08 Secu
08 Secu
08 Secu
Tuxedo Application Security
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
Configure and implement the basic security features
Perform administration security tasks for defining
ACL entries, groups, and users
Configure support for Link-Level Encryption (LLE)
Understand the capabilities of public key encryption
and custom auditing
Module 8
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-1
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 220
Road Map
1. Tuxedo Security Configurations
Tuxedo Security Capabilities
The Basic Tuxedo Security Model
Configuring Basic Authentication and Authorization
2. Tuxedo Security Administration
3. Link-Level Encryption (LLE)
4. Additional Security Features
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-2
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 221
Tuxedo Security Capabilities
The BEA Tuxedo system offers the following ATMI
security features:
Link-Level Encryption
Public key security
All of these can be configured by the application
administrator except auditing:
Default implementation logs messages to ULOG
Custom plug-in implementations are vendor-specific
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-3
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 222
The Basic Tuxedo Security Model
request +
Privileged agent (server)
performs service
on behalf of client
Access performed under Tuxedos
user ID with database access privileges
ClientID &
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-4
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 223
Configuring Default Authentication and
The Basic Tuxedo security model provides for
Authentication and Authorization at four levels:
1. Native Operating System Security
2. Application-wide Password
3. Username/Password Authentication
4. Access Control List (ACL) Authorization
Each level is cumulative:
For example, configuring ACL authorization will still
cause all three lower levels to be applied.
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-5
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 224
1. Native Operating System Security
Relying on native operating system security includes
these best practices:
Limit access to files and IPC resources to the application
Have trusted clients run with administrator permissions or
restrict access to workstation clients
In the RESOURCES section, setting SECURITY to
NONE is the default.
Setting Operating System Security in UBBCONFIG:
UID 110
PERM 0660
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-6
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 225
2. Application-wide Password
If SECURITY is set to APP_PW, the administrator will
be prompted for the password when using tmloadcf.
This password must be supplied by all client programs
when joining this application/domain.
Password is the same for all clients
Applies to remote and native clients
Client applications must be programmed to determine
the current password then provide it when connecting.
Setting Application-wide Password Security in UBBCONFIG:
Password will be limited
to 30 characters.
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-7
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 226
3. Username/Password Authentication
Setting SECURITY to USER_AUTH will require the
deployment of an authentication server.
tmloadcf will still prompt for an application password
Tuxedo provides a default AUTHSVR which provides
the AUTHSVC service for user authentication.
Additional administration is required to create a file (tpusr)
containing usernames and passwords.
Setting Username/Password Security in UBBCONFIG:
Specify AUTHSVC as the
authentication service to be used
AUTHSVC is advertised
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-8
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 227
4. Access Control List Authorization
provides for service-level authorization checks.
tmloadcf will still prompt for an application password
The default AUTHSVR also provides the ..AUTHSVC
service for ACL authorizations.
Additional administration is required to create files
containing groups (tpgrp) and ACL restrictions (tpacl).
Setting ACL Authorization Security in UBBCONFIG:
Specify ..AUTHSVC as the authentication
and authorization service to be used
..AUTHSVC is also
advertised by AUTHSVR
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-9
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 228
Section Review
Identify the Tuxedo security features and the basic
security model
Configure support for default authentication and
In this section, we learned how to:
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-10
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 229
Road Map
1. Tuxedo Security Configurations
2. Tuxedo Security Administration
Tuxedo Security Tasks
Defining Access Control Lists (ACLs)
Adding Users and Groups
3. Link-Level Encryption (LLE)
4. Additional Security Features
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-11
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 230
Security Administration Tasks
We will now review all the additional tasks associated
with the most restrictive level, ACL Authorization.
Lower levels require only a subset of these tasks.
We still need to be concerned with:
Operating system security best practices
Implementing an application-wide password
Providing for a password rotation and distribution scheme
With ACL Authorization, we can choose two
SECURITY settings:
ACL: Access restricted only to ACL entries
MANADATORY_ACL: Access restricted to all resources
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-12
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 231
Access Control Lists (ACLs)
Provides group-based access control to application
entities (services, events, and /Q queues)
Access control is administered at the group level to
Easier system administration
Increased performance
Limitations of ACLs:
A user can only be associated with one group at a time
User identification aging is not supported
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-13
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 232
User, Group, and ACL Files
Three files are used for Tuxedo application security
tpusr: Lists all user information including encrypted
tpgrp: Lists all groups with associated group IDs
tpacl: Lists all entities with related group access
These files are similar in format to the UNIX
/etc/passwd and /etc/group files.
Multiple values to a line separated by :
Flat ASCII files
Readable only by application administrator
They are created in the associated APPDIR.
