This document provides an introduction to object-oriented modeling and design. It discusses key concepts like objects, classes, associations, attributes, operations, and relationships. Object-oriented analysis involves building models of the application domain using these concepts to represent real-world entities and their interactions. The analysis model is then used during the design process to create optimized implementation models before final programming.
This document provides an introduction to object-oriented modeling and design. It discusses key concepts like objects, classes, associations, attributes, operations, and relationships. Object-oriented analysis involves building models of the application domain using these concepts to represent real-world entities and their interactions. The analysis model is then used during the design process to create optimized implementation models before final programming.
This document provides an introduction to object-oriented modeling and design. It discusses key concepts like objects, classes, associations, attributes, operations, and relationships. Object-oriented analysis involves building models of the application domain using these concepts to represent real-world entities and their interactions. The analysis model is then used during the design process to create optimized implementation models before final programming.
This document provides an introduction to object-oriented modeling and design. It discusses key concepts like objects, classes, associations, attributes, operations, and relationships. Object-oriented analysis involves building models of the application domain using these concepts to represent real-world entities and their interactions. The analysis model is then used during the design process to create optimized implementation models before final programming.
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Object-oriented modeling and
design 2 Introduction It is a new way of thinking about problems using models based on real world concepts. The basic construct is object which combines both data structure and behavior in a single entity. Rambaugh presents an object oriented software development methodology, the Object Modeling Technique (OMT) which extends from analysis through design to implementation. 3 Analysis model is built to abstract essential aspects of application domain which contains objects found in application, their properties and behavior. Then design model is made to describe and optimize the implementation. Finally the design model is implemented in a programming language, database or hardware. Graphical notation is used for expressing object-oriented models. 4 What is object-oriented? Software is organized as a collection of discrete objects that incorporate both data structure and behavior. In general it includes- identity, classification, polymorphism and inheritance. Object Oriented Programming Language = Object Based Programming Language(e.g. '83 Ada and Modula-2) + Inheritance + Dynamic Binding 5 Identity Identity means that data is organized into discrete, distinguishable entities called objects. Objects can be concrete or conceptual. In real world an object simply exist but within a programming language each object has a unique handle by which it can be uniquely referenced. The handle can be implemented by address, array index or unique value of an attribute. 6 Classification It means that objects with same data structure (attribute) and behavior (operations) are grouped into a class. A class is an abstraction that describes important properties and ignores the rest. 7 Polymorphism It means that the same operation (i.e. action or transformation that the object performs) may behave differently on different classes. Specific implementation of an operation by a certain class is called a method. 8 Inheritance It is the sharing of attributes and operations among classes based on a hierarchical relationship. Subclasses can be formed from broadly defined class. Each subclass incorporates or inherits all the properties of its super class and adds its own unique properties. 9 Object-oriented development? The theme is the identification and organization of application concepts rather than final representation in a prog. Language. OOD approach encourages software developers to work and think in terms of the application domain through most of the software engineering life cycle. It is a conceptual process independent of a programming language until the final stage. 10 Object-oriented methodology Stages- Analysis System design Object design implementation 11 3 models Object model Dynamic model Functional model 12 Object model Describes basic structure of objects and their relationship Contains object diagram Object diagram is a graph whose nodes are object classes (Classes) and whose arcs are relationships among classes. 13 Dynamic model Describes the aspects of a system that change over time. It specifies and implement control aspects of a system. Contains state diagram. State diagram is a graph whose nodes are states and whose arcs are data- flows. 14 Functional Model Describes data value transformation within a system. Contains data flow diagram. Data Flow Diagram is a graph whose nodes are processes and whose arcs are data flows. 15 Object-Oriented concepts Abstraction Encapsulation Combining data and behavior Sharing Object structure, not Procedure Structure Synergy 16 Abstraction It consists of focusing on essential aspects of an entity and ignoring accidental properties. The goal is to isolate those aspects that are important for some purpose and suppress those aspects that are unimportant. Abstraction must always for some purpose because the purpose determines what is and what is not important. Many different abstractions of same thing are possible, depending on the purpose for which they are made. In building models, one must not search for absolute truth but for adequacy for some purpose. A good model captures the crucial aspects of a problem and omits the others. Focus on what an object is and does, not how to implement.
