jIA jwiq rMgw ky nwv ]

The names and the colors of the assorted species of beings

jeea jaath rungaa kae naav

sBnw iliKAw vuVI klwm ]

were all inscribed by the Everflowing Pen of God.

subhunaa likhiaa vurree kulaam

eyhu lyKw iliK jwxY koie ]

Who knows how to write this account?

eaehu laekhaa likh jaanai koe

lyKw iliKAw kyqw hoie ]

Just imagine what a huge scroll it would take!

laekhaa likhiaa kaethaa hoe

kyqw qwxu suAwilhu rUpu ]

What power! What fascinating beauty!

kaethaa thaan suaalihu roop

kyqI dwiq jwxY kOxu kUqu ]

And what gifts! Who can know their extent?

kaethee dhaath jaanai kuun kooth

kIqw pswau eyko kvwau ]

You created the vast expanse of the Universe with One Word!

keethaa pusaao eaeko kuvaao

iqs qy hoey lK drIAwau ]

Hundreds of thousands of rivers began to flow.

this thae hoeae lukh dhureeaao

kudriq kvx khw vIcwru ]

How can Your Creative Potency be described?

kudhurath kuvun kehaa veechaar

vwirAw n jwvw eyk vwr ]

I cannot even once be a sacrifice to You.

vaariaa n jaavaa eaek vaar

jo quDu BwvY sweI BlI kwr ]

Whatever pleases You is the only good done,

jo thudh bhaavai saaee bhulee kaar

qU sdw slwmiq inrMkwr ]16]

You, Eternal and Formless One! ||16||

thoo sudhaa sulaamath nirunkaar

AsMK jp AsMK Bwau ]

Countless meditations, countless loves.

asunkh jup asunkh bhaao

AsMK pUjw AsMK qp qwau ]

Countless worship services, countless austere disciplines.

asunkh poojaa asunkh thup thaao

AsMK grMQ muiK vyd pwT ]

Countless scriptures, and ritual recitations of the Vedas.

asunkh gurunth mukh vaedh paath

AsMK jog min rhih audws ]

Countless Yogis, whose minds remain detached from the world.

asunkh jog man rehehi oudhaas

AsMK Bgq gux igAwn vIcwr ]

Countless devotees contemplate the Wisdom and Virtues of the Lord.

asunkh bhuguth gun giaan veechaar

AsMK sqI AsMK dwqwr ]

Countless the holy, countless the givers.

asunkh suthee asunkh dhaathaar

AsMK sUr muh BK swr ]

Countless heroic spiritual warriors, who bear the brunt of the attack in battle (who with their mouths eat steel).
asunkh soor muh bhukh saar

AsMK moin ilv lwie qwr ]

Countless silent sages, vibrating the String of His Love.

asunkh mon liv laae thaar

kudriq kvx khw vIcwru ]

How can Your Creative Potency be described?

kudhurath kuvun kehaa veechaar

vwirAw n jwvw eyk vwr ]

I cannot even once be a sacrifice to You.

vaariaa n jaavaa eaek vaar

jo quDu BwvY sweI BlI kwr ]

Whatever pleases You is the only good done,

jo thudh bhaavai saaee bhulee kaar

qU sdw slwmiq inrMkwr ]17]

You, Eternal and Formless One. ||17||

thoo sudhaa sulaamath nirunkaar

AsMK mUrK AMD Gor ]

Countless fools, blinded by ignorance.

asunkh moorukh andh ghor

AsMK cor hrwmKor ]

Countless thieves and embezzlers.

asunkh chor huraamukhor

AsMK Amr kir jwih jor ]

Countless impose their will by force.

asunkh amur kar jaahi jor

AsMK glvF hiqAw kmwih ]

Countless cut-throats and ruthless killers.

asunkh guluvut hathiaa kumaahi

AsMK pwpI pwpu kir jwih ]

Countless sinners who keep on sinning.

asunkh paapee paap kar jaahi

AsMK kUiVAwr kUVy iPrwih ]

Countless liars, wandering lost in their lies.

asunkh koorriaar koorrae firaahi

AsMK mlyC mlu BiK Kwih ]

Countless wretches, eating filth as their ration.

asunkh mulaesh mul bhakh khaahi

AsMK inMdk isir krih Bwru ]

Countless slanderers, carrying the weight of their stupid mistakes on their heads.
asunkh nindhuk sir kurehi bhaar

nwnku nIcu khY vIcwru ]

Nanak describes the state of the lowly.

naanuk neech kehai veechaar

vwirAw n jwvw eyk vwr ]

I cannot even once be a sacrifice to You.

vaariaa n jaavaa eaek vaar

jo quDu BwvY sweI BlI kwr ]

Whatever pleases You is the only good done,

jo thudh bhaavai saaee bhulee kaar

qU sdw slwmiq inrMkwr ]18]

You, Eternal and Formless One. ||18||

thoo sudhaa sulaamath nirunkaar

AsMK nwv AsMK Qwv ]

Countless names, countless places.

asunkh naav asunkh thaav

AgMm AgMm AsMK loA ]

Inaccessible, unapproachable, countless celestial realms.

agunm agunm asunkh loa

AsMK khih isir Bwru hoie ]

Even to call them countless is to carry the weight on your head.

asunkh kehehi sir bhaar hoe

AKrI nwmu AKrI swlwh ]

From the Word, comes the Naam; from the Word, comes Your Praise.

akhuree naam akhuree saalaah

AKrI igAwnu gIq gux gwh ]

From the Word, comes spiritual wisdom, singing the Songs of Your Glory.
akhuree giaan geeth gun gaah

AKrI ilKxu bolxu bwix ]

From the Word, come the written and spoken words and hymns.

akhuree likhun bolun baan

AKrw isir sMjogu vKwix ]

From the Word, comes destiny, written on one's forehead.

akhuraa sir sunjog vukhaan

ijin eyih ilKy iqsu isir nwih ]

But the One who wrote these Words of Destiny-no words are written on His Forehead.
jin eaehi likhae this sir naahi

ijv Purmwey iqv iqv pwih ]

As He ordains, so do we receive.

jiv furumaaeae thiv thiv paahi

jyqw kIqw qyqw nwau ]

The created universe is the manifestation of Your Name.

jaethaa keethaa thaethaa naao

ivxu nwvY nwhI ko Qwau ]

Without Your Name, there is no place at all.

vin naavai naahee ko thaao

kudriq kvx khw vIcwru ]

How can I describe Your Creative Power?

kudhurath kuvun kehaa veechaar

vwirAw n jwvw eyk vwr ]

I cannot even once be a sacrifice to You.

vaariaa n jaavaa eaek vaar

jo quDu BwvY sweI BlI kwr ]

Whatever pleases You is the only good done,

jo thudh bhaavai saaee bhulee kaar

qU sdw slwmiq inrMkwr ]19]

You, Eternal and Formless One. ||19||

thoo sudhaa sulaamath nirunkaar

BrIAY hQu pYru qnu dyh ]

When the hands and the feet and the body are dirty,

bhureeai huth pair thun dhaeh

pwxI DoqY auqrsu Kyh ]

water can wash away the dirt.

paanee dhothai outhurus khaeh

mUq plIqI kpVu hoie ]

When the clothes are soiled and stained by urine,

mooth puleethee kupurr hoe

dy swbUxu leIAY Ehu Doie ]

soap can wash them clean.

dhae saaboon leeai ouhu dhoe

BrIAY miq pwpw kY sMig ]

But when the intellect is stained and polluted by sin,

bhureeai math paapaa kai sung

Ehu DopY nwvY kY rMig ]

it can only be cleansed by the Love of the Name.

ouhu dhopai naavai kai rung

puMnI pwpI AwKxu nwih ]

Virtue and vice do not come by mere words;

punnee paapee aakhun naahi

kir kir krxw iliK lY jwhu ]

actions repeated, over and over again, are engraved on the soul.

kar kar kurunaa likh lai jaahu

Awpy bIij Awpy hI Kwhu ]

You shall harvest what you plant.

aapae beej aapae hee khaahu

nwnk hukmI Awvhu jwhu ]20]

O Nanak, by the Hukam of God's Command, we come and go in reincarnation. ||20||

naanuk hukumee aavuhu jaahu

qIrQu qpu dieAw dqu dwnu ]

Pilgrimages, austere discipline, compassion and charity

theeruth thup dhaeiaa dhuth dhaan

jy ko pwvY iql kw mwnu ]

these, by themselves, bring only an iota of merit.

jae ko paavai thil kaa maan

suixAw mMinAw min kIqw Bwau ]

Listening and believing with love and humility in your mind,

suniaa munniaa man keethaa bhaao

AMqrgiq qIriQ mil nwau ]

cleanse yourself with the Name, at the sacred shrine deep within.

anthurugath theerath mal naao

siB gux qyry mY nwhI koie ]

All virtues are Yours, Lord, I have none at all.

sabh gun thaerae mai naahee koe

ivxu gux kIqy Bgiq n hoie ]

Without virtue, there is no devotional worship.

vin gun keethae bhugath n hoe

suAsiq AwiQ bwxI brmwau ]

I bow to the Lord of the World, to His Word, to Brahma the Creator.

suasath aath baanee burumaao

siq suhwxu sdw min cwau ]

He is Beautiful, True and Eternally Joyful.

sath suhaan sudhaa man chaao

kvxu su vylw vKqu kvxu kvx iQiq kvxu vwru ]

What was that time, and what was that moment? What was that day, and what was that date?
kuvun s vaelaa vukhuth kuvun kuvun thith kuvun vaar

kvix is ruqI mwhu kvxu ijqu hoAw Awkwru ]

What was that season, and what was that month, when the Universe was created?
kuvan s ruthee maahu kuvun jith hoaa aakaar

vyl n pweIAw pMfqI ij hovY lyKu purwxu ]

The Pandits, the religious scholars, cannot find that time, even if it is written in the Puraanas.
vael n paaeeaa pundduthee j hovai laekh puraan

vKqu n pwieE kwdIAw ij ilKin lyKu kurwxu ]

That time is not known to the Qazis, who study the Koran.

vukhuth n paaeiou kaadheeaa j likhan laekh kuraan

iQiq vwru nw jogI jwxY ruiq mwhu nw koeI ]

The day and the date are not known to the Yogis, nor is the month or the season.
thith vaar naa jogee jaanai ruth maahu naa koee

jw krqw isrTI kau swjy Awpy jwxY soeI ]

The Creator who created this creation-only He Himself knows.

jaa kuruthaa siruthee ko saajae aapae jaanai soee

ikv kir AwKw ikv swlwhI ikau vrnI ikv jwxw ]

How can we speak of Him? How can we praise Him? How can we describe Him? How can we know Him?
kiv kar aakhaa kiv saalaahee kio vurunee kiv jaanaa

nwnk AwKix sBu ko AwKY iek dU ieku isAwxw ]

O Nanak, everyone speaks of Him, each one wiser than the rest.

naanuk aakhan subh ko aakhai eik dhoo eik siaanaa

vfw swihbu vfI nweI kIqw jw kw hovY ]

Great is the Master, Great is His Name. Whatever happens is according to His Will.
vuddaa saahib vuddee naaee keethaa jaa kaa hovai

nwnk jy ko AwpO jwxY AgY gieAw n sohY ]21]

O Nanak, one who claims to know everything shall not be decorated in the world hereafter. ||21||
naanuk jae ko aapu jaanai agai gaeiaa n sohai

pwqwlw pwqwl lK Awgwsw Awgws ]

There are nether worlds beneath nether worlds, and hundreds of thousands of heavenly worlds above.
paathaalaa paathaal lukh aagaasaa aagaas

EVk EVk Bwil Qky vyd khin iek vwq ]

The Vedas say that you can search and search for them all, until you grow weary.
ourruk ourruk bhaal thukae vaedh kehan eik vaath

shs ATwrh khin kqybw AsulU ieku Dwqu ]

The scriptures say that there are 18,000 worlds, but in reality, there is only One Universe.
sehus athaareh kehan kuthaebaa asuloo eik dhaath

lyKw hoie q ilKIAY lyKY hoie ivxwsu ]

If you try to write an account of this, you will surely finish yourself before you finish writing it.
laekhaa hoe th likheeai laekhai hoe vinaas

nwnk vfw AwKIAY Awpy jwxY Awpu ]22]

O Nanak, call Him Great! He Himself knows Himself. ||22||

naanuk vuddaa aakheeai aapae jaanai aap

swlwhI swlwih eyqI suriq n pweIAw ]

The praisers praise the Lord, but they do not obtain intuitive understanding
saalaahee saalaahi eaethee surath n paaeeaa

ndIAw AqY vwh pvih smuMid n jwxIAih ]

the streams and rivers flowing into the ocean do not know its vastness.

nudheeaa athai vaah puvehi sumundh n jaaneeahi

smuMd swh sulqwn igrhw syqI mwlu Dnu ]

Even kings and emperors, with mountains of property and oceans of wealth
sumundh saah suluthaan girehaa saethee maal dhun

kIVI quil n hovnI jy iqsu mnhu n vIsrih ]23]

-these are not even equal to an ant, who does not forget God. ||23||

keerree thul n hovunee jae this munuhu n veesurehi

AMqu n isPqI khix n AMqu ]

Endless are His Praises, endless are those who speak them.

anth n sifuthee kehan n anth

AMqu n krxY dyix n AMqu ]

Endless are His Actions, endless are His Gifts.

anth n kurunai dhaen n anth

AMqu n vyKix suxix n AMqu ]

Endless is His Vision, endless is His Hearing.

anth n vaekhan sunan n anth

AMqu n jwpY ikAw min mMqu ]

His limits cannot be perceived. What is the Mystery of His Mind?

anth n jaapai kiaa man munth

AMqu n jwpY kIqw Awkwru ]

The limits of the created universe cannot be perceived.

anth n jaapai keethaa aakaar

AMqu n jwpY pwrwvwru ]

Its limits here and beyond cannot be perceived.

anth n jaapai paaraavaar

AMq kwrix kyqy ibllwih ]

Many struggle to know His limits,

anth kaaran kaethae bilulaahi

qw ky AMq n pwey jwih ]

but His limits cannot be found.

thaa kae anth n paaeae jaahi

eyhu AMqu n jwxY koie ]

No one can know these limits.

eaehu anth n jaanai koe

bhuqw khIAY bhuqw hoie ]

The more you say about them, the more there still remains to be said.

buhuthaa keheeai buhuthaa hoe

vfw swihbu aUcw Qwau ]

Great is the Master, High is His Heavenly Home.

vuddaa saahib oochaa thaao

aUcy aupir aUcw nwau ]

Highest of the High, above all is His Name.

oochae oupar oochaa naao

eyvfu aUcw hovY koie ]

Only one as Great and as High as God

eaevudd oochaa hovai koe

iqsu aUcy kau jwxY soie ]

can know His Lofty and Exalted State.

this oochae ko jaanai soe

jyvfu Awip jwxY Awip Awip ]

Only He Himself is that Great. He Himself knows Himself.

jaevudd aap jaanai aap aap

nwnk ndrI krmI dwiq ]24]

O Nanak, by His Glance of Grace, He bestows His Blessings. ||24||

naanuk nudhuree kurumee dhaath

bhuqw krmu iliKAw nw jwie ]

His Blessings are so abundant that there can be no written account of them.
buhuthaa kurum likhiaa naa jaae

vfw dwqw iqlu n qmwie ]

The Great Giver does not hold back anything.

vuddaa dhaathaa thil n thumaae

kyqy mMgih joD Apwr ]

There are so many great, heroic warriors begging at the Door of the Infinite Lord.
kaethae mungehi jodh apaar

kyiqAw gxq nhI vIcwru ]

So many contemplate and dwell upon Him, that they cannot be counted.
kaethiaa gunuth nehee veechaar

kyqy Kip qutih vykwr ]

So many waste away to death engaged in corruption.

kaethae khap thuttehi vaekaar

kyqy lY lY mukru pwih ]

So many take and take again, and then deny receiving.

kaethae lai lai mukur paahi

kyqy mUrK KwhI Kwih ]

So many foolish consumers keep on consuming.

kaethae moorukh khaahee khaahi

kyiqAw dUK BUK sd mwr ]

So many endure distress, deprivation and constant abuse.

kaethiaa dhookh bhookh sudh maar

eyih iB dwiq qyrI dwqwr ]

Even these are Your Gifts, O Great Giver!

eaehi bh dhaath thaeree dhaathaar

bMid KlwsI BwxY hoie ]

Liberation from bondage comes only by Your Will.

bundh khulaasee bhaanai hoe

horu AwiK n skY koie ]

No one else has any say in this.

hor aakh n sukai koe

jy ko Kwieku AwKix pwie ]

If some fool should presume to say that he does,

jae ko khaaeik aakhan paae

Ehu jwxY jyqIAw muih Kwie ]

he shall learn, and feel the effects of his folly.

ouhu jaanai jaetheeaa muhi khaae

Awpy jwxY Awpy dyie ]

He Himself knows, He Himself gives.

aapae jaanai aapae dhaee

AwKih is iB kyeI kyie ]

Few, very few are those who acknowledge this.

aakhehi s bh kaeee kaee

ijs no bKsy isPiq swlwh ]

One who is blessed to sing the Praises of the Lord,

jis no bukhusae sifath saalaah

nwnk pwiqswhI pwiqswhu ]25]

O Nanak, is the king of kings. ||25||

naanuk paathisaahee paathisaahu

Amul gux Amul vwpwr ]

Priceless are His Virtues, Priceless are His Dealings.

amul gun amul vaapaar

Amul vwpwrIey Amul BMfwr ]

Priceless are His Dealers, Priceless are His Treasures.

amul vaapaareeeae amul bhunddaar

Amul Awvih Amul lY jwih ]

Priceless are those who come to Him, Priceless are those who buy from Him.
amul aavehi amul lai jaahi

Amul Bwie Amulw smwih ]

Priceless is Love for Him, Priceless is absorption into Him.

amul bhaae amulaa sumaahi

Amulu Drmu Amulu dIbwxu ]

Priceless is the Divine Law of Dharma, Priceless is the Divine Court of Justice.
amul dhurum amul dheebaan

Amulu qulu Amulu prvwxu ]

Priceless are the scales, priceless are the weights.

amul thul amul puruvaan

Amulu bKsIs Amulu nIswxu ]

Priceless are His Blessings, Priceless is His Banner and Insignia.

amul bukhusees amul neesaan

Amulu krmu Amulu Purmwxu ]

Priceless is His Mercy, Priceless is His Royal Command.

amul kurum amul furumaan

Amulo Amulu AwiKAw n jwie ]

Priceless, O Priceless beyond expression!

amulo amul aakhiaa n jaae

AwiK AwiK rhy ilv lwie ]

Speak of Him continually, and remain absorbed in His Love.

aakh aakh rehae liv laae

AwKih vyd pwT purwx ]

The Vedas and the Puraanas speak.

aakhehi vaedh paath puraan

AwKih pVy krih viKAwx ]

The scholars speak and lecture.

aakhehi purrae kurehi vakhiaan

AwKih brmy AwKih ieMd ]

Brahma speaks, Indra speaks.

aakhehi burumae aakhehi eindh

AwKih gopI qY goivMd ]

The Gopis and Krishna speak.

aakhehi gopee thai govindh

AwKih eIsr AwKih isD ]

Shiva speaks, the Siddhas speak.

aakhehi eesur aakhehi sidh

AwKih kyqy kIqy buD ]

The many created Buddhas speak.

aakhehi kaethae keethae budh

AwKih dwnv AwKih dyv ]

The demons speak, the demi-gods speak.

aakhehi dhaanuv aakhehi dhaev

AwKih suir nr muin jn syv ]

The spiritual warriors, the heavenly beings, the silent sages, the humble and serviceful speak.
aakhehi sur nur mun jun saev

kyqy AwKih AwKix pwih ]

Many speak and try to describe Him.

kaethae aakhehi aakhan paahi

kyqy kih kih auiT auiT jwih ]

Many have spoken of Him over and over again, and have then arisen and departed.
kaethae kehi kehi outh outh jaahi

eyqy kIqy hoir kryih ]

If He were to create as many again as there already are,

eaethae keethae hor kuraehi

qw AwiK n skih kyeI kyie ]

even then, they could not describe Him.

thaa aakh n sukehi kaeee kaee

jyvfu BwvY qyvfu hoie ]

He is as Great as He wishes to be.

jaevudd bhaavai thaevudd hoe

nwnk jwxY swcw soie ]

O Nanak, the True Lord knows.

naanuk jaanai saachaa soe

jy ko AwKY boluivgwVu ]

If anyone presumes to describe God,

jae ko aakhai boluvigaarr

qw ilKIAY isir gwvwrw gwvwru ]26]

he shall be known as the greatest fool of fools! ||26||

thaa likheeai sir gaavaaraa gaavaar

so dru kyhw so Gru kyhw ijqu bih srb smwly ]

Where is that Gate, and where is that Dwelling, in which You sit and take care of all?
so dhur kaehaa so ghur kaehaa jith behi surub sumaalae

vwjy nwd Anyk AsMKw kyqy vwvxhwry ]

The Sound-current of the Naad vibrates there, and countless musicians play on all sorts of instruments there.

vaajae naadh anaek asunkhaa kaethae vaavunehaarae

kyqy rwg prI isau khIAin kyqy gwvxhwry ]

So many Ragas, so many musicians singing there.

kaethae raag puree sio keheean kaethae gaavunehaarae

gwvih quhno pauxu pwxI bYsMqru gwvY rwjw Drmu duAwry ]

The praanic wind, water and fire sing; the Righteous Judge of Dharma sings at Your Door.
gaavehi thuhuno poun paanee baisunthur gaavai raajaa dhurum dhuaarae

gwvih icqu gupqu iliK jwxih iliK iliK Drmu vIcwry ]

Chitr and Gupt, the angels of the conscious and the subconscious who record actions, and the Righteous Judge of Dharma who judges this record sing.
gaavehi chith guputh likh jaanehi likh likh dhurum veechaarae

gwvih eIsru brmw dyvI sohin sdw svwry ]

Shiva, Brahma and the Goddess of Beauty, ever adorned, sing.

gaavehi eesur burumaa dhaevee sohan sudhaa suvaarae

gwvih ieMd iedwsix bYTy dyviqAw dir nwly ]

Indra, seated upon His Throne, sings with the deities at Your Door.

gaavehi eindh eidhaasan baithae dhaevathiaa dhar naalae

gwvih isD smwDI AMdir gwvin swD ivcwry ]

The Siddhas in Samaadhi sing; the Saadhus sing in contemplation.

gaavehi sidh sumaadhee andhar gaavan saadh vichaarae

gwvin jqI sqI sMqoKI gwvih vIr krwry ]

The celibates, the fanatics, the peacefully accepting and the fearless warriors sing.
gaavan juthee suthee sunthokhee gaavehi veer kuraarae

gwvin pMifq pVin rKIsr jugu jugu vydw nwly ]

The Pandits, the religious scholars who recite the Vedas, with the supreme sages of all the ages, sing.
gaavan punddith purran rukheesur jug jug vaedhaa naalae

gwvih mohxIAw mnu mohin surgw mC pieAwly ]

The Mohinis, the enchanting heavenly beauties who entice hearts in this world, in paradise, and in the underworld of the subconscious sing.
gaavehi mohuneeaa mun mohan surugaa mush paeiaalae

gwvin rqn aupwey qyry ATsiT qIrQ nwly ]

The celestial jewels created by You, and the sixty-eight holy places of pilgrimage sing.

gaavan ruthun oupaaeae thaerae athusath theeruth naalae

gwvih joD mhwbl sUrw gwvih KwxI cwry ]

The brave and mighty warriors sing; the spiritual heroes and the four sources of creation sing.

gaavehi jodh mehaabul sooraa gaavehi khaanee chaarae

gwvih KMf mMfl vrBMfw kir kir rKy Dwry ]

