Turbine Issues Resolution
Turbine Issues Resolution
Turbine Issues Resolution
30. The key way provided in the casing does Drawing shall be reviewed to
not match with keyway provided in IP inlet provide better understanding
insert, if alignment is done as per drg no. 0- and to avoid similar error in
10612-01000. Separate keyway in casing to future.
match corresponding groove provided in IP inlet
insert were made
Problem Measures Taken
31. Aux. Oil Pumps supplier-Mather & Platt, Interaction done with supplier
Pune to prevent recurrence. CQ
In Unit No 3 during pump in service abnormal Secunderabad is being
noise was noticed in Pump Sl.No.43805001/1, informed for needful.
Pump was opened for inspection & following
observation made - Impeller locking nut with
shaft was not found locked properly resulting in Quality plan shall be reviewed
lock nut getting loosened & impeller rubbing to avoid repetition of such
with pump casing at bottom side. events.
- Pump back plate LG-2 holding brass sleeve
found cracked near grub screw for locking
- Thrust ball bearing found jammed resulting in
abnormal sound during pump running.
- Pump back plate (cracked), brass sleeve &
bearing required replacement.
- Pump Sl.No 43805001/2 was opened to check
Impeller locking & Impeller casing. (Pump
casing) was found cracked on mounting flange
at topside –Casing replaced from Pump Sl.No
Problem Measures Taken
32. In Turbine as well as Generator Matter has been taken up in RCA
coupling faces, coupling radial, committee and interaction with sites and
Journal radial run outs observed unit will continue.
beyond 0.02 specified Engg. Run out values beyond permissible limits
requirements in Unit No III & IV sites have to inform through email /fax/
Rihand and other sites telephone to Engg and QA of Haridwar
prior to taking up any rework.
Unit will depute representative to analyse
the issue and to know differences, if any
in measurement practices at shops and
33.Three(3) nos. holes of LP casing Isolated case
base plate were sent with diameter.
66mm instead of diameter.
78+1mm.Pkg no:75101,item
no:02(drg. No-1-10723-25000)
Required size holes were made at
local workshop. Sometimes it is very
difficult to get the facility for
machining such a heavy job at site.
Problem Measures Taken
34. No clearance between the Hyd. Missed operation is due to human
Barring Gear wheel(pgma-11501) & failure. QC took care by making a
guide cover(item no-11 of 0-11653- check list in advance.
27000) of front pedestal cover. Cover
bore dia.475mm, barring gear wheel
diameter. 480mm. Incomplete
machining. Required bore diameter on
the cover made by grinding at site and
clearance achieved. Very difficult to
achieve required. machining by
manual grinding - Talcher
Problem Measures Taken
35. Only one set of O-rings (item no-02&03) & Agreed
sealing rings (item no-05&06) for hyd. Test & CBOM for 250 / 500 MW sets
steam blowing arrangement of valves are supplied shall be revised.
for all the units. Pkg no-75319drg. No-1-12023- In the meanwhile, present
05000,1-12024-05000,1-12025-05000,1-12026- running sites can get the
05000,1-12050-25000 & 1-12062-01000. same by putting request to
Required Materials arranged at site. These Haridwar unit.
consumables are required to be supplied by Mfg.
Unit . One set for each unit is essential for
smooth & successful conducting of tests.
Talcher and other sites
36. Edge of inlet pipe of ESV casing was not Additional care shall be taken
perfect (tapered face). Difficult in joint fit-up. Edge by unit.
correction was made perfectly by manual grinding.
Perfect machining is to be carried out at works.
Delay in erection activities due to rectification
Problem Measures Taken
37. Assembly problem of IP Turbine due to supply To avoid mix up proper
of wrong fitted keys & spacers. Required material identification shall be marked
arranged by Haridwar unit & correct assembly of on keys and packers.
IPT completed successfully at site. During
packing & dispatch correct material/ parts to be
identified & supplied for the equipment.
38. Face run out of and parallelism problem faced Feedback noted by unit.
at TAPP for LP 1&2 rotors at all four faces. The
same has been corrected at site. Same is to be
ensured during manufacturing/ slow speed
balancing at unit.
39. Mismatch between Equipment drg and Problem due to customer
Customer layout drg. have been observed in drawing mirror image
many cases e.g. PW Unit, Oil Supply rack for ESV betweeen Unit 3 and 4.
/CV, Turbine Cladding, Seal Oil in Oil Canal, CRH Feedback noted by unit.
& HRH Piping Support EP. Drawings of Tarapur shall be
Tarapur corrected so as in future
similar sets, problem may not
Problem Measures Taken
40. Control Oil Pump (Imported from KSB Being investigated by vendor.
Germany) not developing pressure. One Site informed likely delay in oil
pump has been sent to KSB Pune for flushing activity
testing. Results awaited.