17 18 Encapsulation Information hiding Separating external aspects of an object which are accessible to other objects, from the internal implementation details of the object, which are hidden from other objects. The implementation of an object can be changed without affecting the applications that use it. 19 20 Synergy Identity, Classification, polymorphism and inheritance can be used in isolation but together they complement each other synergistically. 21 Advantages of OOD Used in developing Compilers, Graphics, UI, databases, Object oriented languages, CAD systems, simulations, etc. Used to document existing programs that are ill-structured and difficult to understand. Not reduces development time; it may take more time than conventional development because it is intended to promote future reuse and reduce downstream errors and maintenance. 22 Modeling A model is an abstraction of something for the purpose of understanding it before building it. The word model has 2 dimensions- a view of a system ( object, dynamic or functional) and a stage of development ( analysis, design or implementation) 23 Purpose Testing a physical entity before building it Communication with customers Visualization Reduction of complexity
24 Object Modeling Captures static structure of a system- Objects in the system Attributes operations 25 Objects Define objects as a concept, abstraction or thing with purposeful meaning. Two purpose of objects- Promote understanding of the real world Provide a practical basis for computer implementation. All objects have identity and are distinguishable. 26 27 Classes An object class describes a group of objects with similar properties (attributes), common behavior (operations), common relationships to other objects and common semantics. 28 Object diagram It provides a formal graphic notation for modeling objects, classes and their relationships to one another. Types- Class diagram Instance diagram 29 Class diagram A class diagram is a schema, pattern or templates for describing many possible instances of data. Describes classes.
30 Instance diagram Describes how a particular set of objects relate to each other. Describes objects 31
Person Class Diagram (Person) Ram (Person) Jai (Person)
Instance Diagram 32 Attribute An attribute is a data value held by the objects in a class. Each attribute name is unique within a class. An attribute should be a pure data value, not an object. 33 Object Modeling Notations Person name: string age: integer Class with Attributes (Person) Ram 24 (Person) Jai 34 Objects with Values 34 Operations and Methods An operation is a function or transformation that may be applied to or by objects in a class. All objects in a class share the same operations. The same operation may apply to many different classes. Such an operation is polymorphic i.e. the same operation takes on different forms in different classes. A method is the implementation of an operation for a class. 35 Person name age change-job change-add Person name age change-job change-add Person name age print
File name size Operations 36 Links and Association Links and associations are the means for establishing relationships among objects and classes. A link is a physical or conceptual connection between objects. A link is an instance of an association. An association describes a group of links with common structure and semantics. All the links in an association connect objects from the same classes. Association and links often appear as verbs in a problem statement. An association describes a set of potential links in the same way that a class describes a set of potential objects. 37 Associations are bidirectional. In real, both directions of traversal are equally meaningful and refer to same association. Associations are often implemented in programming languages as pointers from one object to another. A pointer is an attribute in one object that contains an explicit reference to another object. 38 A link shows a relationship between two or more objects. All connections among classes should be modeled as association. One-to-one association Many-to-many association Ternary association
39 Country name City name Has-capital (Country) India (City) Delhi Has-capital Has-capital Class Diagram Instance Diagram One-to-One Association and links 40 Line name Point name intersects 2+ (Line) L1 (Line) L2 (Line) L3 (Point) P1 (Line) L4 (Line) L5 (Point) P2 Many-to-many Association and links Class Diagram Instance Diagram 41 Project Language Person (Project) MIS (Language) .Net (Project) CAD (Language) C (Person) Jai Ternary Association and Links 42 Multiplicity It specifies how many instances of one class may relate to a single instance of an associated class. In OMT solid ball -> zero or more Hollow ball -> optional (zero or one) Multiplicity depends upon assumptions and how you define the boundaries of a problem. 43 Link attributes An link attribute is a property of the links in an association.
44 File User Accessible By Access permission /etc/temp read Ram /etc/temp read-write Mohan /usr/lgn read-write Shyam Link Attributes for a many-to-many association 45 Person name ssn address Company Name address Works-for Salary Job-title Performance rating boss manages worker Link attributes for one-to-many associations 46 Modeling an Association as a Class Each link becomes one instance of the class. 47 User Workstation Authorized on Authorization Priority Privileges Start session Directory Home directory Modeling an association as a class 48 Role Names A role is one end of an association. A binary association has 2 roles, each of which may have a role name. A role name is a name that uniquely identifies one end of an association. Roles often appear as nouns in problem descriptions. Use of role name is optional. Role names are necessary for associations between two objects of the same class. 49 person company employee employer Works-for Employee Employer Ram TCS Mohan Wipro Role names for an association 50 ordering If order of objects required Indicated by writing {ordered} next to multiplicity dot for the role.
window screen {ordered} Visible-on Ordered sets in an association 51 Qualification It relates two classes and a qualifier. Qualifier is a special attribute that reduces the effective multiplicity of an association. One-to-many or many-to-many may be qualified that can be reduced to one-to-one. ( but not always) It distinguishes among the set of objects at the many end of an association. A qualified association can also be considered a form of ternary association.
