Optimization Strategy
Optimization Strategy
Optimization Strategy
CT004-3-3 ADVBS
CT004-3-3 ADVBS
Result of normalization is a design that is structurally consistent with minimal redundancy. However, sometimes a normalized database does not provide maximum processing efficiency. May be necessary to accept loss of some benefits of a fully normalized design in favor of performance.
Introduction & Overview
CT004-3-3 ADVBS
makes implementation more complex often sacrifices flexibility may speed up retrievals but it slows down updates
CT004-3-3 ADVBS
What is Denormalization
Denormalization refers to Refinement to relational schema Degree of normalization for a modified relation is less than the degree of at least one of the original relations.
Term used more loosely to refer to Situations where two relations are combined into one new relation New relation is still normalized but contains more nulls than original relations.
Introduction & Overview
CT004-3-3 ADVBS
Combining 1:1 relationships Duplicating non-key attributes in 1:* relationships to reduce joins
CT004-3-3 ADVBS
CT004-3-3 ADVBS
Sample Relations
CT004-3-3 ADVBS
CT004-3-3 ADVBS
CT004-3-3 ADVBS
SELECT p.*, o.lName FROM PropertyForRent p, PrivateOwner o WHERE p.ownerNo = o.ownerNo AND branchNo = B003;
CT004-3-3 ADVBS
CT004-3-3 ADVBS
CT004-3-3 ADVBS
CT004-3-3 ADVBS
CT004-3-3 ADVBS
CT004-3-3 ADVBS
CT004-3-3 ADVBS
Partitioning relations
Rather than combining relations together, alternative approach is to decompose them into a number of smaller and more manageable partitions. Two main types of partitioning: horizontal and vertical.
CT004-3-3 ADVBS
Partitioning relations
CT004-3-3 ADVBS
CT004-3-3 ADVBS
CT004-3-3 ADVBS