Spinal Nerves
3. Brain Stem
4. Cerebellum
External surface of the brain
BRAIN- 1. Cerebrum
The largest part of the brain.
Composed of:
2 hemispheres- the right and left, and the
basal ganglia.
The hemisphere is connected by corpus
callosum, a band of fibers.
Each hemisphere is divided into 4 lobes.
Structure of the Brain
The 4 Lobes of the
1. Frontal LobeCEREBRUM
Largest lobe
Largest lobe
location: front of the skull.
contains the primary motor cortex and
responsible for functions related to motor
The left frontal lobe contains Broca’s
area (control the ability to produce spoken
The frontal lobe controls higher
intellectual function, awareness of
self, and autonomic responses
related to emotions.
2. Parietal
Sensory lobe
location: near the crown of the head.
Contains the primary sensory cortex.
One of its major function is to process
sensory input such as position sense,
touch, shape, and consistency of objects.
3. Temporal
Location: around the temples.
Contains the primary auditory cortex.
4. Occipital
Location: lower back of the head
Contains the primary visual
Function: responsible for visual
Frontal- motor
/controls higher
intellectual function,
awareness of self,
and autonomic
responses related to
Parietal- sensory
Contains the
interpretative area
where auditory,
visual and somatic
input are integrated
into thought and
Lies on the top of the brain-stem
contains the thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus, and
Lies on the either side of the third ventricle
“Relay station” for all sensation except smell.
All memory, sensation and pain impulses pass through
this section.
Located anterior and inferior to the thalamus.
Has a variety of function and plays an important role in
maintaining homeostasis.
regulation of body temperature, hunger and
thirst; formation of autonomic nervous system
responses; and storage and secretion of
hormones from the pituitary gland.
Contains pineal gland.
Part of the extrapyramidal system of the autonomic
nervous system and the basal ganglia.
The Basal Ganglia
Are masses of nuclei located deep in
the cerebral hemispheres.
responsible for fine motor
movements, including those of the
hands and lower extremities.
Several motor disorders are
associated with basal ganglia damage
including Huntington’s chorea and
Parkinson’s disease.
BRAIN-2. Brain Stem
Consist of the midbrain, pons, and medulla
1.dura mater
3.pia mater.
CSF - provide a cushion, provide
nutrition, maintain normal ICP,
remove metabolic waste.
Composition – colorless, odorless fluid
containing glucose, electrolytes, oxygen,
water, small amount of carbon
monoxide and few leukocytes.
Produced in the choroid plexus of the
•Spinal Cord
Approximately 45 cm long (18 inches)
Acts as a passageway for
condition of sensory
information from the
periphery of the body to the
brain (via afferent nerve fibers).
Serve as the connection between the
brain and the periphery.
Mediates the reflexes.
Spinal Cord
cervical - C1-4
brachial plexus - C5-8, T1
intercostal - T2-T12
lumbar - L1-L4
sacral - L4-L5, S1-S3
pudendal - S4
1/3 of the cardiac output
From 2 vertebral artery and one
internal carotid arteries
Circle of willis
Peripheral Nervous System –
Cranial Nerves & Spinal Nerves
•Cranial Nerves
I—Olfactory nerve
II—Optic nerve
12 pairs III—Oculomotor
emerge from the nerve
undersurface of the IV—Trochlear nerve
brain. V—Trigeminal nerve
Cranial nerve VI—Abducens nerve
conducts impulses VII—Facial nerve
(motor and sensory VIIIAcoustic/Vestibul
information) between ocochlear
the brain and various IX—
structures of the head, Glossopharyngeal
neck, thoracic cavity nerve
and abdominal cavity. X—Vagus nerve
XI—Accessory nerve
Cranial Nerves
Cranial Function Assessment
I. Olfactory Sensory: Assess nose for Smell.
smell reception and Have the client close
reaction and
shine a light into
Cranial Function Assessment
Nerves constricts, making
the pupil smaller.
Accommodation is
tested by observing
pupillary constriction
when the client
changes gaze from a
distant object to a
Motor: near object.