Directory File File name A qualified association A directory plus a file name yields a file 53
Company office Person organization officer 54 Aggregation It is a part-of relationship It has transitivity property i.e. A is part of B and B is part of C then A is part of C. It is anti symmetric i.e. if A is a part of B then B is not a part of A. Aggregation is a special form of association. 55 document paragraph sentence Aggregation 56 Aggregation It is a form of association in which an aggregate object is made of components. Components are part of aggregate. Aggregate is inherently transitive i.e. an aggregate has parts which may in turn have parts. 57 Aggregation vs. Association Aggregation is a special form of association. If two objects are tightly bound by a part- whole relationship, it is an aggregation. If two objects are usually considered as independent even though they may often be linked, it is an association. 58 A company is an aggregation of its divisions which are in turn aggregations of their departments; a company is indirectly an aggregation of departments. A company is not an aggregation of its employees since the company and person are independent objects of equal structure and status. 59
company division department person Work for Aggregation and Association 60 Generalization It is a relationship between base class and sub class. It is is-a relationship because each instance of a sub class is an instance of super class as well.
61 Figure Color Pos Thickness Move Select Display rotate 0 D 1 D 2 D Point Line Arc Spline circle Polygon Inheritance for graphic figure 62 Aggregation vs. Generalization Aggregation relates instances. Two distinct objects are involved; one of them is a part of the other. Generalization relates classes. Aggregation is often called a part of relationship; generalization is often called a kind-of or is-a relationship. Aggregation is sometimes called an and relationship and generalization refers to or relationship 63
lamp base cover switch wiring incandescent fluorescent part4 part3 part2 part1 Aggregation and generalization 64 Aggregation can be fixed, variable or recursive. A fixed aggregate has a fixed structure; the number and types of sub parts are predefined e.g. lamp. A variable aggregation has a finite number of levels but number of parts may vary e.g. company. 65 A recursive aggregation contains directly or indirectly an instance of the same kind of aggregate; the number of potential levels is unlimited e.g. computer program.
Simple Statement: x=i; Block(combination of more than one simple statements): ++i; x=i; Compound Statement(single statement combines work of multiple statement optionally blocks): x=++i;
program block Compound statement Simple statement Recursive aggregate 67 Propagation of operations Propagation (triggering) is automatic application of an operation to a network of objects when the operation is applied to some starting object. E.g. moving an aggregation moves its parts; the move operation propagates to the parts.
68 A person owns multiple documents. Each document is composed of paragraphs that are in turn composed of characters. The copy operation propagates from documents to paragraphs to characters. Copying a paragraph copies all the characters in it. The operation does not propagate in reverse direction.
69 Propagation can be possible for save, destroy, print and lock.
owns copy copy Propagation of operations 70 Abstract classes An abstract class is a class that has no direct instances but whose descendent classes have direct instances. A concrete class is a class that is instantiable i.e. it can have direct instances. A concrete class may have abstract subclasses but they must have concrete descendents. 71 only concrete classes may be leaf classes in the inheritance tree. 72 Abstract & concrete class
class concrete abstract instance Leaf class Non leaf class subclass 1+ 1+ subclass Has subclasses Has subclasses superclass superclass Direct instances 73 Abstract classes organize features common to several classes Abstract classes are frequently used to define methods to be inherited by subclasses. An abstract class can define methods to be inherited by subclasses. An abstract operation defines the form of an operation for which each concrete subclass must provide its own implementation. 74 Abstract class & abstract operation
Employee Earning Pay {abstract}
SLRD Employee Earning pay
HNRY Employee Earning pay
HRLY Employee Earning pay
75 Overriding operations Reasons to use overriding- For extension For restriction For optimization For convenience 76 Extension The new operation is same as inherited except it adds some behavior usually affecting new attributes of the subclass. Restriction The new operation restricts the inherited. Optimization The new method must have the same external protocol (prototype) and results as the old one but its internal representation and algorithm may differ completely. Convenience The new class is made a subclass of the existing class and overrides the methods that are inconvenient.