41. In LP shaft sealing, the dimension ‘E’ Proper sequence of operation to
of keyway is 29mm whereas ‘E’ of key is be followed by sub contractor.
42 mm. (drg. No. 0-107-44-18000)& (drg. Feed back shared with QC-SC
No. 0-107-64-18000)
7 nos. keys machined
TDL Panipat, Parichha
42. In LP casing assembly, there is Drawing of compensator to be
mismatch in holes of inner guide plate of reviewed to include the tech.
diffuser U/H & LP shaft seal compensator requirement
of the order of 3-4mm in all holes .The M/s Lonestar, Chennai is the
holes were enlarged supplier and CQS Chennai will be
TDL Panipat, Suratgarh (all units) given feedback.
Problem Measures Taken
43. Wrong machining of Flange item no. 01 of Site representative provided
drg. No. 1-10740-02500(atmospheric relief sketch during meeting and it
diaphragm) Assembly is done by using longer has been agreed to take up in
bolts with spring lock washer since the RCA committee.
modification/ rectification is not possible (SAR
HWF-004 dated : 3/08/2004 )
44. SUGGESTION (Talcher) Suggestion has been
Spare Lead diaphragm(2 nos per unit) may be accepted by unit.
supplied for all the future projects for Sites to contact Haridwar unit
emergency requirements till handing over. for needful.
45. 1)20 mm gap observed between collar of Feedback has been noted by
screw and bracket. (2)Beam could not be unit and problem has not
inserted into support since dimensions of recurred.
beam and support are equal.
Unit action:1) 20mm washers provided. 2) Plate
welded on beam at one end was cut and
removed for insertion of beam and
replaced later. (Drg.no.0-12321-25000)
Problem Measures Taken
46. Radial clearances of LP turbine found Repetitive problem. Grinding data
less than design values which has to be provided to Haridwar unit
necessitated grinding/cutting of fins. for RCA committee.
Radial and axial offset noticed in the inner It has been agreed that Sh B Murmu
dia of guide blade carriers of LPT 4th,5th of PSSR will provide data of Talcher,
and 6th stages Simhadri site and Sh O D Sharma of
Rihand, Vindhyachal, Mejia and other PSWR will provide data of Rihand &
sites Vindhyachal sites.
47. IPSV’s failed to open in Unit-4 due to Valve block assy has been replaced
suspected problem in the valve block from Vindhyachal site. Failed assy is
assembly of the supply rack. After presently at Haridwar unit.
replacing it by other valve block assembly, Unit will inspect and re-test the
IPSV’s opened same.
Rihand Procedure/ document will be revised
48. M42 tapped holes missing in pedestal Sub-contracted item. Left over
3 and 4. operations did not get recorded.
4 no holes not available and 3 holes did not Scope clarity between shop & sub-
have threads contractor as well as route card
entries are being ensured to avoid
Problem Measures Taken
49. LP girder holding bolts- all round clearance It will be taken up in RCA
found only 1.5 mm instead of 6-7 mm as per committee.
50. Step of 0.02 mm height in the IP rotor front Feedback will be further
coupling face resulting in high value of coupled deliberated in unit.
runout and swing check of HP front after
coupling bolt elongation
51. Some components of overspeed trip Assembly is being ensured at
release device were found not assembled when works prior to dispatch.
received from works necessitating it to be sent
back to works
52. Thermal insulation data sheet for turbine Unit has agreed with site
needs to be revised as it is not suitable for the feedback and will examine
present design . No space for sufficient the issue
insulation thickness on shaft seal casings of
Rihand and other sites
Problem Measures Taken
53. Thickness of insulating sleeve on test oil pipe Site representative gave
in MOP becomes very less after machining to the detailed feedback on the same.
present drawing size which may result in the
sleeve getting damaged in short time and part of Increase in diameter near
it traveling to the overspeed bolts causing mal- emergency governor side shall
operation of overspeed protection as well as be reviewed suitably by Engg.
failure of insulation between HP rotor and MOP.
