Principles of Social Action
Principles of Social Action
Principles of Social Action
social work used for mobilizing masses in order to bring about structural changes in the social system or to prevent adverse changes.
word social action in 1922. She defines social action as mass betterment through propaganda and social legislation. Sydney Maslin (1947) limits the scope of social action by considering it as a process of social work mainly concerned with securing legislation to meet mass problems. Baldwin (1966) defines social action as an organized effort to change social and economic institutions as distinguished from social work or social service, the fields which do not characteristically cover essential changes in established institutions.
The objective of
social action is the proper shaping and development of socio-cultural environment in which a richer and fuller life may be possible for all the citizens.
Mishra (1992) has identified following goals of social action:
1) Prevention of needs; 2) Solution of mass problems; 3) Improvement in mass conditions; 4) Influencing institutions, policies and practices; 5) Introduction of new
6) Redistribution of power and resources (human, 218 Social Work Intervention with Communities and Institutions material and moral); 7) Decision-making; 8) Effect on thought and action structure; and 9) Improvement in health, education and
Considering Gandhian principle of mobilization
as a typical example of the direct mobilization model of social action Britto (1984) brings out the following principles of social action: principle of Credibility Building
Principle of Legitimization Principle of Dramatization
It is the task of
creating public image of leadership, the organization and the participants of the movement as champions of
Credibility can be built through one or many of the following ways: Gestures of goodwill towards the opponent Example setting Selection of typical, urgently felt problems for struggles Success
Legitimization is the process of
convincing the target group and the general public that the movement-objectives are morally right. Leaders of the movement might use theological, philosophical, legal-technical, public opinion paths to establish the tenability of the movements objectives. Legitimization is a continuous process.
Following are the three approaches to legitimization: Theological and religious approach Moral approach
Dramatization is the
principle of mass mobilization by which the leaders of a movement galvanize the population into action by emotional appeals to heroism, sensational news management, novel procedures, pungent slogans and such other techniques.
Some of the mechanisms of dramatization could be: Use of songs Powerful speeches Role of women Boycott Slogans
The basket principle indicates the
adoption of a Social Work Intervention with Communities and Institutions multiple strategy, using combined approaches and also a combination of different types of programmes.
Zeltman and Duncan have identified four development strategies from their experience of community development. Educational strategy Persuasive strategy Facilitative strategy Power strategy
Any activist has to build
counter-systems or revive some unused system, which is thought to be beneficial to the mobilized public on a self-help basis without involving the opponent.
Manifold Programmes
It means developing
Social Political