IV. Trochlear
downward, inward Assess eyes for
eye movement. Extraocular
Motor: jaw opening
V. Trigeminal and clenching, Assess face for
chewing and Movement and
mastication Sensation
Test motor function
Sensory: sensation to
cornea, iris, lacrimal by having the client
glands, conjunctiva clench his/her teeth,
eyelids, forehead, then palate the
nose, nasal and temporal and
mouth mucosa, teeth, masseter muscles.
Cranial Function Assessment
Nerves her eyes, then wipe a
cotton wisp lightly
over the anterior
scalp, paranasal
sinuses, and jaw.
To test deep
sensation, use
alternating blunt and
sharp ends of a paper
clip over the client’s
forehead and
VI. Abducens Motor: lateral eye paranasal sinus.
VII. Facial Motor: movement of
facial expression Inspect the face both
muscles except jaw, at rest and during
close eyes, labial conversation.
speech sounds. Have the client raise
and CN X together
for movement and
Parasympathetic: gag reflex.
secretion of
Instruct the client
salivary gland,
to say “ah”; there
carotid reflex
should be bilateral
equal upward
movement of the
soft palate and
uvula; gagging will
Motor: voluntary occur; and speech
muscle of should be smooth.
X. Vagus phonation and
Assess mouth for
Gag Reflex and
Sensory: sensation Movement of Soft
behind ear and part Palate
Cranial Nerves Function Assessment
external ear canal.
secretion of
digestive enzymes;
peristalsis; carotid
action of the
XI. Spinal heart, lungs and Assess shoulder and
accessory digestive tract. neck muscles for
Motor: turn head, Strength and
shrug shoulders, Movement
Have the client
some actions for
phonation shrug his/her
shoulders upward
against your hands.
Have the client turn
Dermatome distribution
The dorsal roots contains sensory fibers that
relay information from sensory receptors to
the spinal cord
The ventral root contains motor fibers that
relay information from the spinal cord to the
body’s glands and muscles.
Dermatome distribution
Autonomic Nervous System
Regulates the activities of the
internal organs (heart, lungs, blood
vessels, digestive organs, and glands)
Responsible for maintenance and
restoration of internal homeostasis.
2 Components of ANS
1. Sympathetic Nervous System
2. Parasympathetic Nervous System
Sympathetic Nervous System
Expenditure of energy
Epinephrine; norepinephrine;
“Fight or flight” response.
Pupil dilates
Increased HR
Increased BP
Increased RR
Dry mouth
Urinary retention
Parasympathetic Nervous
conserving energy.
Pupil constricts
Decreased HR
Decreased BP
Decreased RR
Increased salivation
Urinary frequency
The Neurologic
General Assessment for
Neurological Disorders
Health History
Health History
Past Health History
Injuries and surgeries
Use of alcohol, medications, and illicit
Onset of symptoms.
Duration of current complain
Recent trauma
The disorders involving neurologic
system impairment are headache,
dizziness or vertigo, seizures, change in
consciousness, altered sensation and
Physical Examination
The brain and spinal cord cannot be
examined directly as other system of
the body.
V/S - abnormal respiration
breathing pattern
Pupillary reaction/pupillary changes
Eye movement & reflex response
Change in balance
Neurological Assessment
recognition of change
helps assess the patient’s ability to
engage in self-care activities.
Neurologic assessment is divided to
into 5 components:
Cerebral function
Cranial nerves
Motor system
Sensory system
1. Cerebral Function
Mental status: observe patient’s
appearance, behavior, dressing,
grooming and personal hygiene.
Posture, gestures, movements, facial
expression, motor activity, the
patient’s manner of speech and LOC
are also assessed.
Level of Consciousness (LOC) –
awareness of self and environment and
level of arousal (alert, lethargic,
obtunded, stuporous, coma).
Altered Level of Consciousness (LOC)- can
result from destruction of the brain stem or its
reticular formation of ascending nerves, or from other
structural, metabolic, or psychogenic disturbances.
Impaired ability to think clearly
Disturbed ability to perceive, respond
to, and remember current stimuli
Functional in activities of daily living
Coma Unarousable
Unresponsive to external stimuli or
internal needs
Determination commonly documented
using Glasgow Coma Scale score
Altered Movement
Involves certain neurotransmitters (ex.