The planets, solar systems and galaxies, created and arranged by Your Hand, sing.
gaavehi khundd munddul vurubhunddaa kar kar rukhae dhaarae

syeI quDuno gwvih jo quDu Bwvin rqy qyry Bgq rswly ]

They alone sing, who are pleasing to Your Will. Your devotees are imbued with the Nectar of Your Essence.
saeee thudhuno gaavehi jo thudh bhaavan ruthae thaerae bhuguth rusaalae

hoir kyqy gwvin sy mY iciq n Awvin nwnku ikAw vIcwry ]

So many others sing, they do not come to mind. O Nanak, how can I consider them all?

hor kaethae gaavan sae mai chith n aavan naanuk kiaa veechaarae

soeI soeI sdw scu swihbu swcw swcI nweI ]

That True Lord is True, Forever True, and True is His Name.

soee soee sudhaa such saahib saachaa saachee naaee

hY BI hosI jwie n jwsI rcnw ijin rcweI ]

He is, and shall always be. He shall not depart, even when this Universe which He has created departs.
hai bhee hosee jaae n jaasee ruchunaa jin ruchaaee

rMgI rMgI BwqI kir kir ijnsI mwieAw ijin aupweI ]

He created the world, with its various colors, species of beings, and the variety of Maya.
rungee rungee bhaathee kar kar jinusee maaeiaa jin oupaaee

kir kir vyKY kIqw Awpxw ijv iqs dI vifAweI ]

Having created the creation, He watches over it Himself, by His Greatness.

kar kar vaekhai keethaa aapunaa jiv this dhee vaddiaaee

jo iqsu BwvY soeI krsI hukmu n krxw jweI ]

He does whatever He pleases. No order can be issued to Him.

jo this bhaavai soee kurusee hukum n kurunaa jaaee

so pwiqswhu swhw pwiqswihbu nwnk rhxu rjweI ]27]

He is the King, the King of kings, the Supreme Lord and Master of kings. Nanak remains subject to His Will. ||27||
so paathisaahu saahaa paathisaahib naanuk rehun rujaaee

muMdw sMqoKu srmu pqu JolI iDAwn kI krih ibBUiq ]

Make contentment your ear-rings, humility your begging bowl, and meditation the ashes you apply to your body.
mundhaa sunthokh surum puth jholee dhiaan kee kurehi bibhooth

iKMQw kwlu kuAwrI kwieAw jugiq fMfw prqIiq ]

Let the remembrance of death be the patched coat you wear, let the purity of virginity be your way in the world, and let faith in the Lord be your walking stick.
khinthaa kaal kuaaree kaaeiaa jugath ddunddaa purutheeth

AweI pMQI sgl jmwqI min jIqY jgu jIqu ]

See the brotherhood of all mankind as the highest order of Yogis; conquer your own mind, and conquer the world.
aaee punthee sugul jumaathee man jeethai jug jeeth

Awdysu iqsY Awdysu ]

I bow to Him, I humbly bow.

aadhaes thisai aadhaes

Awid AnIlu Anwid Anwhiq jugu jugu eyko vysu ]28]

The Primal One, the Pure Light, without beginning, without end. Throughout all the ages, He is One and the Same. ||28||
aadh aneel anaadh anaahath jug jug eaeko vaes

Bugiq igAwnu dieAw BMfwrix Git Git vwjih nwd ]

Let spiritual wisdom be your food, and compassion your attendant. The Sound-current of the Naad vibrates in each and every heart.
bhugath giaan dhaeiaa bhunddaaran ghatt ghatt vaajehi naadh

Awip nwQu nwQI sB jw kI iriD isiD Avrw swd ]

He Himself is the Supreme Master of all; wealth and miraculous spiritual powers, and all other external tastes and pleasures, are all like beads on a string.
aap naath naathee subh jaa kee ridh sidh avuraa saadh

sMjogu ivjogu duie kwr clwvih lyKy Awvih Bwg ]

Union with Him, and separation from Him, come by His Will. We come to receive what is written in our destiny.
sunjog vijog dhue kaar chulaavehi laekhae aavehi bhaag

Awdysu iqsY Awdysu ]

I bow to Him, I humbly bow.

aadhaes thisai aadhaes

Awid AnIlu Anwid Anwhiq jugu jugu eyko vysu ]29]

The Primal One, the Pure Light, without beginning, without end. Throughout all the ages, He is One and the Same. ||29||
aadh aneel anaadh anaahath jug jug eaeko vaes

eykw mweI jugiq ivAweI iqin cyly prvwxu ]

The One Divine Mother conceived and gave birth to the three deities.

eaekaa maaee jugath viaaee thin chaelae puruvaan

ieku sMswrI ieku BMfwrI ieku lwey dIbwxu ]

One, the Creator of the World; One, the Sustainer; and One, the Destroyer.
eik sunsaaree eik bhunddaaree eik laaeae dheebaan

ijv iqsu BwvY iqvY clwvY ijv hovY Purmwxu ]

He makes things happen according to the Pleasure of His Will. Such is His Celestial Order.

jiv this bhaavai thivai chulaavai jiv hovai furumaan

Ehu vyKY Enw ndir n AwvY bhuqw eyhu ivfwxu ]

He watches over all, but none see Him. How wonderful this is!

ouhu vaekhai ounaa nudhar n aavai buhuthaa eaehu viddaan

Awdysu iqsY Awdysu ]

I bow to Him, I humbly bow.

aadhaes thisai aadhaes

Awid AnIlu Anwid Anwhiq jugu jugu eyko vysu ]30]

The Primal One, the Pure Light, without beginning, without end. Throughout all the ages, He is One and the Same. ||30||
aadh aneel anaadh anaahath jug jug eaeko vaes

Awsxu loie loie BMfwr ]

On world after world are His Seats of Authority and His Storehouses.

aasun loe loe bhunddaar

jo ikCu pwieAw su eykw vwr ]

Whatever was put into them, was put there once and for all.

jo kish paaeiaa s eaekaa vaar

kir kir vyKY isrjxhwru ]

Having created the creation, the Creator Lord watches over it.

kar kar vaekhai sirujunehaar

nwnk scy kI swcI kwr ]

O Nanak, True is the Creation of the True Lord.

naanuk suchae kee saachee kaar

Awdysu iqsY Awdysu ]

I bow to Him, I humbly bow.

aadhaes thisai aadhaes

Awid AnIlu Anwid Anwhiq jugu jugu eyko vysu ]31]

The Primal One, the Pure Light, without beginning, without end. Throughout all the ages, He is One and the Same. ||31||
aadh aneel anaadh anaahath jug jug eaeko vaes

iek dU jIBO lK hoih lK hovih lK vIs ]

If I had 100,000 tongues, and these were then multiplied twenty times more, with each tongue,
eik dhoo jeebhu lukh hohi lukh hovehi lukh vees

lKu lKu gyVw AwKIAih eyku nwmu jgdIs ]

I would repeat, hundreds of thousands of times, the Name of the One, the Lord of the Universe.
lukh lukh gaerraa aakheeahi eaek naam jugudhees

eyqu rwih piq pvVIAw cVIAY hoie iekIs ]

Along this path to our Husband Lord, we climb the steps of the ladder, and come to merge with Him.
eaeth raahi path puvurreeaa churreeai hoe eikees

suix glw Awkws kI kItw AweI rIs ]

Hearing of the etheric realms, even worms long to come back home.

sun gulaa aakaas kee keettaa aaee rees

nwnk ndrI pweIAY kUVI kUVY TIs ]32]

O Nanak, by His Grace He is obtained. False are the boastings of the false. ||32||
naanuk nudhuree paaeeai koorree koorrai thees

AwKix joru cupY nh joru ]

No power to speak, no power to keep silent.

aakhan jor chupai neh jor

joru n mMgix dyix n joru ]

No power to beg, no power to give.

jor n mungan dhaen n jor

joru n jIvix mrix nh joru ]

No power to live, no power to die.

jor n jeevan muran neh jor

joru n rwij mwil min soru ]

No power to rule, with wealth and occult mental powers.

jor n raaj maal man sor

joru n surqI igAwin vIcwir ]

No power to gain intuitive understanding, spiritual wisdom and meditation.

jor n suruthee giaan veechaar

joru n jugqI CutY sMswru ]

No power to find the way to escape from the world.

jor n juguthee shuttai sunsaar

ijsu hiQ joru kir vyKY soie ]

He alone has the Power in His Hands. He watches over all.

jis hath jor kar vaekhai soe

nwnk auqmu nIcu n koie ]33]

O Nanak, no one is high or low. ||33||

naanuk outhum neech n koe

rwqI ruqI iQqI vwr ]

Nights, days, weeks and seasons;

raathee ruthee thithee vaar

pvx pwxI AgnI pwqwl ]

wind, water, fire and the nether regions

puvun paanee agunee paathaal

iqsu ivic DrqI Qwip rKI Drm swl ]

in the midst of these, He established the earth as a home for Dharma.

this vich dhuruthee thaap rukhee dhurum saal

iqsu ivic jIA jugiq ky rMg ]

Upon it, He placed the various species of beings.

this vich jeea jugath kae rung

iqn ky nwm Anyk Anq ]

Their names are uncounted and endless.

thin kae naam anaek anunth

krmI krmI hoie vIcwru ]

By their deeds and their actions, they shall be judged.

kurumee kurumee hoe veechaar

scw Awip scw drbwru ]

God Himself is True, and True is His Court.

suchaa aap suchaa dhurubaar

iqQY sohin pMc prvwxu ]

There, in perfect grace and ease, sit the self-elect, the self-realized Saints.
thithai sohan punch puruvaan

ndrI krim pvY nIswxu ]

They receive the Mark of Grace from the Merciful Lord.

nudhuree kuram puvai neesaan

kc pkweI EQY pwie ]

The ripe and the unripe, the good and the bad, shall there be judged.

kuch pukaaee outhai paae

nwnk gieAw jwpY jwie ]34]

O Nanak, when you go home, you will see this. ||34||

naanuk gaeiaa jaapai jaae

Drm KMf kw eyho Drmu ]

This is righteous living in the realm of Dharma.

dhurum khundd kaa eaeho dhurum

igAwn KMf kw AwKhu krmu ]

And now we speak of the realm of spiritual wisdom.

giaan khundd kaa aakhuhu kurum

kyqy pvx pwxI vYsMqr kyqy kwn mhys ]

So many winds, waters and fires; so many Krishnas and Shivas.

kaethae puvun paanee vaisunthur kaethae kaan mehaes

kyqy brmy GwViq GVIAih rUp rMg ky vys ]

So many Brahmas, fashioning forms of great beauty, adorned and dressed in many colors.
kaethae burumae ghaarrath ghurreeahi roop rung kae vaes

kyqIAw krm BUmI myr kyqy kyqy DU aupdys ]

So many worlds and lands for working out karma. So very many lessons to be learned!
kaetheeaa kurum bhoomee maer kaethae kaethae dhoo oupudhaes

kyqy ieMd cMd sUr kyqy kyqy mMfl dys ]

So many Indras, so many moons and suns, so many worlds and lands.
kaethae eindh chundh soor kaethae kaethae munddul dhaes

kyqy isD buD nwQ kyqy kyqy dyvI vys ]

So many Siddhas and Buddhas, so many Yogic masters. So many goddesses of various kinds.

kaethae sidh budh naath kaethae kaethae dhaevee vaes

kyqy dyv dwnv muin kyqy kyqy rqn smuMd ]

So many demi-gods and demons, so many silent sages. So many oceans of jewels.
kaethae dhaev dhaanuv mun kaethae kaethae ruthun sumundh

kyqIAw KwxI kyqIAw bwxI kyqy pwq nirMd ]

So many ways of life, so many languages. So many dynasties of rulers.

kaetheeaa khaanee kaetheeaa baanee kaethae paath narindh

kyqIAw surqI syvk kyqy nwnk AMqu n AMqu ]35]

So many intuitive people, so many selfless servants. O Nanak, His limit has no limit! ||35||
kaetheeaa suruthee saevuk kaethae naanuk anth n anth

igAwn KMf mih igAwnu prcMfu ]

In the realm of wisdom, spiritual wisdom reigns supreme.

giaan khundd mehi giaan puruchundd

iqQY nwd ibnod kof Andu ]

The Sound-current of the Naad vibrates there, amidst the sounds and the sights of bliss.
thithai naadh binodh kodd anundh

srm KMf kI bwxI rUpu ]

In the realm of humility, the Word is Beauty.

surum khundd kee baanee roop

iqQY GwViq GVIAY bhuqu AnUpu ]

Forms of incomparable beauty are fashioned there.

thithai ghaarrath ghurreeai buhuth anoop

qw kIAw glw kQIAw nw jwih ]

These things cannot be described.

thaa keeaa gulaa kutheeaa naa jaahi

jy ko khY ipCY pCuqwie ]

One who tries to speak of these shall regret the attempt.

jae ko kehai pishai pushuthaae

iqQY GVIAY suriq miq min buiD ]

The intuitive consciousness, intellect and understanding of the mind are shaped there.
thithai ghurreeai surath math man budh

iqQY GVIAY surw isDw kI suiD ]36]

The consciousness of the spiritual warriors and the Siddhas, the beings of spiritual perfection, are shaped there. ||36||
thithai ghurreeai suraa sidhaa kee sudh

krm KMf kI bwxI joru ]

In the realm of karma, the Word is Power.

kurum khundd kee baanee jor

iqQY horu n koeI horu ]

No one else dwells there,

thithai hor n koee hor

iqQY joD mhwbl sUr ]

except the warriors of great power, the spiritual heroes.

thithai jodh mehaabul soor

iqn mih rwmu rihAw BrpUr ]

They are totally fulfilled, imbued with the Lord's Essence.

thin mehi raam rehiaa bhurupoor

iqQY sIqo sIqw mihmw mwih ]

Myriads of Sitas are there, cool and calm in their majestic glory.

thithai seetho seethaa mehimaa maahi

qw ky rUp n kQny jwih ]

Their beauty cannot be described.

thaa kae roop n kuthunae jaahi

nw Eih mrih n Twgy jwih ]

Neither death nor deception comes to those,

naa ouhi murehi n thaagae jaahi

ijn kY rwmu vsY mn mwih ]

within whose minds the Lord abides.

jin kai raam vusai mun maahi

iqQY Bgq vsih ky loA ]

The devotees of many worlds dwell there.

thithai bhuguth vusehi kae loa

krih Andu scw min soie ]

They celebrate; their minds are imbued with the True Lord.

kurehi anundh suchaa man soe

sc KMif vsY inrMkwru ]

In the realm of Truth, the Formless Lord abides.

such khundd vusai nirunkaar

kir kir vyKY ndir inhwl ]

Having created the creation, He watches over it. By His Glance of Grace, He bestows happiness.
kar kar vaekhai nudhar nihaal

iqQY KMf mMfl vrBMf ]

There are planets, solar systems and galaxies.

thithai khundd munddul vurubhundd

jy ko kQY q AMq n AMq ]

If one speaks of them, there is no limit, no end.

jae ko kuthai th anth n anth

iqQY loA loA Awkwr ]

There are worlds upon worlds of His Creation.

thithai loa loa aakaar

ijv ijv hukmu iqvY iqv kwr ]

As He commands, so they exist.

jiv jiv hukum thivai thiv kaar

vyKY ivgsY kir vIcwru ]

He watches over all, and contemplating the creation, He rejoices.

vaekhai vigusai kar veechaar

nwnk kQnw krVw swru ]37]

O Nanak, to describe this is as hard as steel! ||37||

naanuk kuthunaa kururraa saar

jqu pwhwrw DIrju suinAwru ]

Let self-control be the furnace, and patience the goldsmith.

juth paahaaraa dheeruj suniaar

Ahrix miq vydu hQIAwru ]

Let understanding be the anvil, and spiritual wisdom the tools.

ahuran math vaedh hutheeaar

Bau Klw Agin qp qwau ]

With the Fear of God as the bellows, fan the flames of tapa, the body's inner heat.
bho khulaa agan thup thaao

BWfw Bwau AMimRqu iqqu Fwil ]

In the crucible of love, melt the Nectar of the Name,

bhaaddaa bhaao anmrith thith taal

GVIAY sbdu scI tkswl ]

and mint the True Coin of the Shabad, the Word of God.

ghurreeai subudh suchee ttukusaal

ijn kau ndir krmu iqn kwr ]

Such is the karma of those upon whom He has cast His Glance of Grace.
jin ko nudhar kurum thin kaar

nwnk ndrI ndir inhwl ]38]

O Nanak, the Merciful Lord, by His Grace, uplifts and exalts them. ||38||
naanuk nudhuree nudhar nihaal

sloku ]



pvxu gurU pwxI ipqw mwqw Driq mhqu ]

Air is the Guru, Water is the Father, and Earth is the Great Mother of all.

puvun guroo paanee pithaa maathaa dhurath mehuth

idvsu rwiq duie dweI dwieAw KylY sgl jgqu ]

Day and night are the two nurses, in whose lap all the world is at play.

dhivus raath dhue dhaaee dhaaeiaa khaelai sugul juguth

cMigAweIAw buirAweIAw vwcY Drmu hdUir ]

Good deeds and bad deeds-the record is read out in the Presence of the Lord of Dharma.
chungiaaeeaa buriaaeeaa vaachai dhurum hudhoor

krmI Awpo AwpxI ky nyVY ky dUir ]

According to their own actions, some are drawn closer, and some are driven farther away.

kurumee aapo aapunee kae naerrai kae dhoor

ijnI nwmu iDAwieAw gey mskiq Gwil ]

Those who have meditated on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and departed after having worked by the sweat of their brows
jinee naam dhiaaeiaa geae musukath ghaal

nwnk qy muK aujly kyqI CutI nwil ]1]

-O Nanak, their faces are radiant in the Court of the Lord, and many are saved along with them! ||1||

naanuk thae mukh oujulae kaethee shuttee naal

jwpu swihb
Jaap Sahib

Jaap Sahib

<> siqgur pRswid ] sRI vwihgurU jI kI Pqh ]

God is one, He is realised with the grace of the true Guru. All victory is the victory of God

Ik onkar sat(i)gur prasad(i). Shri Vaheguru ji ki Fateh.

jwpu sRI muKvwk pwiqSwhI 10]

Hymns uttered from the holy mouth of the Tenth Guru

Jap. Shri mukhvak pat(i)sahi 10 (dasvin)

CpY CMd ] q pRswid ]

Bani being uttered with Gods grace

Chhapai Chhand. Tav Prasad(i)

c`k ichn Aru brn jwiq Aru pwiq nihn ijh ]

God has no quoit, mark colour, caste or lineage

Chakr chihan ar(u) baran jat(i) ar(u) pat(i) nahin jeh

rUp rMg Aru ryK ByK koaU kih n skiq ikh ]

None can describe His form, complexion, outline and costume

Rup rang ar(u) rekh bhekh kou kah(i) na sakat keh

Acl mUriq AnBau pRkws Aimqoij kih`jY ]

He is perpetual, self-illuminated, and measureless in power

Achal murat(i) anbhau prakas amitoj(i) kahijjai

koit ieMdR ieMdRwix swhu swhwix gix`jY ]

God is the king of kings and God of millions of Indras

Kot(i) indr indran sah(u) sahan(i) ganijjai

iqRBvx mhIp sur nr Asur nyq nyq bn iqRx khq ]

God is the Emperor of the three worlds, demigods, men and demons; and the woods and dales proclaim Him as indescribable

Tribhavan mahip sur nar asur, net(i) net(i) ban trin kahat

qv srb nwm kQY kvn krm nwm brnq sumiq ]1]

No one can tell all the Names of God, who is called by special Name by the wise, according to His excellences and doings

Tav sarab Nam kathai kavan, karam Nam barnat sumat(i)

BujMg pRXwq CMd ]

Bhaujang Prayat Chhand

Bhaujang Prayat Chhand

nmsqM Akwly ] nmsqM ikpwly ]

I salute immortal God. I salute merciful God

Namastwang akale. Namastwang kripale

nmsqM ArUpy ] nmsqM AnUpy ]2]

I salute formless God. I salute God, Who is without a parallel

Namastang arupe. Namastang anupe

nmsqM AByKy ] nmsqM AlyKy ]

I salute God, Who has no dress. I salute God, Whose portrait cannot be drawn

Namastang abhekhe. Namastang alekhe

nmsqM Akwey ] nmsqM Ajwey ]3]

I salute God, Who has no body. I salute God, who was not born

Namastang akae. Namastang ajae

nmsqM AgMjy ] nmsqM ABMjy ]

I salute God, Who cannot be conquered. I salute God, Who cannot be destroyed

Namastang aganje. Namastang abhanje

nmsqM Anwmy ] nmsqM ATwmy ]4]

I salute God, Who has no particular name. I salute God, Who cannot be destroyed

Namastang aname. Namastang athame

nmsqM AkrmM ] nmsqM ADrmM ]

I salute God, Who is above rituals and is not bound to do any work. I salute God, Who is above formal observances

Namastang akarmang. Namastang adharmang

nmsqM AnwmM ] nmsqM ADwmM ]5]

I salute God, Who has no special name. I salute God, Who has no particular home

Namastang anamang. Namastang adhamang

nmsqM AjIqy ] nmsqM ABIqy ]

I salute God, Who cannot be conquered. I salute God, Who is not afraid of anyone

Namastang ajite. Namastang abhite

nmsqM Abwhy ] nmsqM AFwhy ]6]

I salute unshakable God. I salute God, Who cannot be overthrown

Namastang abahe. Namastang adhahe

nmsqM AnIly ] nmsqM Anwdy ]

I salute God, Who has no colour or form. I salute God, Who has no beginning

Namastang anile. Namastang anade

nmsqM ACydy ] nmsqM AgwDy ]7]

I salute God, Who cannot be broken. I salute God, Who is unfathomable

Namastang achhede. Namastang agadhe

nmsqM AgMjy ] nmsqM ABMjy ]

I salute God, Who is invincible. I salute God, Who cannot be smashed

Namastang aganje. Namastang abhanje

nmsqM audwry ] nmsqM Apwry ]8]

I salute God, Who is large hearted. I salute God, Who is boundless

Namastang udare. Namastang apare

nmsqM su eykY ] nmsqM AnykY ]

I salute God, Who is One. I salute God, Who has many manifestations

Namastang su ekai. Namastang anekai

nmsqM ABUqy ] nmsqM AjUpy ]9]

I salute God, Who is not made of five elements. I salute God, Who is free from all entanglements

Namastang abhute. Namastang ajupe

nmsqM inRkrmy ] nmsqM inRBrmy ]

I salute God, Who is above rituals and has no engagements. I salute God, Who is free from doubts

Namastang nrikarme. Namastang nribharme

nmsqM inRdysy ] nmsqM inRBysy ]10]

I salute God, Who does not belong to anyone region. I salute God, Who has no dress

Namastang nridese. Namastang nribhese

nmsqM inRnwmy ] nmsqM inRkwmy ]

I salute God, Who has no particular name. I salute God, Who is desireless

Namastang nriname. Namastang nrikame

nmsqM inRDwqy ] nmsqM inRGwqy ]11]

I salute God, Who is above five elements. I salute God, Who cannot be injured

Namastang nridhate. Namastang nirghate

nmsqM inRDUqy ] nmsqM ABUqy ]

I salute God, Who is immovable. I salute God, Who is not made of five elements

Namastang nirdhute. Namastang abhute

nmsqM Aloky ] nmsqM Asoky ]12]

I salute God, Who is invisible. I salute God, Who has no worries

Namastang aloke. Namastang asoke

nmsqM inRqwpy ] nmsqM AQwpy ]

I salute God, Who is above all troubles. I salute God, Who cannot be installed (as a statue)

Namastang nritape. Namastang athape

nmsqM iqRmwny ] nmsqM inDwny ]13]

I salute God, Who is honoured by living beings of the three worlds. I Salute God, Who is the Real Treasure

Namastang trimane. Namastang nidhane

nmsqM Agwhy ] nmsqM Abwhy ]

I salute God, Whose depth is unknown. I salute God, Who is unshakable

Namastang agahe. Namastang abahe

nmsqM iqRbrgy ] nmsqM Asrgy ]14]

I salute God, Who is the Fountain of three supreme virtues. I salute God, Who cannot be created.

