Computerisation in Income Tax Department
Computerisation in Income Tax Department
Computerisation in Income Tax Department
Income Tax Department
A new structure has been devised for the PAN
(Permanent Account Number). The format of the
PAN is AAASNnnnnC, where S indicates status
of the assessee (refer Annexure D of AIS SRS
V2.0 for codes), N is the first letter of the last
name / surname, AAA indicates a 3 letter
series, nnnn is a 4 digit running number within
each series and C is a check digit for security
and verification. PAN is the unique identification
of the assessee in AIS as well as in other
AIS is an on-line, menu driven and Windows
based software. Users will be able to perform
screen based functions and navigate across
screens using GUI features
The PAN allotment function of AIS offers
powerful features such as on-line PAN allotment,
quick data entry, audit log generation, and
instant generation of intimation letter and
duplicate PPAN reports
AIS covers functions such as on-line PAN
allotment, PAN card review, assessee
events maintenance, maintenance of the
Income Tax jurisdiction hierarchy,
maintenance of standard text for transfer
order, automatic generation of transfer
order list using a user specified criteria,
execution of transfer order, and import of
assessee data from IPAN to AIS
Receiving Returns and Processing.
Regular Assessment.
Maintenance of Appeals.
Maintenance of Penalties.
Giving effect to the orders passed by the higher
Maintaining linkages between various proceedings and
Generating and posting in IRL of demands and refunds.
Audit Objections and Prosecution.
Generating reports and provide on-line queries on
assessment data.
The primary objective of the IRL is to generate a
comprehensive Individual Running Ledger for
each assessee. This ledger provides listing of all
demands, collections and refunds relating to an
assessee. IRL depends on other modules like
Assessment Information System (AST), Tax
Accounting System (TAS) and TDS Accounting
System (TDS) for creating the entries of
demands, collections and refunds in the ledger.
The IRL ledger will maintain the details of all the
transactions that have taken place from the date
of computerisation of the jurisdiction.
The IRL can:
Import old arrears and link them with the new PAN that have
been allotted to the concerned assessee
Maintain current status of demands, collections and refunds
Grant and vacation of stay and instalments on a demand and
its subsequent monitoring
Allow write-off of unrecoverable demands
Monitor defaults - on account of regular and advance tax
Maintain interest u/s 220(2).
Provide a computerised ledger showing PAN-wise, assessment
year-wise and date-wise record of transactions
Generate reports and provide on-line queries on assessee data.
Tax Accounting System (TAS) has been
designed to meet several requirements of
the ITD including fast credit, on-line
suspense removal, on-line correction, on-
line handling of missing and surplus
challans, automatic transfer of outstation
challans across the RCCs connected to
the system, and several reports.
TAS covers functions such as on-line entry of
summaries, main scrolls and challans;
identification, entry and matching of
missing/surplus challans; claim and clearance of
suspense challans; handling of incoming and
outgoing challans from/to outstation CTUs,
challan posting, on-line corrections of challans.
The reports of the TAS can be generated to
either file, printer or screen, thereby providing lot
of flexibility to the user. Security checks,
wherever necessary, are also done by TAS