The document discusses key elements of financial statements, specifically the income statement. It covers the purpose of the income statement, elements such as revenues, expenses, gains and losses. It also discusses the different approaches to defining income (changes in assets/liabilities vs inflows/outflows). Additional topics covered include non-recurring items, discontinued operations, extraordinary items, accounting changes, and earnings per share calculations.
The document discusses key elements of financial statements, specifically the income statement. It covers the purpose of the income statement, elements such as revenues, expenses, gains and losses. It also discusses the different approaches to defining income (changes in assets/liabilities vs inflows/outflows). Additional topics covered include non-recurring items, discontinued operations, extraordinary items, accounting changes, and earnings per share calculations.
The document discusses key elements of financial statements, specifically the income statement. It covers the purpose of the income statement, elements such as revenues, expenses, gains and losses. It also discusses the different approaches to defining income (changes in assets/liabilities vs inflows/outflows). Additional topics covered include non-recurring items, discontinued operations, extraordinary items, accounting changes, and earnings per share calculations.
The document discusses key elements of financial statements, specifically the income statement. It covers the purpose of the income statement, elements such as revenues, expenses, gains and losses. It also discusses the different approaches to defining income (changes in assets/liabilities vs inflows/outflows). Additional topics covered include non-recurring items, discontinued operations, extraordinary items, accounting changes, and earnings per share calculations.
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Financial Statements I :
The Income Statement
OLFA RESHA 1110534017 YURI ANNISA 1110534006 The current financial reporting environment consists of various groups : Investors Creditors Security analysts Regulators Management Auditors
Investors in equity securities are the central focus of the financial reporting environment.
Investment involves forgoing currents uses of resources for ownership interest in companies. These ownership interests are claims to uncertain future cash flows.
Investment involves giving up currents resources for future, uncertain resources, and investors require information that will help them assess future cash flows from securities. The Economic Consequences of Financial Reporting Income measurement and financial reporting also involve economic consequences, including : Financial information can affect the distribution of wealth among investors. Investors employing security analysts may be able to increase their wealth at the expense of less informed investors.
Financial information can affect the level of risk accepted by a firm Less risky projects may have long-term detrimental effects.
Financial information can affect the rate of capital formation in the economy and result in a realocation of waelth between consumption and investment within the economy
Financial information can affect how investment is allocated among firms. Since economic consequences may affect different users of information differently, the selection of financial reporting methods by the FASB and the SEC involves trade-offs. The deliberations of accounting standard setters sholud consider these economic consequences. Income Statements Elements Primary purpose of financial reporting is to provide information about a companys performance via measures of earnings.
The income statement is primary importance because of its predictive value. Income reporting also has value as a measure of future cash flows, as a measure of management efficinency, and as a guide to the accomplishment of managerial objectives. The financial statement elements are defined in SFAC No.6 AS follows : Revenues Inflows of assets during a period from delivering or producing goods. Gains Increases in net assets from incidental transactions of an entitiy and from all other transactions Expenses Outflows of assets or incurrences of liabilities during period from delivering or producing goods Losses Decreases in net assets from incidental transactions of an entity and from all other transactions
Each of these term is defined as changes in assets and/or liabilities. The following are some differences between the changes in assets and/or liabilities and the inflows and outflows definition of income : The changes in assets and/or liabilities approach determines earnings as a measure of the change in net economic resources for a period The inflows and outflows definition view income as a measure of effectiveness
The changes in assets and/or liabilities approach depends on the definition of assets and liabilities to define earnings The inflows and outflows approach depends on definition of revenues and expenses and matching them to determine income.
The inflows and outflows approach results in the creation of deferred changes, deffered credits, and reserves when measuring periodic income The changes in assets and/or liablities approach recognize deffered items only when they are economic resources or obligations. Both approaches agree that because investors look to financial statements to provide information from which they can extrapolate future resource flows The income statement is more useful to investors than is the balance sheet.
The changes in assets and/or liabilities approach limits the population from which the elements of financial statements can be selected to net economic resources and to the transactions and events that change measurable attributes of those net resources.
Statement Format Proponents of the current operating concept of income base their arguments on the belief that only changes and events controllable by management that result from current-period decisions should be included in income. This implies that normal and recurring items should constitute the principal measure of enterprise performance.