54.Fouling of the stiffener plates of the LP rotor Lifting beams specifications
lifting beam with EOT crane main hook have been modified.
necessitating grinding and cutting of the inner
stiffener plate
55. Fouling of the IP shaft support console on Drawing revision will be
front side with slings while placing the rotor on considered.
stand. Necessitated in cutting the console top in
taper fashion ( chamfering of about 50 mm width)
to accommodate the slings
Problem Measures Taken
56. Non availability of shaft lifting device for IP Unit will examine request
rotor rear end. This is essential for removal of from sites.
bearing no. 3 when LP rotor is decoupled from
IP rotor
Rihand and other sites
Problem Measures Taken
57. Casing exhaust portion of HPT was fouling Isolated case
with the front bearing pedestal support blocks Not repeated in subsequent
provided for hydraulic jacks on both sides. The sets
chamfering on the corners of the support blocks
of FB pedestal was increased by 30mm on both
sides. (Drg.no. 0-11601-27000)
58. Baffle strip is to be provided in the gap Customer scope
between TG deck and oil canal. These strips (part of Civil work)
are not shown in the civil drgs. Baffle strips
provided at site. Baffle strips are not in Hardwar
scope of supply. (Drg.no.0-131-00-81001)
59. Orientation of gland steam inlet pipe is Drawing revised.
shown on LHS whereas the correct orientation
of seal steam inlet is on the RHS. Assembly of
shaft seal casings will be done keeping inlet
steam connection on RHS. (Drg.no. 1-10710-
09000 ; 1-10711-09000)
Problem Measures Taken
60. Supplied flexible bends had an arm length of Document has already been
1800mm whereas drg. Shows from valve centre to revised to have flexible bends
flexible bend with drain header connection as arm length 1200 mm
1205mm. Drain pipe line arm length is to be
increased to the required dimension by using extra
elbows. (Drg.no. 0-13112-81004)
61. Lube piping scheme for all bearing pedestals Documents has been revised
return oil lines shows 2 temperature stubs in each
return oil line whereas lub oil piping layout shows
only one stub on each return oil line. Site provided
7 nos. of stubs and weld on lube oil return lines.
(Drg.no. 2-131-00-81101; 0-13111-81003)
62. Refer lub oil piping layout.Nb-150 drain line Documents has been revised
can't be connected with Nb-200 flange due to
non-availability of sufficient space at that location.
Site made Nb-200 flange with 150mm eccentric
opening to suit Nb-150 pipe. (Drg.no. 0-13111-
81003,81004; 9-139-36-01000)
Problem Measures Taken
63. Control fluid supply line to duplex filter at Site routed pipes to be
ele.12.7M was fouling with LP Bypass up erected only after erection of
stream line to LP bypass valve no.01 Control critical pipes
fluid supply line was cut and re-routed. Pipes
Nb-50 & below are site routed and are to be
erected after critical piping erection.(0-13155-
64. Line filters for oil flushing of lub oil system Design has been modified
are getting damaged frequently due to now using perforated sheet
inadequate strengthening. Site locally as per site recommendations.
manufactured these line filters with perforated
sheet fitted out side the mesh .Feed back given
to concerned personnel. (Drg.no. 1-11717-
18000; 2-11648-27000)
Problem Measures Taken
65. Groove provided on bearing shell on bottom
half below the bearing liner is extended and Isolated Case
connected to the groove provided for O-ring on
one of the jacking oil port openings. O-rings
may get damaged. Unit to suggest rectification
procedure. Under cut area may be built up by
TIG wire ER 70S. (Drg.no. 0-1170327000)
66. Pressure switch MAV82CP011 is of the Not required. Added on
range -1 to +1kg/sq cm which will not be able to request of NTPC and later
detect fall in vacuum due to higher hysterisis. withdrawn by NTPC
Unit to supply 2 nos. pressure switches of
range -5 mBar. No such pressure switches
available. Change over of exhausters may be
done using discrepancy signals
Problem Measures Taken
67. Heavy leakage was observed from the Fabrication drawing has been
bottom side of LP/Generator pedestal through revised
welding joints between the vertical stiffeners
and base plate on both LHS & RHS. Stiffeners
were also not welded from inside Welding done
at site by Haridwar team
(Drg.no. 0-11803-02000)
68. As per PEM drg, there is no pressure During discussions, it was
gauge tapping with root valve after the isolation conveyed that PEM was not
valve of ECW piping to exciter cooler but as provided this input and it is
per Haridwar drg, pressure points are in PEM being taken care now.
scope. Site provided the above. (Drg.no. PD-
Points agreed during discussions
1. Runout & swing check measurement instructions will be made available to
sites from Haridwar unit
2. Swing check device of PSWR - Dimensions to be provided to Haridwar unit
by the PSWR for review.
3. For MS and HRH strainer welding, supply of two packets of Nicro-82 welding
electrodes per unit will be supplied.
4. All sites to provide package nos. in SARs/ CARs/ MDRs raised.
5. Unit informed that they are not receiving Field Quality Plans from Power
sector –Regions for vetting and comments, if any. PS –Regional HQs may
take note of this for needful.
6. Product Engg groups at Haridwar will identify list of Corporate Standards
requiring reference at site. This list will be provided to Power Sector Regions.
In turn, PS-Regions/sites will arrange for these standards at the sites.