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-14
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 233
Adding ACL Entries with tpacladd
Use the tpacladd utility to create or append the
tpacl file containing access control
tpacladd [-g gid[,gid]] [-t type] name
The type of ACL entry. Must be ENQ, DEQ, SERVICE, or
-t type
A list of one or more existing group IDs or group names. If
not defined, this entry is added with no group access.
-g gid
Description Options
A valid string that represents a SERVICE, /Q Queue, or
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-15
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 234
Adding, Deleting, and Modifying Entries
Adding a new ACL entry with tpacladd:
> tpacladd g 5,101,Teller t SERVICE INQ
tpaclmod Syntax:
tpaclmod [-g gid[,gid]][-t type] NAME
Modifying an existing entry with tpaclmod:
> tpaclmod g 101,Teller t SERVICE INQ
Deleting an ACL entry with tpacldel:
> tpacldel t SERVICE INQ
The tpacl file can also be edited with tpaclmod
and tpacldel.
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-16
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 235
Adding Groups with tpgrpadd
Use the tpgrpadd utility to create or append the
tpgrp file containing group definitions.
tpgrpadd [-g gid] grpname
A string of printable characters that specifies the unique
name of this group. (#,:\n) are not allowed.
If not specified, the group identification number defaults to
the next available (unique) identifier greater than 0.
-g gid
Description Options
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-17
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 236
Adding, Deleting, and Modifying Groups
Adding a new group with tpgrpadd:
> tpgrpadd g 17 Students
tpgrpmod Syntax:
tpgrpmod [-g gid][-n new_name] GRPNAME
Modifying an existing group with tpgrpmod:
> tpgrpmod g 11 n TuxStudents Students
Deleting a group with tpgrpdel:
> tpgrpdel TuxStudents
The tpgrp file can also be edited with tpgrpmod
and tpgrpdel.
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-18
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 237
Adding Users with tpusradd
Use the tpusradd utility to create or append the
tpusr file containing authorized principals.
tpusradd [-u uid][-g gid][-c clnt_name] usrname
-c clnt_name
Defines the new user's group membership. It defaults to the
default" group (GID 0).
-g gid
Specifies name of the principal. Must be unique within list of
existing principals for the Tuxedo domain.
If not specified, the user identification number defaults to
the next available (unique) identifier greater than 0.
-u uid
Description Options
If not specified, the default is the wildcard * which will
authenticate successfully for any client name specified.
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-19
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 238
Adding, Deleting, and Modifying Users
Adding a new user with tpusradd:
> tpusradd u 103 g 5 c Teller SallyJones
tpusrmod Syntax:
tpusrmod [-u uid][-g gid|grpname]
[-c clntname][-l new_usrname]
Modifying an existing user with tpusrmod:
> tpusrmod g 7 -c LoanOfficer SallyJones
Deleting a user with tpusrdel:
> tpusrdel SallyJones
The tpusr file can also be edited with tpusrmod
and tpusrdel
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-20
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 239
Example: Adding Groups, Users, ACLs
Example Security Administration Tasks:
> tmloadcf y ubb.tux
> tpgrpadd g 4 Beatles
> tpgrpadd g 3 Presidents
> tpusradd u 1 g Beatles Paul
> tpusradd u 2 g 4 Ringo
> tpusradd u 3 g 4 George
> tpusradd u 4 g Beatles John
> tpusradd u 40 g 3 Ronald
> tpusradd u 42 g Presidents Bill
> tpusradd u 43 g 3 George
> tpacladd g 3,4 t SERVICE TOUPPER
> tpacladd g Beatles GetMusic
> tpacladd g Presidents GetCongress
First create the TUXCONFIG file
Only Presidents can
access GetCongress
Only Beatles can
access GetMusic
Either group can
access TOUPPER
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-21
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 240
Changing the Application Password
tmadmin command: passwd
Prompts the Tuxedo system administrator for
the new password
Verifies new password with a second prompt to
re-enter the new password.
Changing Application Password with tmadmin:
> passwd
Enter Application Password: *****
Re-enter Application Password: *****
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-22
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 241
Section Review
Manage Access Control List (ACL) entries
Use the Tuxedo utilities for editing users and groups
Make a dynamic change to the application password
In this section, we learned how to:
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-23
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 242
Road Map
1. Tuxedo Security Configurations
2. Tuxedo Security Administration
3. Link-Level Encryption (LLE)
Connection Types Supported
Configuring LLE Between Machines
Configuring LLE Between WSC and WSH
4. Additional Security Features
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-24
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 243
Link-Level Encryption (LLE)
Allows for encryption of data transferred over BEA
Tuxedo network links
LLE ensures confidentiality from eavesdroppers.