Namastang tribarge. Namastang asarge

nmsqM pRBogy ] nmsqM sujogy ]

I salute God, Who enjoys all. I salute God, Who is omnipresent.

Namastang prabhoge. Namastang sujoge

nmsqM ArMgy ] nmsqM ABMgy ]15]

I salute God, Who has no colour. I salute God, Who cannot be destroyed.

Namastang arange. Namastang abhange

nmsqM AgMmy ] nmsqsqu rMmy ]

I salute God, Who is incomprehensible. I salute God, Who is most beautiful.

Namastang aganme. Namastast(u) ranme

nmsqM jlwsry ] nmsqM inrwsry ]16]

I salute God, Who pervades oceans. I salute God, Who needs no help.

Namastang jalasre. Namastang nirasre

nmsqM Ajwqy ] nmsqM Apwqy ]

I salute God, Who has no caste. I salute God, Who has no dynasty.

Namastang ajate. Namastang apate

nmsqM Amjby ] nmsqsqu Ajby ]17]

I salute God, Who has no religion. I salute God, Who is wonderful.

Namastang amajbe. Namastast(u) ajbe

AdysM Adysy ] nmsqM ABysy ]

I salute God, Who does not belong to any particular country. I salute God, Who wears no dress.

Adesang adese. Namastang abhese

nmsqM inRDwmy ] nmsqM inRbwmy ]18]

I salute God, Who has no particular home. I salute God, Who is unborn and unaffected by mammon.

Namastang nridhame, Namastang nribame

nmo srb kwly ] nmo srb idAwly ]

I salute God, Who causes all to die. I salute God, Who showers mercy on all.

Namo sarab kale. Namo sarab diale

nmo srb rUpy ] nmo srb BUpy ]19]

I salute God, Who is present in all the beings. I salute God, Who is the Emperor of all.

Namo sarab rupe. Namo sarab bhupe

nmo srb Kwpy ] nmo srb Qwpy ]

I salute God, Who is the destroyer of all. I salute God, Who creates all.

Namo sarab khape. Namo sarab thape

nmo srb kwly ] nmo srb pwly ]20]

I salute God, Who kills all. I salute God, Who tends all.

Namo sarab kale. Namo sarab pale

nmsqsqu dyvY ] nmsqM AByvY ]

I salute God, Who is the Lightgiving object of worship. I salute God, Whose secrets cannot be known.

Namastast(u) devai. Namastang abhevai

nmsqM Ajnmy ] nmsqM su bnmy ]21]

I salute God, Who is unborn. I salute God, Who is most beautiful.

Namastang ajanme. Namastang subanme

nmo srb gauny ] nmo srb Bauny ]

I salute God, Who can reach all. I salute God, Who resides everywhere.

Namo sarab gaune. Namo sarab bhaune

nmo srb rMgy ] nmo srb BMgy ]22]

I salute God, Who is the creator of all colours. I salute God, Who is the destroyer of all.

Namo sarab range. Namo sarab bhange

nmo kwl kwly ] nmsqsqu idAwly ]

I salute God, Who can destroy the death itself. I salute God, Who is the fountain of mercy.

Namo kal kale. Namastast(u) diale

nmsqM Abrny ] nmsqM Amrny ]23]

I salute God, Who is colourless and indescribable. I salute God, Who never dies.

Namastang abarne. Namastang amarne

nmsqM jrwrM ] nmsqM ikqwrM ]

I salute God, Who never become old. I salute God, Who creates all.

Namastang jrarang. Namastang kritarang

nmo srb DMDy ] nmo sq AbMDy ]24]

I salute God, Who causes all the programmes to be accomplished. I salute God, Who is free from all restrictions.

Namo sarab dhandhe. Namo sat abandhe

nmsqM inRswky ] nmsqM inRbwky ]

I salute God, Who has no relatives. I salute God, Who is not afraid of anybody.

Namastang nrisake. Namastang nribake

nmsqM rhImy ] nmsqM krImy ]25]

I salute God, Who is merciful. I salute God, Who bestows gifts.

Namastang rahime. Namastang karime

nmsqM Anqy ] nmsqM mhMqy ]

I salute God, Who is unlimted. I salute God, Who is the biggest of all.

Namastang anante. Namastang mahante

nmsqsqu rwgy ] nmsqM suhwgy ]26]

I salute God, Who is all love. I salute God, Who is the highest.

Namastast(u) rage. Namastang suhage

nmo srb soKM ] nmo srb poKM ]

I salute God, Who destroys all. I salute God, Who nurses all.

Namo sarab sokhang. Namo sarab pokhang

nmo srb krqw ] nmo srb hrqw ]27]

I salute God, Who creates all. I salute God, Who destroys all.

Namo sarab karta. Namo sarab harta

nmo jog jogy ] nmo Bog Bogy ]

I salute God, Who is the biggest Yogi. I salute God, Who is the biggest Family-man.

Namo jog joge. Namo bhog bhoge

nmo srb idAwly ] nmo srb pwly ]28]

I salute God, Who shows mercy to all. I salute God, Who nurses all.

Namo sarab diale. Namo sarab pale

cwcrI CMd ] q pRswid ]

Chachri Chhand. Tav Prasad

Chachri Chhand. Tav Prasad(i)

ArUp hYN ] AnUp hYN ] AjU hYN ] ABU hYN ]29]

God has no form. God has no parallel. God is immovable. God does not take birth

Arup hain. Anup hain. Aju hain. Abhu hain

AlyK hYN ] AByK hYN ] Anwm hYN ] Akwm hYN ]30]

God cannot be described. God has no dress. God has no particular name. God has no desires.

Alekh hain. Abhekh hain. Anam hain. Akam hain

ADy hYN ] ABy hYN ] AjIq hYN ] ABIq hYN ]31]

God is beyond comprehension of human mind. Gods secrets cannot be known. God cannot be conquered. Go is not afraid of anybody.

Adhe hain. Abhe hain. Ajit hain. Abhit hain

iqRmwn hYN ] inDwn hYN ] iqRbrg hYN ] Asrg hYN ]32]

God is worshipped in the three worlds. God is the Treasure of everything. God is the Fountain of the supreme gifts. God was never born.

Triman hain. Nidhan hain. Tribarg hain. Asarg hain

AnIl hYN ] Anwid hYN ] Ajy hYN ] Ajwid hYN ]33]

God is without colour. Gods origin is unknown. God is never old. God is not subject to births.

Anil hain. Anad(i) hain. Aje hain. Ajad(i) hain

Ajnm hYN ] Abrn hYN ] ABUq hYN ] ABrn hYN ]34]

God was not born. God has no colour or caste. God is above the elements. God does not need anybody to nurse Him.

Ajanam hain. Abarn hain. Abhut hain. Abharn hain

AgMj hYN ] ABMj hYN ] AJUJ hYN ] AJMJ hYN ]35]

God cannot be conquered. God cannot be injured. None can fight with God. God is unshakable.

Aganj hain. Abhanj hain. Ajhujh hain. Ajhanjh hain

AmIk hYN ] r&Ik hYN ] ADMD hYN ] AbMD hYN ]36]

God is very deep. God is friend of all. God is free from all entanglements. God is free from all bondages.

Amik hain. Rafik hain. Adhandh hain. Abandh hain

inRbUJ hYN ] AsUJ hYN ] Akwl hYN ] Ajwl hYN ]37]

None can know God. God is beyond human comprehension. God is free from death. God is beyond the reach of mammon.

Nribujh hain. Asujh hain. Akal hain. Ajal hain

Alwh hYN ] Ajwh hYN ] Anq hYN ] mhMq hYN ]38]

God cannot be found. God has no special place. God is boundless. God is the greatest of all.

Alah hain. Ajah hain. Anant hain. Mahant hain

AlIk hYN ] inRsIk hYN ] inRlB hYN ] AsMB hYN ]39]

Nobody can portrait God. God has no relatives. God needs no support. God cannot be understood.

Alik hain. Nrisrik hain. Nrilanbh hain. Asanbh hain

AgMm hYN ] AjMm hYN ] ABUq hYN ] ACUq hYN ]40]

God is beyond reach. God is unborn. God is above the five elements. God cannot be touched by anybody.

Aganm hain. Ajanm hain. Abhut hain. Achhut hain

Alok hYN ] Asok hYN ] Akrm hYN ] ABrm hYN ]41]

God cannot be seen with human eyes. God has no worries. God is beyond rites. God has no doubts.

Alok hain. Asok hain. Akarm hain. Abharm hain

AjIq hYN ] ABIq hYN ] Abwh hYN ] Agwh hYN ]42]

God cannot be conquered. God has no fears. God is steady like a mountain. Gods depth cannot be known as in the case of ocean.

Ajit hain. Abhit hain. Abah hain. Agah hain

Amwn hYN ] inDwn hYN ] Anyk hYN ] iPr eyk hYN ]43]
God cannot be measured or weighed. God is the Treasure of everything. God has countless forms. Still He has one form.

Aman hain. Nidhan hain. Anek hain. Phir(i) ek hain

BujMg pRXwq CMd ]

Bhujang Prayat Chhand

Bhujang Prayat Chhand

nmo srb mwny ] smsqI inDwny ]

Saluations to God, Who is respected by all. Saluations to God, Who is the treasure of everything.

Namo Sarab mane. Samasti nidhane

nmo dyv dyvy ] AByKI AByvy ]44]

Saluations to God, Who is above all gods. God has no dress and is mysterious.

Namo dev deve. Abhekhi abheve

nmo kwl kwly ] nmo srb pwly ]

Salutations to God, Who can destroy death. Salutations to God, Who nurses all.

Namo kal kale. Namo sarab pale

nmo srb gauxy ] nmo srb Bauxy ]45]

Salutations to God, Who can reach all places. Salutations to God, Who is present in all places.

Namo sarab gaune. Namo sarab bhaune

AngI AnwQy ] inRsMgI pRmwQy ]

God, Who is the Master of all, has no body. No one is equal to God.

Anangi anathe. Nrisangi pramathe

nmo Bwn Bwny ] nmo mwn mwny ]46]

Salutations to God, Who is the Sun of suns. Salutations to God, Who is respected by all.

Namo bhan bhane. Namo man mane

nmo cMdR cMdRy ] nmo Bwn Bwny ]

Salutations to God, Who gives light to the moon. Salutations to God, Who gives light to the sun.

Namo chandr chandre. Namo bhan bhane

nmo gIq gIqy ] nmo qwn qwny ]47]

Salutations to God, Who is the creator of songs. Salutations to God, Who is the creator of different tunes.

Namo git gite. Namo tan tane

nmo inrq inrqy ] nmo nwd nwdy ]

Salutations to God, Who makes others dance. Salutations to God, Who is the creator of sounds.

Namo nritt nritte. Namo nad nade

nmo pwn pwny ] nmo bwd bwdy ]48]

Salutations to God, Who beats the drum; Then world drama is played.

Namo pan pane. Namo bad bade

AngI Anwmy ] smsqI srUpy ]

Salutations to God, Who has got no body or name. Salutations to God, whose beauty is present in all.

Anangi aname. Samasti bibhute

pRBMgI pRmwQy ] smsqI ibBUqy ]49]

God can cause the end of creation. God is the bestower of spiritual and miraculous powers.

Prabhangi pramathe. Samasti bibhute

klkM ibnw ny klkI srUpy ]

God is free from all blots and is pure.

Kalankang bina ne-kalanki sarupe

nmo rwj rwjy srM prm rUpy ]50]

Salutations to God, Who is the King of kings and the highest of all.

Namo raj raje-swarang param rupe

nmo jog jogy srM prm is`Dy ]

Salutations to God, Who is the biggest Yogi and Sidh.

Namo jog joge-swarang param siddhe

nmo rwj rwjy srM prm ibRDy ]51]

Salutations to God, Who is the Emperor of emperors and the biggest Commander.

Namo raj raje-swarang param bridhe

nmo ssqR pwxy ] nmo AsqR mwxy ]

Salutations to God, Who wields sword and other weapons. Salutations to God, Who can throw arrows and other weapons.

Namo sastr-pane. Namo astr-mane

nmo prm igAwqw ] nmo lok mwqw ]52]

Salutations to God, Who knows everything. Salutations to God, Who, as a mother, loves the world.

Namo param giata. Namo lok mata

AByKI ABrmI ABogI ABugqy ]

God has no dress and is free from all doubts, as well as temptations of worldly evils.

Abhekhi abharmi, abhogi abhugte

nmo jog jogy srM prm jugqy ]53]

Salutations to God, Who is the Yogi of yogis and whose ways are supreme.

Namo jog joge-swarang param jugte

nmo in`q nwrwiexy kr krmy ]

Salutations to God, Who always protects all and sets right the evildoer with a strong hand.

Namo nitt naraene, krur karme

nmo pRyq ApRyq dyvy suDrmy ]54]

Salutations to God, Who nurses the world as His family, which includes virtuous and evil people and sprites.

Namo pret apret deve sudharme

nmo rog hrqw ] nmo rwg rUpy ]

Salutations to God, Who kills diseases and is the Fountain of love.

Namo rog harta. Namo rag rupe

nmo swh swhM ] nmo BUp BUpy ]55]

Salutations to God, Who is the Emperor of emperors.

Namo shah shahang. Namo bhup bhupe

nmo dwn dwny ] nmo mwn mwny ]

Salutations to God, Who is the biggest donor and Whom most honoured men pay the highest respects.

Namo dan dane. Namo man mane

nmo rog rogy nmsqM iesnwn ]56]

Salutations to God, Who kills all diseases, restores health and washes sins.

Namo rog roge namastang snane

nmo mMqR mMqRM ] nmo jMqR jMqRM ]

Salutations to God, Whose Name is the biggest magical word. Salutations to God, Whose Name is the real jantar (amulet) and tantar (chram).

Namo mantr mantrang. Namo jantr jantrang

nmo iest iesty ] nmo qMqR qMqRM ]57]

God is the biggest object of worship. God (Gods Name) is the biggest tantar (charm).

Namo ist iste. Namo tantr tantrang

sdw s`cdwnd srbM pRxwsI ]

God is the Fountain of truth, intelligence, peace and pleasure and can destroy all.

Sada sacch(i)-da-nand sarbang pranasi

AnUpy ArUpy smsquil invwsI ]58]

None is bigger than God, Who is the cause of worldly beauties and is present everywhere.

Anupe arupe samastul nivasi

sdw isDdw buDdw ibRD krqw ]

God is the giver of Spiritual power and He confers true wisdom and success.

Sada sidh(i)da bridh(i) karta

ADo aurD ArDM AGM EG hrqw ]59]

God is present in the nether regions, the skies and in the space and is the destroyer of all sins.

Adho urdh ardhang aghang ogh harta

prm prm prmysrM pRoC pwl ]

God is the biggest Master and nurses all, without being seen.

Parang param parmeswarang prochh-palang

sdw srbdw is`D dwqw idAwl ]60]

God gives success and mental power and is the Fountain of pity.

Sada sarab-da sidh(i) data dialang

ACydI ABydI AnwmM AkwmM ]

God cannot be harmed or destroyed by anybody and He has no name or desire.

Achhedi abhedi anamang akamang

smsqo prwjI smsqsqu DwmM ]61]

God is the conquerer of all and is present everywhere and in all living beings.

Samasto paraji samastast(u) dhamang

qyrw joru ] cwcrI CMd ]

Tera Jor(u). Chachri Chhand

Tera Jor(u). Chachri Chhand

jly hYN ] Qly hYN ] ABIq hYN ] ABy hYN ] ]62]

God is present in water. God is present on land. God cannot be terrified by anybody. Gods secrets cannot be known.

Jale hain. Thale hain. Abhit hain. Abhe hain

pRBU hYN ] AjU hYN ] Adys hYN ] ABys hYN ]63]

God is Master of all. God is perpetual and steady. God has no particular region. God has no particular dress.

Prabhu hain. Aju hain. Ades hain. Abhes hain

BujMg pRXwq CMd ]

Bhujang Prayat Chhand

Bhujang Prayat Chhand

AgwDy AbwDy ] AndI srUpy ]

Gods depth is unknown and none can stand in His way. God is the source and embodiment of Joy.

Agadhe abadhe. Anandi sarupe

nmo srb mwny ] smsqI inDwny ]64]

Salutations to God, before Whom all bow. God is the Treasure of everything.

Namo sarab mane. Samasti nidhane

nmsqM inRnwQy ] nmsqM pRmwQy ]

Salutations to God, over Whom there is no master. Salutations to God, Who can destroy all.

Namastwang nrinathe. Namastwang pramathe

nmsqM AgMjy ] nmsqM ABMjy ]65]

Salutations to God, Who cannot be defeated. Salutations to God, Whom no harm can be caused.

Namastwang aganje. Namastwang abhanje

nmsqM Akwly ] nmsqM Apwly ]

Salutations to God, Whom death cannot cause harm. Salutations to God, Who does not need any protection.

Namastwang akale. Namastwang apale

nmo srb dysy ] nmo srb Bysy ]66]

Salutations to God, Who is present in all countries. Salutations to God, Who is present in every form.

Namo sarab dese. Namo sarab bhese

nmo rwj rwjy ] nmo swj swjy ]

Salutations to God, Who is the King of kings. Salutations to God, Who has created the entire creation.

Namo raj raje. Namo saj saje

nmo Swh Swhy ] nmo mwh mwhy ]67]

Salutations to God, Who is Emperor of emperors. Salutations to God, Who gives light to the moon.

Namo shah shahe. Namo mah mahe

nmo gIq gIqy ] nmo pRIq pRIqy ]

Salutations to God, Who is the Real song. Salutations to God, Who is the Real love.

Namo git gite. Namo prit prite

nmo roK roKy ] nmo soK soKy ]68]

Salutations to God, under Whose Fear the world functions. Salutations to God, Who can cause everything to dry up.

Namo rokh rokhe. Namo sokh sokhe

nmo srb rogy ] nmo srb Bogy ]

Salutations to God, Who causes death of living beings. Salutations to God, Who is the Real Enjoyer of everything.

Namo sarab jit. Namo sarab bhoge

nmo srb jIqM ] nmo srb BIqM ]69]

Salutations to God, Who conquers all. Salutations to God, Who causes awe and fear in everybody.

Namo sarab jitang. Namo sarab bhitang

nmo srb igAwn ] nmo prm qwn ]

Salutations to God, Who knows all secrets. Salutations to God, Who has created the expanse of the world.

Namo sarab gianang. Namo sarab tanang

nmo srb mMqRM ] nmo srb jMqRM ]70]

Salutations to God, Whose Name is the biggest magic. Salutations to God, Whose Name is the biggest.

Namo sarab mantrang. Namo sarab jantrang

nmo srb idR`sM ] nmo srb ik`sM ]

Salutations to God, Who sees everybody. Salutations to God, Who attracts all.

Namo sarab drissand. Namo sarab krissang

nmo srb rMgy ] iqRBMgI Angy ]71]

Salutations to God, Who is present in all the colours. Salutations to God, Who can destroy the skies, the worlds and the nether-land and Who has no body.

Namo sarab range. Tribhangi anange

nmo jIv jIvM ] nmo bIj bIjy ]

Salutations to God, Who is the life of all. Salutations to God, Who is the Primal Seed.

Namo jiv jivang. Namo bij bije

AiK`jy AiB`jy ] smsqM pRis`jy ]72]

None can cause any troubleto God, Who Himself does eveything and remains detached. God confers boons on all.

Akhijje abhijje. Samastang prasijje

ikpwl srUpy, kukrmM pRxwsI ]

God is the Fountain of pity and destroy of sins.

Kripalang sarupe, Kukarmang pranasi

sdw srbdw iriD isDM invwsI ]73]

God is for ever the source of all spiritual and miraculous powers.

Sada sarab-da ridh(i) sidhang nivasi

crpt CMd ] q pRswid ]

Charpat Chhand. Tav Prasad

Charpat Chhand. Tav Prasad(i)

AMimRq krmy ] AMibRq Drmy ]

Gods doings are permanent. Gods Laws cannot be broken.

Amrit karme. Abrit dharme

AK`l jogy ] Ac`l Bogy ]74]

World is attached to God. God is the Home of permanent joys.

Akhall joge. Achall bhoge

Ac`l rwjy ] At`l swjy ]

Kingdom of God is permanent. Gods creation is permanent.

Achall raje. Atall saje

AK`l DrmM ] Al`K krmM ]75]

Gods Laws are perfect. Gods works are beyond comprehension.

Akhall dharmang. Alakkh karmang

srbM dwqw ] srbM igAwqw ]

God is universal Giver. God knows the secrets of others mind.

Sarbang data. Sarbang giata

srbM Bwny ] srbM mwny ]76]

God gives light to all. God is worshipped by all.

Sarbang bhane. Sarbang mane

srbM pRwxM ] srbM qRwxM ]

God is the life of all. God is the shelter for all.

Sarbang pranang. Sarbang tranang

srbM Bugqw ] srbM jugqw ]77]

God is the Enjoyer of all. God is attached to all.

Sarbang bhugta. Sarbang jugta

srbM dyvM ] srbM ByvM ]

God is worshipped by all. God knows the internal conditions of all.

Sarbang devang. Sarbang bhevang

srbM kwly ] srbM pwly ]78]

God can destroy all. God nourishes all.

Sarbang kale. Sarbang pale

rUAwl CMd ] q pRswid ]

Rual Chhand. Tav Prasad

Rual Chhand. Tav Prasad(i)

Awid rUp Anwid mUriq, Ajoin purK Apwr ]

Limitless God existed prior to the creation, His origin is untraceable, He does not take birth and is present everywhere and is boundless.

Ad(i) rup anad(i) murat(i), ajon(i) purakh apar

srb mwn iqRmwn dyv AByv Awid audwr ]

All living beings bow before God, Who is the Supreme Light, worshipped in the three worlds, Whose secrets are unknown, Who is the origin of all and is large hearted.

Sarab man triman dev, abhev ad(i)

srb pwlk srb Gwlk srb ko puin kwl ]

God nurses all, destroys all and causes death to all.

Sarab palak sarab ghalak, sarab ko pun(i) kal

j`qR q`qR ibrwjhI AvDUq rUp irswl ]79]

God the Supreme Renouncer and the fountain of all tastes and pleasures is present everywhere.

Jattra tattra biraj-hi, avdhut rup rasal

nwm Twm n jwq jwkr rUp rMg n ryK ]

God is not called by any particular name, He does not exist at any particular place and He has got no caste, no outlines, colour or mark.

Nam tham na jat(i) jakar, rup rang na rekh

Awid purK audwr mUriq Ajoin Awid AsyK ]

God, the Primal Creator, is present in all, possesses large heart, is never born and exists from the beginning and is complete in all respects.

Ad(i) purakh udar murat(i), ajon(i) ad(i) asekh

dys AOr n Bys jwkr rUp ryK n rwg ]

God has no particular country, no dress, no mark, no outlines and no love for any particular thing.

Des aur na bhes jakar, rup rekh na rag

j`qR q`qR idsw ivsw huie PYilE Anurwg ]80]

God is present at every place, on every side and in every corner and His universal love exists everywhere.

Jattra tattra disa visa, hue phaileo anurag

nwm kwm ibhIn pyKq Dwm hUM nih jwih ]

God has no particular name, no desire or visible place.

Nam kam bihin pekhat, dham hun naih jah(i)

srb mwn srb`qR mwn sdYv mwnq qwih ]

All living being ever bow before God, Who is worshipped everywhere.

