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1 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date
For internal use
RG20 KPI Delta 2 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use RG20 KPIs available RG20 KPI in Jump (NOP) BSS RG20 in Reporting Suite 1 st release just with the new reports available BSS RG20 onTop / RG30 BSS CS COUNTERS & FORMULAS PPT (CS&PS)
Useful with OSC, RX level statistics, Refarming, parameters (HOC, POC) Drops can be analyzed better
7 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use 135 Precise RX Level Measurement Uplink Bad Coverage 8 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use 135 Precise RX Level Measurement Downlink Bad Coverage 9 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use 135 Precise RX Level Measurement Downlink Good Coverage 10 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use 136 Precise Timing Advance Measurement Distance can be seen per 550m (063)
Useful with OSC, RX level statistics, Refarming, parameters TA vs. Level TA vs. MS power
11 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use 136 Precise Timing Advance Measurement Example 12 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use 136 Precise Timing Advance Measurement High distance values 13 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use 136 Precise Timing Advance Measurement Traffic from indoor near the BTS can be estimated Small distance low signal level Bad overshooting cells can be seen Long distance possible causing drops Cell range if small => can be tilted (less interference) With Map lots of information can be get Distance 14 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use 137 Precise Power Level Measurement Used power can be seen per dB (MS & BTS)
MS POWER LEVEL 0 137000 MS POWER LEVEL 1 137001 MS POWER LEVEL 31 137022
Useful with OSC, POC parameters, HOC parameters
15 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use 138 Adjacent Cell RX Level Measurement More accurate ADCE info, 4 kind of counters Adjacent cell RX Level Rank (best neighbors) 3 counters, 3 strongest cells Based on number of times when cell highest, 2 nd and 3 rd highest Adjacent cell RX levels (neighbor signal level) 64 counters, signal level (-47-110) Serving-adjacent RX level difference (level difference) 51 counters (-25dB + 25 dB) Serving-Adjacent RX level See next 2 slides Note! Can be quite difficult to use, some cases very useful
UL PATH LOSS 30 TO 31 139051 UL PATH LOSS 148 TO 153 139110
DL PATH LOSS 30 TO 31 139111 DL PATH LOSS 158 TO 190 139175 22 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use 139 Air Path Loss Measurement Traffic from indoor near the BTS can be estimated Small distance low signal level + big pathloss difference Linkbalance can be analyzed Which one is limiting UL or DL
Distance + pathloss 23 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use BSS21309: Orthogonal subchannel with SAIC MS OSC_AMR_HR_475_UL_RXQUAL_0 122000 OSC_AMR_HR_475_DL_RXQUAL_0 122001
122 OSC RX Quality measurement collects statistics of received signal quality both in uplink and downlink directions for each AMR HR bit rate for double half rate calls. The information is collected from each transceiver (TRX) separately. The Bit Error Ratio (BER) based signal quality counters correspond to the eight RX Quality bands. The counters are updated by the RX Quality values as measured by the MS (downlink) and BTS (uplink) and reported in the radio link measurement messages. The RX Quality reports are collected on the traffic channels (TCHs). KPIs: OSC DL/UL Rx Quality Distribution 1 Traffic Measurement DHR_MULTIPLEXING_ATTEMPTS 001263 DHR_MULTIPLX_FAIL_DUE_TCH_RES 001264 CSDAP_RES_ALLOC_ATT_FOR_DHR 001265 DHR_MPLX_FAIL_DUE_CSDAP_RES 001266 DHR_MPLX_FAIL_DUE_OTHER 001267