Hyperkinesia- excessive movement
Hypokinesia- decreased movement
Marked by paresis- partial loss of motor
sensitivity to vibration
point localization.
Evaluate deep and superficial
reflexes (biceps, triceps, patellar,
ankle reflexes) and abnormal
reflexes (Babinski’s reflex).
Diagnostic Tests
Diagnostic Procedure Nursing Interventions
Computed Tomography
Scanning teaching the client about
Visualize sections of the the need to lie quietly
spinal cord as well as throughout the
intracranial contents procedure.
The injection of a water- Relaxation technique
soluble iodinated contrast into maybe helpful for clients
the subarachnoid space with claustrophobia.
through lumbar puncture Assess for
noninvasive and painless
has a high degree of
Secure patent IV line.
sensitivity for detecting
NPO if with contrast
medium, for 4 hrs.
Use of xray beams cross
section Monitor for allergic
Use : to identify intracranial
reaction: flushing, nausea
tumor, hemorrhage, cerebral and vomiting.
atrophy, calcification, edema,
infarction, congenital
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Diagnostic Procedure Nursing Interventions
Magnetic Resonance
Imaging Obtain history of metal
Uses a powerful magnetic implants. Remove all metal
field to obtain images of objects.
different areas of the body. Inform the client that the
Can be performed with or procedure last for 30 to 90
without a contrast agent and mins.
can identify a cerebral Patient preparation should
abnormality earlier and more include teaching relaxation
clearly than other diagnostic technique.
tests. Inform the client that a
Useful in diagnosis of
narrow, tunnel like machine
multiple sclerosis and can will enclose him/her during the
describe the activity and the procedure.
extent of disease in the brain Sedation may be needed for
and spinal cord. claustrophobic client.
Graphic record of the
Explain the procedure,
electrical activity generated in
assure the client he/she will
the brain.
not receive electrical shock.
EEG is a useful test for
The nurse needs to check
diagnosing and evaluating doctor’s order regarding the
seizure disorders, coma, or administration of antiseizure
organic brain syndrome. medication prior to testing.
A sleep EEG may be
Withhold tranquillizer and
recorded after sedation stimulants for 24 to 48 hours.
because some abnormal brain Inform the client that the
waves are seen only when the standard EEG takes 45 to 60
patient is asleep. minutes and 12 hours for
sleep EEG.
Lumbar puncture
Lumbar Puncture
Lumbar Puncture Maintain position,
Is carried out by usually lateral
inserting a needle into horizontal with knees
the lumbar to chest, chin on
subarachnoid space to chest.
withdraw CSF for Obtain signed
diagnostic or consent.
therapeutic purposes. Explain the procedure.
The needle is usually Observe for
inserted between L4 complication
and L5. following the procedure.
Keeping the patient in
prone position
Electromyography Nursing Interventions
Spinal Cord
Is an excess of cerebrospinal fluid in
the ventricles and subarachnoid spaces
of the brain.
Reasons for excess:
over production of fluid by the choroid
plexus in the 1st or 2nd ventricle
obstruction of the passageway of fluid
somewhere between the point of origin
and the point of absorption
interference with the absorption of fluid
from the subarachnoid space.
1. congenital
2. acquired.
The cause of congenital
hydrocephalus is unknown.
Incidence: 3 to 4 per 1000 live
In older child infections such as
meningitis and encephalitis may
leave adhesion that lead to
Nursing Assessment
Enlarged head
Prominent scalp vein.
Enlarged or full fontanels
Separated suture line
Increased head circumference
Sunset eyes
Shrill cry
Hyperactive reflexes
Signs of increased ICP
Decreased pulse
Increased temperature
Decreased respiration
Increased BP
Diagnostic Test
sonogram, CT scan, MRI.
Skull x-ray film will reveal the
and restrain.
Meticulously clean buttocks and
Observe sac for oozing of fluid or
Crede bladder (apply downward
pressure on bladder with
thumbs, moving urine toward the
urethra) as ordered to prevent
urinary stasis.