Sarab man sarbattra man, sadaiv manat tah(i)

eyk mUriq Anyk drsn kIn rUp Anyk ]

God is One, yet He can be seen in innumerable forms created by Him.

Ek murat(i) anek darsan, kin rup anek

Kyl Kyl AKyl Kyln AMq ko iPr eyk ]81]

God plays the world drama, creates His creation, destroys the same and then He is left alone.

Khel khel akhel khelan, ant ko phir(i) ek

dyv Byv n jwnhI ijh byd Aaur kqyb ]

The secrets of God are unknown to gods and even to the religious books.

Dev bhev na jan-hi, jeh bed aur kateb

rUp rMg n jwiq pwiq su jwneI ikh jyb ]

No one can describe God, Who has no colour, caste or lineage.

Rup rang na jat(i) pat(i), su jan-i keh jeb

qwq mwq n jwq jwkir jnm mrn ibhIn ]

God is beyond births and deaths and has no parents.

Tat mat na jat jakar, janam maran bihin

c`k b`k iPrY cqR` c`k mwnhI pur qIn ]82]

Sometimes God appears in His horrible form as the Destroyer in all directions; and living beings of the three worlds bow their heads before Him.

Chakkra bakkra phirai chatur chakk man-hi pur tin

lok caudh ky ibKY jg jwphI ijh jwp ]

The Name of God is being repeated and remembered in the fourteen worlds by all the living beings.

Lok chaudah ke bikhai, jag jap-hi jeh jap

Awid dyv Anwid mUriq QwipE sbY ijh Qwp ]

God is the Primal and Supreme object of worship, Whose origin cannot be traced and Who has created the entire creation.

Ad(i) dev anad(i) murat(i), thapio sabai jeh thap(i)

prm rUp punIq mUriq pUrn purKu Apwr ]

Boundless God is the biggest power, is the source of virtues, is complete in all respects and is present in all.

Param rup punit murat(i), puran purakh apar

srb ibs ricE suXMBv gVn BMjnhwr ]83]

God is the Creator of the universe; He is self-created; He creates and destroys the world.

Sarab bisv rachio suyambhav, garan bhanjanhar

kwl hIn klw sMjugiq Akwl purK Adys ]

God, Who is beyond death, is all powerful, is present in all and belongs to no particular country.

Kal hin kala sanjugat(i), akal purakh ades

Drm Dwm su Brm rihq ABUq AlK ABys ]

God is the Fountain of truth and virtues, is free from doubts, is not made of five elements, is not visable and has no particular dress.

Dharam dham su bharam rehat, abhut alakh abhes

AMg rwg n rMg jwkh jwiq pwiq n nwm ]

God has no form, no body, no colour, no caste and no particular name.

Ang rag na rang jakaih, jat(i) pat(i) na nam

grb gMjn dust BMjn mukiq dwiek kwm ]84]

God destroys the ego of the proud and is the destroyer of evil doers; He confers salvation and fulfils desires.

Garab ganjan dust bhanjan, mukat(i) daik kam

Awp rUp AmIk An ausqiq eyk purK AvDUq ]

God is self-created and is deep beyond all descriptions; His excellences cannot be narrated; He is unique in Himself and beyond the reach of mammon.

Ap rup amik an ustat(i), ek purakh avdhut

grb gMjn srb BMjn Awid rUp AsUq ]

God smashes the pride of the proud sinners, destroys them, is present since the beginning, is never born and is detached.

Garab ganjan sarab bhanjan, ad(i) rup asut

AMg hIn ABMg Anwqm eyk purK Apwr ]

The boundless God has no body, no Jiv atma; He cannot be destroyed, He has no parallel and is present in all.

Ang hin abhang anatam, ek purakh apar

srb lwiek srb Gwiek srb ko pRiqpwr ]85]

God is capable of doing everything, He destroys all and nurses all.

Sarab laik sarab ghaik, sarab ko pratipar

srb gMqw srb hMqw srb qy AnByK ]

God approaches all, destroys all and is district from all.

Sarab ganta sarab hanta, sarab te anbhekh

srb swsqR n jwnhI ijh rUp rMg Aru ryK ]

The religious books do not known Gods form, colour, or marks.

Sarab sastr na jan-hi, jeh rup rang(u) ar(u) rekh

prm byd purwx jwkih nyq BwKq in`q ]

The Vedas and Puranas declare that God is the highest of all and none is like Him.

Param bed puran jakaih, net bhakhat nitt

koit isMimRiq purwn swsqR n AwveI vhu ic`iq ]86]

None can understand God completely even by reading innumerable religious books of the Hindus.

Kot(i) sinmirat(i) puran sastr, na avii voh chitt

mDuBwr CMd ] q pRswid ]

Madhubhar Chhand. Tav Prasad

Madhubhar Chhand. Tav Prasad(i)

gun gn audwr ] mihmw Apwr ]

God is the treasure of countless virtues and is large-hearted. His greatness is unlimited.

Gun gan udar. Mehma apar

Awsn ABMg ] aupmw Ang ]87]

His seat is perpetual. None possesses as many excellence as God possesses.

Asan abhang. Upma anang

AnBau pRkws ] insidn Anws ]

God is self-illuminated, is indestructible and is ever present night and day. He is indestructible.

Anbhau prakas. Nisdin anas

Awjwn bwhu ] swhwn swhu ]88]

He controls creative forces. He is the King of kings.

Ajan bah(u). Shahan shah(u)

rwjwn rwj ] Bwnwn Bwn ]

God is the King of kings. God is the Sun of suns.

Rajan raj. Bhanan bhan

dyvwn dyv ] aupmw mhwn ]89]

God is above the various gods. His praises are unlimted.

Devan dev. Upma mahan

ieMdRwn ieMdR ] bwlwn bwl ]

He is the King of Indra. He is the highest of the high.

Indran indr. Balan bal

rMkwn rMk ] kwlwn kwl ]90]

He is present with the poorest men. Death works under His Command.

Rankan rank. Kalan kal

AnBUq AMg ] AwBw ABMg ]

God is not made of five elements. Gods Light is perpetual.

Anbhut ang. Abha abhang

giq imiq Apwr ] gun gn audwr ]91]

He cannot be measured. His excellences are countless.

Gat(i) mit(i) apar. Gun gan udar

muin gn pRnwm ] inrBY inkwm ]

Countless yogis bow before God. God is free from fear and desires.

Mun(i) gan pranam. Nirbhai nikam

Aiq duiq pRcMf ] imiq giq AKMf ]92]

None can bear His light. None can minimise the Grandeur of God.

At(i) dut(i) prachand. Mit(i) gat(i) akhand

Awils krm ] AwidRs Drm ]

His works are automatically performed. His Law is most ideal.

Alisya karam. Adrisya dharam

srbw BrxwFX ] AnfMf bwFX ]93]

God is the home of all beauty. None can chastise God.

Sarab bharnadhya. Andand badhya

cwcrI CMd ] q pRswid ]

Chachri Chhand. Tav Prasad

Chachri Chhand. Tav Prasad(i)

goibMdy ] mukMdy ] audwry ] Apwry ]94]

God is the Nourisher of the world. God is the Giver of salvation. God is the biggest Donor. God is limitless.

Gubinde. Mukande. Udare. Apare

hrIAM ] krIAM ] inRnwmy ] Akwmy ]95]

God destroys all. God creates all. God has no particular name. God cannot be lured by any temptation.

Hariang. Kariang. Nriname. Akame

BujMg pRXwq CMd ]

Bhujang Prayat Chhand

Bhujang Prayat Chhand

c`qR c`k krqw ] c`qR c`k hrqw ]

God creates all on all sides of the universe. God destroys all on all sides of the universe.

Chattra chakkra karta. Chattra chakkra harta

c`qR c`k dwny ] c`qR c`k jwny ]96]

God showers his gifts on all sides of the universe. God knows everything in all parts of the world.

Chattra chakkra dane. Chattra chakkra jane

c`qR c`k vrqI ] c`qR c`k BrqI ]

God is present on all sides in the universe. God nurses all living beings on all sides in the universe.

Chattra chakkra varti. Chattra chakkra bharti

c`qR c`k pwly ] c`qR c`k kwly ]97]

God protects all living beings on all sides in the universe. God destroys all on all sides of the universe.

Chattra chakkra pale. Chattra chakkra kale

c`qR c`k pwsy ] c`qR c`k vwsy ]

God resides everywhere on all sides. God is present everywhere on all sides.

Chattra chakkra pase. Chattra chakkra vase

c`qR c`k mwnXY ] c`qR c`k dwnXY ]98]

God is worshipped everywhere. God bestows gifts in the whole universe on all sides.

Chattra chakkra manyai. Chattra chakkra danyai

cwcrI CMd ]
Chachri Chhand

Chachri Chhand

n s`qRY ] n im`qRY ] n BrmM ] n iB`qRY ]99]

God has no enemy. God has no friend. God has no doubt. God is not afraid of anybody.

Na sattrai. Na mittrai. Na bharmang. Na bhittrai

n krmM ] n kwey ] AjnmM ] Ajwey ]100]

God is free from karmas. God has no body. God is not born. God does not reside in any particular place.

Na karmang. Na kae. Ajanmang. Ajae

n ic`qRY ] n im`qRY ] pry hYN ] piv`qRY ]101]

Gods portrait cannot be made. God has no friend. God is detached from all. God is most pure.

Na chittrai. Na mittrai. Pare hain. Pavittrai

ipRQIsY ] AdIsY ] AidRsY ] AiksY ]102]

God is the Master of the universe. God exists from the beginning. God is invisible. God never becomes feeble.

Prithisai. Adisai. Adrisai. Akrisai

BgvqI CMd ] q prRwid kQqy ]

Bhagwati Chhand. Tav Prasad Kathate

Bhagwati Chhand. Tav Prasad(i) Kathate

ik AwiC`j dysY ] ik AwiB`j BysY ]

Gods place is perpetual. Gods form is indestructible.

Ke achhijj desai. Ke abhijj bhesai

ik AwgMj krmY ] ik AwBMj BrmY ]103]

God cannot be obtained by mere rituals. God is free from all doubts.

Ke aganj karmai. Ke abhanj bharmai

ik AwiBj lokY ] ik Awidq sokY ]

Gods place is indivisible and permanent. God can destroy the sun.

Ke abhij lokai. Ke adit sokai

ik AvDUq brnY ] ik ibBUq krnY ]104]

The mammon cannot influence God. God is the source of riches and honours.

Ke avdhut barnai. Ke bibhut karnai

ik rwjM pRBw hYN ] ik DrmM Dujw hYN]

Gods glory gives glory to the rulers. God is the Protector of truth.

Ke rajang prabha hain. Ke dharmang dhuja hain

ik Awsok brnY ] ik srbw ABrnY ]105]

God has no worries. God is Ornament of all.

Ke asok barnai. Ke sarba abharnai

ik jgqM ikqI hYN ] ik CqRM CqRI hYN ]

God is the Creator of the universe. God is the bravest of the brave.

Ke jagtang kriti hain. Ke chhatrang chhatri hain

ik bRhmM srUpY ] ik AnBau AnUpY ]106]

God is the most beautiful and is the biggest of all. God is the Fountain of divine knowledge.

Ke brahamang sarupai. Ke anbhau anupai

ik Awid Adyv hYN ] ik Awip AByv hYN ]

God, Who is above gods, exists from the beginning. God is selfilluminated.

Ke ad(i) adev hain. Ke ap(i) abhev hain

ik ic`qRM ibhInY ] ik eykY ADInY ]107]

None can draw Gods picture. God is the controller of Himself.

Ke chittrang bihinai. Ke ekai adhinai

ik rozI rzwkY ] rhImY irhwkY ]

God gives nourishment to all. God showers pity on all and confers liberation.

Ke rozi razakai. Rahimai rihakai

ik pwk ibAYb hYN ] ik ZYbul ZYb hYN ]108]

God is most pure and blotless. God is invisible.

Ke pak be-aib hain. Ke gaibul gaib hain

ik APvul gunwh hYN ] ik Swhwn Swh hYN ]

God forgives sins. God is the King of kings.

Ke afual gunah hain. Ke shahan shah hain

ik kwrn kuind hYN ] ik rozI idhMd hYN ]109]

God is the doer of all. God gives nourishment to all.

Ke karan kunind hain. Ke rozi dihand hain

ik rwzk rhIm hYN ] ik krmM krIm hYN ]

God nurses all and takes pity. God showers His gifts.

Ke razak rahim hain. Ke karmang karim hain

ik srbM klI hYN ] ik srbM dlI hYN ]110]

God is the owner of all powers. God is the destroyer of all.

Ke sarbang kali hain. Ke sarbang dali hain

ik srb`qR mwinXY ] ik srb`qR dwinXY ]

God is worshipped everywhere. God showers His gifts on all at all places.

Ke sarbattra manayai. Ke sarbattra danayai

ik srb`qR gaunY ] ik srb`qR BaunY ]111]

God reaches all places. God is present in all the worlds.

Ke sarbattra gaunai. Ke sarbattra bhaunai

ik srb`qR dysY ] ik srb`qR BysY ]

God is present at every place in every country. God is manifested in all places in different dresses.

Ke sarbattra desai. Ke sarbattra bhesai

ik srb`qR rwjY ] ik srb`qR swjY ]112]

God is the King of His creation. God gives glory to all.

Ke sarbattra rajai. Ke sarbattra sajai

ik srb`qR dInY ] ik srb`qR lInY ]

God confers gifts on all at all places. God is present everywhere.

Ke sarbattra dinai. Ke sarbattra linai

ik srb`qR jwho ] ik srb`qR Bwho ]113]

Gods glory exists at all places. Gods light spreads everywhere.

Ke sarbattra jaho. Ke sarbattra bhaho

ik srb`qR dysY ] ik srb`qR BysY ]

God exists in the universe. God is present in various dresses in the world.

Ke sarbattra desai. Ke sarbattra bhesai

ik srb`qR kwlY ] ik srb`qR pwlY ]114]

God is the Killer of all at all places. God protects all at all places.

Ke sarbattra kalai. Ke sarbattra palai

ik srb`qR hMqw ] ik srb`qR gMqw ]

God destroys all at all places. God can reach all places.

Ke sarbattra hanta. Ke sarbattra ganta

ik srb`qR ByKI ] ik srb`qR pyKI ]115]

God manifests Himself in different forms throughout. God takes care of all the human beings at all the places.

Ke sarbattra bhekhi. Ke sarbattra pekhi

ik srb`qR kwjY ] ik srb`qR rwjY ]

All works are done everywhere at the instance of God. He is present everywhere as the Supreme King.

Ke sarbattra kajai. Ke sarbattra rajai

ik srb`qR soKY ] ik srb`qR poKY ]116]

He causes destruction everywhere. He nurses all at all places.

Ke sarbattra sokhai. Ke sarbattra pokhai

ik srb`qR qRwxY ] ik srb`qR pRwxY ]

Gods power works at all places. God is the universal life giver.

Ke sarbattra tranai. Ke sarbattra pranai

ik srb`qR dysY ] ik srb`qR BysY ]117]

God is present at every place in every country. God can be seen in various dresses in the world.

Ke sarbattra desai. Ke sarbattra bhesai

ik srb`qR mwinXYN ] sdYvM pRDwinXYN ]

God is worshipped at all places. God is the Supreme Controller of the universe.

Ke sarbattra manayai. Sadaivang pradhanayai

ik srb`qR jwipXY ] ik srb`qR QwipXY ]118]

God is remembered everywhere. God is present everwhere.

Ke sarbattra japayai. Ke sarbattra thapayai

ik srb`qR BwnY ] ik srb`qR mwnY ]

God gives light to the sun. god is worshipped everywhere.

Ke sarbattra bhanai. Ke sarbattra manai

ik srb`qR ieMdRY ] ik srb`qR cMdRY ]119]

God is the King of the universe. God gives light to the moon.

Ke sarbattra indrai. Ke sarbattra chandrai

ik srbM klImY ] ik prmM &hImY ]

God sits within living beings and utters sweet words. God possesses the Supreme Wisdom.

Ke sarbang kalimai. Ke parmang fahimai

ik Awkl AlwmY ] ik swihb klwmY ]120]

God is the Fountain of learning. God is the Creator of languages.

Ke akal alamai. Ke sahib klamai

ik husnl vjU hYN ] qmwmul rujU hYN ]

God is the embodiment of beauty. All look towards God.

Ke husnul vaju hain. Tamamul ruju hain

hmysul slwmYN ] slIKq mudwmYN ]121]

God will exist forever. None can diminish the ever-lasting beauty of Gods creation.

Hamesul slamai. Salikhat mudamai

ZnImul iSksqY ] ZrIbul prsqY ]

God causes the defeat of sinful enemies. God nurses and protects the innocent poor persons.

Ganimul shikastai. Garibul prastai

ibldul mkwnYN ] zmInul zmwnYN ]122]

Gods place is the highest. God is present in the world at all times.

Bilandul makanai. Zaminul zamani

qmIzul qmwmYN ] rujUAl inDwnYN ]

God knows all (about sinners, as well as the virtuous). God takes care of all.

Tamizul tamamai. Rujual nidhanai

hrIPul AjImYN ] rzwiek XkInYN ]123]

God is the biggest friend. God certainly gives food to all.

Hariful azimai. Razaik yakinai

Anykul qrMg hYN ] AByd hYN ABMg hYN ]

The world is like countless waves emanating from God (Who is like biggest ocean). None can know Gods secrets, Who cannot be destroyed.

Anekul trang hain. Abhed hain abhang hain

AzIzul invwz hYN ] ZnImul i^rwj hYN ]124]

God protects the true devotees. God punishes the evil doers.

Azizul nivaz hain. Ganimul khiraj hain

inrukq srUp hYN ] iqRmukiq ibBUq hYN ]

No one can make portrait of God. Whose glory is beyond mammons reach.

Nirukat sarup hain. Trimukat(i) bibhut hain

pRBugiq pRBw hYN ] su jugiq suDw hYN ]125]

All living beings enjoy the Light of God. God is that Supreme Nectar, which is present in the living beings and can be enjoyed by them.

Prabhugat(i) prabha hain. Sujugat(i) sudha hain

sdYvM srUp hYN ] ABydI AnUp hYN ]

God exists perpetually. There is no rival of God.

Sadaivang sarup hain. Abhedi anup hain

smsqo prwj hYN ] sdw srb swj hYN ]126]

God conquers all. God is the Creator of the entire universe.

Samasto paraj hain. Sada sarab saj hain

smsqul slwm hYN ] sdYvl Akwm hYN ]

God is worshipped by all. God never has any desire.

Samastul salam hain. Sadaivul akam hain

inRbwD srUp hYN ] AgwiD hYN AnUp hYN ]127]

None can stand in the way of God. God is very deep and none is equal to Him.

Nribadh sarup hain. Agadh hain anup hain

EAM Awid rUpy ] Anwid srUpY ]

God is the soul of all living beings. God existed since long before creation.

Oang ad(i) rupe. Anad(i) sarupe

AngI Anwmy ] iqRBMgI iqRkwmy ]128]

God has no body and name. God fulfills the wishes of all in the three worlds.

Anangi aname. Tribhangi trikame

iqRbrgM iqRbwDy ] AgMjy AgwDy ]

God is the Treasure and Controller of all the things. God cannot be conquered and is very deep.

Tribargang tribadhe. Aganje agadhe

suBM srb Bwgy ] su srbw Anurwgy ]129]

God in all forms is very beautiful. God loves all.

Subhang sarab bhage. Su sarba anurage

iqRBugq srUp hYN ] AiC`j hYN ACUq hYN ]

Living beings of the three worlds, get joys from God. God never becomes old and cannot be touched.

Tribhugat sarup hain. Achhijj hain achhut hain

ik nrkM pRxws hYN ] ipRQIaul pRvws hYN ]130]

God can destroy the hell. God is present everywhere in the universe.

Ke narkang pranas hain. Prithiul pravas hain

inrukiq pRBw hYN ] sdYvM sdw hYN ]

Gods glory cannot be depicted. God is ever present.

Nirukat(i) prabha hain. Sadaivang sada hain

ibBugiq srUp hYN ] pRjugiq AnUp hYN ]131]

All get joy from God. Limitless God is without parallel and is present in all.

Bibhugat(i) sarup hain. Prajugat(i) anup hain

inrukiq sdw hYN ] ibBugiq pRBw hYN ]

None can describe the form of God. All living beings enjoy the Light of God.

Nirukat(i) sada hain. Bibhugat(i) prabha hain

An aukiq srUp hYN ] pRjugiq AnUp hYN ]132]

Gods form cannot be described. God is united with everyone and is matchless.

An ukat(i) sarup hain. Prajugat(i) anup hain

cwcrI CMd ]
Chachri Chhand

Chachri Chhand

ABMg hYN ] Ang hYN ] AByK hYN ] AlyK hYN ]133]

God is indestructible. He has no limb. He has no dress. He is beyond description.

Abhang hain. Anang hain. Abhekh hain. Alekh hain

ABrm hYN ] Akrm hYN ] Anwid hYN ] jugwid hYN ]134]

He has no doubts. He is beyond rituals. He has no beginning. He existed even before ages began.

Abharm hain. Akarm hain. Anad(i) hain. Jugad(i) hain

AjY hYN ] AbY hYN ] ABUq hYN ] ADUq hYN ]135]

He cannot be conquered. He cannot be destroyed. He is separate from five elements. He is unshakable and is not afraid of anybody.

Ajai hain. Abai hain. Abhut hain. Adhut hain

Anws hYN ] audws hYN ] ADMD hYN ] AbMD hYN ]136]

He is perpetual. He is not entangled in love for anybody. He is not involved in any entanglements. He is beyond all restraints.

Anas hain. Udas hain. Adhandh hain. Abandh hain

ABgq hYN ] ibrkq hYN ] Anws hYN ] pRkws hYN ]137]

He is indifferent to love and cannot be divided. He has no attachment for material things. He is beyond death. He is the supreme light.

Abhagat hain. Birakat hain. Anas hain. Prakas hain

inicMq hYN ] suinq hYN ] Ail`K hYN ] Aid`K hYN ]138]

He is carefree. He ever continues to exist. He cannot be depicted. He is invisible.

Nichint hain. Sunint hain. Alikkh hain. Adikkh hain

AlyK hYN ] AByK hYN ] AFwh hYN ] Agwh hYN ]139]

None can make His portrait. He has no custumes. He cannot be conquered. He is most deep.

Alekh hain. Abhekh hain. Adhah hain. Agah hain

AsMB hYN ] AgMB hYN ] AnIl hYN ] Anwid hYN ]140]

He is incomprehensible. He is beyond reach. He has no colour. His origin is unknown.

Asanbh hain. Aganbh hain. Anil hain. Anad(i) hain

Ain`q hYN ] suin`q hYN ] Ajwq hYN ] Ajwd hYN ]141]

He is unique and extraordinary. He has been existing for ever. He is beyond births. He is fully free.

Anitt hain. Sunitt hain. Ajat hain. Ajad hain

crpt CMd ] q pRswid ]

Charpat Chhand. Tav Prasad

Charpat Chhand. Tav Prasad(i)

srbM hMqw ] srbM gMqw ]

God can kill all. He can reach all.

Sarbang hanta. Sarbang ganta

srbM iKAwqw ] srbM igAwqw ]142]

He is well known to all. He knows all.

Sarbang khiata. Sarbang giata

srbM hrqw ] srbM krqw ]

He destroys all. He creates all.

Sarbang harta. Sarbang karta

srbM pRwxM ] srbM qRwxM ]143]

He is the Giver of life to all. He gives power to all.

Sarbang pranang. Sarbang tranang

srbM krmM ] srbM DrmM ]

He causes all things to be done. He gives virtues to all.

Sarbang karmang. Sarbang dharmang

srbM jugqw ] srbM mukqw ]144]

He is present in all. (At the same time) He is separate from all.

