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CTS introduction

Apr 6, 2011 Jingtao, Wanglin


Compatibility Test Suite(CTS)


requirement in CDD

what does CTS test

CTS History

CTS work flow

download CTS
binary: http://source.android.com/compatibility/downloads.html source: 1, git ls-remote --heads git:// ... refs/heads/android-cts-2.1_r4 refs/heads/android-cts-2.2_r1 refs/heads/android-cts-2.2_r2

2, repo init -u git:// -b android-cts-2.2_r2 3, repo sync cts

build CTS
if from svn:// make BUILD_CTS=true cts if from git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/manifest.git make cts

install CTS
1. install Android SDK tool(http://androidappdocs.appspot.com/sdk/index.html) 2. unzip CTS package(e.g, android-cts-2.1_r3-x86.zip)

|-- docs
|-- repository | |-- host_config.xml

`-- tools |-- cts.jar `-- startcts

3. edit android-cts/tools/startcts, set SDK_ROOT=<absolute fold of Android SDK>

run CTS
1. connect phone/emulator to PC. 2. close eclipse otherwise CTS will report can't bind port 8700 3. android-cts/tools/startcts to enter CTS shell.

three modes to run case: plan mode package mode case mode

Sample of CTS commands

start --plan CTS start --plan Android -p android.app.cts.ActivityManagerTest start --plan Android -t android.app.cts.ActivityManagerTest#testGetRunningServices

tricky in host_config.xml
inplanmode,setmaxTestCountto0 will avoid restart phone from time to time.


screen shot of CTS

what does CTS do

install test case apk (adb -s deviceID install -r ...apk)

execute test (am instrument -w -e [para] <component>...)

uninstall test case apk (adb -s deviceID uninstall ...)

run CTS under Windows

1. unzip CTS package and android SDK package to your windows PC. 2. set path of adb. path=c:\android-sdk-windows\tools;%path% 3. use below command to enter CTS shell:

java -Xmx512M -cp c:\android-cts\tools\cts.jar;c:\androidcts\tools\hosttestlib.jar;c:\android-cts\tools\junit.jar;c:\androidcts\tools\CtsTestAnnotationsHostLib;c:\android-sdk-windows\tools\lib\ddmlib.jar com.android.cts.TestHost c:\android-cts\repository\host_config.xml

Please change red marked to the CTS/SDK path on your computer.

config device before run case

insert empty Sdcard. set screen timeout to never. set locale to English. set default input language to English open data connection, such as WIFI/GPRS. set correct date/time. install CtsDelegatingAccessibilityService.apk

test report
firefox repository/results/20xx.../testResult.xml

Fail Cases

parsects.py wvga/testresult.xml a8188/testresult.xml

how to manage test report

suppose several testers test several products each week/month... prefer to use source control tools, such as svn, git, ... five files to check in for each report: 1, cts_result.css 2, cts_result.xsl 3, logo.gif 4, newrule-green.png 5, testResult.xml

fail to open test result?

1, remember the error line number shown by firefox 2, wait test finish 3, edit testResult.xml, delete error line 4, save and reopen testResult.xml with firefox 5, repeat 3 and 4 until no error

re-test fail cases

1, edit testResult.xml 2,replacealltheresult=failtoresult=notExecuted. 3,resetSummaryfailed=to0 andnotExecuted=tofailcasenumber. 4, start test in CTS shell and choose the historical session.

run the test automatically

CTS support run test in shell, e.g. startcts start --plan CTS -s 0 -s 0 means always choose the first session instead of create a new session. so you can write some script to start test and send out the result automatically.

typical bugs

root process(security)
case: no error: the test report will list all root process except kernel process. CTS get root process by read /proc. in /proc, if it is a folder, and its uid or gid is root, then CTS report the process is root.

solution: change privilege of all the process to normal user, except netd which Google gave waiver.

null pointer (screen timeout)

case: android.app.cts.AlertDialogTest#testAlertDialog error: java.lang.NullPointerException at android.app.cts.AlertDialogTest.doTestAlertDialog(AlertDialogTest.java:125) solution: set screen timeout to never.