Assess amount of sensation and
movement below defect.
Observe for complications.
Obtain occipital-frontal
circumference baseline
measurement, then measure
head circumference once a day
(to detect hydrocephalus).
Common Health
Problems of the
Child and
Reye’s Syndrome
Cerebral Palsy
Group of nonprogressive disorders of upper
motor neuron impairment that result in motor
A child may also have speech or ocular
difficulty, seizures, cognitive challenges, or
Exact cause is unknown, but the disorder is
associated with low birth weight, prebirth, or
birth injury.
Occurs in approximately 2 in 1000 live births,
occurring most frequently in very-low-birth-
weight infants
It apparently occurs when brain anoxia leads to
cell destruction of the motor tracts.
Types of Cerebral Palsy
Spastic Type
Spasticity is excessive tone in the
voluntary muscles (loss of upper motor
The child with spastic CP has
hypertonic muscle, abnormal clonus,
exaggeration of deep tendon reflexes,
abnormal reflexes such as tonic neck
Spastic movement may affect both
extremities on one side (hemiplegia),
all four extremities (quadriplegia), or
primarily the lower extremities
Dyskinetic or Athetoid Type
Involves abnormal involuntary
Athetoid means “wormlike”.
The child is limp and flaccid.
The child makes slow, writhing motions.
This may involve all four extremities,
plus the face, neck, and tongue.
The child drools and speech is difficult
to understand.
Ataxic Type
Children with ataxic involvement have
an awkward, wide-base gait.
On neurologic examination, they are
unable to perform finger-to-nose test or
perform rapid, repetitive movements
(tests of cerebral function).
Mixed Type
Symptoms of both spasticity and
athenoid movements are present
Nursing Assessment
Diagnosis is based on history and
physical assessment.
On history, an episode of
Myasthenia Gravis
MS is:
Multiple Sclerosis
chronic, degenerative disease of the central
nervous system that is characterized by
demyelination of the nerve fibers of the
brain and spinal cord.
Gen. characterized by exacerbations and
remisions (relapsing-remitting type0
Although the cause of MS is unknown, it
appears to be related to autoimmune
disorder and viral infections.
commonly appears during adulthood (ages
20 to 40).
Areas of the CNS most commonly affected
brainstem, cerebrum, cerebellum, optic
nerves, and the spinal cord.
Process of Demylination
Sign and symptoms of MS is characterized
by remissions and exacerbation of
Symptoms vary depending on the area of
the CNS involved, but generally include:
Visual disturbances (diplopia, partial or total
loss of vision, nystagmus)
Scanning speech (slow, monotonous, slurred)
Weakness/numbness of the extremities
Increased susceptibility to URTI
Ataxic gait
Diagnostic Test
Lumbar Puncture-total CSF protein is
normal; IgG (gamma globulin is elevated- IgG
reflects hyperactivity of the immune system
due to chronic demyelinaton)
EEG-abnormalities in brain waves
CT scan/ MRI reveals multifocal
Skull x-ray
Nursing Diagnoses for MS:
Risks: Ineffective breathing pattern;
airway clearance; impaired—swallowing,
physical mobility, skin integrity; altered
nutrition; urinary incontinence;
Interventions for
There is no specific treatment for MS.
Treatment includes:
physical therapy- to assist with motor dysfunction, such as
problem with balance, stregnth, and motor coordination.
speech therapy- to manage dysarthria
drug therapy
Respiratory distress
S&S Rationale/
Pathophysiologic Basis
Skeletal muscle due to impaired
weakness, fatigue neuromuscular
Weak eye
closure,ptosis, due to impaired
diplopia, neuromuscular
transmission to the cranial
nerves supplying the eye
“snarl smile” (smiles muscles
Masklike facial Impaired transmission of
expression; Impaired the cranial nerves
speech; drooling innervating the facial
respiratory muscles
Due to impaired
Muscle are usually neuromuscular
strongest in the morning transmission to the
but become progressively
weaker during the day diaphragm due to loss of
and following an exercise. ACh receptors in the
Myasthenia Gravis
Diagnostic Test
Tensilon Test (Edrophonium Chloride Test)
Tensilon Test (Edrophonium Chloride Test)
Short acting cholinergic is administered.