Sarbang jugta. Sarbang mukta

rswvl CMd ] q pRswid ]

Rasaval Chhand. Tav Prasad

Rasaval Chhand. Tav Prasad(i)

nmo nrk nwsy ] sdYvM pRkwsy ]

I bow to God, Who gives liberation from hell. His light is perpetual.

Namo naral nase. Sadaivang prakase

AngM srUpy ] ABMgM ibBUqy ]145]

He has got no limbs, bodily form. His light never fades.

Anangang sarupe. Abhangang bibhute

pRmwQM pRmwQy ] sdw srb swQy ]

He destroys those, who cause pain to others. He accompanies all.

Pramathang pramathe. Sada sarab sathe

AgwD srUpy ] inRbwD ibBUqy ]146]

He is boundless. No one can stop His light.

Agadh sarupe. Nribadh bibhute

AngI Anwmy ] iqRBMgI iqRkwmy ]

God has no body and no special name.

Anangi aname. Tribhangi trikame

inRBMgI srUpy ] srbMgI AnUpy ]147]

He cannot be destroyed. There is none like Him.

Nribhangi sarupe. Sarbangi anupe

n poqRY n pu`qRY ] n s`qRY n imqRY ]

He has no son or grandson. He has neither any enemy nor friend.

Na potrai na puttrai. Na sattrai na mittrai

n qwqY n mwqY ] n jwqY n pwqY ]148]

He has neither father nor mother. He has neither any caste nor any dynasty.

Na tatai na matai. Na sattrai na mittrai

inRswkM srIk hYN ] Aimqo AmIk hYN ]

He has no relatives or collateral. He and His depth cannot be measured.

Nrisakang sarik hain. Amito amik hain

sdYvM pRBw hYN ] AjY hYN Ajw hYN ]149]

His light is continuous. He cannot be defeated and is beyond birth.

Sadaivang prabha hain. Ajai hain aja hain

BgvqI CMd ] q pRswid ]

Bhagvati Chhand. Tav Prasad

Bhagvati Chhand. Tav Prasad(i)

ik zwhr zhUr hYN ] ik hwzr jzUr hYN ]

His light is visible. He is present everywhere.

Ke zahar zahur hain. Ke hazar hazur hain

hmysul slwm hYN ] smsqul klwm hYN ]150]

He is perpetual. Everyone sings His virtues.

Hamesul salam hain. Samastul kalam hain

ik swihb idmwZ hYN ] ik husnl crwZ hYN ]

He is most intelligent. He is the Fountain of all beauty and light.

Ke sahib dimag hain. Ke husnul charag hain

ik kwml krIm hYN ] ik rwzk rhIm hYN ]151]

He is most merciful to all. He takes pity and gives sustenance to all.

Ke kamal karim hain. Ke razak rahim hain

ik rozI idihMd hYN ] ik rwzk rihMd hYN ]

He gives food to all. He can confer salvation.

Ke rozi dihind hain. Ke razak rahind hain

krImul kmwl hYN ] ik husnl jmwl hYN ]152]

He is most bountiful. He is most beautiful.

Karimul kamal hain. Ke husnul jamal hain

ZnImul i^rwj hYN ] ZrIbul invwz hYN ]

He overpowers enemies. He is the cherisher of the poor.

Ganimul khiraj hain. Garibul nivaz hain

hrI&ul iSkMn hYN ] ihrwsul iPkMn hYN ]153]

He destroys enemies. He destroys fear.

Hariful shikann hain. Hirasul fikarin hain

klkM pRxws hYN ] smsqul invws hYN ]

He removes curses. He lives in all.

Kalankang pranas hain. Samastul nivas hain

AgMjul gnIm hYN ] rzwiek rhIm hYN ]154]

Enemy cannot win Him. He gives sustenance and shows pity.

Aganjul ganim hain. Razaik rahim hain

smsqul jubW hYN ] ik swihb ikrW hYN ]

God is the tongue of all (speaks within all). He is most grand.

Samastul zuban hain. Ke sahib kiran hain

ik nrkM pRxws hYN ] bihsqul invws hYN ]155]

He can destroy hells. He resides in heavens.

Ke narkang pranas hain. Bahishtul nivas hain

ik srbul gvMn hYN ] hmysul rvMn hYN ]

He reaches all. He is the source of all pleasures.

Ke sarbul gavann hain. Hamesul ravann hain

qmwmul qmIz hYN ] smsqul AzIz hYN ]156]

He keeps all in view. All love Him.

Tamamul tamiz hain. Samastul aziz hain

prM prm eIs hYN ] smsqul AdIs hYN ]

He is the Lord of lords. He is the Lord of all at all time.

Parang param is hain. Samastul adis hain

Adysul AlyK hYN ] hmysul AByK hYN ]157]

He has no particular residence and none can make His portrait. He has got no particular dress.

Adesul alekh hain. Hamesul abhekh hain

zmInul zmw hYN ] AmIkul iemw hYN ]

He is present on earth and heaven. Gods mystery (religion) is deep.

Zaminul zaman hain. Amikul iman hain

krImul kmwl hYN ] ik jurAiq jmwl hYN ]158]

His bounties are wonderful. He is the embodiment of beauty and boldness.

Karimul kamal hain. Ke jur-at(i) jamal hain

ik Acl pRkws hYN ] ik Aimqo subws hYN ]

His light is perpetual. His smell is most pleasant.

Ke achlang prakas hain. Ke amito subas hain

ik Ajb srUp hYN ] ik Aimqo ibBUq hYN ]159]

His beauty is wonderful. His grandeur is beyond measures.

Ke ajab sarup hain. Ke amito bibhut hain

ik Aimqo psw hYN ] ik Awqm pRBw hYN ]

He spreads everywhere. He is the Light of all lights.

Ke amito pasa hain. Ke atam prabha hain

ik Acl Ang hYN ] ik Aimqo ABMg hYN ]160]

He is ever steady and has got no body. He is boundless and imperishable.

Ke achlang anang hain. Ke amito abhang hain

mDuBwr CMd ] q pRswid ]

Madhubhar Chhand. Tav Prasad

Madhubhar Chhand. Tav Prasad(i)

muin min pRnwm ] guin gn mudwm ]

Holy saints bow before God with devotion. He is the Treasure of limitless virtues.

Mun(i) man(i) pranam. Gun(i) gan mudam

Air br AgMj ] hir nr pRBMj ]161]

Enemy howsoever strong, cannot win Him. He is the lord of all men and can destroy all.

Ar(i) bar(i) aganj. Har(i) nar prabhanj

An gn pRnwm ] muin min slwm ]

Countless living beings salute God. Saints worship Him in their minds.

An gan pranam. Mun(i) man(i) salam

hir nr AKMf ] br nr AmMf ]162]

God is the Emperor of mortals. God is complete in all respects.

Har(i) nar akhand. Bar nar amand

AnBv Anws ] muin min pRkws ]

Indestructible God is the Fountain of self created knowledge. Gods Light shines within the saints.

Anbhav anas. Mun(i) man(i) prakas

guin gn pRnwm ] jl Ql mudwm ]163]

Salutations to God, Who has countless virtues. Salutations to God, Who is ever present in water and on land.

Gun(i) gan pranam. Jal thal mudam

AniC`j AMg ] Awsn ABMg ]

God never becomes old. Gods seat is perpetual.

Anchhijj ang. Asan abhang

aupmw Apwr ] giq imiq audwr ]164]

None is equal to God. None can describe the greatness of God.

Upma apar. Gat(i) mit(i) udar

jl Ql AmMf ] ids ivs ABMf ]

God, the most beautiful, is present in waters and on lands. God is present in every nook and corner, free from slander.

Jal thal amand. Dis vis abhand

jl Ql mhMq ] ids ivs ibAMq ]165]

God is Supreme on lands and seas. God is present in countless forms on all sides.

Jal thal mahant. Dis vis beant

AnBv Anws ] iDRq Dr Durws ]

Indestructible God is the Fountain of self created knowledge. God is lord of all on the earth.

Anbhav anas. Dhrit dhar dhuras

Awjwn bwhu ] eykY sdwhu ]166]

God is the only controller of means of creation. God is ever only One.

Ajan bah(u). Ekai sadah(u)

EAMkwr Awid ] kQnI Anwid ]

God is present without change everywhere. None can know Gods origin through discourses.

Onkar ad(i). Kathni anad(i)

Kl KMf iKAwl ] gurbr Akwl ]167]

God destroys mean enemies in an instant. God is most powerful and immortal.

Khal khand khial. Gurbar akal

Gr Gir pRnwm ] icq crn nwm ]

God is respected in every house. Gods holy feet and name reside within every heart.

Ghar(i) ghar(i) pranam. Chit charan nam

AniC`j gwq ] Awijj n bwq ]168]

Gods body never becomes old. God does not depend on anybody for anything.

Anchhijj gat. Ajij na bat

AnJMJ gwq ] AnrMj bwq ]

God is ever steady. Gods acts are free from anger.

Anjhanjh gat Anranj bat

Antut BMfwr ] AnTt Apwr ]169]

Gods stores are inexhaustible. Limitless God has not been created by anybody.

Antut bhandar. Anthat apar

AwfIT Drm ] Aiq FIT krm ]

Working of Gods Laws cannot be perceived. Gods works are performed fearlessly.

Adith dharam. At(i) dhith karam

AxbRx Anq ] dwqw mhMq ]170]

None can injure limitless God. God is the biggest Donor.

Anbran anant. Data mahant

hirbolmnw CMd ] q pRswid ]

Harbolmana Chhand. Tav Prasad.

Har(i)-Bol-Mana Chhand. Tav Prasad(i)

kruxwlX hYN ] Air GwlX hYN ]

God is the Home of mercy. God is the destroyer of enemies.

Karunalya hain. Ar(i) ghalya hain

Kl KMfn hYN ] mih mMfn hYN ]171]

God is the Killer of evil doers. God gives beauty to earth.

Khal khandan hain. Maih mandan hain

jgqysr hYN ] prmysr hYN ]

God is the Owner of the universe. God is the Supreme Master of all.

Jagtesvar hain. Parmesvar hain

kil kwrx hYN ] srb aubwrx hYN ]172]

Wars start at the command of God. God saves all.

Kal(i) karan hain. Sarab ubaran hain

iDRq ky Drx hYN ] jg ky krx hYN ]

God is the Support of earth. God is the Maker of universe.

Dhrit ke dhran hain. Jag ke kran hain

mn mwinX hYN ] jg jwinX hYN ]173]

All worship God in their hearts. All try to know God.

Man maniya hain. Jag janiya hain

srbM Br hYN ] srbM kr hYN ]

God nourishes all. God creates all.

Sarbang bhar hain. Sarbang kar hain

srb pwisX hYN ] srb nwisX hYN ]174]

God is close to all. God destroys all.

Sarab pasiya hain. Sarab nasiya hain

kruxwkr hYN ] ibsMBr hYN ]

God is the Fountain of pity. God nurses the world.

Karunakar hain. Bisvanbhar hain

srbysr hYN ] jgqysr hYN ]175]

God is the Master of all. God is the Owner of the universe.

Sarbesvar hain. Jagtesvar hain

bRhmMfs hYN ] Kl KMfs hYN ]

God is the Lord of the universe. God is the Destroyer of enemies.

Brahmandas hain. Khal khandas hain

pr qy pr hYN ] kruxwkr hYN ]176]

God is the biggest of all. God is the Fountain of pity.

Par te par hain. Karunakar hain

Ajpw jp hYN ] AQpw Qp hYN ]

God cannot be controlled by charms. God cannot be installed as object of worship in temples.

Ajapa jap hain. Athapa thap hain

Aikqw ikq hYN ] AimRqw imRq hYN ]177]

Gods statue cannot be made. God is ever immortal and is the Fountain of Nectar.

Akrita krit hain. Amrita mrit hain

AMimRqw imRq hYN ] krxw ikq hYN ]

God is ever immortal and is the Fountain of Nectar. God is the Fountain of mercy.

Amrita mrit hain. Karuna krit hain

Aikqw ikq hYN ] DrxI iDRq hYN ]178]

Gods image cannot be made. God is the Supporter of earth.

Akrita krit hain. Dharni dhrit hain

AimRqysr hYN ] prmysr hYN ]

God is the Owner of Nectar. God is the biggest Lord of all.

Amitesvar hain. Parmesvar hain

Aikqw ikq hYN ] AimRqw imRq hYN ]179]

Gods image cannot be made. God is ever immortal and is the Fountain of Nectar.

Akrita krit hain. Amrita mrit hain

Ajbw ikq hYN ] AimRqw imRq hYN ]

Gods form is wonderful. God is ever Immortal and is the Fountain of Nectar.

Ajba krit hain. Amrita mrit hain

nr nwiek hYN ] Kl Gwiek hYN ]180]

God is the Master of men. God is the Destroyer of enemies.

Nar naik hain. Khal ghaik hain

ibsMBr hYN ] kruxwlX hYN ]

God nurses the world. God is the Home of mercy.

Bisvanbhar hain. Karunalya hain

inRp nwiek hYN ] srb pwiek hYN ]181]

God is the Master of kings. God is the Protector of all.

Nrip nail hain. Sarab paik hain

Bv BMjn hYN ] Air gMjn hYN ]

God destroys the fetters of transmigration. God conquers enemies.

Bhav bhanjan hain. Ar(i) ganjan hain

irpu qwpn hYN ] jpu jwpn hYN ]182]

God teaches lesson to enemies. God makes others to repeat His name.

Rip(u) tapan hain. Jap(u) japan hain

Akl ikq hYN ] srbw ikq hYN ]

God is free from blemishes. God is complete in every respect.

Aklang krit hain. Sarba krit hain

krqw kr hYN ] hrqw hir hYN ]183]

God is the Creator of Brahma. God is the Destroyer of Shiva.

Karta kar hain. Harta har(i) hain

prmwqm hYN ] srb Awqm hYN ]

God is the Primal Soul. All souls originate from Gods Soul.

Parmatam hain. Sarb atam hain

Awqm bs hYN ] js ky js hYN ]184]

God is the Controller of Himself. Gods glory surpasses all glories.

Atam bas hain. Jas ke jas hain

BujMg pRXwq CMd ]

Bhujang Prayat Chhand

Bhujang Prayat Chhand

nmo sUrj sUrjy nmo cMdR cMdRy ]

Salutations to God, Who gives Light to the sun and moon.

Namo suraj surje, namo chandr chandre

nmo rwj rwjy nmo ieMdR ieMdRy ]

Salutations to God, Who is the King of Indra.

Namo raj raje, namo indr indre

nmo AMDkwry nmo qyj qyjy ]

Salutations to God, Who creates pitch darkness and also most brilliant light.

Namo andhkare, namo tej teje

nmo ibMRd ibMRdy nmo bIj bIjy ]185]

Salutations to God, Who is the biggest of all the groups of living beings and Who is the most subtile.

Namo brind brinde, namo bij bije

nmo rwjsM qwmsM sWq rUpy ]

Salutations to God, Who has created the quality, called Rajo Gun (from which worldly love and pride originate); the quality, called Tamo Gun (from which the darkness of mind originates) and the quality, called the Sato Gun (from which peace originates).

Namo rajsang tamsang sat rupe

nmo prm q`qM Aq`qM srUpy ]

Salutations to God, Who is the Primal Soul and is above the five elements.

Namo param tattang atattang sarupe

nmo jog jogy nmo igAwn igAwny ]

Salutations to God, Who is the Fountain of all yogis and knowledge.

Namo jog joge, namo gian giane

nmo mMqR mMqRy nmo iDAwn iDAwny ]186]

Salutations to God, Who is the biggest charm and magic and Whose meditation is the highest form of meditation.

Namo mantr mantre, namo dhian dhiane

nmo juD juDy nmo igAwn igAwny ]

Salutations to God, Who conquers enemies in war and Who is the Fountain of highest knowledge.

Namo judh judhe, namo gian giane

nmo Boj Bojy nmo pwn pwny ]

Salutations to God, Who infuses energy in food and drinking water, for preserving bodies.

Namo bhoj bhoje, namo pan pane

nmo klh krqw nmo sWq rUpy ]

Salutations to God, under Whose command, disputes arise and then He brings peace.

Namo kalah karta, namo sant rupe

nmo ieMdR ieMdRy AnwdM ibBUqy ]187]

Salutations to God, Who is the King of gods and source of whose grandeur is unknown.

Namo indr indre, anadang bibhute

klkwr rUpy Alkwr Alky ]

Salutations to God, Who is flawless and Who gives beauty to beautiful things.

Kalankar rupe, alankar alanke

nmo Aws Awsy nmo bWk bMky ]

Salutations to God, the fulfiller of hopes, Who is most beautiful.

Namo as ase, namo bank banke

ABMgI srUpy AngI Anwmy ]

God has no body, is indestructible and His names are many.

Abhangi sarupe, anangi aname

iqRBMgI iqRkwly AngI Akwmy ]188]

God can destroy the sky, the earth and the nether worlds, His existence is perpetual and He is without body or desires.

Tribhangi trikale, anangi akame

eyk ACrI CMd ]

Ek Achhari Chhand

Ek Achhari Chhand

AjY ] AlY ] ABY ] AbY ]189]

God is Invincible. God is Indestructible. God is Fearless. God is Immortal.

Ajai. Alai. Abhai. Abai

ABU ] AjU ] Anws ] Akws ]190]

God was never born. God is Perpetual. God is Indestructible. God pervades everywhere.

Abhu. Aju. Anas. Akas

AgMj ] ABMj ] Al`K ] AB`K ]191]

God is Invincible. God is Impartible. God cannot be seen. God has no hunger wants.

Aganj. Abhanj. Alakkh. Abhakkh

Akwl ] idAwl ] AlyK ] AByK ]192]

God is Immortal. God is the Home of mercy. Gods portrait cannot be drawn. God has no dress.

Akal. Dial. Alekh. Abhekh

Anwm ] Akwm ] Agwh ] AFwh ]193]

God has no particular name. God has no desires. God is Unfathomable. God cannot be damaged.

Anam. Akam. Agah. Adhah

AnwQy ] pRmwQy ] AjonI ] AmonI ]194]

God has no master. God can destroy all. God is free from births and deaths. God does not observe silence.

Anathe. Pramathe. Ajoni. Amoni

n rwgy ] n rMgy ] n rUpy ] n ryKy ]195]

God is above love. God has no colour. God has no form. God has no quoit.

Na rage. Na range. Na rupe. Na rekhe

AkrmM ] ABrmM ] AgMjy ] AlyKy ]196]

God is above bad or good deeds. God is free from doubts. God cannot be conquered. None can draw picture of God.

Akarmang. Abharmang. Aganje. Alekhe

BujMg pRXwq CMd ]

Bhujang Prayat Chhand

Bhujang Prayat Chhand

nmsqul pRxwmy smsqul pRxwsy ]

Salutations to Respected God, Who is the Destroyer of all.

Namastul praname, samastul pranase

AgMjul Anwmy smsqul invwsy ]

Salutations to God, Who is Invincible, Who has no particular name and Who lives in all living beings.

Aganjul aname, samastul nivase

inRkwmM ibBUqy smsqul srUpy ]

Salutations to God, Whose grandeur is unaffected by any desire and Whose form can be seen in all living beings.

Nrikamang bibhute, samastul sarupe

kukrmM pRxwsI suDrmM ibBUqy ]197]

God is the Destroyer of sins and His works are regulated according to His Laws.

Kukarmang pranasi, sudharmang bibhute

sdw s`icdwnd s`qRM pRxwsI ]

God is the living source of knowledge and joy and kills the foes.

Sada sacch(i)da-nand sattrang pranasi

krImul kuindw smsqul invwsI ]

God bestows favours, creates and resides in all.

Karimul kuninda, samastul nivasi

Ajwieb ibBUqy gjwieb gnImy ]

Gods grandeur is wonderful and He can cause havoc on foes.

Ajaib bibhute gajaib ganime

hrIAM krIAM krImul rhImy ]198]

God can destroy and create and can confer gifts and pity on all.

Hariang kariang karimul rahime

c`qR c`k vrqI c`qR c`k Bugqy ]

God is present on all sides and by His Order controls all the world.

Chattr chakkr varti, chattr chakkr bhugte

suXMBv suBM srbdw srb jugqy ]

Gods Light is automatic, He is beautiful and is ever present in all living beings.

Suyanbhav subhang sarab-da sarab jugte

dukwl pRxwsI idAwl srUpy ]

God destroys the pains of births and deaths and is the embodiment of mercy.

Dukalang pranasi dialang sarupe

sdw AMg sMgy ABMgM ibBUqy ]199]

God is present with all and His grandeur will never vanish.

Sada ang sange abhangang bibhute

q pRswid sv`Xy
Tav Prasad Savaiye

Tav Prasad(i) Savaiye

<> siqgur pRswid ]

God is one, He is realised with the grace of the true Guru.

Ik onkar sat(i)gur prasad(i).

pwiqSwhI 10] q pRswid sv`Xy

The Tenth Satguru. Tav Prasad Savaiye

Patsahi 10 (Dasvin). Tav Prasad(i) Savaiye

sRwvg su`D smUh isDwn ky dyiK iPirE Gr jog jqI ky ]

I have seen many abodes, where groups of Sarogis (sect of Jains), Sudhs, Sidhs (possess occult powers), Yogis and Jains reside.
Sarvag suddh samuth sidhan ke, dekh(i) phirio ghar jog jati ke.

sUr surwrdn su`D suDwidk sMq smUh Anyk mqI ky ]

(I have also seen) various groups of the brave men and demons, gods who drink nectar and other saints, belonging to various sects.
Sur surardan suddh sudhadik, sant samuh anek mati ke.

swry hI dys ko dyiK rihE mq koaU n dyKIAq pRwnpqI ky ]

I have noticed (religions of) different countries, but none seems to be (the religion) of (preaching worship of) the Creator (by which the soul becomes His slave).
Sare hi des ko dekh(i) rahio mat, kou na dekhiat Pranpati ke.

sRI Bgvwn kI Bwie ikpw hU qy eyk rqI ibnu eyk rqI ky ]1]
All these are worthless, if these men do not earn the kind Glance and Love of God and faith in Him.

Sri Bhagvan ki bhae kripa hu te, ek rati bin(u) ek rati ke.

mwqy mqMg jry jr sMg AnUp auqMg surMg svwry ]

(If some emperors possess) tall incomparable elephants painted in bright colours, adorned with golden trapping.
Mate matang jare jar sang, anup utang surang savare.

kot qurMg kurMg sy kUdq paun ky gaun ko jwq invwry ]

(If they were to own) millions of horses, capable of fleeting at a speed greater than that of wind and bounding like deer;
Kot(i) turang kurang se kudat, paun ke gaun kau jat nivare;

BwrI Bujwn ky BUp BlI ibiD inAwvq sIs n jwq ibcwry ]

If countless kings, having large and strong arms (big power) (were to visit such emperors) and were to stoop low and bow (before them);
Bhari bhujan ke bhup bhali bidh(i) niavat sis na jat bichare;

eyqy Bey qu khw Bey BUpiq AMq kO nWgy hI pWie pDwry ]2]
What matters if such like powerful emperors exist (or existed)? Because they depart bare-footed in the end (to the next world).
Ete bhae tu kaha bhae bhupat(i), ant kau nange hi pane.

jIq iPrY sB dys idswn ko bwjq Fol imRdMg ngwry ]

If (such emperors) were to march and conquer all the countries beating all kinds of drums;

Jit phirai sabh des disan ko, bajat dhol mridang nagare.

guMjq gUV gjwn ky suMdr ihMsq hI hXrwj hjwry ]

If (in their stables) herds of (many) beautiful elephants were to trumpet loudly and if thousands of horses of royal breed were to neigh (there);
Gunjat gur gajan ke sundar, hinsat hain hayraj jajare.

