Gaps Model of Service Quality
Gaps Model of Service Quality
Gaps Model of Service Quality
Performed by.. People, machine, people with machine Service is an activity Deed, Performance Efforts.
What is quality
the words of crosby:-Quality is conformance to requirements ASQC Define:- Quality is the totality of features and characteristics of a product, or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. Fully satisfy customer requirements at the lower cost.
Service quality
Perceived service
Customer satisfaction
Customer loyalty
The Gaps Model was proposed by A Parasuraman, Valarie Zeithaml and LL Berry in 1985 in the Journal Of Marketing
Professor A. Parasuraman
Customer gap:
Provider gap 3:
Provider gap 4:
Provider Gap 1
Expected Service
Customers expectations
Inadequate marketing research orientation Lack of upward communication Insufficient relationship focus
Provider Gap 2
Poor Service Design Unsystematic new service development process Vague, undefined service designs Absence of Customer-Driven Standards Lack of customer-driven service standards Absence of process management to focus on customer requirements Absence of formal process for setting service quality goals Inappropriate Physical Evidence and Servicescape
Provider Gap 3
Service Delivery
Customer-Driven Service Designs and Standards
Poor human resource policies Failure to match supply and demand Customer not fulfilling their roles Problems with service intermediaries
Service delivery
Service Delivery
Provider Gap 4
Service Delivery
Service delivery
Lack of Integrated Services Marketing Communications Tendency to view each external communication as independent Not including interactive marketing in communications plan Absence of strong internal marketing program Ineffective Management of Customer Expectations Not managing customer expectations through all forms of communication Not adequately educating customers Overpromising Overpromising in advertising Overpromising in personal selling Overpromising through physical evidence cues Inadequate Horizontal Communications Insufficient communication between sales and operations Insufficient communication between advertising and operations Differences in policies and procedures across branches or units
External Marketing
setting the promise
Gap 1
Service Delivery
Gap 3
Customer-Driven Service Designs and Standards
Gap 2
Company Perceptions of Consumer Expectations
Gap 1: Learn what customers expect Gap 2: Establish the right service quality standards Gap 3: Ensure that service performance meets standards Gap 4: Ensure that delivery matches promises
Use research, complaint analysis, customer panels Increase direct interactions between managers and customers Improve upward communications Act on information and insights
listen to customers
Top management commitment to providing service quality Set, communicate, and reinforce customer-oriented service standards Establish challenging and realistic service quality goals Train managers to be service quality leaders Be receptive to new ways to deliver service quality Standardise repetitive tasks
Prioritise tasks Gain employee acceptance of goals and priorities Measure performance of service standards and provide regular feedback Reward managers and employees for achievement of quality goals
Attract the best employees Select the right employees Develop and support employees
train employees provide appropriate technology & equipment encourage and build teamwork empower employees internal marketing
Seek input from operations personnel on what can be done Reality advertising Seek input from employees on advertising Gain communications between sales, operations and customers Internal marketing programs
real employees, real customers, real situations
Ensure consistent standards in multi-site operations In advertising, focus on service characteristics that are important to customers Manage customers expectations
What are realistic expectations? Explain industry realities
The service specifications defined do not meet managements perceptions of customer expectations
Specifications for service meet customer needs but service delivery is not consistent with those specifications
The service does not meet customer expectations, which have been influenced by external communication
Marketing message is not consistent with actual service offering; promising more than can be delivered