Neostigmine (Postigmin)
Pyridostigmin (Mestinon)
Ambenomium (Mytelase)
Common Health
Problem of the
(Tic Douloureux)
Neurologic disorder affecting the
5th cranial nerve. Possible fifth
cranial nerve root compression
Manifested by excruciating,
Diagnostic Tests:
-based on clinical presentation
MRI-rules out tumor
Electromyography- 10 days after the
onset of S/S
Analgesics- to relieve pain
Steroids- to reduce facial nerve
edema & improve edema & improve
nerve conduction & bld flow
Possible electrotheraphy
Surgery for persistent paralysis
Nursing Considerations
Watch for adverse effects of steroids use
Apply moist heat to the affected side of the face-to reduce
Help the pt maintain muscle tone:
Note: Middle Cerebral Artery
Familial hyperlipidemia
is commonly affected.
Family history of stroke
The second most
frequently affected is Hx of TIA
Embolism- from thrombus outside the brain,
such as in the heart, aorta, or common carotid
The second most common cause of CVA.
Unstable respiration
Severe headache
Unilateral neglect
Diagnostic Findings:
CT scan- identifies an ischemic stroke
within the first 72 hours of symptom onset
or evidence of a hemorrhagic stroke
(lesions >1 cm immediately)
MRI-assists in identifying areas of ischemia
or infarction and cerebral swelling
Others: angiography, carotid duplex
Hemiplegia – Dysarthria - difficulty in
weakness/paralysis of half speech articulation due to
the body lack of muscle
Cognitive impairement- control
Aphasia – maybe Kinesthesia – loss of
expressive or receptive; sensation (of bodily
the partial or tota movement)
inability to produce &
understand speech
Apraxia – can move but
Incontinence – maybe
cannot do the purpose; fecal/urine; inability to
inability to perform control urination or
complex movements defecation
Sensory impairement-
Shoulder pain
Visual changes – Contractures
homonymous Fluid imbalances
hemianopsia; Agnosia – Cerebral edema
loss of sense of smell Aspiration
Altered LOC
Infections such as
Nursing Considerations:CVA
Maintain a patent airway and oxygenation:
If the pt is unconscious; vomiting- lateral position to
prevent aspiration of saliva
Promote communication
Care for the client with aphasia.
Say one word at time.
Give simple commands.
Allow the client to verbalize, no matter how
long it takes him
Give medications as ordered- Tell the pt to
watch out for side effects. (ex. Aspirin-GI
Assist with rehab
Teach the pt to comb hair, to dress, & to wash
Obtain assistive devices ( through the aid of
PT/OT) such as walkers, hand bars by the toilet,
and ramps as needed
Be aware that the pt has a unilateral neglect, in
which he fails to recognize that he ha a paralized
side- show him how to protect his body from
Emphasize importance of regular ff-up visits
Parkinson’s Disease
Slowly progressive degenerative
of basal ganglia function that results in
variable combinations of tremor,
rigidity, and bradykinesia
Onset usually after age 40
Parkinson’s Disease: deficient
in dopamine
Exact cause unknown
Possible causes:
Dopamine deficiency, which prevents
affected brain cells from performing their
nomal inhibitory function in the CNS
Exposure to toxins( manganese dust or
carbon monoxide)
Repeated trauma to the brain
Brain tumors
Dopamine neurons degenerate, causing
loss of available dopamine
Dopamine deficiency prevents
Affected brain cells from performing their
normal inhibitory function
Excess excitatory Ach occurs at the
Nondopamineric receptors are also involvd
Motor neurons are depressed
Pathophysiologic changes/
Muscle rigidity, akinesia, and insidious tremor beginning in
the fingers (UNILATERAL PILL_ROLL TREMOR) secondary to
loss of inhibitory dopamine activity at the synapse- increase
during stres or anxiety; decreases with purposeful
movement & sleep
Muscle rigidity with resistance to passive
Mask-like appearance
Gait disturbance-lacks normal parallel motion;
may be retropulsive or propulsive
Oily skin- secondary to inappropriate
regulation of androgen production by