BUq Biv`K Bvwn ky BUpq kaun gnY nhIN jwq ibcwry ]

Although (such like) emperors whether past, present or future, cannot be counted by anyone;

Bhut bhavikkh bhavan ke bhupat(i), kaun(u) ganai nahin jat bichare;

sRI piq sRI Bgvwn Bjy ibnu AMq kau AMq ky Dwm isDwry ]3]
(Yet) without worshipping the Name of God; they must go to their final home (of death) empty handed.

Sri pat(i) Sri Bhagwan bhaje bin(u), ant kau ke dham sidhare.

qIrQ nwn dieAw dm dwn su sMjm nym Anyk ibsyKY ]

(Men) may take baths at places of pilgrimage, exercise acts of mercy, control their passions, perform acts of charity, practise continence and perform many more special rituals;
Tirath nan daya dam dan, su sanjam nem anek bisekhe.

byd purwn kqyb kurwn zmIn zmwn sbwn ky pyKY ]

(Men) may study the Vedas, the Purans, the Holy Quran and other books of the religions of all times, countries and places;
Bed Puran Kateb Kuran Jamin Jaman saban ke pekhe.

paun Ahwr jqI jq Dwr sbY su ibcwr hjwr k dyKY ]

(Men) may live only on the air and practise continence and thousands of such other rituals and ceremonies;
Paun ahar jati jat dhar, sabai su bichar hajar-k dekhe.

sRI Bgvwn Bjy ibnu BUpiq eyk rqI ibnu eyk n lyKY ]4]
Even then all (these) methods are worthless and of no account, without the meditation upon and Love for God.
Sri Bhagwan bhaje bin(u) bhupat(i), ek rati bin(u) ek na lekhe.

su`D ispwh durMq dubwh su swij snwh durjwn dlYNgy ]

(If there were) fully trained, powerful and unconquerable soldiers, wearing coats of mail and capable of crushing the enemies;
Suddh sipah durant dubah, su saj(i) sanah durjan dalainge.

BwrI gumwn Bry mn mYN kr prbq pMK hly n hlYNgy ]

If they possess ego in their minds that (they would never leave the battle-field) although it might be possible for the mountains to leave their site after procuring wings;
Bhari guman bhare man main, kar parbat pankh hale na halainge.

qoir ArIn mroir mvwsn mwqy mqMgin mwn mlYNgy ]

(If they could) break into pieces the revolting enemies and twist their necks and smash the pride of even the furious elephants;
Tor(i) arin maror(i) mavasan, mate matangan man malainge.

sRI piq sRI Bgvwn ikpw ibnu iqAwig jhwn indwn clYNgy ]5]
(Yet) without receiving the kind Glance of God, (such warriors) will leave this world in the end (empty handed).
Sri pat(i) sri Bhagwan kirpa bin(u), tiag(i) jahan(u) nidan chalainge.

bIr Apwr bfy birAwr Aibcwrih swr kI Dwr BC`Xw ]

(If there were) countless brave soldiers, capable of facing the edge of the sword without hesitation;

Bir apar bade bariar, abichareh sar ki dhar bhachayya.

qorq dys mild mvwsn mwqy gjwn ky mwn ml`Xw ]

(If there were) to conquer many countries and subjugate the rebels and crush the furious elephants;

Torat des malind mavasan, mate gajan ke man malayya.

gwVHy gVHwn ky qoVnhwr su bwqn hIN ck cwr lv`Xw ]

(If they could) capture powerful forts and win the whole world simply by giving threats;

Garhe garhan ke toran-har, su batan hi chak char lavayya.

swihbu sRI sB ko isrnwiek jwck Anyk su eyk idv`Xw ]6]

(Yet all this is useless); God alone is the Giver and the Commander of all, (who stand at Gods Door as beggars).
Sahib(u) sri sabh ko sir-naik, jachak anek su ek divayya.

dwnv dyv Pind inswcr BUq Biv`K Bvwn jpYNgy ]

Demons, gods, king cobra and sprities have been repeating (Gods Name) in the past, repeat now and would be repeating in the future.
Danav dev phanind nisachar bhut bhavikkh bhavan japainge.

jIv ijqy jl mY Ql mY pl hI pl mY sB Qwp QpYNgy ]

God can create in a moment all living beings on the land and in the water.

Jiv jite jal mai thal mai, pal hi pal mai sabh thap thapainge.

puMn pRqwpn bwF jYq Dun pwpn ky bhu puMj KpYNgy ]

They earn congratulations, loud praises and glories as the result of their noble and virtuous deeds, which will destroy heaps of (their past) sinful deeds.
Punn pratapan badh jait dhun, papan ke bahu punj khapainge.

swD smUh pRsMn iPrY jg sqR sBY Avlok cpYNgy ]7]

All noble saints, who worship God, wander with joy in this world; while their enemies and sinners are cowed down on seeing them.
Sadh samuh prasann phirai jag, sattr sabhai avlok chapainge.

mwnv ieMdR gijMdR nrwDp jOn iqRlok ko rwj krYNgy ]

Men, who own powerful elephants, become emperors and rule over the worlds.

Manav Indr Gajindr naradhap, jaun trilok ko raj karainge.

koit iesnwn gjwidk dwn Anyk suAMbr swj brYNgy ]

Men, who perform countless ablutions and give in charity elephants and other animals and wed brides at (marriage functions called) Savambars.
Kot(i) snan gajadik dan, anek suanbar saj barainge.

bRhm mhysr ibsn scIpiq AMq Psy jm Pws prYNgy ]

Not to say of (all such persons) even Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu and Indra have to hang by the noose of death.
Brahm Mahesar Bisan Sachipat(i), ant phase jam phas parainge.

jy nr sRI piq ky pRs hYN pg qy nr Pyr n dyh DrYNgy ]8]

But only those, who fall at the Feet of God (worship Him), will not pass through the cycles of deaths and births.
Je nar Sri pat(i) ke pras hain pag, te nar pher na deh dharainge.

khw BXo jo doaU locn mUMd kY bYiT rohE bk iDAwn lgwieE ]

What is the use of ones sitting with eyes closed, feigning to meditate like a crane?

Kaha bhayo jo dou lochan mund kai, baith(i) rahio bak dhian lagaeo.

nHwq iPirE lIey swq smudRin lok gXo prlok gvwieE ]

They who even take baths in seven seas (at all places of pilgrimage), lose this world as well as the next one (without Gods worship).
Nhat phirio lie sat samundran, lok gayo parlok gavaio.

bws kIE ibiKAwn so bYT kY AYsy hI AYsy su bYs ibqwieE ]

They who spend lives in doing evil deeds, waste their lives in vain.

Bas kio bikhian so baith kai, aise hi aise su bais bitaio.

swcu khoN sun lyhu sBY ijn pRym kIE iqn hI pRB pwieE ]9]
I speak truly and all should listen that they, who love God alone, will realise Him.

Sach(u) kahon sun leh(u) sabhai, jin prem kio tin hi Prabh paio.

kwhU lY pwhn pUj drXo isr kwhU lY ilg gry ltkwieE ]

Some worship stones or put them on their heads and some suspend lingams (small stone idols) from their necks.
Kahun lai pahan puj dhario sir, kahun lai ling gare latkaio.

kwhU liKE hir AvwcI idsw mih kwhU pCwh ko sIsu invwieE ]
Some claim to see God in the south and some bow their heads towards the west.

Kahun lakhio har(i) avachi disa mah(i), kahun pachhah ko sis(u) nivaio.

koaU buqwn ko pUjq hY psu koaU imRqwn ko pUjn DwieE ]

Some fools worship idols or proceed to worship the dead.

Kou butan ko pujat hai pas(u), kou mritan ko pujan dhaio.

kUr ikAw auriJE sB hI jg sRI Bgvwn ko Bydu n pwieE ]10]

The whole world, being in the grip of false ceremonies, has not known Gods secrets.

Kur kriya urjhio sabh hi jag, Sri Bhagwan ko bhed(u) na paio.

< sRI vwihgurU jI kI Pqh]

God is one. All victory is the victory of God

Ik onkar Shri Vaheguru ji ki Fateh.

pw kibXobwc bynqI cOpeI ]

Patshahi 10 Kabyo Bach Benti Chaupai:

Patshahi 10 Kabyo Bach Benti Chaupai

(O God!) give me Your Hand and protect me.

hmrI kro hwQ dY r`Cw ]

pUrn hoie icq kI ie`Cw ]

Kindly fulfill all (my) minds desires.
Hamri karo hath dai rachha. Puran hoe chit ki ichha.

May my mind remain ever attached to Your feet.

qv crnn mn rhY hmwrw ]

Apnw jwn kro pRiqpwrw ]]

Treat me as Your own and cherish me.
Tav charnan man rahai hamara. Apna jan karo pratipara

Destroy all my enemies.

hmry dust sBY qum Gwvhu ]

Awpu hwQ dY moih bcwvhu ]

Give me Your Hand and save me.
Hamre dust sabhai tum ghavoh. Ap(u) hath dai mohe bachavoh

May my family-members live in peace.

suKI bsY moro pirvwrw ]

syvk is`K sBY krqwrw ]]

May my servants and sikhs live in peace. O God.
Sukhi basai moro parivara. Sevak sikkh sabhai Kartara

Give me Your Hand and protect me.

mo r`Cw inj kr dY kirXY ]

sB bYrn ko Awj sMGirXY ]

Destroy all my enemies today.
Mo rachha nij kar dai kariyai. Sabh bairan ko aj sanghriyai.

May my (this) hope be fulfilled, (that)

pUrn hoie hmwrI Awsw ]

qor Bjn kI rhY ipAwsw ]]

The thirst for repeating Your Name continues to exist
Puran hoe hamari asa. Tor bhajan ki rahai piasa.

May I not forsake You and may I not meditate on anyone else except You.

qumih Cwif koeI Avru n iDXwaUN ]

jo br choN su qum qy pwaUN ]

May I obtain You, whatever gifts I want
Tumeh chhad(i) koi avar na dhiyaun. Jo bar chahon so tum te paun

Kindly make my servants as well as my disciples to swim (the world ocean).

syvk is`K hmwry qwrIAih ]

cuin cuin sqR hmwry mwrIAih ]]

Kindly kill my enemies after singling them out.
Sevak sikkh hamare tariah. Chun(i) chun(i) satr hamare mariah(i)

Kindly give me Your Hand and save me.

Awp hwQ dY muJY aubirXY ]

mrn kwl kw qRws invirXY ]

Kindly destroy from within myself the fear of the time of death
Ap hath dai mujhai ubariyai. Maran kal ka tras nivariyai

May You ever remain on my side.

hUjo sdw hmwry p`Cw ]

sRI AisDuj jU kirXhu r`Cw ]]

O God, there is Sword on your Banner, protect me.
Hujo sada hamare pachha. Sri asidhuj ju kariyoh rachha.

O Great Preserver, preserve me.

rwiK lyhu muih rwKnhwry ]

swihb sMq shwie ipXwry ]

Dear God, You are the Master and Helper of the saints.
Rakh(i) lehu muhe rakhan-hare. Sahib sant sahae piare.

You are the Friend of the poor; (You) are the Destroyer of tyrants.

dIn bMDu dustn ky hMqw ]

qumho purI cqur ds kMqw ]]

You are the Master of the fourteen worlds.
Din bandh(u) dustan ke hanta. Tum ho puri chatur das kanta.

Brahma obtained a body (as ordered by God) at proper time.

kwl pwie bRhmw bpu Drw ]

kwl pwie isvjU Avqrw ]

Shiva was born (as ordered by God) at proper time.
Kal pae Brahma bap(u) dhara. Kal pae Siv ju avtara.

Vishnu was born (as ordered by God) at proper time.

kwl pwie kr ibsnu pRkwsw ]

skl kwl kw kIAw qmwsw ]]

All this is the play of God.
Kal pae kar Bisan(u) prakasa. Sakal kal ka kia tamasa

God created Shiva Yogi at proper time.

jvn kwl jogI isv kIE ]

bydrwj bRhmw jU QIE ]

God created Brahma as the King of Vedas.
Javan kal jogi Siv kio. Bed raj Brahma ju thio.

He fashions the entire world.

jvn kwl sB lok svwrw ]

nmskwr hY qwih hmwrw ]]

I salute Him (such God).
Javan kal sabh lok savara. Namaskar hai tahe hamara.

God created the whole world.

jvn kwl sB jgq bnwXO ]

dyv dYq j`Cn aupjwXo ]

God created demi-gods, demons and yakshas.
Javan kal sabh jagat banayo. Dev dait jachhan upjayo.

God is the only incarnate, from the beginning to the end.

Awid AMiq eykY Avqwrw ]

soeI gurU smiJXhu hmwrw ]]

All should know that He (such God) is my Guru.
Ad(i) ant(i) ekai avtara. Soi Guru samjhiyoh hamara.

nmskwr iqs hI ko hmwrI ]

I salute Him alone.

skl pRjw ijn Awp svwrI ]

He Himself creates all His subjects.
Namaskar tis hi ko hamari. Sakal praja jin ap savari.

He bestows happiness and divine virtues on his slaves.

isvkn ko isvgun suK dIE ]

sqR`n ko pl mo bD kIE ]]
He instantaneously destroys the enemies.
Sivkan ko siv gun sukh dio. Sattrun ko pal mo badh kio.

God knows what is passing in every heart.

Gt Gt ky AMqr kI jwnq ] Bly bury kI pIr pCwnq ]

God knows the sufferings of good and bad people.

Ghat ghat ke antar ki janat. Bhale bure ki pir pachhanat.

From the ant to the huge elephant.

cItI qy kuMcr AsQUlw ]

sB pr ikpw idRsit kr PUlw ]11]

God casts His glance of favour on all and gets pleasure.
Chiti te kunchar asthula. Sabh par kirpa drist(i) kar phula.

God is pained to see His saints in trouble.

sMqn duK pwey qy duKI ]

suK pwey swDun ky suKI ]

God is happy, when His saints are happy.
Santan dukh pae te dukhi. Sukh pae sadhun ke sukhi.

God knows sufferings of everybody.

eyk eyk kI pIr pCwnYN ]

Gt Gt ky pt pt kI jwnYN ]12]
God knows the innermost secrets of every mans heart
Ek ek ki pir pachhanain. Ghat ghat ke pat pat ki janain.

When the Creator projects Himself.

jb audkrK krw krqwrw ]

pRjw Drq qb dyh Apwrw ]

His creation is created in countless forms.
Jab ud-karakh kara kartara. Praja dharat tab deh apara.

When He draws His creation within Himself.

jb AwkrK krq ho kbhUM ]

qum mY imlq dyh Dr sBhUM ]13]

All living beings are absorbed in Him.
Jab akarakh karat ho kab-hun. Tum mai milat deh dhar sabh-hun.

All living beings, who have taken different bodies in this world.

jyqy bdn isRsit sB DwrY ]

Awpu AwpnI bUJ aucwrY ]

Describe Gods virtues according to their understanding.
Jete badan srist(i) sabh dharai. Ap(u) apni bujh ucharai.

(O God), You live apart from everything. Only the learned and wise persons (try to) know the secret (of the above phenomena).
Tum sabh hi te raht niralam. Janat bed bhed ar alam.

qum sBhI qy rhq inrwlm ]

jwnq byd Byd Ar Awlm ]14]

O Formless God, You are free from sins and You do not seek any support. You are the Primal Being, most pure, without beginning and selfcreated.
Nirankar nribikar nirlanbh. Ad(i) anil anad(i) asanbh.

inrMkwr inRibkwr inrlB ]

Awid AnIl Anwid AsMB ]

Only a fool boasts that he knows the secrets of God.

qw kw mUVH aucwrq Bydw ]

jw kO Byv n pwvq bydw ]15]

Whose secrets are not known even to the Vedas.
Ta ka murh ucharat bheda. Ja kau bhev na pavat beda.

The great fool thinks that God is a stone.

qw kO kir pwhn Anumwnq ]

mhw mUVH kCu Byd n jwnq ]

But he does not know the difference between the two.
Ta kau kar(i) pahan anumanat. Maha murh kachh(u) bhed na janat.

He continues calling Shiva as the Eternal God.

mhwdyv ko khq sdw isv ]

inrMkwr kw cInq nih iBv ]16]

but he does not know the secrets of the Fomless God.
Mahadev kau kahat sada Siv. Nirankar ka chinat naih bhiv

(People) according to their different intelligence,

Awpu AwpnI buiD hY jyqI ]

brnq iBMn iBMn quih qyqI ]

Describe God differently.
Ap(u) apni budh(i) hai jeti. Barnat bhinn bhinn tuhe teti.

Gods limits and extent cannot be known.

qumrw lKw n jwie pswrw ]

ikh ibiD sjw pRQm sMswrw ]17]

How the world was fashioned for the first time (cannot be know).
Tumra lakha na jare pasara. Keh bidh(i) saja pratham sansara.

God has only one Form, without any parallel.

eykY rUp AnUp srUpw ]

rMk BXo rwv khI BUpw ]

God Himself manifests as a poor man, a lord or a king at different places.
Ekai rup anup sarupa. Rank bhayo rav kahi bhupa.

God has created life from eggs, wombs and perspiration.

AMfj jyrj syqj kInI ]

auqBuj Kwin bhur ric dInI ]18]

God has created mines of vegetables.
Andaj jeraj setaj kini. Utbhuj khan(i) bahur rach(i) dini.

Sometimes God sits joyfully as an Emperor.

khUM PUl rwjw hY bYTw ]

khUM ismit iBXo sMkr iekYTw ]

Sometimes God sits as a Yogi, detached (from all).
Kahun phul raja havai baitha. Kahun simit(i) bhayo sankar ikaitha.

His whole creation unfolds miraculous things.

sgrI isRsit idKwie AcMBv ]

Awid jugwid srUp suXMBv ]19]

God, the Primal, is from the beginning and self-created.
Sagri srist(i) dikhae achanbav. Ad(i) jugad(i) sarup suyanbhav.

(O God!) give me Your protection now.

Ab r`Cw myrI qum kro ]

is`K aubwir Ais`K sMGro ]

Protect my disciples and destroy my foes.
Ab rachha meri tum karo. Sikkh ubar(i) asikkh sangharo.

(O God!) destroy the enemies, who create mischief.

dust ijqy auTvq auqpwqw ]

skl mlyC kro rx Gwqw ]20]

And destroy all infidels on the battlefields.
Dusht jite uthvat utpata. Skal malechh karo ran ghata.

(There are) men, who seek Your shelter.

jy AisDuj qv srnI pry ]

iqn ky dust duiKq hY mry ]

Their enemies meet miserable death.
Je asidhuj tav sarni pare. Tin ke dusht dukhit havai mare.

Persons who fall at Your feet.

purK jvn pg pry iqhwry ]

iqn ky qum sMkt sB twry ]21]

You remove all their troubles.
Purakh jawan pag pare tihare. Tin ke tum sankat sabh tare.

Those, who meditate on You, even for once.

jo kil ko iek bwr iDAY hY ]

qw ky kwl inkit nih AYhY ]

Cannot be approached by death.
Jo kal(i) ko ik bar dhiai hai. Ta ke kal nikhat(i) naih ai hai.

All of them will get protection for ever.

r`Cw hoie qwih sB kwlw ]

dust Airst tryN qqkwlw ]22]

Their troubles and enemies will finish instantaneously.
Rachha hoe tahe sabh kala. Dust arist taren tatkala.

Upon whom God casts His favourable glance.

ikpw idRsit qn jwih inhirho ]

qw ky qwp qnk mo hirho ]

Become free from the troubles instantaneously.
Kirpa drist(i) tan jah(i) nihariho. Ta ke tap tanak mo hariho.

Such persons possess all wordly and spirtual pleasures, while sitting in their homes.

ir`iD is`iD Gr mo sB hoeI ]

dust Cwh CY skY n koeI ]23]

Enemies cannot touch even their shadow.
Riddh(i) siddh(i) ghar mo sabh hoi. Dusht chhah chhavai sakai na koi.

One, who remembers You even for once.

eyk bwr ijn qumY sMBwrw ]

kwl Pws qy qwih aubwrw ]

Will be protected from the noose of death.
Ek bar jin tumai sanbhara. Kal phas te tah(i) ubara.

One, who repeats Your Name.

ijn nr nwm iqhwro khw ]

dwird dust doK qy rhw ]24]

Will be relieved from poverty and saved from attacks of foes.
Jin nar nam tiharo kaha. Darid dust dokh te raha.

I seek shelter of God, Who has the sword on his Banner.

KVg kyq mY srix iqhwrI ]

Awp hwQ dY lyhu aubwrI ]

O God, give me Your own Hand and protect me.
Kharag ket mai saran(i) tihari. Ap hath dai lehu ubari.

