Group 06 DR Akhtar DR Nelofer DR Rehan DR Sumaida
Group 06 DR Akhtar DR Nelofer DR Rehan DR Sumaida
Group 06 DR Akhtar DR Nelofer DR Rehan DR Sumaida
Dr Akhtar
Dr Nelofer
Dr Rehan
Dr Sumaida
"A maternal death is defined as the death of a
woman while pregnant or within 42 days of
termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the
duration and site of the pregnancy, from any
cause related to or aggravated by the
pregnancy or its management but not from
accidental or incidental causes.(WHO)
IN 2005, there were 5,36000 maternal
deaths world wide1
A total of 99% of maternal deaths
occur in developing countries.1
MMR in developing countries is 450
per 100,000 live births versus 09 in
developed countries.1
MMR is 276 deaths per 100,000 live births.
Main reasons are high fertility, illiteracy, lack
of skilled birth attendance, malnutrition and
inaccessibility to Emoc.
77% births occur at home. 54% are attended
by skilled attendants.3
PUNJAB: Out of all the adult women deaths,
16.3% are due to pregnancy and related
causes.(PDHS 2006-07
Lodhran is a backward district of southern
Punjab with population of 1,464,750.
Neglected by Govt in education, health and
other municipal services.
MMR is 550 per 100,000 live births and IMR is
158 per 100,000 live births.
High MMR is due to unavailability of
reproductive health services.
Unawareness and misconceptions are the
contributing factors.
Hundreds of unskilled birth attendants and
quacks provide reproductive health services.
Government,s imperfect monitoring worsens.4
NGO,s working in the area also neglect
the reproductive health issue.
Traditional knowledge and religious
misconceptions are the main hurdles.
Poverty and illiteracy contributes
towards higher MMR.4
TFR 7.1 2003-04
MMR 550 per 100,000 live 2007-08
CPR 23% 2007-08
Unmet need 35% 2006-07
ANC 46% 2007-08
Service 03 03 36 Not 42
outlets registered
Community level activities
Collaboration with DCO, Nazim and Counsellors.
Identification of community leaders( males as well as
Group discussions:
Arrangement of separate male and female group
discussions by the , Tehsil officers and Male mobilizers
for males, in collaboration with FWW and LHW,s for
females and religious personalities of community.
Involvement of male and female doctor once in a month.
Physical availability of all the methods at the venue of
Information provided about the application, effects and
side effects of the FP methods.
Information about service outlets.
Islamic perspective of FP
Provision of incentives to all the
Presenting those couples as role models
and ambassadors who are themselves
using FP methods successfully and
limiting their families to 2 children
Arrangement of puppet shows at Tehsil as well
village level.
Arrangement of stage dramas at Tehsil and
district level.
Mass media campaign:
Arrangement of puppet shows at Tehsil as
well village level.
Arrangement of stage dramas at Tehsil and
district level.
Advertisement on local cable channels.
IEC material distribution (written and
pictorial) to the mothers, elderly influential
women, TBA,s , dais and others.
Documentary about FP methods and their
application, contraceptive surgery and
hazards of unsafe abortion
Use of telemedicine technology at Tehsil level.
Provision of 24hour hot line number for info
regarding FP.
Hospital based youth clinics for males and
females (evidence from Bangladesh)
Need based orientation in different institutes like
educational institutes, jails and factories
Development of a system of FP education at
graduate and university level: lectures will be
delivered by health personnels.
Provision of incentives and rewards to the
couples who have limited their family to two
children with spacing min three years
Depot services: a member of community will
store and supply the contraceptives and will be
responsible for distributing them.
Medicines for minor ailments will be available on
all service outlets without any user fee
Service outlets timing will be from 8am to 8pm
Responsiveness of the providers.
Registration of RHS’B.
Establishment of RTI for human resource.
Building intersectoral collaboration with MOPW, MOH,
Ministry Of Education, NIPS and Fedaral Beaureau Of
Ensuring the involvement of political leaders at local
as well as national level.
Task Month Time frame in
Recruitment of staff First 04
Arrangement of Second 04
Task Month Time frame in weeks
miscallenous 05 million
1-(Maternal mortality in 2005: estimates developed by WHO,
UNICEF, UNFPA and the World Bank. Geneva, World Health
Organization, 2007 (http://www.
accessed 14 August 2008).
3-WHO unless indicated otherwise. : Pakistan Demographic and
health survey, 2007. : UNDP Report 2008. : World Bank World
Development Indicators 2007.)
4-State of reproductive health in District Lodhran; Pakistan times
26th March 2006)
5-. Royston E, Armstrong S, editors. Preventing Maternal
Deaths.Geneva: World Health Organization, 1989:1–233 .32.
Tinker A, Koblinsky M. Making motherhood safe. World
BankDiscussion Papers. Washington (DC): The World Bank, 1993.)
6-LC Chen et al. Maternal mortality in rural Bangladesh. Studies in
Family Planning 1974; 5:334-441.
7-UNICEF, World Health Organization, UNFPA. Guidelines for
Monitoring the Availability and Use of Obstetric Services. UNICEF,
World Health Organization and UNFPA. New York: UNICEF, 1997
[ISBN 92-806-3198-5].
8-Safe Motherhood Inter-Agency Group. Technical
Consultation, Ensure Skilled Attendance at Delivery, Geneva,
25– 27 April 2000, SMIAG/FCI New York.)
9- Hussein J, Hundley V, Bell J, Abbey M, Quansah Asare G,
Graham WJ. How do women identify health professionals at
birth in Ghana? Midwifery 2005;21:36– 43.)
10-Rooney C. Antenatal Care and Maternal Health: How
Effective is It?A Review of the Evidence Maternal Health and
Safe MotherhoodProgramme Division of Family Health.
Geneva: WHO, 1992 [WHO/MSM/92.4]
11- Villar J, Ba’aqeel H, Piaggio G, et al. WHO antenatal care
randomized trial for the evaluation of a new model of routine
antenatal care.Lancet 2001;357:1551–1564)
12.- Bergstrom S, Goodburn E. The role of traditional birth
attendants in thereduction of maternal mortality. In: De
Brouwere V, Van Lerberghe W,editors. Safe Motherhood
Strategies: A Review of the Evidence.Antwerp: ITG Press,
2001 (Stud Health Serv Organ Policy 17).