BSS21309: Orthogonal subchannel with SAIC MS introduce a set of counters in 1 Traffic Measurement 2 Resource Availability Measurement and 4 Handover Measurement for feature performance monitoring. KPIs: Total DHR Multiplexing Failure Rate DHR Multiplexing Failure Rate due to Lack of Suitable Pair DHR Multiplexing Failure Rate due to CSDAP DHR Multiplexing Failure Rate due to Other Reasons CSDAP Allocation Failure Rate KPIs: AMR HR-to-DHR HO Success Rate AMR HR-to-DHR HO Rate AMR FR-to-DHR HO Success Rate AMR FR-to-DHR HO Rate RxQual DHR Demultiplexing HO Success Rate UL RxLev Difference DHR Demultiplexing HO Success Rate RxLev DHR Demultiplexing HO Success Rate DHR Demultiplexing HO Success Rate DHR Demultiplexing HO type (due to RxQual) Distribution DHR Demultiplexing HO type (due to UL RxLev difference) Distribution DHR Demultiplexing HO type (due to RxLev) Distribution
KPI s: Average DHR Traffic DHR Usage 24 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use 121 CSDAP Measurements CSDAP info 121000 CSDAP TOTAL_PCM_SUBTSLS_IN_CSDAP 121001 CSDAP AVERAGE_CSDAP_SUBTSL_USAGE 121002 CSDAP AVE_CSDAP_SUBTSL_USAGE_DEN 121003 CSDAP PEAK_CSDAP_SUBTSL_USAGE 25 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use 226 D-Channel Measurements The Abis D-channel measurement provides information on the end-to-end performance of the Abis transmission connection. EXTERNAL PCM 226000 EXTERNAL TSL 226001 EXTERNAL SUB TSL 226002 D-CHANNEL BIT RATE 226003 DOWNLINK FRAME ERRORS 226004 DOWNLINK OCTETS 226005 UPLINK FRAME ERRORS 226006 UPLINK OCTETS 226007 UPLINK I FRAME OCTETS 226008 Useful with Smartphone paging analysis TRXSIG load analysis 26 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use 120 TDM/PW Abis Delay Measurement
TDM/PW Abis Delay Measurement provides performance data about the round trip time of data frames/packets in an Abis interface. 120000 ABIS_DELAY ETIP_UNIT_INDEX_IN_BSC 120001 ABIS_DELAY PW_ID 120002 ABIS_DELAY ABIS_ROUND_TRIP_TIME_SUCC 120003 ABIS_DELAY ABIS_ROUND_TRIP_TIME_SAMPLES 120004 ABIS_DELAY ABIS_ROUND_TRIP_TIME_MAX 120005 ABIS_DELAY ABIS_ROUND_TRIP_TIME_MIN 120006 ABIS_DELAY JB_FILL_LEVEL_MAX_SUM_BSC 120007 ABIS_DELAY JB_FILL_LEVEL_MIN_SUM_BSC 120008 ABIS_DELAY JB_FILL_LEVEL_SAMPLES_BSC 120009 ABIS_DELAY JB_FILL_LEVEL_SUM_BTS 27 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use 123 Packet Abis Measuremenst (BTS) Packet Abis counters FRAMES RECEIVED 123000 FRAMES SENT 123001 OCTETS RECEIVED 123002 OCTETS SENT 123003 UL UTILIZATION 0-25 123004 UL UTILIZATION 25-50 123005 UL UTILIZATION 50-75 123006 UL UTILIZATION 75-90 123007 UL UTILIZATION 90-100 123008 DL UTILIZATION 0-25 123009 DL UTILIZATION 25-50 123010 DL UTILIZATION 50-75 123011 DL UTILIZATION 75-90 123012 DL UTILIZATION 90-100 123013 CS U-PLANE RTP PACKETS RECEIVED 123014 CS U-PLANE RTP PACKETS LOST 123015 CS U-PLANE RTP PACKETS RECEIVED TOO LATE 123016 CS U-PLANE RTP PACKETS RECEIVED TOO EARLY 123017 CS U-PLANE RTP PACKETS SENT 123018