O God, kindly become my Helper at all places.

srb TOr mo hohu shweI ]

dust doK qy lyhu bcweI ]25]

And protect me from the foes and evil doers.
Sarab thaur mo hohu sahai. Dust dokh te lehu bachai.

ikRpw krI hm pr jg mwqw ]

gRMQ krw pUrn suB rwqw ]

iklibK skl dyh ko hrqw ]

dust doiKXn ko CY krqw ]

sRI AIsDuj jb Bey dieAwlw ]

pUrn krw gRMQ qqkwlw ]

mn bWCq Pl pwvY soeI ]

dUK n iqsY ibAwpq koeI ]27]

AiV`l ]

sunY guMg jo Xwih su rsnw pwveI ]

sunY mUV icq lwie cqurqw AwveI]

dUK drd BO inkt n iqn nr ky rhY ] ho jo XwkI ey bwr cOpeI ko khY ]28]

cOpeI ]


sMbq s`qRh shs Bix~jY ]

ArD shs Puin qIin kih`jY ]

BwdRv sudI AstmI riv vwrw ]

qIr squ`dRv gRMQ suDwrw ]29]

sYXw ]


pWie ghy jb qy qumry qb qy koaU AWK qry nhIN AwnXo ]

(O God) since I have fallen at Your Feet, I do not care for anybody else.
Since I have taken shelter of one God, I am not afraid of anybody and I do not worship anyone else. Pane gahe jab te tumre, tab te kou ankh tare nahin anyo.

rwm rhIm purwn kurwn Anyk khYN mq eyk n mwnXo ]

I do not follow the religious ways, preached by various religions, believing in Ram, Mohammad, Puran or Quran.
The only way I follow, is the way to worship Unique One God and no one else. Ram rahim puran quran, anek kahain mat ek na manyo.

isMimRq swsqR byd sBY bhu Byd khYN hm eyk n jwnXo ]

The Simritis, Shastras and the Vedas lay down different doctrines, but I do not recognise any of these.
Sinmrit(i) sastr bed sabhai, bahu bhed kahain ham ek na janyo.

sRI Aispwn ikpw qumrI kir mY n khXo sB qoih bKwnXo ]

O God! (You have sword in your Hand) I have written these (hymns) with your grace and kindness, all that has been said, is in fact spoken by You.
Whatever religious doctrines I have written, are in accordance with Gods Command. Sri asipan kripa tumri kar(i), mai na khyo sabh toh(i) bakhanyo.

dohrw ]


sgl duAwr kau Cwif kY gihE quhwro duAwr ]

I have abandoned all doors (shelters) and I have come to your door, My Lord.
Sagal duar kau chhad(i) kai, gaiho tuharo duar.

bWih gey kI lwj As goibMd dws quhwr ]

O God (Gobind), kindly protect the honour and grasp my arm, I am Your humble servant.
Banhe gahe ki laj as, Gobind das tuhar.

rwmklI mhlw 3 Andu

Raamkalee, Third Mehl, Anand ~ The Song Of Bliss:

raamukulee mehulaa 3 anundhu

<> siqgur pRswid ]

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ik ounkaar sathigur prusaadh

Andu BieAw myrI mwey siqgurU mY pwieAw ]

I am in ecstasy, O my mother, for I have found my True Guru.

anundh bhaeiaa maeree maaeae sathiguroo mai paaeiaa

siqguru q pwieAw shj syqI min vjIAw vwDweIAw ]

I have found the True Guru, with intuitive ease, and my mind vibrates with the music of bliss.
sathigur th paaeiaa sehuj saethee man vujeeaa vaadhaaeeaa

rwg rqn prvwr prIAw sbd gwvx AweIAw ]

The jewelled melodies and their related celestial harmonies have come to sing the Word of the Shabad.
raag ruthun puruvaar pureeaa subudh gaavun aaeeaa

sbdo q gwvhu hrI kyrw min ijnI vswieAw ]

The Lord dwells within the minds of those who sing the Shabad.

subudho th gaavuhu huree kaeraa man jinee vusaaeiaa

khY nwnku Andu hoAw siqgurU mY pwieAw ]1]

Says Nanak, I am in ecstasy, for I have found my True Guru. ||1||

kehai naanuk anundh hoaa sathiguroo mai paaeiaa

ey mn myirAw qU sdw rhu hir nwly ]

O my mind, remain always with the Lord.

eae mun maeriaa thoo sudhaa ruhu har naalae

hir nwil rhu qU mMn myry dUK siB ivswrxw ]

Remain always with the Lord, O my mind, and all sufferings will be forgotten.
har naal ruhu thoo munn maerae dhookh sabh visaarunaa

AMgIkwru Ehu kry qyrw kwrj siB svwrxw ]

He will accept You as His own, and all your affairs will be perfectly arranged.
angeekaar ouhu kurae thaeraa kaaruj sabh suvaarunaa

sBnw glw smrQu suAwmI so ikau mnhu ivswry ]

Our Lord and Master is all-powerful to do all things, so why forget Him from your mind?
subhunaa gulaa sumuruth suaamee so kio munuhu visaarae

khY nwnku mMn myry sdw rhu hir nwly ]2]

Says Nanak, O my mind, remain always with the Lord. ||2||

kehai naanuk munn maerae sudhaa ruhu har naalae

swcy swihbw ikAw nwhI Gir qyrY ]

O my True Lord and Master, what is there which is not in Your celestial home?
saachae saahibaa kiaa naahee ghar thaerai

Gir q qyrY sBu ikCu hY ijsu dyih su pwvey ]

Everything is in Your home; they receive, unto whom You give.

ghar th thaerai subh kish hai jis dhaehi s paaveae

sdw isPiq slwh qyrI nwmu min vswvey ]

Constantly singing Your Praises and Glories, Your Name is enshrined in the mind.
sudhaa sifath sulaah thaeree naam man vusaaveae

nwmu ijn kY min visAw vwjy sbd Gnyry ]

The divine melody of the Shabad vibrates for those, within whose minds the Naam abides.
naam jin kai man vasiaa vaajae subudh ghunaerae

khY nwnku scy swihb ikAw nwhI Gir qyrY ]3]

Says Nanak, O my True Lord and Master, what is there which is not in Your home? ||3||

kehai naanuk suchae saahib kiaa naahee ghar thaerai

swcw nwmu myrw AwDwro ]

The True Name is my only support.

saachaa naam maeraa aadhaaro

swcu nwmu ADwru myrw ijin BuKw siB gvweIAw ]

The True Name is my only support; it satisfies all hunger.

saach naam adhaar maeraa jin bhukhaa sabh guvaaeeaa

kir sWiq suK min Awie visAw ijin ieCw siB pujweIAw ]
It has brought peace and tranquility to my mind; it has fulfilled all my desires.
kar saath sukh man aae vasiaa jin eishaa sabh pujaaeeaa

sdw kurbwxu kIqw gurU ivthu ijs dIAw eyih vifAweIAw ]

I am forever a sacrifice to the Guru, who possesses such glorious greatness.
sudhaa kurubaan keethaa guroo vittuhu jis dheeaa eaehi vaddiaaeeaa

khY nwnku suxhu sMqhu sbid Drhu ipAwro ]

Says Nanak, listen, O Saints; enshrine love for the Shabad.

kehai naanuk sunuhu sunthuhu subadh dhuruhu piaaro

swcw nwmu myrw AwDwro ]4]

The True Name is my only support. ||4||

saachaa naam maeraa aadhaaro

vwjy pMc sbd iqqu Gir sBwgY ]

The Panch Shabad, the five primal sounds, vibrate in that blessed house.
vaajae punch subudh thith ghar subhaagai

Gir sBwgY sbd vwjy klw ijqu Gir DwrIAw ]

In that blessed house, the Shabad vibrates; He infuses His almighty power into it.
ghar subhaagai subudh vaajae kulaa jith ghar dhaareeaa

pMc dUq quDu vis kIqy kwlu kMtku mwirAw ]

Through You, we subdue the five demons of desire, and slay Death, the torturer.
punch dhooth thudh vas keethae kaal kunttuk maariaa

Duir krim pwieAw quDu ijn kau is nwim hir kY lwgy ]

Those who have such pre-ordained destiny are attached to the Lord's Name.
dhur kuram paaeiaa thudh jin ko s naam har kai laagae

khY nwnku qh suKu hoAw iqqu Gir Anhd vwjy ]5]

Says Nanak, they are at peace, and the unstruck sound current vibrates within their homes. ||5||
kehai naanuk theh sukh hoaa thith ghar anehudh vaajae

swcI ilvY ibnu dyh inmwxI ]

Without the true love of devotion, the body is without honor.

saachee livai bin dhaeh nimaanee

dyh inmwxI ilvY bwJhu ikAw kry vycwrIAw ]

The body is dishonored without devotional love; what can the poor wretches do?
dhaeh nimaanee livai baajhuhu kiaa kurae vaechaareeaa

quDu bwJu smrQ koie nwhI ikpw kir bnvwrIAw ]

No one except You is all-powerful; please bestow Your Mercy, O Lord of all nature.
thudh baajh sumuruth koe naahee kirupaa kar bunuvaareeaa

eys nau horu Qwau nwhI sbid lwig svwrIAw ]

There is no place of rest, other than the Name; attached to the Shabad, we are embellished with beauty.
eaes no hor thaao naahee subadh laag suvaareeaa

khY nwnku ilvY bwJhu ikAw kry vycwrIAw ]6]

Says Nanak, without devotional love, what can the poor wretches do? ||6||
kehai naanuk livai baajhuhu kiaa kurae vaechaareeaa

Awndu Awndu sBu ko khY Awndu gurU qy jwixAw ]

Bliss, bliss - everyone talks of bliss; bliss is known only through the Guru.
aanundh aanundh subh ko kehai aanundh guroo thae jaaniaa

jwixAw Awndu sdw gur qy ikpw kry ipAwirAw ]

Eternal bliss in known only through the Guru, when the Beloved Lord grants His Grace.
jaaniaa aanundh sudhaa gur thae kirupaa kurae piaariaa

kir ikrpw iklivK kty igAwn AMjnu swirAw ]

Granting His Grace, He cuts away our sins; He blesses us with the healing ointment of spiritual wisdom.
kar kirupaa kilavikh kuttae giaan anjun saariaa

AMdrhu ijn kw mohu qutw iqn kw sbdu scY svwirAw ]

Those who eradicate attachment from within themselves, are adorned with the Shabad, the Word of the True Lord.
andhuruhu jin kaa mohu thuttaa thin kaa subudh suchai suvaariaa

khY nwnku eyhu Andu hY Awndu gur qy jwixAw ]7]

Says Nanak, this alone is bliss bliss which is known through the Guru. ||7||
kehai naanuk eaehu anundh hai aanundh gur thae jaaniaa

bwbw ijsu qU dyih soeI jnu pwvY ]

O Baba, he alone receives it, unto whom You give it.

baabaa jis thoo dhaehi soee jun paavai

pwvY q so jnu dyih ijs no hoir ikAw krih vycwirAw ]

He alone receives it, unto whom You give it; what can the other poor wretched beings do?
paavai th so jun dhaehi jis no hor kiaa kurehi vaechaariaa

ieik Brim BUly iPrih dh idis ieik nwim lwig svwirAw ]

Some are deluded by doubt, wandering in the ten directions; some are adorned with attachment to the Naam.
eik bhuram bhoolae firehi dheh dhis eik naam laag suvaariaa

gur prswdI mnu BieAw inrmlu ijnw Bwxw Bwvey ]

By Guru's Grace, the mind becomes immaculate and pure, for those who follow God's Will.
gur purusaadhee mun bhaeiaa nirumul jinaa bhaanaa bhaaveae

khY nwnku ijsu dyih ipAwry soeI jnu pwvey ]8]

Says Nanak, he alone receives it, unto whom You give it, O Beloved Lord. ||8||
kehai naanuk jis dhaehi piaarae soee jun paaveae

Awvhu sMq ipAwirho AkQ kI krh khwxI ]

Come, Beloved Saints, let us speak the Unspoken Speech of the Lord.

aavuhu sunth piaariho akuth kee kureh kehaanee

krh khwxI AkQ kyrI ikqu duAwrY pweIAY ]

How can we speak the Unspoken Speech of the Lord? Through which door will we find Him?
kureh kehaanee akuth kaeree kith dhuaarai paaeeai

qnu mnu Dnu sBu sauip gur kau hukim mMinAY pweIAY ]
Surrender body, mind, wealth, and everything to the Guru; obey the Order of His Will, and you will find Him.
thun mun dhun subh soup gur ko hukam munniai paaeeai

hukmu mMinhu gurU kyrw gwvhu scI bwxI ]

Obey the Hukam of the Guru's Command, and sing the True Word of His Bani.

hukum munnihu guroo kaeraa gaavuhu suchee baanee

khY nwnku suxhu sMqhu kiQhu AkQ khwxI ]9]

Says Nanak, listen, O Saints, and speak the Unspoken Speech of the Lord. ||9||
kehai naanuk sunuhu sunthuhu kathihu akuth kehaanee

ey mn cMclw cqurweI iknY n pwieAw ]

O fickle mind, through cleverness, no one has found the Lord.

eae mun chunchulaa chuthuraaee kinai n paaeiaa

cqurweI n pwieAw iknY qU suix mMn myirAw ]

Through cleverness, no one has found Him; listen, O my mind.

chuthuraaee n paaeiaa kinai thoo sun munn maeriaa

eyh mwieAw mohxI ijin eyqu Brim BulwieAw ]

This Maya is so fascinating; because of it, people wander in doubt.

eaeh maaeiaa mohunee jin eaeth bhuram bhulaaeiaa

mwieAw q mohxI iqnY kIqI ijin TgaulI pweIAw ]

This fascinating Maya was created by the One who has administered this potion.
maaeiaa th mohunee thinai keethee jin thugoulee paaeeaa

kurbwxu kIqw iqsY ivthu ijin mohu mITw lwieAw ]

I am a sacrifice to the One who has made emotional attachment sweet.

kurubaan keethaa thisai vittuhu jin mohu meethaa laaeiaa

khY nwnku mn cMcl cqurweI iknY n pwieAw ]10]

Says Nanak, O fickle mind, no one has found Him through cleverness. ||10||
kehai naanuk mun chunchul chuthuraaee kinai n paaeiaa

ey mn ipAwirAw qU sdw scu smwly ]

O beloved mind, contemplate the True Lord forever.

eae mun piaariaa thoo sudhaa such sumaalae

eyhu kutMbu qU ij dyKdw clY nwhI qyrY nwly ]

This family which you see shall not go along with you.

eaehu kuttunb thoo j dhaekhudhaa chulai naahee thaerai naalae

swiQ qyrY clY nwhI iqsu nwil ikau icqu lweIAY ]

They shall not go along with you, so why do you focus your attention on them?
saath thaerai chulai naahee this naal kio chith laaeeai

AYsw kMmu mUly n kIcY ijqu AMiq pCoqweIAY ]

Don't do anything that you will regret in the end.

aisaa kunm moolae n keechai jith anth pushothaaeeai

siqgurU kw aupdysu suix qU hovY qyrY nwly ]

Listen to the Teachings of the True Guru - these shall go along with you.
sathiguroo kaa oupudhaes sun thoo hovai thaerai naalae

khY nwnku mn ipAwry qU sdw scu smwly ]11]

Says Nanak, O beloved mind, contemplate the True Lord forever. ||11||
kehai naanuk mun piaarae thoo sudhaa such sumaalae

Agm Agocrw qyrw AMqu n pwieAw ]

O inaccessible and unfathomable Lord, Your limits cannot be found.

agum agochuraa thaeraa anth n paaeiaa

AMqo n pwieAw iknY qyrw Awpxw Awpu qU jwxhy ]

No one has found Your limits; only You Yourself know.

antho n paaeiaa kinai thaeraa aapunaa aap thoo jaanehae

jIA jMq siB Kylu qyrw ikAw ko AwiK vKwxey ]

All living beings and creatures are Your play; how can anyone describe You?
jeea junth sabh khael thaeraa kiaa ko aakh vukhaaneae

AwKih q vyKih sBu qUhY ijin jgqu aupwieAw ]

You speak, and You gaze upon all; You created the Universe.

aakhehi th vaekhehi subh thoohai jin juguth oupaaeiaa

khY nwnku qU sdw AgMmu hY qyrw AMqu n pwieAw ]12]

Says Nanak, You are forever inaccessible; Your limits cannot be found. ||12||
kehai naanuk thoo sudhaa agunm hai thaeraa anth n paaeiaa

suir nr muin jn AMimRqu Kojdy su AMimRqu gur qy pwieAw ]

The angelic beings and the silent sages search for the Ambrosial Nectar; this Amrit is obtained from the Guru.
sur nur mun jun anmrith khojudhae s anmrith gur thae paaeiaa

pwieAw AMimRqu guir ikpw kInI scw min vswieAw ]

This Amrit is obtained, when the Guru grants His Grace; He enshrines the True Lord within the mind.
paaeiaa anmrith gur kirupaa keenee suchaa man vusaaeiaa

jIA jMq siB quDu aupwey ieik vyiK prsix AwieAw ]

All living beings and creatures were created by You; only some come to see the Guru, and seek His blessing.
jeea junth sabh thudh oupaaeae eik vaekh purusan aaeiaa

lbu loBu AhMkwru cUkw siqgurU Blw BwieAw ]

Their greed, avarice and egotism are dispelled, and the True Guru seems sweet.
lub lobh ahunkaar chookaa sathiguroo bhulaa bhaaeiaa

khY nwnku ijs no Awip quTw iqin AMimRqu gur qy pwieAw ]13]
Says Nanak, those with whom the Lord is pleased, obtain the Amrit, through the Guru. ||13||
kehai naanuk jis no aap thuthaa thin anmrith gur thae paaeiaa

Bgqw kI cwl inrwlI ]

The lifestyle of the devotees is unique and distinct.

bhuguthaa kee chaal niraalee

cwlw inrwlI Bgqwh kyrI ibKm mwrig clxw ]

The devotees' lifestyle is unique and distinct; they follow the most difficult path.
chaalaa niraalee bhuguthaah kaeree bikhum maarag chulunaa

lbu loBu AhMkwru qij iqRsnw bhuqu nwhI bolxw ]

They renounce greed, avarice, egotism and desire; they do not talk too much.
lub lobh ahunkaar thaj thrisunaa buhuth naahee bolunaa

KMinAhu iqKI vwlhu inkI eyqu mwrig jwxw ]

The path they take is sharper than a two-edged sword, and finer than a hair.
khunniahu thikhee vaaluhu nikee eaeth maarag jaanaa

gur prswdI ijnI Awpu qijAw hir vwsnw smwxI ]

By Guru's Grace, they shed their selfishness and conceit; their hopes are merged in the Lord.
gur purusaadhee jinee aap thajiaa har vaasunaa sumaanee

khY nwnku cwl Bgqw jughu jugu inrwlI ]14]

Says Nanak, the lifestyle of the devotees, in each and every age, is unique and distinct. ||14||
kehai naanuk chaal bhuguthaa juguhu jug niraalee

ijau qU clwieih iqv clh suAwmI horu ikAw jwxw gux qyry ]
As You make me walk, so do I walk, O my Lord and Master; what else do I know of Your Glorious Virtues?
jio thoo chulaaeihi thiv chuleh suaamee hor kiaa jaanaa gun thaerae

ijv qU clwieih iqvY clh ijnw mwrig pwvhy ]

As You cause them to walk, they walk - You have placed them on the Path.
jiv thoo chulaaeihi thivai chuleh jinaa maarag paavehae

kir ikrpw ijn nwim lwieih is hir hir sdw iDAwvhy ]

In Your Mercy, You attach them to the Naam; they meditate forever on the Lord, Har, Har.
kar kirupaa jin naam laaeihi s har har sudhaa dhiaavehae

ijs no kQw suxwieih AwpxI is gurduAwrY suKu pwvhy ]

Those whom You cause to listen to Your sermon, find peace in the Gurdwara, the Guru's Gate.
jis no kuthaa sunaaeihi aapunee s gurudhuaarai sukh paavehae

khY nwnku scy swihb ijau BwvY iqvY clwvhy ]15]

Says Nanak, O my True Lord and Master, you make us walk according to Your Will. ||15||
kehai naanuk suchae saahib jio bhaavai thivai chulaavehae

eyhu soihlw sbdu suhwvw ]

This song of praise is the Shabad, the most beautiful Word of God.

eaehu sohilaa subudh suhaavaa

sbdo suhwvw sdw soihlw siqgurU suxwieAw ]

This beauteous Shabad is the everlasting song of praise, spoken by the True Guru.
subudho suhaavaa sudhaa sohilaa sathiguroo sunaaeiaa

eyhu iqn kY mMin visAw ijn Durhu iliKAw AwieAw ]

This is enshrined in the minds of those who are so pre-destined by the Lord.
eaehu thin kai munn vasiaa jin dhuruhu likhiaa aaeiaa

ieik iPrih Gnyry krih glw glI iknY n pwieAw ]

Some wander around, babbling on and on, but none obtain Him by babbling.
eik firehi ghunaerae kurehi gulaa gulee kinai n paaeiaa

khY nwnku sbdu soihlw siqgurU suxwieAw ]16]

Says Nanak, the Shabad, this song of praise, has been spoken by the True Guru. ||16||
kehai naanuk subudh sohilaa sathiguroo sunaaeiaa

pivqu hoey sy jnw ijnI hir iDAwieAw ]

Those humble beings who meditate on the Lord become pure.

pavith hoeae sae junaa jinee har dhiaaeiaa

hir iDAwieAw pivqu hoey gurmuiK ijnI iDAwieAw ]

Meditating on the Lord, they become pure; as Gurmukh, they meditate on Him.
har dhiaaeiaa pavith hoeae gurumukh jinee dhiaaeiaa

pivqu mwqw ipqw kutMb sihq isau pivqu sMgiq sbweIAw ]

They are pure, along with their mothers, fathers, family and friends; all their companions are pure as well.
pavith maathaa pithaa kuttunb sehith sio pavith sungath subaaeeaa

khdy pivqu suxdy pivqu sy pivqu ijnI mMin vswieAw ]

Pure are those who speak, and pure are those who listen; those who enshrine it within their minds are pure.
kehudhae pavith sunudhae pavith sae pavith jinee munn vusaaeiaa

khY nwnku sy pivqu ijnI gurmuiK hir hir iDAwieAw ]17]

Says Nanak, pure and holy are those who, as Gurmukh, meditate on the Lord, Har, Har. ||17||
kehai naanuk sae pavith jinee gurumukh har har dhiaaeiaa

krmI shju n aUpjY ivxu shjY shsw n jwie ]

By religious rituals, intuitive poise is not found; without intuitive poise, skepticism does not depart.
kurumee sehuj n oopujai vin sehujai sehusaa n jaae

nh jwie shsw ikqY sMjim rhy krm kmwey ]

Skepticism does not depart by contrived actions; everybody is tired of performing these rituals.
neh jaae sehusaa kithai sunjam rehae kurum kumaaeae

shsY jIau mlIxu hY ikqu sMjim Doqw jwey ]

The soul is polluted by skepticism; how can it be cleansed?

sehusai jeeo muleen hai kith sunjam dhothaa jaaeae

mMnu Dovhu sbid lwghu hir isau rhhu icqu lwie ]

Wash your mind by attaching it to the Shabad, and keep your consciousness focused on the Lord.
munn dhovuhu subadh laaguhu har sio rehuhu chith laae

khY nwnku gur prswdI shju aupjY iehu shsw iev jwie ]18]
Says Nanak, by Guru's Grace, intuitive poise is produced, and this skepticism is dispelled. ||18||
kehai naanuk gur purusaadhee sehuj oupujai eihu sehusaa eiv jaae

jIAhu mYly bwhrhu inrml ]

Inwardly polluted, and outwardly pure.

jeeahu mailae baahuruhu nirumul

bwhrhu inrml jIAhu q mYly iqnI jnmu jUAY hwirAw ]

Those who are outwardly pure and yet polluted within, lose their lives in the gamble.
baahuruhu nirumul jeeahu th mailae thinee junum jooai haariaa

eyh iqsnw vfw rogu lgw mrxu mnhu ivswirAw ]

They contract this terrible disease of desire, and in their minds, they forget about dying.
eaeh thisunaa vuddaa rog lugaa murun munuhu visaariaa

vydw mih nwmu auqmu so suxih nwhI iPrih ijau byqwilAw ]

In the Vedas, the ultimate objective is the Naam, the Name of the Lord; but they do not hear this, and they wander around like demons.
vaedhaa mehi naam outhum so sunehi naahee firehi jio baethaaliaa

khY nwnku ijn scu qijAw kUVy lwgy iqnI jnmu jUAY hwirAw ]19]
Says Nanak, those who forsake Truth and cling to falsehood, lose their lives in the gamble. ||19||
kehai naanuk jin such thajiaa koorrae laagae thinee junum jooai haariaa

jIAhu inrml bwhrhu inrml ]

Inwardly pure, and outwardly pure.

jeeahu nirumul baahuruhu nirumul

bwhrhu q inrml jIAhu inrml siqgur qy krxI kmwxI ]

Those who are outwardly pure and also pure within, through the Guru, perform good deeds.
baahuruhu th nirumul jeeahu nirumul sathigur thae kurunee kumaanee

kUV kI soie phucY nwhI mnsw sic smwxI ]

Not even an iota of falsehood touches them; their hopes are absorbed in the Truth.
koorr kee soe puhuchai naahee munusaa sach sumaanee

jnmu rqnu ijnI KitAw Bly sy vxjwry ]

Those who earn the jewel of this human life, are the most excellent of merchants.
junum ruthun jinee khattiaa bhulae sae vunujaarae

khY nwnku ijn mMnu inrmlu sdw rhih gur nwly ]20]
Says Nanak, those whose minds are pure, abide with the Guru forever. ||20||
kehai naanuk jin munn nirumul sudhaa rehehi gur naalae

jy ko isKu gurU syqI snmuKu hovY ]

If a Sikh turns to the Guru with sincere faith, as sunmukh

jae ko sikh guroo saethee sunumukh hovai

hovY q snmuKu isKu koeI jIAhu rhY gur nwly ]

if a Sikh turns to the Guru with sincere faith, as sunmukh, his soul abides with the Guru.
hovai th sunumukh sikh koee jeeahu rehai gur naalae

gur ky crn ihrdY iDAwey AMqr AwqmY smwly ]

Within his heart, he meditates on the lotus feet of the Guru; deep within his soul, he contemplates Him.
gur kae churun hirudhai dhiaaeae anthur aathumai sumaalae

Awpu Cif sdw rhY prxY gur ibnu Avru n jwxY koey ]
Renouncing selfishness and conceit, he remains always on the side of the Guru; he does not know anyone except the Guru.
aap shadd sudhaa rehai purunai gur bin avur n jaanai koeae

khY nwnku suxhu sMqhu so isKu snmuKu hoey ]21]

Says Nanak, listen, O Saints: such a Sikh turns toward the Guru with sincere faith, and becomes sunmukh. ||21||
kehai naanuk sunuhu sunthuhu so sikh sunumukh hoeae

jy ko gur qy vymuKu hovY ibnu siqgur mukiq n pwvY ]