77 Multiple inheritance It permits to have more than one super class and to inherit features from all parents. A class with more than one super class is called a join class. A feature from the ancestor class found along more than one path is inherited only once. Conflicts among parallel definitions create ambiguities that must be resolved in implementation. 78
vehicle Watervehicle Landvehicle boat amphibiousvehicle car Multiple inheritance from overlapping classes [ join class ] Overlapping Classes 79 A hollow triangle indicates disjoint subclasses while a solid triangle indicates overlapping subclasses. 80 Metadata Metadata is data that describes other data. The definition of a class is metadata. Models are metadata since they describe the things being modeled. RDBMS uses metadata. 81 Patterns and metadata A class describes a set of instances of a given form. Instantiation relates a class to its instances. The dotted arrows connect the instances to the class. It is also useful for documenting examples and test cases. 82 Person Name Age weight (Person) Name=ABC Age=40 Weight=40
(Person) Name=XYZ Age=29 Weight=70
Notation for instantiation 83 Class descriptors Classes are meta objects and not real world objects. Class descriptors have features and they have their own classes which are called meta classes. A class attribute describes a value common to an entire class of objects rather than data particular to each instance. Class attributes are useful for storing default information for creating new objects or summary information about instances of the class. A class operation is an operation on the class itself. The most common is to create new instances. Operations on class structure are class operations. 84 Class descriptors
Display New_window Highest_priority_window 85 Candidate keys A candidate key is a minimal set of attributes that uniquely identifies an object or link. A class may have one or more candidate keys each of which may have different combinations and numbers of attributes. Each candidate key constrains the instances in a class or the multiplicity of an association. Notation is {} The object id is always a candidate key for a class. One or more combinations of related objects are candidate keys for associations 86 Comparison of multiplicity with candidate keys for binary associations 87 88 constraints These are functional relation between entities of an object model. Entity includes objects, classes, attributes, links and associations. A constraint restricts the values that entities can assume. Simple constraints may be placed in object models and complex may be in functional model. 89 Employee
salary boss { salary < = boss.salary } Window
Length width { 0.8 <= length / width < = 1.5 } Constraints on objects Constraints on Links 90 Country office Person {ordered} 91 General constraints It must be expressed with natural languages or equations. Draw a dotted line between classes involved in the constraint and specify the details with comments in braces. Person Committee Member_of Chair_of {subset } 92 Derived objects, links and attributes A Derived object is defined as a function of one or more objects, which can be derived The notation for a derived entity is a slash or diagonal line on the corner of a class box (derived object), on an association line(derived link) or in front of an attribute(derived attribute) You can show the constraint that determines the derived value. (optional)
Person Birthdate /age Current date { age = currentdate birthdate } 93 Homomorphism A mapping between mathematical structures of the same type that preserves the structure. similarity of form Homos = same & morphe = structure Eg: in a parts catalog for a automobile, a catalog item may contain other catalog items. Each catalog item is specified by a model number that corresponds to number of individual manufactured items, each with its own serial number. The individual items are also composed of sub items. The structure of each items parts has the same form as the catalog items parts. Thus the contains aggregation on catalog items is a homomorphism of the contains aggregation on physical items. 94 Homomorphism It maps between two associations. catalogItem Model# Item Sl# contains contains Maps Describes { item 1 contains item 2 => item1.model contains item2.model }
Homomorphism for a parts catalog 95 In general, a homomorphism involves 4 relationships among 4 classes. The homomorphism maps links of one general association {u} into links of another general association {t} as a many-to-one mapping. Two instantiation relationships map elements of one class into another: r is a many-to-one mapping from class B to A and s is a many-to-one mapping from class D to C. 96 A C B D r s t u {u ( b, d)=>t ( b.r, d.s ) } General Homomorphism 97 Homomorphism catalogItem Model# Item Sl# contains contains Maps Describes { item 1 contains item 2 => item1.model contains item2.model }
Homomorphism for a parts catalog 98 In general where t is on a single class and u is on a single class then A=C, B=D and r=s. Homomorphism is a special type of relationship between relationships.