Computer Fundamental
Computer Fundamental
Computer Fundamental
By Nikunj Nayak
CMS-Ganpat University.
What is a computer?
A computer is an electronic device that
v Receives data
v Processes the data it receives
v Store the data in memory or on some storage device such as a disk or
v Outputs information on a device such as a monitor or printer
Control Arithmetic
Unit Logic Unit
Input Output
Devices System Bus Devices
Storage Magnetic Disk
Devices Tape Units
Optical Disks, etc.
What does a computer do?
As complex as some computers may be, they all essentially
perform only two operations:
Computers in Society
v Impact of computers
– Like the Impact of automobile
Computers in Society
v The benefits of using computers
– As varied as users
Computers in Society
v Computers at home
– Many homes have multiple computers
– Most American homes have Internet
– Computers are used for
• Communication
Computers in Society
v Computers at home
– Computers are used for
• Business
• Entertainment
• Schoolwork
• Finances
Computers in Society
v Computers in education
– Computer literacy required at all levels
Computers in Society
v Computers in small business
– Makes businesses more profitable
– Allows owners to manage
Computers in Society
v Computers in industry
– Computers are
used to design
– Assembly
lines are
Computers in Society
v Computers in government
– Necessary to track data for population
• Police officers
Computers in Society
v Computers in health care
– Revolutionized health care
– New treatments possible
– Scheduling of patients has improved
– Delivery of medicine is safer
Why Study Computer Architecture?
v User
– Understand system capabilities and limitations
– Make informed decisions
– Improve communications with information technology
v Systems Analyst
– Conduct surveys, determine feasibility and define and document
user requirements
– Specify computer systems to meet application requirements
v Programmer
– Create efficient application software for specific processing needs
Why Study Computer Architecture?
v Speed:
It takes only few seconds for calculations that we take hours to complete.
Computer can perform millions (1,000,000) of instructions and even
more per second.
v Accuracy:
The degree of accuracy of computer is very high and every calculation is
performed with the same accuracy.
The errors in computer are due to human and inaccurate data.
v Diligence:
A computer is free from tiredness, lack of concentration, fatigue, etc.
It can work for hours without creating any error.
v Versatility:
It means the capacity to perform completely different type of work.
You may use your computer to prepare payroll slips. Next moment you
may use it for inventory management or to prepare electric bills.
v Power of Remembering:
Any information can be stored and recalled as long as you require it, for
any numbers of years.
v No IQ:
Computer is a dumb machine and it cannot do any work without
instruction from the user.
v No Feeling:
It does not have feelings or emotion, taste, knowledge and
v Storage:
The Computer has an in-built memory where it can store a large
amount of data.
You can also store data in secondary storage devices
Categories of computers
Computers are classified by
Vacuum Integrated LSI, VLSI Power,
Tubes Solid-State Circuits Micro- Smaller
processors Footprint