Net income should reflect the day-to-day, profit-directed activities of the enterprose, and the inclusion of other item of profit or loss distorts.
Net income should reflect all items that affect the net increase and decrease in stockholders equity during the period, with the exception of capital transaction. The total net income for the life of an enterprise should be determinable by summing the periodic net income figures.
Research indicates that investors are not influenced by where items are reported in financial statements so long as the statements disclose the same information.
APB Opinion No.9 The general of the overall nature of income resulted in the release of APB Opinion No.9, Reporting the Results of Operations This took a middle position between the current operating performance and all inclusive concepts by stating that net income should reflect all items of profit and loss recognized during the period, with thw excepetion of prior period adjustments.
The APBs prescribed statement format included two income figures: net income from operations and net income from operations plus extraordinary items. Separating the income statement into net income from operations and net income after extraordinary items allowed for the disclosure of most items of revenue and expense and gains and losses on the income statement during any period. It also gave the financial statement users the ability to evaluate the results of normal operations or total income according to their needs. The FASB noted in SFAC No.5 that all-inclusive income statement is intended to avoid discreationary omissions from the income statement, even though inclusion of unsual or non-recurring gains or losses might reduce the usefulness of an income statement for one year for predictive purposes.
The FASB has also stated because the effects of an entitys activities vari in terms of stability, risks, and predictability, there is a need for information about the various components of income.
The SEC requires all companies to provide three-year comparative income statements and teo-year comparative balance sheets. Most publicly held companies also provide similiar data in their annual reports.
Income from Continuing Operations The amounts disclosed to arrive at income from continuing operations are the companys normal and recurring revenues and expenses. The resulting income figure has the represents the amount expected to recur in the future, often referred to as the companys sustainable income. Suistainable income is the amount investors should use as a starting point to predict future earnings. Nonrecurring items of Income Three nonrecurring items of income may also be incurred by a company. These items are discontinued operations, extraordinary items, and accounting changes. Discontinued Operations In opinion No.30, the APB concluded that additional criteria were necessary to identify disposed segments of a business. This release required the separate presentation of (1) the results of operations of the disposed segment, and (2) gain or loss on the sale of assets for disposed segments including any operating gains or losses during the disposal period. Extraordinary Items Were originally defined in APB Opinion No.9 as events and transactions of material effect that would not be expected to recur frequently and that would not be considered as recurring factors in any evaluation of the ordinary operating processes of the business.
Accounting Changes The accounting standard of consistency indicates that similar transactions sould be reported in the same manner each year.
3 Types of Accounting Changes : Change in an accounting principle occurs when an entity adopts a GAAP that differs from one previously used for reporting purposes. Ex : change from LIFO to FIFO inventory pricing Change in an accounting estimate Results from the necessary consequences of periodic presentation. Ex : the life of depreciable assets and the estimated collectability of receivables Change in a reporting entity Caused by changes in reporting units. Es : result of concolidations, change in spesific subsidiaries Errors Not viewed as accounting changes. The result of mistakes or oversights such as the use of incorrect accounting methods. Ex : mathematical misatakes
Earnings per Share Earnings per Share (EPS) allows users to summarize the firms performance in a single number. The use of the income statement as the primary source of information by decision makers has resulted in a need to disclose the amount of earnings that accrue to fifferent classes of investors.
The basic calculation of EPS is relatively easy. The net income available to common stockholders is divided by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the accounting periods
Basic EPS To measure a companys performance over the reporting period from the perspective of the common stockholder.
Diluted EPS To measure a companys pro forma performance over the reporting period from the perspective of the common stockholder as if the exercise or conversion of potentially dillutive securities had actually occured.
g outstandin shares of number average Weighted Dividends Preferred - Income Net EPS Basic Usefulness of Earnings per Share Overall the objective of EPS data is to provide investors with an indication of, The value of the firm Expected future dividends Comprehensive Income is defined as the change in equtiy [net assets] of a business enterprise during a period from transactions and other events and circumstances from nonowner sources
"The Language of Business: How Accounting Tells Your Story" "A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Interpreting, and Leveraging Financial Statements for Personal and Professional Success"