Same with PS-U RTP AND PS-U UDP + SCTP 28 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use 124 Packet-Abis Traffic Measurement (BSC) Packet Abis counters CS U-PLANE RTP PACKETS RECEIVED 124000 CS U-PLANE RTP PACKETS LOST 124001 CS U-PLANE RTP PACKETS RECEIVED TOO LATE 124002 CS U-PLANE RTP PACKETS RECEIVED TOO EARLY 124003 PS U-PLANE RTP PACKETS RECEIVED 124004 CS U-PLANE RTP PACKETS SENT 124005 PS U-PLANE RTP PACKETS RECEIVED 124006 PS U-PLANE RTP PACKETS LOST 124007 PS U-PLANE RTP PACKETS SENT 124008 CS U-PLANE UDP PACKETS RECEIVED 124009 CS U-PLANE UDP PACKETS SENT 124010 CS U-PLANE UDP OCTETS RECEIVED 124011 CS U-PLANE UDP OCTETS SENT 124012 PS U-PLANE UDP OCTETS RECEIVED 124013 PS U-PLANE UDP OCTETS SENT 124014 29 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use Other new measurements 128 ETP Ethernet BSC Measurement 129 ETP Ethernet TCSM Measurement 130 AoIP Traffic BSC Measurement 131 AoIP Traffic TCSM Measurement 132 Local Switching Traffic Measurements 133 Ethernet mcTC Measurement 513 STM-1 Interface Measurement
In S9 the margin (free tsls for CS) between CS and PS territory is defined by system and is dependent on nbr of TRXs. In S10 margin can be set as BSC level parameter CSU (actual tsls for margin counted on BTS level by BSC)
S9 margin No. of TRXs 1 2-3 4 5-7 8-9 10-12 13-16 margin (tsls) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 See also: TN772 PSW RRM decides to request for more channels in the following cases: 1) When there is a lack of resources as indicated by the status flag (MS mslot capability needs more tsls than available) 2) When the average TBF number in a channel has increased (checked after every channel allocation) to more than UpgradeTrigTBFno (a hidden PRFILE parameter). The number of channels required is calculated so that if the requested number of channels were given to PSW, the average number of TBFs in a channel would be at most UpgradeTargetTBFno (a hidden PRFILE parameter). At least one channel will be requested. GPRS territory guard time is BSC level parameter to define how frequently upgrades can be made. gprs_ter_downgrader_req /c1181 (S9) gprs_ter_dg_due_inc_in_csw_tr /c1179 (S9) Territory Downgrade Due to increased CS traffic Requests from PCU Downgrade of additional tsl when not needed anymore Requests from MCMU CS traffic high (CS margin kept) All GPRS TRXs already in GPRS territory Max.256 TCH per PCU (128 with PCU and PCU-S HW). Counter assumes always that PCU can handle 256 TSLs. Note: not triggered if the CS is already occupying the GPRS territory . gprs_ter_upgr_req /c1174 (S9) incompl_serv_gprs_ter_upgr_r eq /c1175 (S9) gprs_ter_ug_rej_due_csw_tr /c1176 (S9) Rejected gprs_ter_ug_rej_due_lack_psw /c1177 (S9) gprs_ter_ug_rej_due_lack_pcu /c1178 (S9) Incompletely served Requests from PCU for additional channel (more than one channel can be requested) gprs_ter_ug_due_dec_csw_tr /c1180 (S9) Territory Upgrade Ave_add_gprs_ch_hold_den /c2068 (S9) Additional ch. Seizures (req. from PCU) Requests from MCMU Note: the upgrade can be requested again after the guard time is over. Gprs_ter_ug_from_cs w_partial 1220 (S11.5) Gprs_ter_ug_from_cs w_failed 1221(S11.5) Gprs_ter_ug_req_fro m_csw 1219 (S11.5) Note1 : upgrades are not tried if CS has taken PS territory => from upgrade rejections we can not see this situation Due to decreased CS traffic GPRS territory UG from CSW Gprs_ter_Dg_rej_ due_streaming/c1 209 (S11.5) Gprs_ter_Dg_req_whe n _Eqos_on1210 (S11.5) S11.5/EQoS additions, rejections by PCU