auto-focus (build parameters)

case: start --plan RefApp error: install_failed_missing_feature: android.hardware.camera solution: just add camera feature is ok. we usually add below line to build/target/product/generic.mk PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ frameworks/base/data/etc/android.hardware.camera.autofocus.xml:system/etc/permission s/android.hardware.camera.autofocus.xml

Fingerprint (build parameters)

case: android.os.cts.BuildVersionTest#testBuildFingerprint error: junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<unknown> but was:<> at android.os.cts.BuildVersionTest.testBuildFingerprint(BuildVersionTest.java:60) root cause: the ro.product.board and ro.build.fingerprint in /system/build.prop not match. fingerprint should in the format of $(BRAND)/$(PRODUCT)/$(DEVICE)/$(BOARD):$(VERSION.RELEASE)/$(ID)/$(VERS ION.INCREMENTAL):$(TYPE)/$(TAGS) , eg, mxxx/txxx/txxx/txxx:2.2.2/THTTD_N_01.01.17I/0:user/release-keys


release ver (build parameters)

case: android.os.cts.BuildVersionTest#testReleaseVersion error: junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<2.2.1> but was:<2.2.2> at android.os.cts.BuildVersionTest.testReleaseVersion(BuildVersionTest.java:35) root cause: CTS2.2_r4 hard coded expect release version in its source code as below privatestaticfinalStringEXPECTED_RELEASE=2.2.1; solution: set PLATFORM_VERSION to 2.2.1 in build/core/version_defaults.mk

OpenGLEs Version (build parameters)

case: android.opengl.cts.OpenGlEsVersionTest#testOpenGlEsVersion error: Detected OpenGL ES major version 2 but Activity Manager is reporting 0 (Check ro.opengles.version) expected:<2> but was:<0> at android.opengl.cts.OpenGlEsVersionTest.testOpenGlEsVersion(OpenGlEsVersionTest.j ava:61) solution: set ro.opengles.version in system.prop to 131072(decimal value of 0x20000)

psensor feature (build parameters)

case: android.app.cts.SystemFeaturesTest#testSensorFeatures error: android.hardware.sensor.proximity returns false but SensorManager#getSensorList(8) shows sensors [psensor]. expected:<false> but was:<true> at android.app.cts.SystemFeaturesTest.assertFeatureForSensor(SystemFeaturesTest.jav a:148) solution: if device have psensor, add android.hardware.sensor.proximity.xml to /system/etc/permissions of device by modify framework/data/etc/Android.mk in source code.

ARMv7 (build parameters)

case: android.os.cts.BuildTest#testCpuAbi error: junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...-v7a> but was:<...> at android.os.cts.BuildTest.assertArmCpuAbiConstants(BuildTest.java:41) rootcause: CTS read /proc/cpuinfo to check whether it is ARM v7 compatible, and expect specific value of ro.product.cpu.abi/abi2 according to it. solution: if CPU is ARM v7 compatible, should change following line in build/target/board/generic/BoardConfig.mk to add armeabi support.

TARGET_CPU_ABI := armeabi-v7a
TARGET_CPU_ABI2 := armeabi

case: android.speech.tts.cts.TextToSpeechTest#testSynthesizeToFile error: junit.framework.AssertionFailedError at android.speech.tts.cts.TextToSpeechTest.setUp(TextToSpeechTest.java:110) solution: need install TtsService.apk and PicoTts.apk. it will also fail if no voice data, need install com.svox.langpack.installer.apk

GeoCoder (app compatibility)

case: android.location.cts.GeocoderTest#testGetFromLocation error: java.io.IOException: Service not Available at android.location.Geocoder.getFromLocation(Geocoder.java:117) rootcause:itwillbeOKifreplaceServicenotAvailabletonullonAndroid2.2, in frameworks/base/location/java/com/android/internal/location/GeocoderProxy.java. solution: in frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml change below value "config_networkLocationProvider" from @null to com.google.android.location.NetworkLocationProvider "config_geocodeProvider" from @null to com.google.android.location.GeocodeProvider

it also need to install and open NetworkLocation.

refer to http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=8816

package debuggable (security)

case: android.permission.cts.DebuggableTest#testNoDebuggable error: Package com.xxx.yyy is marked as debuggable. at android.permission.cts.DebuggableTest.testNoDebuggable(DebuggableTest.java:47) rootcause: pre-installed packages should not have the debuggable flag set. The debuggable flag allows should only be used during development, and never for shipping devices. solution:Ifuseeclipsetobuild,removeandroid:debuggable=trueinthe AndroidManifest.xml of all pre-installed apps, and do not use ADT default debug key store.oraddandroid:debuggable=falseifusedebugkey.

