Rti, Jammu
Session Overview
In dealing with employees, an intangible factor of will or freedom of choice is introduced and employees can increase or decrease their productivity as they choose. This human quality gives rise to the need for positive motivation. An employees performance can be defined as being determined by the interaction between ability and motivation: Performance=Ability x Motivation The first(Ability) determines what he can do, the second (Motivation)determines what he will do. Therefore motivation is the key element in management of employees .It is of utmost importance.
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Learning Objective
By the end of this session ,the learner will be able to understand the need for motivating employees to perform to the best of their ability and various methods which supervisors should use for keeping the employees positively motivated.
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Basic Concepts
Motivation is the consequence of an interaction between the individual and the situation. People who are motivated exert a greater effort to perform than those who are not motivated. Motivation is the willingness to do something. It is conditioned by this actions ability to satisfy some need for the individual
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Motivational process
Unsatisfied need Tension Drives Search behaviour Goal achievement Need satisfaction Reduction of tension
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Motivation is a process which begins with a physiological or psychological need or deficiency which triggers behaviour or a drive that is aimed at a goal or an incentive.
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Types of Motives
Primary Motives
Hunger Thirst Clothing Sleep Maternal concern
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General Motives
Motives which can not be termed primary or secondary Primary needs try to reduce the tension or stimulation whereas the general need induces the individual to enhance the amount of stimulation. Also called stimulus motives-Love ,concern and affection.
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Secondary Motives
Learned drives become secondary motives Includes Curiosity Manipulation
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Achievement drive
The desire of an individual to perform in terms of a particular standard of excellence or the desire to be successful in competitive situations.
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Theories of Motivation
Some important theories:
Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory Mcclellands Achievement Motivation Theory Herzbergs Motivation-Hygiene theory Expectancy Theory
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Expectancy Theory
This theory argues that the strength of a tendency to act in a certain way depends on the strength of an expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of the outcome to the individual. It includes three variables:
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Expectancy Theory
1. Attractiveness: the importance that the individual places on the potential outcome or reward that can be achieved on the job. This considers the unsatisfied needs of the individual. 2. Performance-reward linkage: the degree to which the individual believes that performing at a particular level will lead to the attainment of each job outcome Rti, Jammu 19
Expectancy Theory
3. Effort performance linkage: the perceived probability by the individual that exerting a given amount of effort will lead to performance.
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Strategies for Motivating subordinates Reward risk taking instead of risk avoiding
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Strategies for Motivating subordinates Reward smart work instead of busy work
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How to encourage effective behaviour Seek quiet employees and resolve to spend time encouraging and rewarding them. Keep alert for squeaking joints and do not oil them
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They are rarely, if ever, absent. They work well under pressure They consistently turn out high-quality work on time They do not constantly pester others for advice and guidance. They are so quiet and unassuming that one hardly knows they are there except for their good work. They produce many more answers than problems.
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Strategies for Motivating subordinates Reward working together instead of working against
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Rti, Jammu
Six important words are I admit I made a mistake Five important words are You did a good job Four important words are What is your opinion? Three important words are Lets work together. Two most important words are Thank you Single most important word is WE.
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Thank you
Be a good motivator
Rti, Jammu