related to default territory related to default territory More information about GPRS territory gprs_ter_upgr_req_due_dldc /c1257 (S15) gprs_ter_upgr_due_dldc_rej /c1258 (S15) 33 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use 2 Resource Availability Measurement 002094 RES_AVAIL AVE_BUSY_DHR_TCH 002095 RES_AVAIL AVE_BUSY_DHR_TCH_DENOM 002096 RES_AVAIL PEAK_BUSY_DHR_TCH 002097 RES_AVAIL AVE_BUSY_DFR_TCH 002098 RES_AVAIL TCH_PEAK_BUSY_DFR 002099 RES_AVAIL DFR_PAIR_AVERAGE_LIFETIME 002100 RES_AVAIL DFR_PAIR_AVE_LIFETIME_DENOM 002101 RES_AVAIL DHR_PAIR_AVERAGE_LIFETIME 002102 RES_AVAIL DHR_PAIR_AVE_LIFETIME_DENOM 34 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use 3 Resource Access Measurement 003066 CCCH_ACC PRECISE_PGNG_MSG_SENT_TO_BTS 003067 CCCH_ACC PRECISE_PAGING_EXPANDED 003068 CCCH_ACC IMSI_TO_TMSI_PAG_CONVERSIONS 35 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use 4 Handover Measurement DHR 004235 HO HO_ATTEMPT_FROM_AMR_HR_TO_DHR 004236 HO HO_ATTEMPT_FROM_AMR_FR_TO_DHR 004237 HO HO_FROM_AMR_HR_TO_DHR_SUCC 004238 HO HO_FROM_AMR_FR_TO_DHR_SUCC 004239 HO UNSUCC_HO_TO_DHR_DUE_MISMATCH 004240 HO HO_ATT_FROM_DHR_DUE_RX_QUAL 004241 HO HO_ATT_FROM_DHR_DUE_RXLEV_DIF 004242 HO HO_FROM_DHR_DUE_RX_QUAL_SUCC 004243 HO HO_FROM_DHR_DUE_RXLEV_SUCC 004250 HO BSS_INT_HO_ENQUIRY_REJ 004251 HO HO_ATT_FROM_DHR_DUE_RX_LEV 004252 HO HO_FROM_DHR_DUE_RX_LEV_SUCC 004259 HO HO_ATT_AMR_FR_DFR_IN_8K_TRAU 004260 HO HO_SUCC_AMR_FR_DFR_IN_8K_TRAU 004261 HO HO_ATTEMPT_FROM_AMR_FR_TO_DFR 004262 HO HO_FROM_AMR_FR_TO_DFR_SUCC 004263 HO UNSUCC_HO_TO_DFR_DUE_MISMATCH 004264 HO HO_ATT_FROM_DFR_RXQUAL 004265 HO HO_ATT_FROM_DFR_RXLVL_DIFF 004266 HO HO_ATT_FROM_DFR_RXLEVEL 004267 HO HO_FROM_DFR_DUE_RXQUAL_SUCC 004268 HO HO_FROM_DFR_DUE_RXLEV_DIF_SUC 004269 HO HO_FROM_DFR_DUE_RXLEV_SUCC
36 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use BSS21309: Orthogonal subchannel with SAIC MS OSC_AMR_HR_475_UL_RXQUAL_0 122000 OSC_AMR_HR_475_DL_RXQUAL_0 122001
122 OSC RX Quality measurement collects statistics of received signal quality both in uplink and downlink directions for each AMR HR bit rate for double half rate calls. The information is collected from each transceiver (TRX) separately. The Bit Error Ratio (BER) based signal quality counters correspond to the eight RX Quality bands. The counters are updated by the RX Quality values as measured by the MS (downlink) and BTS (uplink) and reported in the radio link measurement messages. The RX Quality reports are collected on the traffic channels (TCHs). KPIs: OSC DL/UL Rx Quality Distribution 1 Traffic Measurement DHR_MULTIPLEXING_ATTEMPTS 001263 DHR_MULTIPLX_FAIL_DUE_TCH_RES 001264 CSDAP_RES_ALLOC_ATT_FOR_DHR 001265 DHR_MPLX_FAIL_DUE_CSDAP_RES 001266 DHR_MPLX_FAIL_DUE_OTHER 001267
BSS21309: Orthogonal subchannel with SAIC MS introduce a set of counters in 1 Traffic Measurement 2 Resource Availability Measurement and 4 Handover Measurement for feature performance monitoring. KPIs: Total DHR Multiplexing Failure Rate DHR Multiplexing Failure Rate due to Lack of Suitable Pair DHR Multiplexing Failure Rate due to CSDAP DHR Multiplexing Failure Rate due to Other Reasons CSDAP Allocation Failure Rate KPIs: AMR HR-to-DHR HO Success Rate AMR HR-to-DHR HO Rate AMR FR-to-DHR HO Success Rate AMR FR-to-DHR HO Rate RxQual DHR Demultiplexing HO Success Rate UL RxLev Difference DHR Demultiplexing HO Success Rate RxLev DHR Demultiplexing HO Success Rate DHR Demultiplexing HO Success Rate DHR Demultiplexing HO type (due to RxQual) Distribution DHR Demultiplexing HO type (due to UL RxLev difference) Distribution DHR Demultiplexing HO type (due to RxLev) Distribution