Listening Ports (security)

case: android.net.cts.ListeningPortsTest#testNoListeningPorts error: junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Found port listening on 00000000:0035 in /proc/net/tcp at android.net.cts.ListeningPortsTest.assertNoListeningPorts(ListeningPortsTest.java:97)

root cause:byrunbusyboxnetstat-l -pinadbshell,youcanfindwhichappusethe port. e.g, tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1094/dnsmasq. (53 is the decimal value of 0035). solution: app should use local socket instead of internet socket.

IPv6 related fails

case: tests.api.java.net.SocketTest#test_getLocalAddress error: junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: ANY address not returned correctly (getLocalAddress) with preferIPv6Addresses=true, preferIPv4Stack=false at tests.api.java.net.SocketTest.test_getLocalAddress(SocketTest.java:645) solution: open Ipv6 in kernel.

default input method

case: android.text.method.cts.MultiTapKeyListenerTest#testPressKey1 error: junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<h> but was:<44> at android.text.method.cts.MultiTapKeyListenerTest.testPressKey1(MultiTapKeyListenerTe st.java:167)

solution: Chinese input method may eat some characters. so set default input language to English will work.

send/receive message
case: android.telephony.cts.SmsManagerTest#testSendMessage error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid destinationAddress at android.telephony.SmsManager.sendTextMessage(SmsManager.java:77) solution: use valid SIM card and set valid phone number in Settings->Call settings->My caller number->number before test.

GFW block network cases

case: org.apache.harmony.luni.tests.java.net.ContentHandlerFactoryTest#test_createContent Handler error: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.net.UnknownHostException: Host is unresolved: www.google.com:80 at org.apache.harmony.luni.tests.java.net.ContentHandlerFactoryTest.test_createContentH andler(ContentHandlerFactoryTest.java:70) solution: some address is blocked by somebody. use GPRS instead of WIFI to test. add www.google.com to /etc/hosts will also work.

low performance related

case: android.app.cts.InstrumentationTest#testSendKeySync error: expected:<7> but was:<0> at android.app.cts.InstrumentationTest.testSendKeySync(InstrumentationTest.java:888) rootcause: performance of phone is not high enough. solution: it may fail under plan/package mode, but will pass under single case mode. another case is android.widget.cts.TextViewTest#testHeightAndWidth. it may pass on some phone when test, but fail when test on other computer. while some phone always pass.

INJECT_EVENT (performance)
case: android.widget.cts.GridViewTest#testPressKey error: java.lang.SecurityException: Injecting to another application requires INJECT_EVENT permission at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1219) solution: run case in single mode

case: tests.api.java.io.FileTest#test_delete error: Directory Should Not Have Been Deleted. at tests.api.java.io.FileTest.test_delete(FileTest.java:706) rootcause: the folder should not be deleted if it contain files. can't reproduce by adb shell. solution: need kernel team fix issue in function mkdir()

high performance related

case: android.app.cts.LifecycleTest#testScreen error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Intent { act=Activity lifecycle incorrect: received onResume but expected onStop at 5 } at android.app.cts.ActivityTestsBase.waitForResultOrThrow(ActivityTestsBase.java:149)

rootcause: performance of phone is too high.

solution: it may fail under case mode, but pass under plan mode. it may pass by run some heavy service in background.

landscape and portrait (bug of Android)

case: android.widget.cts.TextViewTest#testHeightAndWidth error: expected:<185> but was:<184> at android.widget.cts.TextViewTest.testHeightAndWidth(TextViewTest.java:975) rootcause: google's bug. it fail on froyo emulator(HVGA and WVGA) and G2-froyo in landscape mode. but pass on froyo if set display to 1024*600. solution: it will pass in portrait mode but fail in landscape mode. just test the phone in portrait mode is O.K.

jpeg codec related

case: android.media.cts.FaceDetectorTest#testFindFaces error: only detect 4 faces in a picture with 5 faces solution: can pass if use standard libskia.so.

