Fundamentals of Health Law
Fundamentals of Health Law
Fundamentals of Health Law
Subject and methods of medical law. Medical relationship: concept, types, composition. System and source of medical law. Medical law as an academic discipline and field of science
Ministry of Public Health is a specially authorized central body of executive branch in the sphere of public health
Subject of legal regulation responds to the question: what regulates this branch of law
Subject of health law is social relations that arise in the course of medical activities
Methods of regulation - a set of legal ways, which affect on social relations that are the subject of legal regulation. The method is answering the question How, in which way this branch of law regulates social relations that constitute its subject
is a law complex branch that includes legal norms combination regulating public relations in the sphere of medical activity
Legal relationship - personalized social ties between individuals arising from law, characterized by a subjective legal rights and responsibilities and are supported (guaranteed) by coercive power of the state
Legal relationship - personalized social ties between individuals arising from law, characterized by a subjective legal rights and responsibilities and are supported (guaranteed) by coercive power of the state
Subject Object
unproperty benefits (life and health), process of giving and the result of medical aid
Includes subject rights and legal responsibilities realized in medical legal relationships subjects behavior
System of health law is its internal structure. The health law as a branch of the law consists of the following elements:
General part
- Organization of public health in Ukraine; - Human Rights in Health; - Protection of patients and others
Special part
- Legal support medical activities in family planning and regulation of reproductive rights; - Legal regulation of paid medical services; - Legal aspects of mental health care; - Defects of care: legal qualifications and so on
Constitution of Ukraine Legislation basis of Ukraine concerning public health Considerable amount of so-called branch" Laws of Ukraine including: About public sanitary and epidemiological welfare provision", About public protection from infectious diseases", About medicines", About blood donation and its compounds", About psychiatric care" Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine legal documents adopted by Ministry of public health of Ukraine (orders, instructions, provisions, lists etc.)
And also Codes: Civil Code of Ukraine Budget Code of Ukraine Criminal Code of Ukraine Criminal procedure Code of Ukraine Code of Labor Laws of Ukraine Family Code of Ukraine
Theory of Law and State Medical jurisprudence subject. Legal relationship in public health sphere: concept and structure. Legal relationship subjects in public health sphere. Legal relationship objects in public health sphere. Law sources regulating legal relationship in public health sphere.