KPI s: Average DHR Traffic DHR Usage 37 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use 4 Handover Measurement Other new counters When IP based user plane is supported in the A interface 004244 HO BSS_INT_HO_REQ_REQUESTS 004245 HO BSS_INT_HO_COMMANDS 004246 HO BSS_INT_HO_FAILURES 004247 HO BSS_INT_HO_REQ_REJECTIONS 004248 HO BSS_INT_HO_SUCCESSFUL 004249 HO BSS_INT_HO_ENQUIRY 38 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use 72 PCU Measurements 072260 PCU NACC_REPORT_SUBSCR_FROM_BSC 072261 PCU NACC_REPORT_SUBSCR_FROM_RNC 072262 PCU NACC_REPORT_SUBSCR_FROM_LTE
072265 PCU UL_MCS_REDUCTION_PCU_RESOURCE 072266 PCU DL_MCS_REDUCTION_PCU_RESOURCE 39 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use TSL requests and allocations for DLDC (S14) 9 TSL DL req. 72250(S14) 10T SL DLreq. 72251(S14) 11 TSL DLreq. 72252(S14) 12 TSL DLreq. 72253(S14) 9 TSL alloc 72254(S14) 10 TSL alloc 72255(S14) MS support? Network support? DLDC allocatio n? yes DL TSL allocation start TSL allocation done yes yes no DLDC req in DLDC cell 72256(S14) DLDC req for DLDC MS 72257(S14) DLDC alloc created Ok 72258(S14) DLDC attempt failed due territory 72259(S14) DLDC MS with two receivers needed (Rel-7 MS) Two carriers from the same BTS TBFs expanded over 2 carriers DLDC allocation max 5+5 DL TSLs DL bit rate up to 400 kbit/s
5 TSL DL req. 72129 6 TSL DL req. 72130 7 TSL DL req. 72131 8 TSL DL req. 72132 Old counters are updated if DLDC req/alloc is between 5 8. 5 TSL DL alloc 72137 6 TSL DL alloc 72138 7 TSL DL alloc 72139 8 TSL DL alloc 72140 KPIs: Potential DLDC users ratio (dldc_1a)= 100 x DL TSL REQUEST FOR DLDC CAPABLE MS / REQ X TSL DL (x=112) DLDC allocation share (dldc_2) = 100 x DLDC TSL ALLOCATION CREATED / ALLOC X TSL DL (x=1...10) DLDC allocation success (dldc_3) = 100 x DLDC TSL ALLOCATION CREATED / DLDC TSL REQUEST IN DLDC ENABLED CELL MCS DIFFERENCE BETW TRXS NUMERATOR 72263(S15) S15: TRX specific Link Adaptation for DLDC MCS DIFFERENCE BETW TRXS DENOMINATOR 72264(S15) 40 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use GPRS Cell Reselection Measurement (S11.5) Object level: NCCR started = PCCO sent, per criteria Power budget- GPRS MS 95002 Service based ISNCCR 95004 Coverage based ISNCCR 95005 Quality Control 95006 Failures reported by MS Successful NCCR Flush from SGSN for NC2 95012 PCCO timer expiry 95013 NCCR succ return to old cell 95014 Trigger fulfilled, but no cell change order sent. Target cell id = candidate Failure noticed by PCU Attempts Not started due AC 95015 Optional NACC usage With NC0 95017 Flush for NC0 = Flush msgs received (72206) flush for NC2 (95011) TBF not released No resp from target cell 95007 Assignment reject 95008 Ongoing CS connection 95009 GMM standby or forced 95010 Other 95011 Power budget- EGPRS MS 95003 QC trig no good neighbor 72204 Serv ISNCCR no good neighbor 72205 PCU measurement, target not available Failed attempts Total attempts = sum(failed attempts)+sum(s tarted NCCR per criteria) QC attempts = 95005 + 72204 Serv ISNCCR attempts = 95003 + 72205 NCCR trigger fulfilled Ave duration sum 95016 With NC2 95018 Total Flush messages 72206 Source BTS-id Target LAC-CI PLMN id 95000 QC = Quality Control Nokia implementation supports NC0 and NC2 global RNC id 95001 Global RNC is relevant only, if target is 3G cell p_nbsc_cell_reselection IBNACC with NC0 95017 IBNACC with NC2 95018 IB-NACC (S15) NACC subscr from other BSC 72260 NACC subscr from RNC 72261 NACC subscr from LTE 72262 Related to IB- NACC, IS- NACC and LTE-NACC (S15) 41 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use Other new Counters 51 CC_PM Measurements 123 new counters, most related to DHR 72 PCU Measurements