hypothalmic-pituitary axis
Pathophysiologic changes/
Dysphagia, dysarthria; excessive sweating;
decreased GI motility and genitourinary
smooth muscle-from impaired autonomic
Voice changes
Small handwriting
Poor judgement, endogenous depression,
dementia- from impaired dopamine
metabolism, and neurotransmitter dysfunction
Common Health
Problem that
occur Across the
Life Span
Sudden explosive and disorderly discharge of
cerebral neurons
abnormal and excessive discharge of neurons in
the brain
Types of seizures:
grand mal
petit mal
febrile seizures
status epilepticus
Petit mal
No aura
10-20 seconds
Common to children as well as adult
Little tonic-clonic movements
Cessation of ongoing physical
With aura
With organic lesion
Group of muscle affectation
Psychomotor Seizure
With aura
With psychiatric involvement
Characterized with mental clouding
Violence, antisocial acts
Febrile Seizure
Related to temperature
Present among children
Status epilepticus
Prolonged seizure state
Can occur in any type of sizure
Rapid successions with no full
consciousness in between
Brain damage can occur; most life
threatening in tonic-clonic seizures
Common to clients who are in coma
Related to medication
Primary Seizure Disorder (Epilepsy)
Secondary Epilepsy
Characterized by structural changes or
Patent airway
Oxygenate as needed
Raise siderails
Ensure safety-during seizure:
Avoid restraining the pt
Help the pt to a lying position
Loosen any tight clothing
Clear the area of hard objects
Don’t place anything into the pt’s mouth to prevent lascerating the
mouth & lips or displace teeth
If vomiting occurs, turn the head to provide an open airway
After the seizure subsides, reorient the patient to time & place;
inform him that he had a seizure
Companion at bedside
Meds as ordered
Increased Intracranial
ICP- the pressure exerted within the intact skull by the
intracranial volume-about 10% blood,10% CSF, & 80% brain
Causes : head injury
^ICP- the brain will compensate by:
limiting bld flow to the head
displaces CSF into the spinal canal
increases absorption or decreases production
If ICP remains high, there will be loss of autoregulatory
mechanism which will lead to passive dilation, increased cerebral
flow, venous congestion. Further increase in ICP will result to
cellular hypoxia and eventually, brain death.
Major Types of Herniation
Increased Intracranial
Increased HA
Nausea &Vomoting
Cushing’s triad
Eye involvement
Altered LOC
Sensory dysfunction
Elimination problem
Care for the client with increased ICP.
Monitor drainage from ears and nose.
Monitor for signs and symptoms of
meningitis, atelectasis, pneumonia, UTI.
Intracranial Tumors
Intracranial tumors may be
classified as: gliomas,
meningiomas, neuromas,
Gliomas account for about 50%
Precental gyrus
Jacksonian seizures
Occipital lobe
Visual disturbances preceeding
Temporal lobe
Olfactory, visual or gustatory
Psychomotor seizures with automatic
Parietal lobe
Inability to replicate pictures.
Loss of right-left discrimination
Care for the client with increase
Spinal shock
Nursing Diagnoses:
Ineffective breathing pattern
Ineffective airway clearance
Neuropathic pain
Impaired physical mobility
Impaired gas exchange
Disuse syndrome
Ineffective coping
Medical Management
Cervical collar; cast or brace; traction; turning
IV; stabilization of vital signs
Surgical intervention
Surgical Management
Surgery to
Remove bone fragments
Repair dislocated vertebrae
Stabilize the spine
Maintain airway patency
Suction PRN
Elimination hygiene
Adequate breathing
Pain relief
Mobility using minimal assistive devices
Reduced complications from inactivity
Coping with the challenge of
Infectious Neurologic
Brain Abscess
Herpes Simplex Virus
Arthropod-Borne Virus
Fungal Encephalitis
Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob
Brain Injuries
Closed (blunt) Intracranial
Brain Injury Hemorrhage
Open Brain Epidural
Injury Hematoma
Contusion Intracerebral
Diffuse Axonal Hemorrhage and
Injury Hematoma