LLE is point-to-point, that is, data is encrypted every
time it flows over network links.
With Tuxedo 6.5 and 7.1 releases, LLE is a separately
licensed add-on product.
In Tuxedo 8.0, 8.1 and 9.0, LLE usage is included with
the Tuxedo product license.
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-25
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 244
Connection Types Supported
Standard Tuxedo Link Level Encryption
LLE encrypts all data
between a WSC and
Data encryption can be enabled for:
Machine to Machine (BRIDGE to BRIDGE)
/WS workstation client to WorkStation Handler (WSH)
tmboot to tlisten
Domain Gateway to Domain Gateway
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-26
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 245
LLE Between Machines
Connecting process attempts to set up the
communication session; accepting process receives the
initial connection.
Connecting process negotiates encryption level for the
link based on two configured parameters in the
*NETWORK section:
Minimum encryption level - (0, 56, or 128 bit key size)
Maximum encryption level - (0, 56, or 128 bit key size)
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-27
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 246
LLE Between WSL and /WS Client
By default, all Workstation Clients will be using 128-bit
LLE when connecting to the WSH.
Default MINs for both WSL and WSCs: 0
Default MAXs for both WSL and WSCs: 128
Maximum level of encryption when establishing a
network link between the WSC and WSH.
Minimum level of encryption when establishing a
network link between the WSC and WSH.
-z [0|40|56|128]
Description WSL CLOPT option
-Z [0|40|56|128]
Maximum number of encryption bits permitted for
establishing server connections.
Minimum number of encryption bits permitted for
establishing server connections.
Description ENV VAR
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-28
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 247
Section Review
Use Link-Level Encryption (LLE)
Configure LLE for machines
Configure LLE for Workstation Clients
In this section, we learned how to:
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-29
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 248
Road Map
1. Tuxedo Security Configurations
2. Tuxedo Security Administration
3. Link-Level Encryption (LLE)
4. Additional Security Features
Message-Based Digital Signatures
Message-Based Encryption
BEA Tuxedo Auditing Features
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-30
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 249
The Extended Tuxedo Security Model
Message-based digital signature and encryption is based on
public keys:
Authenticates originating user; verifies message integrity; message time-
stamp for replay resistance; end-to-end, time-independent verification
Message Digest Algorithm support includes MD5, SHA-1 and others
Tuxedo supports any digital signature algorithms provided by
underlying plug-ins to include:
RSA; ElGamal, Rabin, and Digital Signature Algorithm(DSA)
Public Key security supports these three symmetric key
DES-CBC (Data Encryption Standard for Cipher Block Chaining)
Two-key triple-DES (Data Encryption Standard)
RC2 (Rivests Cipher 2)
Extended security
features are not
available in Tuxedo
version 6.5
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-31
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 250
Using Extended Security
Tuxedo provides the
API for application developers to sign and/or encrypt request
(data) buffer before making a service request
Service Provider Interface (SPI) for security package vendors
to integrate with Tuxedo
To use features, a third-party security plug-in package
is needed.
The embedded software for message-based encryption
and digital signatures cannot be used without a separate
For more information, refer to the on-line security
documentation at:
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-32
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 251
Auditing Plug-in Architecture
BEA Tuxedo provides for a default auditing and
custom auditing implementations.
Auditing plug-ins work by using:
Auditing decisions based partly on user identity which is
stored in an auditing token.
A fan-out architecture to allow for one or more custom
auditing plug-ins.
Both pre-operation and post-operation audits
Plug-ins are chosen by configuring the BEA Tuxedo
No configuration is needed to use the default auditing
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-33
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 252
Default Auditing
The default auditing implementation:
Consists of the System Event Broker and the ULOG (only
security violations are reported by these utilities).
Does not support pre-operation audits.
Is called by any server-side ATMI process.
Examines the clients auditing token along with the
security violation delivered in the post-operation audit
Example of default security audit entry in ULOG:
operation_name = SERVICE CALL, operation_target = GETAPPKEY
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-34
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 253
Section Review
Understand the extended security features in Tuxedo
Identify the functionality of the default auditing
In this section, we learned how to:
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-35
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 254
Lab Exercise
For details on the exercise, refer to the Lab Guide.
If questions arise, ask the instructor.
The instructor will determine the stop time.
Lab 09 SECU: Configure and Test Tuxedo
Application Security
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-36
2006 BEA Systems, Inc. 255
Module Review
Configure and implement the basic security features
Perform administration security task for defining ACL
entries, groups, and users
Configure support for Link-level Encryption (LLE)
Understand the capabilities of public key encryption and
custom auditing
In this module, we learned how to:
Tuxedo Application Security Administration-37