sensor operations (hardware)

case: android.hardware.cts.SensorTest#testSensorOperations error: java.lang.NullPointerException at android.hardware.cts.SensorTest.testSensorOperations(SensorTest.java:82) rootcause: no error handling if the sensor is absent, while the sensor is not required in CDD.
sensor = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER); assertEquals(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER, sensor.getType());

sensor = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD);

assertEquals(Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD, sensor.getType());

sensor = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION); assertEquals(Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION, sensor.getType());

bug of CTS

camera case
case: android.hardware.cts.CameraTest#testAccessParameters

error: junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<2048> but was:<2560> at android.hardware.cts.CameraTest.assertParameters(CameraTest.java:392)

source: 381 private void assertParameters(Parameters parameters) { ... 387 final int ORIGINALPICWIDTH = 2048; 388 final int ORIGINALPICHEIGHT = 1536; 389 390 // Before Set Parameters 391 assertEquals(PixelFormat.JPEG, parameters.getPictureFormat()); 392 assertEquals(ORIGINALPICWIDTH, parameters.getPictureSize().width);

phone number util cases

android use 7 bit phone number match rule. it will cause incoming call mismatch issue. e.g. create user A(tel: 01150xxx) and user B(mobile:13701150xxx) in sequence in Contacts, when mobile 13701150xxx incoming call, phone will always show user A incorrectly on screen.

Test Package android.telephony.cts.PhoneNumberUtilsTest android.telephony.cts.PhoneNumberUtilsTest android.telephony.cts.PhoneNumberUtilsTest android.telephony.cts.PhoneNumberUtilsTest

Test Cases testCallMethods testCompareLoosely testCompareStrictly testJudgeMethods

comments According to CTA, we need to set sys.min.match.digits to 11. These 4 cases will pass if set the value to 7.

known failure actually passed

case: android.provider.cts.ContactsTest#testGroupMembershipTable error: bug 2258907, needs investigation rootcause: Test will fail on products that do not include GMS apps because the test requires a Google account to be activated on a device. solution: It will pass after install GMS(Google Mobile Services).

case: android.webkit.cts.WebHistoryItemTest#testWebHistoryItem error: expected:<1> but was:<0> at android.webkit.cts.WebHistoryItemTest.testWebHistoryItem(WebHistoryItemTest.java:84 )

rootcause: the case check history list without wait sufficient time after invoke WebView.loadUrl(), so get wrong result. froyo emulator and Nexus One also get the same error.

case: android.provider.cts.MediaStore_Audio_Genres_MembersTest#testStoreAudioGenresM embersExternal error: Should throw SQLException because there is no column with name "Members.AUDIO_ID" in the table at android.provider.cts.MediaStore_Audio_Genres_MembersTest.testStoreAudioGenresM embersExternal(MediaStore_Audio_Genres_MembersTest.java:183) rootcause: it is marked as @ToBeFixed in CTS source code: The result cursor of query for all columns does not contain the column Members.ALBUM_ART, Members.GENRE_ID and Members.AUDIO_ID.

wifi info test

case: android.net.wifi.cts.WifiInfoTest#testWifiInfoProperties error: expected:<-1> but was:<1> at android.net.wifi.cts.WifiInfoTest.testWifiInfoProperties(WifiInfoTest.java:191) rootcause: it is marked as @ToBeFixed in CTS source code, bug="1871573", explanation="android.net.wifi.WifiInfo#getNetworkId() return -1 when there is wifi connection". solution: close WIFI, and forget all WIFI networks before run this case.

copy pixels case

case: android.graphics.cts.BitmapTest#testCopyPixelsToBuffer error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Buffer not large enough for pixels at android.graphics.Bitmap.copyPixelsToBuffer(Bitmap.java:262) rootcause: This case malloc buffer to copy pixels. The product uses more bytes for each pixel than generic android, so this case fails for no enough buffer. It can pass by double the buffer. solution: use 16bit colour instead of 32bit colour.

ddmlib error
case: any case error: Failed to execute shell command am ..., com.android.ddmlib.ShellCommandUnresponsiveException rootcause: ddmlib.jar changed when Google release android sdk tools r7. solution: use ddmlib.jar from android sdk tools r6.

rule to pass CTS

do not modify framework. follow CDD strictly

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