Case Presentation Tetanus
Case Presentation Tetanus
Case Presentation Tetanus
Ella de Vries
Name: Cinta Age: 23 months Gender: female
Chief complaint: Inability to open mouth History of present illness: 5 days before arrival in the hospital, patient started having difficulty opening mouth, difficulty walking, eating. History of past illness: none Pregnancy and delivery: normal Development: normal Immunization: complete History of family illness: none
Neurological examination
Right arm Movements Strength Tonus Klonus Fysiological reflexes Good 5/5 Eutonic + Normal Left arm Good 5/5 Eutonic + Normal Right leg Good 5/5 Eutonic + Normal Left leg Good 5/5 Eutonic + Normal
Differential Diagnosis
Tetanus (generalized) Mandible dislocation Peritonsillar abces Meningitis Encephalitis
CBC 20.000 IU anti tetanus serum Diazepam Penicillin procain Good prognosis
C. tetani (anaerobic, gram-positive) Spore survive heat, dessication, disenfectants Anearobic spores germinate tetanolysin + tetanospasmin enters motorneuron travels to spinal cord enters central inhibitory neurons cleaves synaptobrevin that binds neurotransmittervesicles to cell membrane GABA and glycine vesicles are not releases loss of inhibitory function
Wound (65%) Skin ulcer (5%) No obvious source Complication of abcess, burns, frostbite, otitis media, surgery, abortion, childbirth, IV or subcutaneous drug use, foreign bodies, corneal abrasions
Spatula test
Stimulate posterior pharyngeal wall with spatula Normal: gag reflex, try to expell spatula Pathological for tetanus: bite down on spatula Sensitivity 94% Specificity 100%
Neutralization unbound toxin
Tetanus immune globulin 3000-6000 units Anti tetanus serum
Incubation period < 7 days Onset <48 hours Acquired from burns, surgical wounds, compound fractures, septic abortion, umbilical stump, IM injection Narcotic addiction Generalized tetanus Temperature > 40 C Tachycardia > 120 bpm
0-1 = mild tetanus mortality <10% 2-3 = moderate tetanus mortality 10-20% 4 = severe tetanus mortality 20-40% 5 -6 = severe tetanus mortality >50%
Vaccination (DTP)
3x infancy
TT booster
4-7 years 12-15 years 20-23 years