One who turns away from the Guru, and becomes baymukh - without the True Guru, he shall not find liberation.
jae ko gur thae vaemukh hovai bin sathigur mukath n paavai

pwvY mukiq n hor QY koeI puChu ibbykIAw jwey ]

He shall not find liberation anywhere else either; go and ask the wise ones about this.
paavai mukath n hor thai koee pushuhu bibaekeeaa jaaeae

Anyk jUnI Brim AwvY ivxu siqgur mukiq n pwey ]

He shall wander through countless incarnations; without the True Guru, he shall not find liberation.
anaek joonee bhuram aavai vin sathigur mukath n paaeae

iPir mukiq pwey lwig crxI siqgurU sbdu suxwey ]

But liberation is attained, when one is attached to the feet of the True Guru, chanting the Word of the Shabad.
fir mukath paaeae laag churunee sathiguroo subudh sunaaeae

khY nwnku vIcwir dyKhu ivxu siqgur mukiq n pwey ]22]

Says Nanak, contemplate this and see, that without the True Guru, there is no liberation. ||22||
kehai naanuk veechaar dhaekhuhu vin sathigur mukath n paaeae

Awvhu isK siqgurU ky ipAwirho gwvhu scI bwxI ]

Come, O beloved Sikhs of the True Guru, and sing the True Word of His Bani.
aavuhu sikh sathiguroo kae piaariho gaavuhu suchee baanee

bwxI q gwvhu gurU kyrI bwxIAw isir bwxI ]

Sing the Guru's Bani, the supreme Word of Words.

baanee th gaavuhu guroo kaeree baaneeaa sir baanee

ijn kau ndir krmu hovY ihrdY iqnw smwxI ]

Those who are blessed by the Lord's Glance of Grace - their hearts are imbued with this Bani.
jin ko nudhar kurum hovai hirudhai thinaa sumaanee

pIvhu AMimRqu sdw rhhu hir rMig jiphu swirgpwxI ]

Drink in this Ambrosial Nectar, and remain in the Lord's Love forever; meditate on the Lord, the Sustainer of the world.
peevuhu anmrith sudhaa rehuhu har rung japihu saarigupaanee

khY nwnku sdw gwvhu eyh scI bwxI ]23]

Says Nanak, sing this True Bani forever. ||23||

kehai naanuk sudhaa gaavuhu eaeh suchee baanee

siqgurU ibnw hor kcI hY bwxI ]

Without the True Guru, other songs are false.

sathiguroo binaa hor kuchee hai baanee

bwxI q kcI siqgurU bwJhu hor kcI bwxI ]

The songs are false without the True Guru; all other songs are false.

baanee th kuchee sathiguroo baajhuhu hor kuchee baanee

khdy kcy suxdy kcy kcI AwiK vKwxI ]

The speakers are false, and the listeners are false; those who speak and recite are false.

kehudhae kuchae sunudhae kuchae kuchukhuee aakh vukhaanee

hir hir inq krih rsnw kihAw kCU n jwxI ]

They may continually chant, 'Har, Har' with their tongues, but they do not know what they are saying.
har har nith kurehi rusunaa kehiaa kushoo n jaanee

icqu ijn kw ihir lieAw mwieAw bolin pey rvwxI ]

Their consciousness is lured by Maya; they are just reciting mechanically.

chith jin kaa hir laeiaa maaeiaa bolan peae ruvaanee

khY nwnku siqgurU bwJhu hor kcI bwxI ]24]

Says Nanak, without the True Guru, other songs are false. ||24||

kehai naanuk sathiguroo baajhuhu hor kuchee baanee

gur kw sbdu rqMnu hY hIry ijqu jVwau ]

The Word of the Guru's Shabad is a jewel, studded with diamonds.

gur kaa subudh ruthunn hai heerae jith jurraao

sbdu rqnu ijqu mMnu lwgw eyhu hoAw smwau ]

The mind which is attached to this jewel, merges into the Shabad.

subudh ruthun jith munn laagaa eaehu hoaa sumaao

sbd syqI mnu imilAw scY lwieAw Bwau ]

One whose mind is attuned to the Shabad, enshrines love for the True Lord.
subudh saethee mun miliaa suchai laaeiaa bhaao

Awpy hIrw rqnu Awpy ijs no dyie buJwie ]

He Himself is the diamond, and He Himself is the jewel; one who is blessed, understands its value.
aapae heeraa ruthun aapae jis no dhaee bujhaae

khY nwnku sbdu rqnu hY hIrw ijqu jVwau ]25]

Says Nanak, the Shabad is a jewel, studded with diamonds. ||25||

kehai naanuk subudh ruthun hai heeraa jith jurraao

isv skiq Awip aupwie kY krqw Awpy hukmu vrqwey ]

He Himself created Shiva and Shakti, mind and matter; the Creator subjects them to His Command.
siv sukath aap oupaae kai kuruthaa aapae hukum vuruthaaeae

hukmu vrqwey Awip vyKY gurmuiK iksY buJwey ]

Enforcing His Order, He Himself sees all. How rare are those who, as Gurmukh, come to know Him.
hukum vuruthaaeae aap vaekhai gurumukh kisai bujhaaeae

qoVy bMDn hovY mukqu sbdu mMin vswey ]

They break their bonds, and attain liberation; they enshrine the Shabad within their minds.

thorrae bundhun hovai mukuth subudh munn vusaaeae

gurmuiK ijs no Awip kry su hovY eyks isau ilv lwey ]

Those whom the Lord Himself makes Gurmukh, lovingly focus their consciousness on the One Lord.
gurumukh jis no aap kurae s hovai eaekus sio liv laaeae

khY nwnku Awip krqw Awpy hukmu buJwey ]26]

Says Nanak, He Himself is the Creator; He Himself reveals the Hukam of His Command. ||26||

kehai naanuk aap kuruthaa aapae hukum bujhaaeae

isimRiq swsqR puMn pwp bIcwrdy qqY swr n jwxI ]

The Simritees and the Shaastras discriminate between good and evil, but they do not know the true essence of reality.
simrith saasuthr punn paap beechaarudhae thuthai saar n jaanee

qqY swr n jwxI gurU bwJhu qqY swr n jwxI ]

They do not know the true essence of reality without the Guru; they do not know the true essence of reality.
thuthai saar n jaanee guroo baajhuhu thuthai saar n jaanee

iqhI guxI sMswru BRim suqw suiqAw rYix ivhwxI ]

The world is asleep in the three modes and doubt; it passes the night of its life sleeping.

thihee gunee sunsaar bhram suthaa suthiaa rain vihaanee

gur ikrpw qy sy jn jwgy ijnw hir min visAw bolih AMimRq bwxI ]
Those humble beings remain awake and aware, within whose minds, by Guru's Grace, the Lord abides; they chant the Ambrosial Word of the Guru's Bani.
gur kirupaa thae sae jun jaagae jinaa har man vasiaa bolehi anmrith baanee

khY nwnku so qqu pwey ijs no Anidnu hir ilv lwgY jwgq rYix ivhwxI ]27]
Says Nanak, they alone obtain the essence of reality, who night and day remain lovingly absorbed in the Lord; they pass the night of their life awake and aware. ||27||
kehai naanuk so thuth paaeae jis no anadhin har liv laagai jaaguth rain vihaanee

mwqw ky audr mih pRiqpwl kry so ikau mnhu ivswrIAY ]

He nourished us in the mother's womb; why forget Him from the mind?
maathaa kae oudhur mehi prathipaal kurae so kio munuhu visaareeai

mnhu ikau ivswrIAY eyvfu dwqw ij Agin mih Awhwru phucwvey ]

Why forget from the mind such a Great Giver, who gave us sustenance in the fire of the womb?
munuhu kio visaareeai eaevudd dhaathaa j agan mehi aahaar puhuchaaveae

Es no ikhu poih n skI ijs nau AwpxI ilv lwvey ]

Nothing can harm one, whom the Lord inspires to embrace His Love.

ous no kihu pohi n sukee jis no aapunee liv laaveae

AwpxI ilv Awpy lwey gurmuiK sdw smwlIAY ]

He Himself is the love, and He Himself is the embrace; the Gurmukh contemplates Him forever.
aapunee liv aapae laaeae gurumukh sudhaa sumaaleeai

khY nwnku eyvfu dwqw so ikau mnhu ivswrIAY ]28]

Says Nanak, why forget such a Great Giver from the mind? ||28||

kehai naanuk eaevudd dhaathaa so kio munuhu visaareeai

jYsI Agin audr mih qYsI bwhir mwieAw ]

As is the fire within the womb, so is Maya outside.

jaisee agan oudhur mehi thaisee baahar maaeiaa

mwieAw Agin sB ieko jyhI krqY Kylu rcwieAw ]

The fire of Maya is one and the same; the Creator has staged this play.
maaeiaa agan subh eiko jaehee kuruthai khael ruchaaeiaa

jw iqsu Bwxw qw jMimAw prvwir Blw BwieAw ]

According to His Will, the child is born, and the family is very pleased.
jaa this bhaanaa thaa junmiaa puruvaar bhulaa bhaaeiaa

ilv CuVkI lgI iqRsnw mwieAw Amru vrqwieAw ]

Love for the Lord wears off, and the child becomes attached to desires; the script of Maya runs its course.
liv shurrukee lugee thrisunaa maaeiaa amur vuruthaaeiaa

eyh mwieAw ijqu hir ivsrY mohu aupjY Bwau dUjw lwieAw ]
This is Maya, by which the Lord is forgotten; emotional attachment and love of duality well up.
eaeh maaeiaa jith har visurai mohu oupujai bhaao dhoojaa laaeiaa

khY nwnku gur prswdI ijnw ilv lwgI iqnI ivcy mwieAw pwieAw ]29]
Says Nanak, by Guru's Grace, those who enshrine love for the Lord find Him, in the midst of Maya. ||29||
kehai naanuk gur purusaadhee jinaa liv laagee thinee vichae maaeiaa paaeiaa

hir Awip Amulku hY muil n pwieAw jwie ]

The Lord Himself is priceless; His worth cannot be estimated.

har aap amuluk hai mul n paaeiaa jaae

muil n pwieAw jwie iksY ivthu rhy lok ivllwie ]

His worth cannot be estimated, even though people have grown weary of trying.
mul n paaeiaa jaae kisai vittuhu rehae lok vilulaae

AYsw siqguru jy imlY iqs no isru saupIAY ivchu Awpu jwie ]

If you meet such a True Guru, offer your head to Him; your selfishness and conceit will be eradicated from within.
aisaa sathigur jae milai this no sir soupeeai vichuhu aap jaae

ijs dw jIau iqsu imil rhY hir vsY min Awie ]

Your soul belongs to Him; remain united with Him, and the Lord will come to dwell in your mind.
jis dhaa jeeo this mil rehai har vusai man aae

hir Awip Amulku hY Bwg iqnw ky nwnkw ijn hir plY pwie ]30]
The Lord Himself is priceless; very fortunate are those, O Nanak, who attain to the Lord. ||30||
har aap amuluk hai bhaag thinaa kae naanukaa jin har pulai paae

hir rwis myrI mnu vxjwrw ]

The Lord is my capital; my mind is the merchant.

har raas maeree mun vunujaaraa

hir rwis myrI mnu vxjwrw siqgur qy rwis jwxI ]

The Lord is my capital, and my mind is the merchant; through the True Guru, I know my capital.
har raas maeree mun vunujaaraa sathigur thae raas jaanee

hir hir inq jiphu jIAhu lwhw Kithu idhwVI ]

Meditate continually on the Lord, Har, Har, O my soul, and you shall collect your profits daily.
har har nith japihu jeeahu laahaa khattihu dhihaarree

eyhu Dnu iqnw imilAw ijn hir Awpy Bwxw ]

This wealth is obtained by those who are pleasing to the Lord's Will.

eaehu dhun thinaa miliaa jin har aapae bhaanaa

khY nwnku hir rwis myrI mnu hoAw vxjwrw ]31]

Says Nanak, the Lord is my capital, and my mind is the merchant. ||31||
kehai naanuk har raas maeree mun hoaa vunujaaraa

ey rsnw qU An ris rwic rhI qyrI ipAws n jwie ]

O my tongue, you are engrossed in other tastes, but your thirsty desire is not quenched.
eae rusunaa thoo an ras raach rehee thaeree piaas n jaae

ipAws n jwie horqu ikqY ijcru hir rsu plY n pwie ]

Your thirst shall not be quenched by any means, until you attain the subtle essence of the Lord.
piaas n jaae horuth kithai jichur har rus pulai n paae

hir rsu pwie plY pIAY hir rsu bhuiV n iqRsnw lwgY Awie ]
If you do obtain the subtle essence of the Lord, and drink in this essence of the Lord, you shall not be troubled by desire again.
har rus paae pulai peeai har rus buhurr n thrisunaa laagai aae

eyhu hir rsu krmI pweIAY siqguru imlY ijsu Awie ]

This subtle essence of the Lord is obtained by good karma, when one comes to meet with the True Guru.
eaehu har rus kurumee paaeeai sathigur milai jis aae

khY nwnku hoir An rs siB vIsry jw hir vsY min Awie ]32]
Says Nanak, all other tastes and essences are forgotten, when the Lord comes to dwell within the mind. ||32||
kehai naanuk hor an rus sabh veesurae jaa har vusai man aae

ey srIrw myirAw hir qum mih joiq rKI qw qU jg mih AwieAw ]

O my body, the Lord infused His Light into you, and then you came into the world.
eae sureeraa maeriaa har thum mehi joth rukhee thaa thoo jug mehi aaeiaa

hir joiq rKI quDu ivic qw qU jg mih AwieAw ]

The Lord infused His Light into you, and then you came into the world.

har joth rukhee thudh vich thaa thoo jug mehi aaeiaa

hir Awpy mwqw Awpy ipqw ijin jIau aupwie jgqu idKwieAw ]
The Lord Himself is your mother, and He Himself is your father; He created the created beings, and revealed the world to them.
har aapae maathaa aapae pithaa jin jeeo oupaae juguth dhikhaaeiaa

gur prswdI buiJAw qw clqu hoAw clqu ndrI AwieAw ]

By Guru's Grace, some understand, and then it's a show; it seems like just a show.
gur purusaadhee bujhiaa thaa chuluth hoaa chuluth nudhuree aaeiaa

khY nwnku isRsit kw mUlu ricAw joiq rwKI qw qU jg mih AwieAw ]33]
Says Nanak, He laid the foundation of the Universe, and infused His Light, and then you came into the world. ||33||
kehai naanuk srisatt kaa mool rachiaa joth raakhee thaa thoo jug mehi aaeiaa

min cwau BieAw pRB Awgmu suixAw ]

My mind has become joyful, hearing of God's coming.

man chaao bhaeiaa prubh aagum suniaa

hir mMglu gwau sKI igRhu mMdru bixAw ]

Sing the songs of joy to welcome the Lord, O my companions; my household has become the Lord's Mansion.
har mungul gaao sukhee grihu mundhur baniaa

hir gwau mMglu inq sKIey sogu dUKu n ivAwpey ]

Sing continually the songs of joy to welcome the Lord, O my companions, and sorrow and suffering will not afflict you.
har gaao mungul nith sukheeeae sog dhookh n viaapeae

gur crn lwgy idn sBwgy Awpxw ipru jwpey ]

Blessed is that day, when I am attached to the Guru's feet and meditate on my Husband Lord.
gur churun laagae dhin subhaagae aapunaa pir jaapeae

Anhq bwxI gur sbid jwxI hir nwmu hir rsu Bogo ]
I have come to know the unstruck sound current and the Word of the Guru's Shabad; I enjoy the sublime essence of the Lord, the Lord's Name.
anehuth baanee gur subadh jaanee har naam har rus bhogo

khY nwnku pRBu Awip imilAw krx kwrx jogo ]34]

Says Nanak, God Himself has met me; He is the Doer, the Cause of causes. ||34||
kehai naanuk prubh aap miliaa kurun kaarun jogo

ey srIrw myirAw iesu jg mih Awie kY ikAw quDu krm kmwieAw ]

O my body, why have you come into this world? What actions have you committed?
eae sureeraa maeriaa eis jug mehi aae kai kiaa thudh kurum kumaaeiaa

ik krm kmwieAw quDu srIrw jw qU jg mih AwieAw ]

And what actions have you committed, O my body, since you came into this world?
k kurum kumaaeiaa thudh sureeraa jaa thoo jug mehi aaeiaa

ijin hir qyrw rcnu ricAw so hir min n vswieAw ]

The Lord who formed your form you have not enshrined that Lord in your mind.
jin har thaeraa ruchun rachiaa so har man n vusaaeiaa

gur prswdI hir mMin visAw pUrib iliKAw pwieAw ]

By Guru's Grace, the Lord abides within the mind, and one's preordained destiny is fulfilled.
gur purusaadhee har munn vasiaa poorab likhiaa paaeiaa

khY nwnku eyhu srIru prvwxu hoAw ijin siqgur isau icqu lwieAw ]35]
Says Nanak, this body is adorned and honored, when one's consciousness is focused on the True Guru. ||35||
kehai naanuk eaehu sureer puruvaan hoaa jin sathigur sio chith laaeiaa

ey nyqRhu myirho hir qum mih joiq DrI hir ibnu Avru n dyKhu koeI ]
O my eyes, the Lord has infused His Light into you; do not look upon any other than the Lord.
eae naethruhu maeriho har thum mehi joth dhuree har bin avur n dhaekhuhu koee

hir ibnu Avru n dyKhu koeI ndrI hir inhwilAw ]

Do not look upon any other than the Lord; the Lord alone is worthy of beholding.
har bin avur n dhaekhuhu koee nudhuree har nihaaliaa

eyhu ivsu sMswru qum dyKdy eyhu hir kw rUpu hY hir rUpu ndrI AwieAw ]
This whole world which you see is the image of the Lord; only the image of the Lord is seen.
eaehu vis sunsaar thum dhaekhudhae eaehu har kaa roop hai har roop nudhuree aaeiaa

gur prswdI buiJAw jw vyKw hir ieku hY hir ibnu Avru n koeI ]
By Guru's Grace, I understand, and I see only the One Lord; there is no one except the Lord.
gur purusaadhee bujhiaa jaa vaekhaa har eik hai har bin avur n koee

khY nwnku eyih nyqR AMD sy siqguir imilAY idb idRsit hoeI ]36]
Says Nanak, these eyes were blind; but meeting the True Guru, they became all-seeing. ||36||
kehai naanuk eaehi naethr andh sae sathigur miliai dhib dhrisatt hoee

ey sRvxhu myirho swcY sunxY no pTwey ]

O my ears, you were created only to hear the Truth.

eae sruvunuhu maeriho saachai sununai no puthaaeae

swcY sunxY no pTwey srIir lwey suxhu siq bwxI ]

To hear the Truth, you were created and attached to the body; listen to the True Bani.
saachai sununai no puthaaeae sureer laaeae sunuhu sath baanee

ijqu suxI mnu qnu hirAw hoAw rsnw ris smwxI ]

Hearing it, the mind and body are rejuvenated, and the tongue is absorbed in Ambrosial Nectar.
jith sunee mun thun hariaa hoaa rusunaa ras sumaanee

scu AlK ivfwxI qw kI giq khI n jwey ]

The True Lord is unseen and wondrous; His state cannot be described.
such alukh viddaanee thaa kee gath kehee n jaaeae

khY nwnku AMimRq nwmu suxhu pivqR hovhu swcY sunxY no pTwey ]37]
Says Nanak, listen to the Ambrosial Naam and become holy; you were created only to hear the Truth. ||37||
kehai naanuk anmrith naam sunuhu pavithr hovuhu saachai sununai no puthaaeae

hir jIau guPw AMdir riK kY vwjw pvxu vjwieAw ]

The Lord placed the soul to the cave of the body, and blew the breath of life into the musical instrument of the body.
har jeeo gufaa andhar rakh kai vaajaa puvun vujaaeiaa

vjwieAw vwjw paux nau duAwry prgtu kIey dsvw gupqu rKwieAw ]
He blew the breath of life into the musical instrument of the body, and revealed the nine doors; but He kept the Tenth Door hidden.
vujaaeiaa vaajaa poun no dhuaarae purugutt keeeae dhusuvaa guputh rukhaaeiaa

gurduAwrY lwie BwvnI ieknw dsvw duAwru idKwieAw ]

Through the Gurdwara, the Guru's Gate, some are blessed with loving faith, and the Tenth Door is revealed to them.
gurudhuaarai laae bhaavunee eikunaa dhusuvaa dhuaar dhikhaaeiaa

qh Anyk rUp nwau nv iniD iqs dw AMqu n jweI pwieAw ]

There are many images of the Lord, and the nine treasures of the Naam; His limits cannot be found.
theh anaek roop naao nuv nidh this dhaa anth n jaaee paaeiaa

khY nwnku hir ipAwrY jIau guPw AMdir riK kY vwjw pvxu vjwieAw ]38]
Says Nanak, the Lord placed the soul to the cave of the body, and blew the breath of life into the musical instrument of the body. ||38||
kehai naanuk har piaarai jeeo gufaa andhar rakh kai vaajaa puvun vujaaeiaa

eyhu swcw soihlw swcY Gir gwvhu ]

Sing this true song of praise in the true home of your soul.

eaehu saachaa sohilaa saachai ghar gaavuhu

gwvhu q soihlw Gir swcY ijQY sdw scu iDAwvhy ]

Sing the song of praise in your true home; meditate there on the True Lord forever.
gaavuhu th sohilaa ghar saachai jithai sudhaa such dhiaavehae

sco iDAwvih jw quDu Bwvih gurmuiK ijnw buJwvhy ]

They alone meditate on You, O True Lord, who are pleasing to Your Will; as Gurmukh, they understand.
sucho dhiaavehi jaa thudh bhaavehi gurumukh jinaa bujhaavehae

iehu scu sBnw kw Ksmu hY ijsu bKsy so jnu pwvhy ]

This Truth is the Lord and Master of all; whoever is blessed, obtains it.

eihu such subhunaa kaa khusum hai jis bukhusae so jun paavehae

khY nwnku scu soihlw scY Gir gwvhy ]39]

Says Nanak, sing the true song of praise in the true home of your soul. ||39||
kehai naanuk such sohilaa suchai ghar gaavehae

Andu suxhu vfBwgIho sgl mnorQ pUry ]

Listen to the song of bliss, O most fortunate ones; all your longings shall be fulfilled.
anudh sunuhu vuddubhaageeho sugul munoruth poorae

pwrbRhmu pRBu pwieAw auqry sgl ivsUry ]

I have obtained the Supreme Lord God, and all sorrows have been forgotten.
paarubrehum prubh paaeiaa outhurae sugul visoorae

dUK rog sMqwp auqry suxI scI bwxI ]

Pain, illness and suffering have departed, listening to the True Bani.

dhookh rog sunthaap outhurae sunee suchee baanee

sMq swjn Bey srsy pUry gur qy jwxI ]

The Saints and their friends are in ecstasy, knowing the Perfect Guru.

sunth saajun bheae surusae poorae gur thae jaanee

suxqy punIq khqy pivqu siqguru rihAw BrpUry ]

Pure are the listeners, and pure are the speakers; the True Guru is allpervading and permeating.
sunuthae puneeth kehuthae pavith sathigur rehiaa bhurupoorae

ibnvMiq nwnku gur crx lwgy vwjy Anhd qUry ]40]1]

Prays Nanak, touching the Guru's Feet, the unstruck sound current of the celestial bugles vibrates and resounds. ||40||1||
binuvunth naanuk gur churun laagae vaajae anehudh thoorae

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw! vwihgurU jI kI Pqh!

The Khalsa belongs to God! All Victory is the Victory of God!

Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa! Vaheguru ji ki Fatah!

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