42 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use RG20 New KPIs 43 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use ho_13j HO attempts, outgoing and intra-cell + ho_attempt_from_amr_hr_to_dhr ;since S15 + ho_attempt_from_amr_fr_to_dhr ;since S15 + ho_att_from_dhr_due_rx_qual ;since S15 + ho_att_from_dhr_due_rxlev_dif ;since S15 + ho_att_from_dhr_due_rx_lev; ;since S15 + ho_attempt_from_amr_fr_to_dfr ;since S15 + ho_att_from_dfr_rxqual ;since S15 + ho_att_from_dfr_rxlvl_diff ;since S15 + ho_att_from_dfr_rxlevel ;since S15 Note, these counter are effecting on 61 / 65 new RG20 KPIs 44 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use sdr_20a SDCCH drop ratio, LUs excluded
Formula: dropped SDCCH without LU after SDCCH is successfully assigned 100 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- successful SDCCH establisments without LU.
Counters from table(s): p_nbsc_traffic 47 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use trf_241a Share of territory upgrades caused by increasing PS traffic
Counters from table(s): p_nbsc_traffic 48 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use Local Switching for Packet Abis Impact on KPIs 1. Traffic LS success rate (trf_1002) LS Succ Rate MTC BTS(MTC_1000) LS Succ Rate MOC BTS (MOC_1000) LS Fail Rate Codec Mist BTS(csf_1000) Calls not established locally in a BTS due to codec mismatch 2. Drops LS Rel Internal HO( dcr_1000) LS Rel External HO(dcr_1001) LS Rel Supp data(dcr_1002) Calls released in a LS area due to supplementary activation services/voice call modification to a data call
3. Quality PA DL Packet Loss Rate U Plane RTP CS(pabi_1007) High packet loss rate in DL indicates network congestion in its part serving a LS area/cell PA DL CS Packet Loss Rate RTP due to Dejitter(pabi_1011) Length of a de-jitter buffer impacts PDV caused Packet loss rate in DL for locally switched calls PA average DL CS U Plane UDP Packet Size(pabi_1022) PA average UL CS U Plane UDP Packet Size(pabi_1023) BSS21327 Calls frequently established locally in a LS area. LS releases during internal and external HOs Locally switched calls are multiplexed to indicate the bandwidth savings in Downlink and Uplink 49 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use RG20 Capacity 50 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date For internal use S10.5 BSC_2i S10.5 BSC_3i S11.5 BSC_3i S12 high capacity BSC 3i S14 BSC 3i (Flexi) S15 Flexi BSC TRX 512 660 660 2000 3000 4200 ** BTS 248 248 248 2000 3000 3000 BCF 248 248 500 2000 3000 3000 PCU 16 24 24 100 60 35 BTS/PCU 64 64 64 128 384 (w/ PCU2-E) 384 (w/ PCU2-E) TRX/PCU 128 128 128 192 720 (w/ PCU2-E) 720 (w/ PCU2-E) Abis 16kbps channels 256 256 256 256 * 1024 (w/ PCU2-E) 1024 Radio network connectivity: - PCU1: 128 TRXs, 64 cells/segments, 64 BTSs - PCU2: 256 TRXs, 64 cells/segments, 128 BTSs Channel connectivity: - The maximum number of 16 kbit/s channels per logical PCU (PCU1 or PCU2) is 256. - For PCU and PCU-S the supported number of RTSLs (for GPRS and EGPRS channels) is 128, the full connectivity of 256 channels can be reached with EDAP channels.
* 128 with PCU and PCU-S (old PCU versions)
** the combined max number of BCFs and TRXs is 6000 per BSC and 1000 per BCSU. i.e. if 4200 TRXs have been created, there can be up to 1800 BCFs. BSS Capacity table